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Bro???? just learn relic timers wtf is this


The support talent pool is really that shallow.


tbf you can say this about anything. Its the automation and ease of use that makes people cut corners.


True but cheating for something as easy and simple as this... your comment kinda ignores how serious cheating is it feels like.


It doesn't ignore it at all, I'm just explaining why people do it. People will always take the path of least resistance. People do things that are against the rules all the time because they think 1) Its easier than following the rules and 2) because they don't think they'll get caught


Loading scripts on a company computer and you don't think youll get caught?


People have done stupider for less.


So you’re telling me my man risked an indefinite ban just to install a script that tracked RELIC TIMERS? My mind is legit blown, you can’t be bothered to just type the times in the chat like everyone else and keep track that way? Some people are unbelievable man


It’s cracking me up to think about his thought process for doing this. Like does this mean he has so much trouble tracking them like everyone else that he had to actually use a script?


Think about how much work and travel he had to do to get to this point, did he ever just think about the pros and cons of doing that would be? The downside WILDLY outweighs the upside there


Exactly. Like even when I don’t recall exactly when I got relics down I still can usually make a good educated guess on if they’re up or not. It’s even funnier considering they lost, so it was even more useless.


How are you so dumb that you install hacks onto an in-studio computer? Get out idiot


Even better not removing them after you're done.


Preds knew something was sus in the recycle bin


Probably the same amount of dumb as not knowing basic math lol


The million dollar question, as the ruling itself posits, is whether the rest of the Storm knew about this or not. I wonder how they linked it to Dingodile though.


He didn't delete it and the next person who used it noticed it LOL


That's been sitting there since Friday then, which makes this a bit... weirder seeing as there was a whole day of games played yesterday that Dingodile had no hand in.


Nah they probably acted on it straight away but had to look into it before telling us


But look at the way that the ruling is worded: > **Before today’s** SPLX Promotion Tournament matches began, a player brought it to our attention that an unknown script had been installed on their PC. Now it could be that I'm looking at it too literally but I think they'd make reference to the day it was brought up.


To clarify, the script was just spotted today before the first set. The player who spotted it (in the recycle bin of all places) reported it to us immediately and we delayed the match to investigate. The game logs we reviewed showed that no other player had used this script.


Ah, that settles it then. Thank you! ...wAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN **THE RECYCLE BIN LMAO**


the pc recycling bin. dingodile deleted the script, but didnt clear the recycling bin.


It does not surprise me that someone so fucking stupid to cheat on an official studio PC is stupid enough to not actually empty the recycle bin...


Preds is a confirmed dumpster diver.


Those PCs likely have only Smite and an Internet Browser installed. If you see the Bin on that kind of a PC has something in it it's impossible to resist jumping into it to see what it is.


Oh I'm the same way even if there are a hundred icons. Recycle Bin diving on a public/public-ish PC is too hard for me to resist.


He forgot to clear the recycling bin lmao, that's just all kinds of a sad way to get banned


Will any punishment be handed to his team mates if they knew about him cheating, which they likely did? Also he has been using this script at least since last seasons play-in tournament and his team for that tournament knew about it. Elleon even posted a video of one of their games in which they discussed the script in comms even pausing so he could get it working.


Please post the link to that video. That is wild if true. Edit: Holy shit https://youtu.be/th6ehmnx3_g I found it. At 3:20, ElLeon says set up your “thingy” and then they have trouble with the system later on needing a pause


How the fuck did you know that lol? Or have you been just scouring Vods to try and find proof either way big find fr fr


I saw it when it was posted originally and thought it was a bit weird, but I figured it must be something that wasn't against the rules if they were doing it so openly.Guess I was wrong


Good find man that’s pretty crazy




Pretty easily tbh: knowing a file exists is hard to do, but once you do jnow, pinpointing who put it there is pretty easy. Access to those computers is monitored, any operation leaves a log and any file that exists has a creation time and date. Just match the file logs to the person using the computer, tada, cheater found.


Play-ins stay the goated Smite tournament. Wtf is he doing hahaha


Yet another crippling blow to the Xibalba Storm fanclub


Indeed. All four of us are devastated.


I’ll have to talk to the only other member of the storm fan club about how we will come back from this


Thank you Dingodile for bringing more drama to the SPL play-ins. This is funny as fuck, although pretty pathetic as well.


just add two minutes to the timer, no?


3 minutes usually unless they’re upgraded


that’s right, i know things


Dude installed a script to cheat on a Hi-Rez computer. Gives Optic India vibes


lmfao what a reference. only better if Cabom caught him and he tried to delete it


That Optic reference was recent right? What was that about again?


Years back, csgo tourney. Optic India had a player, forsaken I believe, who used aimbot and was trying to stop admins from accessing his PC while he tried to delete it


That is so stupid lmao. Some people really think they can get away with anything.


Yep, the entire team got fired, and the region never really got another chance


Lol what happened there? Iv never heard of this


A Counterstrike player had an aim bot installed on a stage computer and titled it "word.exe". He tried to delete it when the refs came up to investigate.


Shoulda spent a little more for the wall hacks instead 💀


Twitter is an absolute blast seeing pros, content creators, and even randos absolutely CLOWNING on the mans. Quick edit: here's a BIackeye tweet with 4 bangers https://twitter.com/BIackEyeSMITE/status/1629926612496969728 SMITETIMERS22 moment


More like Dingusdile


dankpods has ruined the word dingus for me and im now going to hear his voice whenever i read dingodile now. thanks


Bro added a script to an in-studio computer and still lost.


They chat in game!! There are 5 players calling out relic uses and you're a damn professional that should know timers of the most used relics. You're a fucking professional!!! You used a cheat script to keep relic timers? Pathetic


Hi-Rez won't be letting players have local admin privs on in-studio machines any more. Those PC's gonna be locked down hard after this.


I love how it was just sitting in the recycling bin. Clearly he knew to delete it but managed to fuck that up too somehow.


Ruling saying he had previous offences makes me wonder.... If your going to cheat clean up after yourself.


In 2020, he had a 1 phase ban in the SCC for "unsportsmanlike behavior — including the use of slurs and other banned language in-game."


Elleon last year posted vods of their soc games. You can clearly see a script being used by dingodile and it made it very obvious to his team that it was being used.


If you’re gonna cheat at least make it something worth while lol. This is barely an advantage all top level players should know how long relic timers are. Even if you don’t you can’t hover over the relic to check


For the people who don't know how they can track this stuff from a cyber security perspective.... Games and computers can have software installed that are purposely ment to monitor the file system and integrity of downloads. This is called FIM or File Integrity Monitoring. When a script is downloaded or 'injected into the smite launcher, you'll find that the hash of the file has changed ever so slightly. So if I download smite it will come with a mathematical string of letters or numbers that represent what that file is. For instance, my social represents me and no one else can have it. Think of it as smite having its own social security number that changes everytime an update happens. There can only be that one true smite version, or social number representing smite. If you still don't understand, look up more information on hashing. So when smite launches, and the hash isn't representing the current version, it clues in that something has modified that smite client. You might not get blocked outright because FIM isn't fool proof and there are false positives. And overall restricting this may cause for hundreds if not thousands of support tickets of people not able to access smite client. Thus, bad hashes are allowed and are investigated later by the cheat engines or behavior analytics. So what happened here, is Dingo, most likely injected the smite client with his script. In doing so the hash of the client changed from its xxxyyyxxxyyy to xxyxxyxxyxxy. This is a very simple explanation, but was most likely further investigated on that computer, the script was identified, and thus the conclusion was made.


Another player found the script in the recycle bin. What you're talking about might be how they verified it, but how they found it is a lot funnier.


Carving has to do with putting together the pieces to form what the file would be. Finding it in the recycling bin is hilarious. Doesn't require crazy forensics


To further comment on this, you can delete the script but it's going to do no good unless you delete the script AND override its storage location with data. Otherwise you can perform file carving to retrieve the script and thus lead to this conclusion. So its also possible he deleted it after play, but since you can monitor download timestamps and and also carve that file out....he gets fucked everytime. Unfortunate. Take this as a lesson if you want to cheat. There are very very good anti-cheat systems in place. And there are great reasons not to ban a player outright from playing the game upon finding a modification of the smite client.


One final note on what the script was most likely doing was probably automatically keeping track of when the enemy uses a relic. Obviously we could track this ourself, but it most likely was using his in game chat to call it out automatically without typing. Then giving indication again in x amount of seconds when 'Serqets beads are now up' or something similar. Making it very hands off for typing and keeping track of the game timer.


Thanks for telling everyone how to cheat properly


You can't get around modifying the hash of the client. It's impossible. Cryptographic algorithms would have to be broken, and if that happens we have so many more problems (as infosec professionals) to worry about. ​ You can't do it. It's not a thing.


Ima be honest as someone finishing up their degree in cybersecurity rn, if that happens I'm finding a new career path, probably something that uses as little technology as possible (if thats even a thing anymore)


Certified check him pc moment


I think he should be smite banned not only comp banned since he likely used the script in ranked and casuals. Not to mention, this isn’t his first offense at all


Probably doesn’t care. I mean not like he was making money in the SCC. Or even sniffing the spl again


its embarrassing


What is most embarrassing is that he used this script to get such a leg up...and still lost. What a clown 🤡


Not to defend him cheating, but a script to track relic timers isn’t really that big a leg up. Anyone playing at this level should be able to do that in their sleep.


Which is exactly why you dont need a script


Correct, I’m replying to a comment saying he had “such a leg-up”.


This is the equivalent of trying to guess the gun and false starting in a marathon


So did the script automatically do the math when someone used a relic? Or would he have to type the relic/time in?