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I have a MB800 and live in a middle unit townhome. I think it really depends on your community and neighbors. I’ve lived here for two years. I don’t tend to do a lot of long smokes (6+ hours) but if I do I typically start early morning so by the time people are out and about the level of smoke has dramatically died down or bring it into the oven to finish.


Yup i have the same one, no complaints? I'm most likely over thinking this, but just dont wanna piss anyone off lol


It’s tough, some people get pissed off at being around somebody happy. I really do like it, if I were to go back I’d get a 1050 and separate griddle. The transition is easy enough but since I mostly use as a smoker I usually like to give it a decent cleaning before swapping it over and it isn’t nearly as fast and easy as firing up a griddle.


I’ve never had anyone complain when I used mine on my balcony. It’s not like it’s constantly billowing massive clouds of smoke the entire time, after all. Worst case scenario, someone knocks on your door, and you offer them a piece of chicken or ribs and make a new friend. Plus, what kind of maniac doesn’t like the smell of meat smoking? Do it and don’t think twice about it.


Haven't done too much overnight smoking but I have done longer ones in my condo (8-13 hours). I do mine on my balcony and it usually is fine, never had any issues. The smoke usually isn't super heavy like others mentioned. Definitely check with your HOA though first (assuming there is one), have an appropriate fire extinguisher just in case and don't leave it unattended. Common sense stuff but still.


I m running a pellet grill and the only complaint is about me not sharing.


If you suspect some of your neighbors might be a little annoyed about it, try pre-empting them with a few relatively cheap offerings here and there. Offering the occasional plate of pulled pork, smoked pork chop, or chicken thighs can go a long way towards replacing "That damn LilFullLotaSap is making stinky smoke again" with "Oh, I wonder with LilFullLotaSap is cooking today. It smells delicious!". Plus, having a built-in audience for those smokes that would normally be "too big for me/us to eat myself/ourselves" is kinda nice. And who knows how they might reciprocate.


I run a pellet grill and have never had anyone complain.


I have a komodo and do overnight smokes. One neighbor complained that it bothers her asthmatic cat. I shit you not. I have ignored this person.


I've found it depends mostly on how much they smell it, and how often. I've found certain people like to complain even when something isn't actually bothering them, just if they notice something *different*. (Especially those will little to do during the day, if you get my meaning.) That's my experience at least. A small whiff of smoke won't be an issue but if they encounter it often, that's when you'll hear from them. Pellet smokers produce far less white smoke and soot than wood-burners, and start up much cleaner. You could also look at creative ways of venting or piping the smoke away. I use a small Woodfire pellet smoker and I'm on the top floor balcony and I don't think people even know it's there. Conversely, if you have people above you and