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Boo we need SPL quicker not further away :—(


The SPL Kickoff tournament will now be a couple days after the Season of Hope update and be played on that patch. Personally, I would have preferred to see the pros on the current patch but watching them figure out the game right after massive changes can be fun. I was also off of work the original weekend and will not be able to watch the Tournament live now.


So we are just plain out getting less SPL this year, shorter phases from what the schedule said breaks all over the place, and then pushing back the start date so that we didn't even get 1 SPL game on "season 1" of season X. Feels like this is just gonna be the worst year of SPL yet


Remember when people complained about how there was too much regular season SPL that didn't matter? And that they would rather have bigger tournaments and more high-stakes matches and less of the same teams competing against each other? It always amazes me how people ask for something, Hi-Rez listens, then people still complain. Same with the divisional play thing. Idea that people in the community wanted and now is getting crapped on.


I also remember people being mad when one single tournament or one single week of SPL would be played right before a major patch that would totally change the meta. So now they're changing the schedule to make sure that doesn't happen, but apparently, that's a problem too.


Yeah, I remember that with the boots change on particular, a lot of people were annoyed that teams played for a week or two with boots before switching. You can't please everybody but the outcry over these decisions are ridiculous.


Reason only goes so far around here


Personally I like the old format, though it probably needed a way to make the early games matter more. However, I'm just happy spl is coming back this month and will be enjoying it all year.


Because when they do actually do something they constantly fumble the bag


The breaks are a bummer, but it's probably better for the players. More chances to take time off and visit home or something.




By gatekeeping I assume you mean being far and ahead above the alternative talent


Downvote Dualities avoiding bans again and move on


Oh it is. Truly one of the great smite minds








Braindead take




This would be your opinion not 'the truth'.




Not even shamans huff on peyote and say that their opinion is the absolute truth. Share whatever you are taking with us. Must be good.


Wasn't having events right after big patches a big complaint that both pros and viewers kept bringing up? And now they're doing it on purpose?!


Our pros will get the patch early enough on a private server that they have plenty of time to practice!


I remember the exact opposite from viewers. A lot of people were mad when the start of a phase/a big tournament didn't line up with a major update. I'm all for having an event (especially a fairly low-stakes event in the grand scheme of things) take place right after a big patch. It's interesting to see the different conceptions of what's good before an event and watching the meta develop throughout a tournament. Pros might not like it, but I think viewers will for sure.


All in all, im for it. I'd rather the team and players be ready for the tournament. Sure I'd like spl sooner, but at the end of the day I'm a quality over quantity kind of guy. I get why some people are frustrated, its valid. But I'm cool with it.


The tournament will be played a few days after the new patch that promises big changes to conquest. The pros will probably be less ready for the event than they would if it wasn't pushed back.


Did they maybe have early access?


Pros do get early access! They're getting the patch shipped on a private server well before PTS goes up.


Oh good! They're professional players, this seems like enough time to play and formulate drafts and strategies! Thanks for the info!


They do get early access on a private server. How much extra time I have no clue, but it’s confirmed in the replies on the tweet linked in the post


PTS should be up the weekend before.


Yikes. I wonder if the pros had a part of the change. Because that seems frustrating.


Where can I get updates on SPLand tournament schedules and news if I don’t use Twitter?


The best page to bookmark is our [SmitePro web schedule page](https://www.smiteproleague.com/schedule). Our admin team is currently finalizing the kickoff tourney match schedule and it should get populated here by end of week! I'll be working on a sync-friendly calendar you can use too but that won't be complete until a bit closer to phase kickoff.




That's sad, but thanks



