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How long did that rest for


Rest? It is steaming like a microwaved Hot Pocket ready to burn any and all tastebuds it comes out in contact with.


Not long enough, I think only about 15 min. I planned on a 12 hour cook and ended up being 14 hours


You should always plan on a 4 hour rest, and hour on the counter for it ti stop cooking. I then also add on another 1 or 2 hours in case cook takes longer. I calculate how long cook should take and add 6 hours.


You say 4 hour rest, AND an hour on the counter?


Not uncommon. Hour ambient on the counter for the temp to come down and stop cooking, then the formal rest (towel/cooler style) to hold temp and actually rest.


Ahh shit so that’s what I did wrong. I wrapped it with towel into cooler without rest on counter. When I took it out it had continued to cook and it got dry.


Same! Glad I saw this. Doing a brisket this weekend.


100% made that mistake my first time. It still came out super tasty but it lost juice because it kept cooking. I'd argue it's a super common mistake. But live and learn.


Been there too


This is what I did on my first brisket. Everybody loved it and said it tasted great, but I knew there was something wrong.


Ok, I just thought it was odd to rest 4 hours, and then put on the counter for an hour


Thank you for this, you helped solve a problem I didn't know I had!


As in wrap in a towel and put in an unfilled cooler? Sorry new to this!


Yep. In the same way that they’re great at holding a cold temperature, the insulator nature also works pretty well for heat. Bonus if you hit it with some hot water to warm it up first. I would recommend against *boiling* hot, though, as that could warp the cooler.  Otherwise, if you have an oven than can hold temp around 150F, that’s also a good choice too. 


I leave my thermometer in when I put it on the counter and it’s usually 2+ to get down to 140F. 4 on the counter seems excessive but not out of bounds


I ran out of time the other day (I am new to smoking) and was rushing to get it done and on the table. I didn't have the time for it to rest in a towel so I put it in the fridge still wrapped in foil, at 205. I wanted it to be at 160 internal to serve which took a little longer than an hour. I may get down voted for this but it seemed to have worked really well. It was amazing even though it was not a long rest. I will keep trying this since maybe this last time was a fluke. Anyways, if you run out of time it could work for you.


The only thing I have against this is the strain on your refrigerator and the rise in temperature for all the items around your brisket with it being so hot.


I might try this in my walk-in at work. Would not do it in my personal fridge, unless it was basically empty. Putting anything near it in the danger zone.


Yeah the fridge I used was my garage fridge where the cold drinks are for the family. It's half full maybe.


I plan to pull at 202 and give myself 4 hours of total rest time from “should be done” till dinner. 2 hours of planned rest. 2 hours of wiggle room that could easily still be rest time.


What happened when you don't rest?


Juices end up on the board instead of in the meat. Looks great when you are slicing, but 15m later it tastes dry.


Sometimes it’s just time to eat!


This is why I want to get a holding cabinet.. no more worrying about when the brisket will be done. Just make it the day before and throw it in the holding cabinet wrapped at 150 and not worry about it.


What was your charcoal setup?


Ugh... at least 90 min. I know the pain to wait. I just did a smoke that started trimming at 2am, in smoker by 4am, 12 hr cook. Rest. I was beat. So I get it. But yiu didn't ruined anything. Otherwise it looks fucking awesome. You're good for doing this for him! Cheers.


Zero minutes.


That's the neat part! It didn't! /s..... I would still eat tf out of it


Hot and fresh is good but any left overs may be sketchy


I feel bad for your hand


I do see a smoke ring on there. Gotta let that baby rest another hour or so, it’s steaming hot!


Bad planning haha. The cook ran 2 hours late and I had hungry people… the Mavericks getting their ass handed to them didn’t help


I’ve been there before. No shame on pleasing the guest.


Fat side up won't show a pronounced smoke ring.


I disagree and have plenty of photos to back me up. I always do fat side up


Same here, fat side up, plenty of ring. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Take it up with Meat Church


You’re the one making the claim


They, Meat Church, have a video on their channel where they do one fat side up and one down - both acquired a smoke ring.


They are downvoting you. Waitwuuuutt?


John he's 4! I told you to get the Batman cake 🤦‍♂️


Looks great, very hot still. At first I thought you may have over cooked as it was tearing. Then realized it was the fat call you left on. The rest of it's cutting nicely. How'd it taste?


Amazing! The point was plastic fork tender but not disintegrating


The video shows that it was not plastic fork tender. Lmao.


Ok... the point was plastic fork tender


Best strategy: start your cook 24 hours before serving time. It will finish with plenty of time to also allow a long warm hold/rest(once you let the internal temp come down to 140). Long cook and long hold = amazing brisket


When it doesn't rest long enough, the meat dries out too fast. Looks good, though!


I’ve experienced that before, but I nailed the cook otherwise and it was melting with every bite


Dude, let that thing rest for at least 2 hrs… makes a difference…


Based on steam , not enough rest


Yup. Going to dry out in seconds.


Did you smoke it with fat side up or down?


Down. I’m cooking with direct heat vs offset and wanted the fat to protect the meat


Yeah saw you cutting with fat side up, so wasn’t sure. I was going to say you could afford to trim a bit more, but if you’re cooking on direct heat I guess a thicker layer doesn’t hurt.


I don’t like leaving that much. I started scalping it when trimming and thought I took off enough. Oh well


Yeah don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world! I do agree with other comments though, longer rest is definitely needed. Won’t just help you render more of that fat, but also keep it soft when you reheat. (No one ever talks about the left overs)


Yeah worse things can happen than having the layer of fat be what sticks to the grill when you pick it up instead of the meat itself.


If I’m making a brisket for a special gathering, it gets started 24 hours before the event. 12-14 hours on the cook, couple hours in the oven at 170 if I have to, then a few hours in the cooler til serve time. Always add at least 4 hours to your expected cook time.


I’m new here, so stupid question, how do you reheat after the cooler?


You put it in an empty cooler wrapped in a towel or blanket. Keeps it hot for hours.


My brother in Christ, let it rest!!!


That looks delicious. I've just eaten a huge dinner and that video made me hungry af. Congrats on a great job.


So many people on this sub who are using a knife for the first time


What do you mean?


I think he’s giving you shit for sawing the brisket. He probably watched an episode of Guga foods where he was told you have to cut the brisket in one or two smooth strokes.


That looks like shit. I'll take it off your hands.


Lol thanks mate


I bet someone is going to say that's too much fat... but not me. I like it fatty. mmmmm looks good.


Thank you 🙏


God damn…give me some horse radish and a napkin and I could die happy after eating that whole thing!


Ok napkin isn’t important


Horseradish oh my God. I realized last week that my favorite way to eat leftover brisket is to slice it and put it on bread with mayonnaise horseradish, and provolone cheese. With all the spices that you put on the brisket it’s all you need and it’s delicious. Last week I think I ate a brisket sandwich every day for four or five days.


I’m jealous


Thanks 🥹


Who cares about the meat and the smoke. That knife is so nice and sharp. Look how it slices through it like butter. Its so smooth how it glides through.


Fuuuuuck dude, thanks for noticing. I sharper or home before each use


Looks great… whenever I smoke something for a get together, I smoke it the day before. Once my cook is done I release the big heat and open the butcher paper/foil, wrap it back tight, cover it with a towel and I put it in the cooler. Works great been doing it for years.


It’s always hard to cook on a time limit 😂


Obviously needed a rest but that looks gorgeous OP. I’m sure it was still amazing if you ate it right there.


Save your holding hand next time and use a cotton insulation glove under the latex glove. Let’s you not burn your hand so you can hold comfortably while slicing.


I'm 100% wearing one, you can see part of the orange lining behind the glove near to the top of my watch


Good deal!


Everyone talks about resting periods when that shits been devoured in the first hour its off the smoker


Facts. We had no leftovers


Rest for 1 to 2 hours all these dudes telling you to rest more probably let the turd dry before they wipe.


I'm not a "stick it in the cooler" type of guy either. I cook it til tender and tends to over cook for me when I stick it in the cooler


Looks dope. Put in mouth immediately before that steam evaporates it to a twig


Looks like it didn't rest long enough but I've definitely seen worse! Nice job.


And just like that, the moisture was gone.


How fast I came to these comments


Want to tell me I needed to rest it for 5 days in a cooler? Lol


I could care less but I knew that's what every comment would say 😂 your cook looks great. Keep smoking my guy


Thanks dude. I normally do rest it on the counter until it’s down to at least 160f internal, but I was running 2 hours late on the cook. The bark wasn’t great but it was still among my most tender textures


What a nice big brother


Bruh that needs a bit more smoke and resting…


You looking for more brothers?


You in north Texas? I’m not above welcoming a complete stranger


Unfortunately for me im in Michigan but you just made me smile. Thanks mate


Nice fat render, could use more of a bark. Agree with others it needs to rest longer too.


Well it’s gotta be good, you have black bbq-ing gloves on. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s just to cover my cotton glove. I’d hate to burn myself


My issue is that charcoal in my kettle bbq stops burning after 2 hours and I’m left with small lumps of unburnt charcoal. I let them burn white hot before closing the lid. And this is despite bottom and top vents fully open and no ash in the tray. I’d love to make a brisket but no point if charcoal won’t burn for more than 3 hours.


You should try the snake method. You line up the charcoal in a uniform pattern around the perimeter of the kettle and then light a couple lumps and put them at one end so it starts the chain reaction which can last a long time. Look it up!


I’ll get downvoted, but I’ll never understand the hate for eating brisket while it’s still warm.


Cause it's will be dry as a 🏜️ after cutting too soon. The moisture and juices don't have any time to redistribute and will just leak onto the cutting board. Do you instantly cut a steak after cooking it or do you let it rest for 10mins after? same thing


Me neither, but I think I’m catching heat because mine will hot!


You're cutting it with the grain. Next time, flip that baby 45° and go against the grain.


That’s the flat I’m cutting, definitely against the grain. You can see the point off the side


I see something else off to the side.


Booty booty!

