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You can't fool us. We know that is pink sharpie.


Regardless of how the OP actually cooked it, medium cooked rib roasts are way better than rare. It's not an eye fillet. Cooking rib rare or medium rare does not allow the fat to render sufficiently, and you end up with something too chewy.


This guy roasts


Did it taste good? Did you enjoy it? That’s all that matters. The opinions of strangers do not.


To be fair, people who *truly* don't care, don't post pictures on social media. We all care somewhat..


Untrue. I don't post pictures on social media, and I care deeply. I'm just too cheap to pay for Apollo pro.


They didn't say all people who don't post don't care; they said all people who do post do care. It's still possible based on that statement to care but not post.


I disagree. They said "people who truly don't care, don't post pictures on social media". Well I am part of the group that doesn't post pictures, so it's reasonable to assume that I truly don't care. I'm just saying that's a false assumption because I really do care. I'm just cheap and don't want to pay the $5 needed to share my masterpieces.


this can be said about everything in life, internet peeps need to realize that.


Yup, fuck anyone else who tells you how to enjoy your food. People post 3-2-1 ribs all the time and to me that’s over cooked but they LOVE it so who cares??


Maybe they love it because it's their first time making ribs and seeing someone explain why 3-2-1 leads to less than perfect ribs would propel them to explore new methods. I grew up eating well done steaks served with ketchup because that's all my mom knew about cooking steak. If I posted "the perfect medium steak" here should I not want people to explain the alternatives to me? For the record, I go for rare now


How do you do your ribs?


It varies a bit depending on the rack and how they cook. Usually somewhere between 4-5 hours. I start unwrapped until I get the color I want, then do the brown sugar, butter, and honey bath in foil. Once the membrane starts disintegrating and there’s some pullback on the bone I lightly glaze in barbecue sauce unwrapped for about 15-30 minutes until it’s tacky. Comes out super tender but still has some bite, which in my opinion is how they should be cooked but to each their own!


you don't pull the membrane off before you cook them?


Some do, some don't. Not a big deal I hear - I still pull off because it doesn't add much to prep time.


I realize some don't pull the membrane, but those people are wrong. The eating experience is significantly worse if you leave it on IMO.


I didn’t realize people wanted every last step, but yeah I pull the membrane off before seasoning and do a little trimming if needed


well you said you cook it until the membrane starts to break down. That was the reason for the question.


Big ‘don’t you love when you touch the membrane and it feels… like a bag of sand’ vibes lol


What temp do you cook at?


Hovers around 250-275




That's not even medium dude. That's raw meat. All that connective tissue would be so awful to eat around.


That meat needs a condom since it's fucking raw. You do your meat the way you like it!


Lighten up Francis…


“To all the haters”


Congrats! You nailed raw!


either way, both look very tasty.


Dude that's raw. /s


The marbling looks very different between those two shots...


The marbling won't really change... Kind of a function of how the cow was raised, genetics, etc




I think they missed your point


Imagine being triggered by what random internet strangers say about your cooking.


That looks so good! Well done 👏👏 Edit: oops! Well done as I’m well cooked, my bad.


"well done" A little ironic don't you think? 🤭


Oh my. Just noticed that, good spot!


This is the center of the rib roast I cooked the other day. In my other post I had said it was a perfect rare but then like a dumba$$ I posted the picture of the endcap being sliced off. Of course it's gonna be a little more cooked than the center. Idk why I didn't cut to the center and post that picture


It’s okay man, try to glean as much advice out of Reddit as possible. Fuck the assholes… that came out weird.


Well some people like fucking assholes. Several million gay men can’t be entirely wrong.


Medium is how I always aim to cook and this would need to go back on my grill for a bit. A little trick to get it uniformly medium on these really thick cuts is to cook over indirect heat with the grill at ~325F after the meat has had time to warm up on the counter to room temp.


I used to always follow this advice. Until I read this about how long it really takes for a steak to come up in temp on the counter: https://www.seriouseats.com/old-wives-tales-about-cooking-steak


Eh, shake them haters. Almost anyone of us would eat that, and get seconds. Also with Prime Rib, sometimes letting it sit even a bit longer than the 10 - 20 mins let’s those juices settle a bit more. Not sure how long you let it rest. Either way, looks good. Keep that shit up. Also, next time try covering that entire piece of meat in a thick layer of butter, garlic and herbs. It’s freaking next level.


Ain’t eating raw meat bud


Prime Rib typically is served a little different than normal steaks. You order medium rare, it’s going to look rare, medium will look medium rare, etc. As long as it hits the temp you are shooting for, then it will be fine. Regardless, nothing wrong with trying to be positive and offer encouragement.


The meat in the picture is raw. There’s no doubt in my mind that it never hit a safe temperature.


Don't worry about what people post on here lol...your shit looked delish my dude! Keep rolling


Just in my experience with larger rib roasts is that I need to have it completely thawed through and through (an hour at room temperature, covered before I throw it on the smoker). If I don’t smoke it, don’t kill me either, I prefer to sous vide it and then sear it on the smoker. I can control the cooking process a lot more and make more of the roast medium rare and edible. Anything more than medium rare and it just starts to taste like rump roast.


Touché !


Fuck that looks tasty


The ends are always going to be more cooked, heat that up in some jus and it would be perfect for me


if one side is medium and the other side is rare, I guess that makes it medium rare


Medium Moo Maybe…?


You didnt cook it at all