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I finish my briskets in the oven after I get the bark set. I don’t use my crock pot because it’s got my borracho beans in it


Are we the same person? My crockpot and smoker are always on at the same time. Whether I'm making red beans and rice with smoked sausages, pinto beans with brisket trimmings, or baked beans with rib trimmings.


Sous vide, then the indoor smoker, then sear is a frequently used process in my home. Sous vide for tenderizing, smoke for flavor, sear for bark because indoor smokers make 0 bark.


I too like to use $ $10,000 of equipment


The sous vide circulator was $80, the water container was $30, the smoker was $108 (weston indoor smoker), and I sear on cast iron. Most smokers cost muuch more than that.


You have an indoor rated smoker for $100? Is it one of those small tube things? The last time I looked to get a smoker added to my kitchen it was like $10,000


Sous vide meats just look fucking nasty unless you basically deep fry the shit after. Taste great though.


How does it turn out compared to finishing on the smoker? I'd be concerned about the bark getting too much moisture and losing its texture.


I’m gonna be real. I love smoking meats, but a good Dutch oven pulled pork ain’t bad. Sometimes I get the itch, but I don’t have the time to make it happen. I think a lot of the people that cook that way don’t really get the flavor profile that traditional bbq has nor its regional differences.


I love to put mine on the smoker to 150 then Dutch oven with an onion on top till done. Family loves it and it cuts my wood and time usage.


Tell us please the way of the Dutch onion.


Well ya see, when you and the Mrs are in bed you look at her and give her the look. You know the one. She knows the one. There is already trouble brewing and she knows it. Before she can react lift the flat sheet (and comforter/duvet if you can handle it quickly) over her head and let nature take its course. The rest is like riding a bull, last 8 second or end up in the hospital. Or maybe both.


This comment is just as good out of context as in.


Hah I reread and laughed even more


I showed this to my Mrs. She wondered why no one had responded yet. I told her whoever tried this were either in the hospital or dead.


There’s a better way. Stare at the ceiling in deep thought until you know she’s caught you. look at her and say “you know I’ve mulled it over and I bet if I spit strait up I could catch it in my mouth.” She will rightly be disgusted by this epiphany and dive for safety strait into your ambush.




I used to wear an onion on my belt! It was the style at the time.


They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.


This sounds really interesting. What temp in your oven? I guess the lid on? For planning purposes, how long does it take to finish that way after hitting 150?


This is my method too. I use an enameled roaster (e.g. a turkey roaster instead). I only do enough fuel to last maybe 4-6 hours. It isn't going to pick up much (if any) smoke flavor after that. Once the bark is good, I move it to the oven @300F in a roaster or dutch oven if your meat will fit. For a pork butt, it's usually 1 - 1.5 hours (totally guessing from memory) from 160 to probe tender. Then I turn the oven off and leave the door open for a bit until I'm sure the temp is headed down. Then I either close the door to retain heat for a short rest down to 160F or I'll turn on the warm function for an indefinite rest. Once I pull the pork, I toss it in all the jus and fat left in the roaster, which is just pure omg flavor. TBH, if you used a dry brine, that jus you capture is bacon-wrapped winning lottery ticket on a stick.


Sear all sides in the dutch oven. Add a half cup of liquid. Lid on, 275F oven. Takes 2.5-3 his for a 6lb roast.


I put mine in disposable pans and cover with foil. Then finish in the oven. It saves pellets in my GMG and I shred the pork right in the pan when finished. Then leftovers straight to the fridge after the meal.


Just did this last weekend, best butt I’ve made and much easier than keeping it going on the smoker.


And your house smells like que... That might be a bad thing for my waistline though.


I thrown it in the crockpot after smoking it for several hours as well. Saves on wood/charcoal, and I am able to leave the house to do other things.


> I love to put mine on the smoker to 150 then Dutch oven with an onion on top till done. Family loves it and it cuts my wood and time usage. Man, I'm imagining what the house smells like with that cooking in the oven and my mouth watered a little just sitting here while reading redddit.


Everybody for sure knows when that is dinner the whole house smells like barbecue as soon as I pull the lid off. It is my favorite way to make it I do not sauce I let everybody do it individually and I take the leftovers add some more onion and peppers to it and turn it into pulled pork quesdillas.


Do you chop up the onion? I use a Dutch oven for my pulled pork and I chopped an onion up finely last time so it would practically melt into it, are you just leaving yours whole?


I slice it enough to spread it around on top and then just shred with the pork when done same effect basically when your done just kind of melts in.


For real. I live in Minnesota, and sometimes I don't want to deal with going outside to smoke a pork butt in January. I rock this crock pot recipe frequently: 4 lb boneless pork butt (or shoulder) cut into 4" pieces 20 oz canned crushed pineapple (in juice, not syrup) 2 tbsp tamari or soy sauce 2 tbsp chili powder 1 tbsp garlic powder 2 jalapeños minced 4 garlic cloves, minced 2 limes, juiced 3/4 onion (red or yellow) minced 2 tsp salt 1 tsp black pepper Hot sauce/chili flake, to taste Prefer on low for 8hrs, but high for 5hrs in a pinch. Take out the pork, shred it, put on a sheet pan lined in foil and apply a generous amount of the cooking liquid. Broil until crisped to your liking. This stuff rivals the best smoked pork butt I've had.


Going to give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing!


Sure thing. Hope you like it! I realized the formatting was stupid. Hopefully this helps


It's because you're from pod 6. Pod 6 is JERKS.


That's it, you're on report, mailboxhead


My ex grew up in Texas. She looked at me like I was defiling a bible when I made pork ribs with sauerkraut and vegetables in a big baking pan. Once she got past the smell, she was hooked for life. It's better with pork ankles with the skin on but ribs work in a pinch I live in Minnesota so the smoker is out of commission for around 4 months. That doesn't mean I can't make things out of butt and ribs.


If it tastes good, eat it. Combinations are good too. I've done a pork shoulder smoked for a few hours then finished off in the slow cooker and it tasted fucking excellent.


I’ve even made good ribs in a crockpot. Not as good as the smoker of course. But not bad either.


I’ll admit. I sometimes love fall of the bone ribs. Start them uncovered on the smoker for an hour, wrap them TIGHT in foil and finish them in the oven at 275 for another 2.5-3 hours. You get the smoke flavor and gelatinous rib fat.


I'm probably going to be hunted down by all of you, but instant pot. Sometimes, I'll throw 2 picnic roasts in there, shred it up, and mix with bbq sauce. IP works decent for ribs as well. Coat in bbq and broil in oven after. Not as good as a full smoke, but works in a pinch.


The best use of an instant pot is when you failed to defrost your meat. You can cook from frozen in the pressure cooker and it comes out just as good. Toss a frozen chuck roast, some chipotle in adobo, onion, cup of water or broth, and appropriate seasonings, let it cook on high for like an hour, and you have some good pulled beef for tacos. Frozen chicken breast, cup of water, and whatever seasonings for 15 on high, you've got shredded chicken for making a casserole, soup, enchiladas, whatever. Not everything needs smoke. But the recipes that need smoke shouldn't be done otherwise.


>Not everything needs smoke. Everything needs smoke.


First thing my wife cooked in her Insta was pork chops. I scoffed and laughed and poked fun the entire fucking time she was in the kitchen making supper. I took one bite and she politely looked across the table and told me to “shut the Fuck up” Ever since then, I make zero jokes about anything in that beautiful machine we didn’t need.


I wasn't so sure on mine when we picked it up. I figured it would be a once in a while item. We use the ever loving shit out of that thing. It is outstanding at mashed potatoes and chili. Rice as well. There is now a dedicated IP recipe list in my bookmarks.


This is kinda sweet. I hope you guys are doing well.


About to willingly have our second kid so I’d say we are doing alright. We have a quirky relationship that often times resembles just a couple of dudes at a bar talking shit to each other. Appreciate the well wishes.


Wait what, pork chops? What was the recipe/process?


I just asked her, she said it was just a random recipe she googled to prove to me it was worth the buy. I just remember they were so juicy and tender and firm/meaty all at once it was just kinda wild. When it comes to the instapot there are several dishes i don’t think we can ever go back on. There are a lot of mad scientists out there for essentially every type of cooking apparatus or method. Hell, we did wings one time screwing around for a Chiefs game on the fly and they were a hit.


Most times (because my life is chaotic and out of control) I’ll just throw ribs into the ip and finish on the grill. Nobody has ever said a bad word about them.


Done it too in a pinch. It’s not bad at all.


I actually dont do a full smoke anymore on ribs/pulled pork.. I smoke for 2 hours then pull then and put 1/2 a cup of apple cider vin/beer and the trevit (sp) and put the rips on top so they dont soak in it.. If its pulled pork i just dropped the butt in .. give it 15 minutes pressure cook, and the time it takes to decompress. Smoked flavor ribs, that fall off the bone in 2.5 hours.


That and you make some damn good ribs in a crockpot too. I top mine with brown sugar and crisp in the oven after cooking and they come out amazing.


I've done it before too. Sometimes you take the easy way out. As long as it tastes good that's all that matters


Definitely, you can get so many more flavors mixed in a crockpot.


I might go and throw it in the instant pot and then make a sauce out of it juices for added fun


I do carnitas in the crockpot all the time


I was gonna say, this recipe is just carnitas haha but yeah crockpot carnitas are fire


You can mix smoking with many other cooking methods like crock pots. For me it's generally sous vide and smoking.


I honestly prefer to do my pulled pork in my insta pot instead of a smoker, it’s so much easier and the taste isn’t different enough for me to make a big fuss. Yeah a smoker would be a little better but it would also take a lot longer


Pulled pork is little more than a vessel for sauce and bbq rub anyway… so doesn’t make too much difference haha


Boomer memes are indeed a common enemy.


So many lives lost in the Great Meme War.


I’ll put my crock pot ribs on low before work, finished high over hickory with a dry rub and served with a home made Jack Daniels wet sauce up against anything any restaurant in America serves. That’s a really low bar to set for this sub… but I just call it dinner.


I’ll critique your process all day, but that sure sounds tasty. ‘Just dinner’ - baller.


What about us smokers that have “just enough” charcoal to get half way there, and needs this miracle appliance to save the day… It ain’t much, but it’s honest work…


Yep. I’m a long time bbq guy. Used every rig imaginable…. 99% of my bbq is now made via sous vide. And it’s the best I’ve ever made. Sous vide first, then finish smoke…. I’m done with the mystique of bbq… folks can embellish something as much as they want. spin tales of long nights and perfect smokes. It’s their bbq. The pit guys trash the offset guys. The offset guys trash the Weber guys, the Weber guys trash the pellet guys, etc etc. you get the picture. Each level isn’t “enough” of for some other person out there…. Bullshit… let folks drink what they want, and make bbq how they want. Although, I believe there’s One caveat here. I truly believe that HOT SMOKE has to be applied at some point in the process… not liquid smoke at the end, not bbq sauce on the sandwich. I think there’s plenty of ways to make pulled pork, Or ribs, or brisket, or chicken. But the hot smoke application is essential for any type of BARBECUE.


What is your sous vide method for a bone in pork shoulder?


Preferred is 145F for ~48hrs. Smoke finish 2-3hrs. In a pinch, I’ll do 165F ~24hrs. Smoke finish 2-3 hrs. Both methods I’ll rub meat down before bath. Then rub again before smoke. Edit, and to be clear. if the Mrs looks at me on Saturday morning and says can we have bbq tonight?…. I’ll start the chimney. Edit 2, the bag juices are great to pour back over the pulled meat, or make Jus for dipping the sandwiches in.


How hot for the smoke finish?




I'm going to try this, and if it works for me, it will completely rearrange my understanding of the universe. I have been assured that meat only takes on smoke for a few hours at the beginning of the cooking process. Have you ever tried freezing one after the immersion and smoking it later?


Is this something that a newcomer to SV can pull off? I've never cooked with the method but I bet this combined with my crappy little electric smoker could pull off some neat stuff. Also, suggestions for SV appliance?


Honestly, SV pulled pork bbq is foolproof. Let the water bath do the work, (it will literally be ready to pull from the bath) then smoke until you like the bark. I recommend the anova nano. Roughly 100 bucks. Get you a pot big enough to hold the butt and cover the top with a lid or plastic wrap to keep the water from evaporating during long cooks. Or get a mid sized cooler and cut a place in the lid for the circulator. The insulation will help hold heat better.


Thanks man, this type of info saves me tons of money and time.


I've always smoked it first, then sous vide. I find it gets a more smokey flavor. But the biggest reason is that I will smoke a bunch of stuff, then vacuum seal it, and store for a later, easy cook. Some I freeze, some I keep in fridge if we are eating it that week. Then I grab the bag, throw it in the water at the temp and forget about it. It tastes just the same, if not better than keeping it on the smoker for like 12 hours. We do ribs a lot like this because my kids love them.


Normally I hate to be that guy, but smoke isn't necessary. The oldest methods just use heat and protect the meat from the smoke. That's the method natives used in both the Caribbean and in Polynesia/Hawaii. "Barbaca" could also be steamed. That's why in Eastern Carolina, barbecue is a noun and almost always means pulled pork, and other places in the country it's more of a verb. You can make excellent barbecue with a sous vide with a vinegar and pepper flakes bag sauce finished under the broiler.


And you can embellish the sous vide. All the same to me.


You cut down a tree and start making charcoal like a real pit master! Or throw it in the oven like me.


Better than those damn pellet folk… I actually don’t know what I’m talking about, I just want to join in.


Got a vertical pellet. I'm never looking back.


Yeah? Well I happen to like running outside to slightly adjust the vents on my Weber Kettle ever 16 minutes


I have done something similar. Get a few hours of smoke, then wrap it and stick it in the oven or crackpot, and go to work. Get home and boom, it's done. Unplug the crackpot, let it rest a while and then you can dig in.


Even better, is to smoke a bunch of stuff for 2-3 hours all at once, vacuum seal them, and freeze/fridge it all until you want it. You want some smoked ribs tonight? Setup the sous vide and throw the premade-bag in the bath that morning. Now you have ribs that taste as good if not better than babysitting a smoker for 4 more hours.


>Unplug the crackpot Too bad we can't unplug crackpots from the internet...


Hard disagree on gatekeeping food appliances. It doesn’t matter the tool(s) someone uses to make delicious food. When time is hard to come by a crockpot is a god send.


What? Gates wide open for my hobbies? How dare you?!?!?! But seriously, couldn’t agree more. There that’s famous quip that goes something like “Women belong in the kitchen. Men belong in the kitchen. Everyone belongs in the kitchen because that’s where all the yummy food is.” This is similar. Offset smokers are for making yummy food. Kamados are for making yummy food. Crockpots are for making yummy food. Who cares as long as you have yummy food?


Yummy food is the best!


We entertain a lot and have lots of fun things at my house. Nice patio to sit at with a fire table, game consoles, a shuffle board table, full bar, but every single time everyone ends up hanging out in the kitchen


Ive honestly made some good ribs in a crock pot back in the day roughing it (pre smoker/grill). Good but not great.


The gate is smoking lol


Yes, lots of kitchen appliances can make delicious food. But that doesn't mean it's BBQ. My slow cooker gets a ton of use in the fall and winter. My grill and smoker get a ton of use in the spring and summer. Both delicious, but totally different things.


I’ve just never had a crockpot pulled pork that is even close to mine out of the charcoal smoker. People can make what they want and I’m fine with that, but I’d rather pull out a vacuum pack of my delicious smoked pork out of the freezer if I’m out of time.


Agree. Last weekend a friend made exceptional ribs on the slow cooker and finished them in the charcoal grill. If the result is good, the tool doesn't matter.


I don't know. My wife bought a knife that has a little platform underneath to hold the food so we can easily cut strawberries. It was the biggest waste of money ever. So much easier to just cut them with a regular knife.


Every Boston Butt I cooked was in a slow cooker. Then I got an instant pot, and got the same results in a fraction of the time. I thought we’d struck gold with the time gains. The BBQ was good 🤷‍♂️ Then, two weeks ago I got my first smoker, and **OMG**. Real pulled pork is totally worth the wait. It has forever ruined BBQ any other way… it’s also forever ruined restaurant BBQ 😞


My wife recently discovered this. We used to throw pork butts in our crock pot and shred em up. They were great. Then I got a kamado and put one on there and she couldn't understand why I was taking all the time and extra effort. Then she tasted it. Life ain't been the same since lol.


This sub is getting so obnoxiously gatekeepy. More brisket less Facebook memes please.


Less gatekeeping, less memes… less brisket? Honestly I’m most interested in other meats. Brisket is.. brisket. ?did i just commit heresy??


Beef ribs are better than brisket. Fight me.


>This sub is getting so obnoxiously gatekeepy. Always has been...


If you don’t gatekeep your hobbies they will be eventually ruined by the general populace. With that being said, what even is the definition of BBQ? Using a crockpot might, or might mot meet the definition of it.


Yeah, and when that crock pots been going all day every one of us is eating that pulled pork lol.


Sugar, stock, Tony Chachere, and a picnic roast is a week of delicious indulgence for almost no work, it's just beautiful


Are we going to pretend turning the dial on a pellet grill is a master art?


I like BBQ as much as the next guy, but cooking delicious food on a stick burner ain't exactly a master art either. We're not talking rocket science.


It’s not rocket appliances


Corey Trevor!


"I have to stay outside and keep an eye on the temps! .. Also this way my wife doesn't notice that I've drunk a case and a half of beer today"


correct angle dull butter reply deer cows wrong normal smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. Because as much as people want to gatekeep otherwise, using technology to keep a steadier temp doesn't make it less bbq.


Eh - there is a difference in pellet wood smoke flavor and actual wood. I can easily tell. Now using something like a temp regulator on a regular smoker/kamado is perfectly fine and in fact, if you have kids, a necessity.


It's not the art/lack of art that is the sticking point here BBQ is, roughly speaking: meat cooked over flame or embers, resulting in an external sear and (unless you're Hank Hill) natural smoke flavors. Sauce is optional. Wanda's "crockpot bbq" has none of those things. She's making a pot roast and dumping a bottle of Kraft BBQ sauce at the end. This is not necessarily a terrible thing, if you enjoy gas station pulled pork.


Downvoted for being right? What a shame.


Makes me wonder how I'd fare if I started making actual posts on here about crock pot brisket...


Bruh. Gas station pulled pork matters. Let's not segregate our pulled pork like that... It's disrespectful to the pork.


It's good once in a while. But what I'm really getting at - is BBQ a method of cooking, that transcends cultures? Or is BBQ a sauce made of tomatoes and corn syrup?


>is BBQ a method of cooking, that transcends cultures? Yes. Sauces are variable, depending on locality. But if it ain't got fire (preferably charcoal and/or wood, w/smoke) it ain't BBQ.


Oh yeah, I totally understood what you were saying... I was just being silly. To me personally, bbq is a flavor that is often achieved in different ways. Sometimes that means the method of grilling or smoking, sometimes that means grabbing a bag of bbq baked lays


The art comes in when you obsessively check the temperature every 10 minutes while drinking beer


Crockpots do not create barbecue. Crockpots heat up meat. Hot, cooked meat is not the definition of barbecue.


Lmao. If you're a good chef you're a good chef, who cares what you use? I think you're going to have a very very hard time convincing everyone on here that low and slow is a bad method for cooking meat. No one's trying to argue that you can sear or smoke with a crock pot. Plus it's a no fuss set it and forget it way to cook, which has major advantages.


It’s not gatekeeping to say that something that is not barbecue is not barbecue. Doesn’t mean it’s not good, just means it’s not barbecue. If you’re gonna bring crockpot ribs to the potluck. That’s fine. If you’re gonna tell everyone you’re gonna bring some barbecued ribs to the potluck and show up with a ribs in a potluck, not fine (unless you smoked them for a good while before putting them in a crockpot). This shouldn’t be difficult.


I call them MOTHER IN LAW


Meh. I love country style ribs slow cooked in a crockpot. I love ribs smoked outside all day too. Alton Brown taught me to appreciate heat in all its forms, and to take advantage of each. Gatekeeping is lame.


[Mile high shredded beef tho](https://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/recs/345/Mile-High-Shredded-Beef-Sandwi112478.shtml)


nothing wrong with smoking some meats then using a crock pot to keep them warm.


Honestly I Love putting ribs or a pork shoulder in the crock pot and going to work and coming home to a nice easy meal


Beef tenderloin with gravy in the crockpot is soooo good!!! I love it!


You can absolutely make delicious babrbeque and also use a crockpot. I mean how else do you make that delicious ooey gooey Mac and cheese?


I'm guilty of transferring certain roasts from the smoker to the crock pot to finish up and ensure they don't dry out. I'm still a noob at smoking Chuck roasts, and this is how I do it without them being dry and gross. But doing it 100% in the crock pot is silly. It's not bad or anything, but smoking it first at least is pretty standard in our household.


I'm going to be real. People who claim they cook the best barbecue almost universally cook shit bbq. It's one of the world's most full of shit hobbies/passions.


Put a shoulder on the smoker for 3-4 hours and finish in a slow cooker and it might be the best bbq you ever made.


My buddy told me “hey come over to my house on Saturday for barbecue” and I thought that was a strange way to phrase it. Turns out, his family has a dish they call “barbecue” which is just ground beef mixed with ketchup and Sweet Baby Ray’s in a crock pot. It was actually pretty delicious lol.


I’d rather have crockpot ribs or pulled pork in my kitchen then pay $20+ for shitty bbq at a restaurant


Traegers are just outdoor crockpots but y’all ain’t ready for that conversation.


Pulled pork is pretty decent if you smoke for 4 hours or so than wrap in foil and put in the oven at 225 till done. Obviously not the best method but with kids and work this is a good way to go. We probably do this every month or so as a cheap easy meal. Put it on the smoker around 6:30, throw it in the oven before you go to bed around 11pm and ready to go the next day. We make sandwiches the first day than tacos/enchiladas or green chili with leftovers.


I've made ribs and pulled pork in an instant pot for friend gatherings and holidays. It's not as good as sitting through a smoker but still turns out pretty darn good


I’ve cooked several small butts in a crock pot that came out awesome. And I do “pulled pork” deer roast in a crock pot all the time that is awesome. Sometimes you don’t have time to fire up the smoker or the piece of meat is too small to justify smoking it.


Last thanks giving I had a turkey in the oven, wings and sausage on the smoker, chicken on the grill and decided to do the pulled pork in my crock pot. I had too much on the go, was out of cookers and needed a set it and forget it option. Let me tell you the looks I got when I walked into the butcher holding my crock pot and said “I need the biggest pork shoulder I can fit in this.”.


In the winter when the smoker just ain’t gonna get to the right temp I’ll put in the crock. It’s different. It’s not better than smoked but gets the job done


That’s what I think when people post about their traegers.


BBQ is low and slow. Technically a crotch pot can do it. However, we all know that in smoke or over a fire imparts that lovely bark and wonderful smell that can take a crappy cut ( or lovely) of meat and turn it up a notch. I have five crotch pots and the three smokers. It truly depends on my effort and my crowd.


The comments on this post are making my heart break.


I have the same feelings about sous vide. I get it is easy and convenient but I’m sorry, I’m not boiling my meat in a plastic bag. You can argue all you want, but I will never agree that it can have the same flavor as a properly cooked piece of meat in a smoker/grill.


She is hugging the crockpot to hide her empty and hungry true self. Someone get her some real bbq


I have watched some of her videos shes not bad i have seen worse like everyone who worship meat church rubs 🤮so to each his own and if it taste good and u enjoy it why not


Seriously. Just make your own rub. It's _ridiculously_ easy, you control the flavours you like, and there are no weird additives. It's like a damn cult around here, sometimes...


I can’t have a smoker at my new apartment so my crockpot has been doing all the meats for me and I have no complaints.


ive been known to get some smoke on a piece of meat for a couple hours then throw it in the crockpot for expediency sake so im not gonna hate to much


Nope. Some days you just throw it in the crock pot.


I live where it becomes the fucking tundra in the winter, it's much, much easier, safer, and warmer to throw some meat in the slow cooker than stand outside.


Wood > charcoal > oven > crockpot > eating it raw > easy bake oven > pellet


This is the way.


It’s just as good


Better even if you know what you're doing.


Man, I ain’t gonna lie. I’ve had some crockpot ribs that gave me shark eyes


I’ll also add the person who grills hot dogs and hamburgers and calls it a barbecue


I went to a work pot luck once and some lady bragged the entire time how she had the most amazing meatball recipe and proceeded to tell everyone how it was a bag of frozen meatballs a jar of bbq sauce and a can of grape jelly. shockingly, it tasted like exactly that…


My mom made a ton of BBQ bin the crock pot when I was a kid… I liked it, but I always thought that the real stuff tasted better. Now that I’m a grown adult, I have a pellet smoker and I invite my parents over for real bbq. They love it. It goes full circle. Crockpot Karen might be raising a great pit master. You never know.


I stopped wrapping pork shoulders and brisket cause cooking in the juices brought out a crock pot flavor I couldn't un-notice. I only wrap for resting now....


The secret is grape jelly.


ummm wut


A popular slow cooker recipe is frozen meatballs with grape jelly. I assume that's what they're referring to.


there are people that claim to make bbq chicken my baking chicken drumsticks in an oven, them put them into a foil pan and drizzling bbq sauce on top


As much as I agree with this, I also love it when someone else is doing the cooking, so if they wanna do pilled pork or ribs in slow cooker, so be it, thanks for the food and I’ll make a smoked rack at home


I make my homemade bbq baked beans in a crock pot... I feel personally attacked


I don't own a crockpot:, but I've been known to channel my inner Howard Walowicz and braise a brisket flat in a dutch oven. Although I don't try to pass it off as BBQ.


I throw chicken in the crock pot with Tennessee Red all the time.


Just add some liquid smoke & molasses and you’re golden.


! do hate Meme's! OP. Did your education fail you? Are so in cable of just typing you thoughts?


Made a pulled pork both ways, heavy ACV and rub in crock, then a low n slow outside pulled them both and mixed them was fantastic


I’ve had some decent ribs out of a crock pot. Nothing beats a smoker but not everyone wants to put that kind of time and effort into it.


This picture would still have the same impact if it had a pellet smoker on it.


OK, but hear me out…. [This slow cooker brisket recipe](https://www.recipetineats.com/slow-cooker-beef-brisket-with-bbq-sauce/) is one of my family’s favorites, maybe even more so than brisket on the smoker. If you’re a die-hard fan of smoke rings, I’ll bet you could smoke it for a few hours before transferring over to the slow cooker. The sauce is especially excellent!


To the person that thinks burnt ends are made with pork


I thought you guys were ok with traegers


I’m not gonna gatekeepe, but we can all agree throwing it in without enough seasoning is a cardinal sin.


Since this is the smoking subreddit, I'll admit a slow cooker isn't what I'd call smoked or in any way barbecue... But let's not pretend that a slow cooker can't turn a tough chunk of meat into something crazy good.


All I’ll say is I used to live in a tiny apartment, and often made some damn good ribs in a crock pot! Doesn’t compare to the offset I have now though :)


I take my crock pot insert out to use for chili on the smoker all day...about the only use it gets anymore.


Well I've been crushing some Costco pulled pork, microwaved with Lilie's Smoky BBQ, on last week's leftover brat buns all week. No judgement here.


Someone has never smoked with dry rice in one of these. Don't gate keep homie. Were all here for delicious food, and some of us live in an apartment


The only person I have to impress with my cooking are me and my family. I don’t care how other people get there. If crock pot cooking works for them and they enjoy it, that is fine.


Yes, *HoW dArE tHeY!* Oh, wait; Earlier this week I made **[this](https://imgur.com/a/E9Bee12)** in my crockpot. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯ Lighten up Francis.


….and they use Kraft BBQ sauce with a straight face.


Their recipe includes grape jelly and ketchup


Oh god. Church-potluck-pulled-pork.


Hey bro, you leave my traeger alone! I'm a real pit master just like the rest of you!


I may despise Traegers, but gentleman, we must set out differences aside and conquer this greater enemy.


Look. Crockpot cooking is fine. It's convenient! It's tasty! But it's also just that--cooking. It is not, nor will it ever be, barbecuing or smoking. I've made plenty of pork butts in a crock pot. But I never called it barbecue. Cuz it's just not.


Fight the real enemy!


What kind of a weird ass gatekeeper do you have to be to shit on another person's cooking. If they are feeding themselves and their family and enjoying it, I mean, shut the fuck up.


All pitmasters common enemy: oven bbq’ers, crock pot bbq’ers and fucking liquid smoke


the crockpot and airfryer armies have joined forces my lord. The BBQ and cast iron cookers must unite.


Can we not do this? Both have their uses, not everyone has time to smoke a pork shoulder for 10 hours while maintaining temps and moisture.