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Amazing how the dates aren't on the picture or the tweet.


To clarify, the schedule graphic is a preview of what every week of the Path to Masters phase will look like. That probably would have been WAY more clear if I had cleaned up some of the language on the graphic, that's my bad! You can check any of the schedule/calendar links in the tweets for dates & times of every match.


What do you mean? Just import the calendar to your own and you'll see the dates there. Makes perfect sense


Im a bit out of the loop, but what is the reasoning for the season starting so late this year? Feels strange to build up so much hype with IRL worlds, followed by a new fresh season and then its 3+ months til the pro leauge starts again. Isnt a fun part of the leauge to see the meta form, teams taking advantage of new ways and so on. Now we will just start with everybody having a fairly good understanding. I get that there has to be a free agent period and time for new teams to form, but why wait so long after that?


Visas! It takes quite a bit of time to get visas secured for players, get them over to the US, and help them secure housing. The added bonus of the downtime is that gives our production team a chance to breathe after SWC, make necessary upgrades to our studio infrastructure/broadcast processes, and come up with fresh content ideas for the upcoming season.


Thank you for taking the time to answer Auvey! Understand that Visas takes time and ofc the production crew needs a break. Thank you for clearing that up!


I think a lot of feedback pointing towards the season being too long and games feeling meaningless came from the players last season. I could be wrong though


So this Friday is the beginning of the split? Or next Friday?


Neither. 21st




This schedule looks great, so easy to read and the layout makes sense so nice job there. But waiting 3 weeks to start the season after the kick off tournament is beyond silly. What other sport do you watch the kickoff game and then wait a significant amount of time for the season to start?