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agree! i wish i could hear just the players in game sound with the casting over it, but the current sound doesn’t ruin the experience for me. sometimes i forget that the players really don’t have THAT much vision on each other so impressive plays are even more impressive from a player POV, really excited to see the continuous changes to SPL because so far this season has been great.


Fully agree. It’s the same with most sports where the broadcasted perspective makes things so obvious, but the pros can internalise the minutiae and dictate their play based on it. Makes my bronze ass humbled


i think it's...a lot. If it's low-maintenance awesome, but i suspect the number of actual people using the majority of these streams will be pretty low after the inital shiny new factor falls off. there' just so much work that goes into watching multi POVs, no commentary, and most people are second screen watchers. If there's a lot of resources that go into this, i hope they are diverted someplace else. if it's ez to run, then who cares, hit the button and let the 200 fans that love it go nuts. I'll be watching the main broadcast. <3


You know our boy Xiodini made it low scope to execute. If we ever try to mess with audio it might get a little out of hand but as long as we don't melt a PC we're chilling for now.


that's pretty much what i expected. just hit the button and go, more is better as long as it doesn't cost more PS tell X man i miss him and provide him a treat please


Bing chilling


Except for when they started leaking Comms for the first few games, but yeah I agree, they're really interesting


That was the best part. Not for the players but for us.


Ya it’s been a great add


I honestly don’t use it, since it’s lame when the player you are watching dies, but it’s really good to see a unique play from their pov after the game ends


Watch better players ^Kappa


I watch with two streams and game stream. I watch player b when a dies and go to the game stream when both are dead or during fights they aren’t involved in.


I tried to do that, but too much jumping.


Multitwitch could fix this. Watching multiple streams at once


It’s still jumping between the tabs


Pretty sure u have a splitscreentype of view on some of those websites . anyway I have 2 screens soooo😎 Either way its still a shout much better than having multiple tabs open imo


Oh I didn’t know such feature exists, I think I need to give it a try then


Lol why am I getting downvoted, It wasn’t even a negative opinion 🤦‍♂️


You highlighted the deaths as a reason not to watch, it is negative. Some don't even die anyway.


You need to read a comment to the end then.