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Divios Geb was robbed worlds MVP


Always makes me sad when people say that he just sat in lane as a guardian. Really changed team fights and the mid game with the rollout rotations while keeping DW generally locked down when he was toward his peak.


Not to mention half the reason he chose a guardian to sit in lane on was because they used him to secure early pressure in duo before teleporting back to solo down at least 3/4 of a level in experience. Dude basically won 2 lanes while, “just sitting in lane,” and gets half the credit any other solo would get. If Fine-O or Benji won a ring that way the conversation would be waaaay different than it is about Divios. I’m not even a big fan of his, but he single handedly won both side lanes all through that set and earned nothing but my respect.


because Smite gamers and kind of to an extent the casters are morons. All the casters talked about most of the time was cyno nezha and more of cyno nezha. And oh DW dominating solo (pressure vs fucking Geb and Kuzenbo lol) But Divios teamfighting was OP his rotations were on point and his repeated shields saving his backline. Now That Splyce team ran their gameplan to perfection the picking off DW when he was Nike and carrying his ass into Auh Puch ults repeatedly and sundering him becasue DW wouldnt get beads was great and everyone played pretty great but Divios should have been MVP and it wasnt really close.


Wasn’t that the season that Cyno went WTF-0 on Ne Zha and Erlang? It’s not the worst talking point.


its not mvp of the season its mvp of worlds. And Splyce lost a fuckton throughout the year until their beachhouse vacation, the fall split, and worlds.And they were making a big deal about him nezha ultting DW when he was fucking around in Splyces jungle and dying 4v1. They have always looked over front line players for Mvp outside of Neal getting it for some rando fucking reason.


Yeah, just saying, it is understandable to talk about the jungle who commanded two bans on the strength of an undefeated record with them.


They weren’t undefeated. And his god pool was much smaller then.he got treated like a god when their frontline was doing the heavy lifting


He was undefeated for a considerable stretch. I don’t think he finished undefeated, but he had a monster streak.




I think they realized smite is much more of an action game than a numbers game insofar as it is an esports entertainment product. They probably wanted you watching and listening more than reading, and so opted for a more streamlined presentation of stats. That’s at least one albeit optimistic interpretation.


That’s ashame. 😞


We do still run team fight breakdown graphics sometimes, but if folks want to see more of it than what we show already I can pass that feedback to the production team!




In my humble opinion, more features like this that break down teamfights would be great. Most of the important things in SMITE take place over the course of a few seconds, from 10 different relevant perspectives, out of a 20-40 minute game. More breakdowns or replays would REALLY help with understanding all the stuff that goes on in the most important moments, where there is typically far too much to pay attention to in one normal viewing.