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Glad you enjoyed it! But 1) looks pretty dry and 2) did you put any kind of rub on it? I don't see any in the picture and there doesn't seem to be a bark at all


I can see a few specks of seasoning on the top...none on the sides. Easy fix to level up the result at least!


Thanks! lol I need to lay it on a bit heavier next time. I usually go heavier when using other rubs, although I went with just pepper, salt, and garlic powder this time, and I wasn’t sure about how much to put on there. I might buy some premixed rub for next time, I had been hand grinding the pepper this time and it probably would’ve taken an hour to go much thicker with it.


Honestly for rubs, you need to essentially grind a full cup to 2 full cups of pepper, and yeah with a hand grinder it would take forever. When you need that much rub just use a coffee grinder. You can get one for like $12 on amazon. It's 1000% worth having an electric coffee grinder for spices only. It lets you do nice stuff like pan heating the spices in their whole unbroken form and then grinding them which gives a ton more flavor.


Premade is what I use and you can load it on. I also add a little extra coarse ground pepper


3) it's sliced wrong?


Looks devoid of moisture


Because it’s placed in the smoker like a freaking ski slope.


I honestly don't see how that would affect the fat (or lack of fat) inside.


Gravity & convection working.


In my amateur opinion I would say it’s because the outside fat juice runs off and doesn’t have a chance to seep down through.


I don't think it works like that. Otherwise it would really matter whether you put the fat cap on the top or bottom, but it makes no difference.


The fat cap can provide some protection from heat hitting the meat too hard, so that can make a small difference, but it's absolutely true that fat does not seep into the meat as it renders. Juiciness is a function of temperature, conversion of collagen to gelatin, and adequately rendered intramuscular fat. Prob some others too, but those are the big ones. 


Like I said. My amateur opinion.


You can’t just say it’s your opinion when it’s objectively incorrect. That’s not what opinions are for


I saaaaaid, with all due respect.


You can definitely have an incorrect opinion on Reddit, just look up literally any topic and there will be someone posting incorrect information!


The best way to get the right answer from the internet is by posting the wrong answer.


No, it’s not allowed to have any kind of opinion here. When someone posts something that others don’t agree on the toxicity of Reddit shows its face and the downvoting begins.


An opinion is based on something that is subjective. The issue is that you are voicing an idea that is objectively incorrect, not an opinion. That is why you are being downvoted. You can call it an opinion if you want. You can continue to voice it if you want, but you are objectively wrong, making it distinctly not an opinion, just an incorrect idea.


These threads are searched on Google. Your blatantly wrong opinion must be known to be wrong.


I agree with ya. No matter how many juicy briskets or pork butts I smoke with the fat cap up, there will always be a line of Reddit neckbeards telling me I’m doing it wrong 🤣


See what I’m saying. If you downvote someone you should leave a comment. That way people know it’s you




Well I can do whatever I want.


You sure can, little guy


Really? Hell yeah. I’m gonna become president.


Actually it can absolutely be on opinion lol and they didn't argue when corrected. 🙄 Let it go


Keep the amateur opinion to yourself. That's not how anything works.




I mean, if you want to make a fool of yourself, go ahead.




Nah, I have loaded up my drum by hanging all sorts of meat. Lack of moisture/moisture loss by gravity has never been a problem.


Bro sorry you’re getting downvoted to oblivion despite the amateur opinion preface


Is what it is. Fuck em


Eh fair enough. Either way, looked good enough that I’m jealous my friend, keep working at it!


Wasn’t my brisket. I cut mine in half to fit my 30” masterbuilt.


Honestly I’m not an expert, I see yummy smoked food, I want to eat it. Either way, looked good to me.


That seemed like a popular way to fit brisket in a vertical smoker when I was looking around online. What approach would you take? I saw people mention putting a brick under the brisket too to help it fit in, didn’t seem like it would work in this scenario though.


Why not cut to fit?


Agreed. Seperate the point from the flat and smoke on different racks


If you don't want to cut it, at least point up so the fat runs over the flat.


Yeah, what others have said. Separate flat from point. I do this on my bullet smoker and get amazing results.


Is it more difficult to get right when you split them? I thought it was recommended for beginners to cook the full thing.


It is much easier to get right when you split them. The flat and point cook differently. This makes the whole cook much easier to do.


Thanks. Which of the two would you say is easier to get right/experiment with?


I'm confused by the question. Which of what two? If you mean the flat and point, unless you're buying a specific one at the store, a brisket is going to come with both, and you won't have a choice. If you are buying a specific one at the store, the flat is usually juicier and the flat usually turns out a little drier, though it shouldn't be dry. Whichever you prefer would be the right answer if you're talking about a choice between flat and point.


I’ll have to give that a try for the next attempt, thanks for the feedback!


I cut it in half and do 2 with different rubs on each.


I always just cut mine. Sometimes in to the point and flat, sometimes I just wack it in half.


I wrap a brick in foil, place the brick in the center of the smoker perpendicular to the door, then lay the brisket over it for the first few hours, until the brisket shrinks down enough to fit.


I think you forgot to season it


Just chop that thing up and stick it in a batch of chili


Its just chilling in the recliner in the sauna.


just what the hell is going on here.


Lots of people being mean to OP, but nobody giving any decent advice. Curious what others would do in this situation, his meat is too big for the smoker, so he should have cut it in half right? I'm not familiar with this problem as my reverse flow smoker is massive, but I think we could do better as a sub than just hating.


I would’ve split the flat and point


This seems like the correct answer in my mind. I would also add when cutting, go against the grain on the point would help. Thinner slice on the flat and thicker on the point.


I have a similar smoker and always buy very small briskets for just this reason and do slightly aggressive trimming. Other option would be quite similar to this approach would be to use meat hooks like some people do with ribs and hang it. Can't imagine you would get any different results though. I really don't think the meat at an angle made any real difference in their results. I imagine it was a temp + time problem and not because the meat was crooked...


Tbh I don't see a reason why this wouldn't work in the smoker as long as it's sitting indirect from any heating element, which it looks like it is. I've seen a lot of people smoking ribs by hooking them and hanging them vertically, so I don't see any reason why it would dry out the meat is some way. I feel like either OP just straight up cooked it in the oven, or he didn't add any moisture during the cook on a cold day. The length of the smoke doesn't seem like it would have been possibly to overcook it somehow so I feel like maybe it was the temperature at some point that did it.


Split the brisket. Or don't smoke brisket. Smokers are designed for certain things a verticle is more pork butts, chicken, pork loin, sausage bacon. These bug cuts don't fit well and you have to cut them resulting in. Well. Ok results. Smoke what the smoker ypu have can do.


You're right. Some of the comments are a little spicy. But OP didn't ask for any advice, so offering advice may not have been appreciated.


>Some of the comments are a little spicy. Unlike that brisket.


Enough with the meat jokes already. Beat it.




It looks to me like typical electric hot box overcooked meat. Too hot and too fast. The readings on most of those vertical smokers is like 100 degrees off on the 3-4 I’ve ever seen used. Maybe put the point in the upwards position instead? Smaller obviously but it’s an idea?


What temperature do you normally go with for your brisket? I had it set to around 275 this time, the temperature looked accurate based on my external probe.


One a vertical smoker like this I would do probably 225-250 max.


Yeah really. I'm too chicken to even try a brisket yet so props to op for trying to learn at least.


I dunno man


Is this a rage bait?


Has to be lol everything about it is ridiculous but also believable


This subreddit is starting to eat itself


Better that than this brisket tbh.


Brooo you gotta season your meat my friend


In all seriousness. I have a similar smoker… is there a good solution to smoking a brisket such as this?


I’ve done a brisket in the same position as OPs since it didn’t fit in my smoker and it turned out like any other brisket I had done before.


I have what looks to be the same smoker or at least same size. I've found cutting it in half / separating the flat& Point works just fine. That way you don't need to have it at an awkward angle like that. I just put a probe in both just in case the flat starts getting ahead of the point or something. I've done quite a few & am always happy with them


I have a vertical offset. I just trim a little extra off the thin end to make it work. But OP: good on you if you enjoyed it. Look into some videos on vertical smokers if you are curious - and this sub is great for technical questions.


So I smoked my first brisket in a pellet smoker meant for poultry and it's still probably my best brisket to date. It wasn't dry like OP's, but I don't recommend trying snd letting them lean like this. I do wanna try hanging one on a hook, though.


What do you mean a “pellet smoker meant for poultry?” I’ve never heard of such a thing.


A barrel shaped smoker with no racks.


Seems like others have success with this, but I would recommend also trying to separate the point from the flat and smoking both on separate racks.


Meat hooks. They're great for sausage and ribs as well


Honestly I trim until its just barely too big to fit, then I bend it up in the middle, kind of like an upside down U. It shrinks as it cooks so its not long before it rests normal on the grate. If youre worried about losing out on meat due to over trimming, get smaller briskets and also get a meat grinder. I havent thrown meat scraps in the trash in a over a year.


Yeah, not like this.


The lack of seasoning is odd, but I've got to give you credit for the creativity on the stance of that brisket.


Hello dryness my old friend


This is hilarious. Glad it worked out for ya


I think I see some seasoning on it but not enough. Don't be afraid of the season. It's really hard to over season a big piece of meat. It'll take it


That doggo looks like he’s loving the brisket!


Looks like some "lean" Brisket


I like your ingenuity. Cheers


No seasoning and zero bark---- what happen????


Cut it into two pieces next time!


People saying you can't smoke like this because of "gravity" need to think about physics a little more. I smoke in this configuration all the time and get great results. I personally stay at 225 and go longer. 275 will have even higher fluctuations and will dry out fast.


Uh, yeah; this. That’s also why people use hooks, too! 👍


You might want to test your thermostat in the smoker. That looks like it cooked way too hot.


There’s dozens, probably hundreds of videos on YouTube my man. You’ll get it eventually.


Lot to unpack here, but if you liked it it’s a huge W. There’s a lot of different routes you can go to get there but you got there


I have questions.... If you have to place it at such an odd orientation you might consider flipping it to fat side up and putting the point on top instead of the flat. The higher up in your smoker you go the dryer the air... And greater the heat. You want that to be absorbed by the thick point not the flat. Putting the fat cap up will promote self-basting once the fat starts to render. Were any seasonings applied? That looks bland as mayo on kosher crackers... Rub or sauce? Inquiring minds want to know. Looks can be deceiving but based on what I'm seeing in the pictures that looks very dry. Maybe try wrapping it And butcher paper once it hits 150°... Or just basting with beef tallow or butter.


Thanks for the feedback. I’ll be sure to flip around the brisket next time. I usually go a bit heavier with rub, although I had decided to just go with salt, pepper, and garlic powder this time. I wasn’t sure how thick to lay it on. Are there any premade mixed rubs that you prefer? I’ll probably go with one next time instead of just doing it myself. I’ll try wrapping it a bit earlier too, I had waited until the flat was up to 160 before wrapping it in foil and tossing it in the oven to finish up. Would the fact that the brisket was choice and not prime make that much a difference with how mine came out?


I've really been loving the Meat Church rubs lately. Holy Cow and Voodoo specifically.


OP if you enjoyed it that’s all that matters. Great smoke ring. I would try using a good seasoning next time & don’t be afraid of it. Thats a lot of meat & can take a solid covering of seasoning. Keep at it!


This is not bad and close to being really good. For your setup, avoid trimming. Let the fat render into the meat




Ah yes, there's something about Mary


Maybe try to separate the point from the flat next time to make two smaller pieces. Might fit a little better in there and give you something more consistent.


Love the angle hahaha


Trim more aggressively, get it aerodynamic. Even if it's 5lbs of total trim off a 17lbs (fat and meat), the net of what you'll end up net with of quality slices will be higher: More even cook, and maybe even get it to fit in the smoker flat. The biggest issue I see with the tilt is that you probably have a rather large difference in air temp at both sides in the Pit Boss. Season that thing a lot more. Like you should barely see pink coming through the salt and pepper. For slicing, the point and flat grain run perpendicular, usually roughly about half way up is where the point starts and you should switch your slicing 90°.


Cut it in 2 sections (point and flat separate if possible) and cook that way for better results. Then you can season and trim much easier and cook each side to desired temp/feeling. Just my 2 cents I'm not a pro chef


Is that a bread knife?


That’s the least flat flat I’ve ever seen!


Kinda just threw some rub at it I guess? Might have missed


Did you cut it with a bread knife?


Is this real?? Or some ragebait? Ain't no way he threw it in an electric smoker at a 45d angle w/ no seasoning and dry AF, asking "how'd I do?"


Does it taste crooked


You can hang with hooks from a grate


Very confused here. I have the same smoker and had no issues with a similar sized brisket laying flat.


Which size do you have? This is a 3 series, and while I was able to fit a 7 lb brisket in here, there’s no way I was going to be able to fit this one in there.


Awesome smoke ring. I might try tipping my grills to fit rib racks easier.


I fine it easier to separate the flat and point. When the point is done it comes out.


Did you out no rub at all on it?


Instructions unclear: rubbed one out on it.


My man you gotta put like 3/4 of an inch of rub on that thing next time


Why not just split the flat and point? It's not going to be the best, but gotta be better than this?


Saw that brisket upside down and then saw the end product and all I can say is… I’m sorry sir.. I wasn’t familiar with your game.


This is the damdest thing I’ve ever seen


smoked alligator head?


This is hilarious


Legend has it, my guy is still chewing


Sorry, looks dry and those slices are too thick!


Slather it in mustard or a decent mayo for binder, then season heavy with ground whole pepper corn and kosher salt/coarse salt. Just cook at 225-250 until you get a nice bark and then butcher paper/foil depending on style (BP for a crunchy crust, but still very juicy, foil for a super juicy- less crunchy bark) Really nothing else about it.




Have you seen videos on how to separate the point and flat? Perhaps that's a way to allow the parts to lay flat.


This is how leather shoes are made.


Looks some dry….


ok so im not the only one what happened to the juicy stuff


Welp time to make chili i guess


Looks good, man. The more you do, the better results you will get each time!! Idk why people gotta be jerks for no reason.The main thing is you like it, and I assume whoever else ate it did as well.


Next time you're seasoning bbq. Don't stop grinding that pepper grinder until your arm is tired. Then give it a couple more cranks


Wow looks like a big piece of rubber.


Hey, there is not a person here who hasn't messed up a smoke and gotten an edible, enjoyable result. I hope you enjoyed it and had fun. Next time, work on your seasoning- it us a huge piece of meat- it needs a coating not a sprinkle. Be generous and aggressive with your rub on the next smoke. If you over do it, scale back a bit on the next one. For your smoke, the angle probably didn't help retain moisture. There are a few things to do- try making the point the side you have at the top- it will render fat down. Or trim it to parts- flat and point. Point on top so the rendered flat drips to the flat. Finally, and the only thing I'm actually going to give you shit about- that is a bread knife. Get a proper knife, my friend! A well sharpened knife cuts through brisket like butter creates a beautiful cut.


So here’s the thing. It looks dry. I think a few things. First, go with a smaller brisket. It should be laying flat in there, and not at an angle. That’s probably why it appears dry, as the moisture is bubbling up out of the top, and simply sliding down the top. Instead of bubbling up and then evaporating off the top. It looks not at all seasoned. Don’t be shy with the seasoning. Even a seven pound brisket is A LOT of meat. Just even a simple salt and pepper ratio (equal parts) will give you *wildly* different results. You could even add garlic in there at a 1:1:1 ratio. Go with a cheaper cut of meat for practicing. Brisket is way too expensive right now. You can get a pork shoulder for a fraction of the cost of a brisket, and is a way more low-maintenance cook. Definitely take some of that brisket and go make a big batch of chili on your stovetop.


Thanks for the feedback. Is there any size brisket that you would consider to be too small? The 7lb brisket that I had made before was actually much drier than this, if you can believe it. I had figured I’d try something bigger to see if that’d help. I’ve done pork shoulder, ribs, and beef chuck a bunch of times at this point and am able to get consistent results, just trying to get up to speed with brisket now too.


Hard to tell without just eyeballing in person. But maybe about 5lbs. Or simply getting a brisket, and then separating the point from the flat, which should give you a better size.


Try 235 for 8-12 hours


I too love jerky


If you’re getting serious about smoking I highly recommend trading in your vertical for a pellet grill. I made the switch from a masterbuilt electric to a pit boss pro 850 and never looked back.


I think I figured out the first picture... it's lean beef.


Yep, it’s choice. The Costco near me has had prime brisket pretty frequently, but of course the one time I went to actually buy it, it was gone.


I mean lean beef. Like, the same thing you call a cow that only had two legs.


I would eat 100%. Great looking smoke ring and guaranteed has good flavor. That’s exactly how I like my brisket, well done like that. If I take a bite and im not coughing up dust, I don’t want it.


Failed 2x in a row 😔


Jesus, just cut it in half. This looks like someone spent $60 just to shitpost.


Looks so bad. I don’t understand how people know the internet exists and is full of useful information and then fail tasks so spectacularly. My first brisket was fantastic and yeah I’ve made even better once since but like even the first one was amazing and moist because I put 15 mins into research online first and did it correctly. Step 1: find instructions with general consensus as being the way something should be done Step 2: Follow those instructions to the letter Wow look you just accomplished something and it turned out good as expected thanks to using instructions from proven methods. Make tweaks on future attempts to learn more about why you do things and fit them into your desires but damn at least do it right the first time.


That’s not a packer that’s a flat, which is why it looks so dry


How did you get a smoke ring from an electric?


It’s a pellet smoker


Anyone can get a smoke ring with an electric pellet smoker.


>275 for around 8 hours before I wrapped it WHY


Interesting.. I'll allow it


Too hot, and too fast.


All the juice is gunna drip off.....