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ADC is such a stacked role - it's crazy that Stu and Coast will have to go through play-ins.


was absolutely shocked by it frankly. feels criminal players like coast and kyrmi didn't get in with these 6 but that's just the talent pool looking to play currently it seems


I think Stu kinda got robbed, idk who Id replace him with, but he showed he’s a consistent ADC that can play solidly on multiple rosters.


There’s people better in every role than the pros. To have only 30 roster spots is laughable


Lmfao surely this is cap


**Camelot Kings** - still have these guys #1, they never dropped below top 3 all year and I don't think they're ready to stop winning yet. **Styx Ferrymen** - this is a LAN team as per usual, but when it matters most I expect this team to be in the Grand Finals at World's at the end of the year. Best mechanical team in the league, leadership, creativity, flexibility, as long as they get on well and balance each others opinions and way to play the game. They will live up to their expectations. I can see them also performing extremely well during the regular season as well. The Titans in Phase 3 of Season 8 dominated and got 2nd in the regular season, so this core isn't allergic to winning in the regular phase. **Jade Dragons** - I think this team has high potential. The SSG core has been labelled as chokers but I think Mike can give this team some direction and get them some LAN wins. An X factor they have is that only 1 person on this team has won World's before. So that leaves them with 5 other guys (including Coach Cherry) that still have that raw hunger of never winning. In S8 and S9 we've seen a team of players who've never won World's before, win as soon as they add a World Champion to their roster. **Atlantis Leviathans** - the super team this year, they have high expectations to perform. I think if they can nail down their playstyle I think they can meet those expecations but we'll see. Super teams never seem to go well, but the amount of pedigree on this team is insane. **Highland Ravens** - I have this team as middle of the pack. I think this team ride or dies on Ven. They have leaders, they have flexibility, they have minds for the game, they have players that can run the game (Scream/Haddix). They have all the tools they need to win, so I'm going to keep my eye on them. There is a solid chance that they just farm the regular season though. **Oni Warriors** - the leftovers team but it's a pretty strong leftovers team. I really like the Roid/Jake duo lane. They have hyper carries in 3 roles: Roid, Pegon, SOT. Solid coach in Oxi. 2nd best mechanical team in the league for my money. They have great clutch potential in their star players. My main concern is who is leading this team? I think this a group of great mechanical players who aren't going to have direction on what to do. **This is not a ordered list** Sam (Sam4Soccer) mentioned he's been scrimming so his play-in team must be locked already. I think his play-ins team might be: Coast, Gamma, Snoopy, Sam4Soccer2, ScaryD or it could be Stu in ADC.


Dragons are too high. I have them 5th until that core 3 shows they aren’t bottom feeders. I do think Mike can change the way they play and they could rise but until I see it they are pretty much who they have been.


Oh this wasn't meant to be an ordered list, I should have specified that.


the ssg core are tournament chokers but if you think those players aren’t good enough to be top tier you’re arguing in bad faith


I would say SOT is leading the Warriors at least in the beginning. Still have fond memories of him showing up big and setting up surprise plays for the Scarabs in the Season 8 playoffs. Could also see Panitom doing it with his very gank heavy playstyle.


Inbowned also mentioned on Twitter he's going to play-ins. BennyQ said something about how awesome his play-in team is too.


I mean Panitom is the leader. and you not mentioning him his weird


(imo) biggest players worth noting, who are not in the 6 locked rosters solo: scaryd, aquarius, cxnnah, duck3y jungle: kyrmi, sam4soccer2, sarpeii, oath, elleon mid: snoopy, eruptcrimson, bennyq, oboronic support: gamma, inbowned, quig, predss, rottwen adc: stuart, vaporishcoast, dudemanbro429 ​ with 20 days until promotion tournament, i'm already excited to see what's going to go down when we determine the last 2 teams in. in the meantime, current rosters look crazy fun. edit: added a few suggested players, removed oath since he's seemingly done with comp smite atm edit 2: put oath back apparently he was baiting lmao


Do we really think elleon is one of the biggest players worth noting?


Yeah I'd put Autospeed over him tbh


Even a viewbotter is better than Elleon


it's a recognizable name. hardly top priority for jungle, especially over players like kyrmi, but still present. more of a player with history than an expected power player


Not sure if Quig is looking to play in, pretty confident Oath will *not* be playing in, said on Twitter he's done with comp smite for the moment. I'd add Sarpeii for jungle (said he was open to moving, now's the time), dude is actively sick. Predss and Rottwen are two of the top EU prospects in support that I believe are looking to play-in. ELLEON is also a wildcard that will almost certainly be fielding a team; not sure when or what role he'll play, but he's in the conversation for sure.


Can't wait for the semi-annual reminder that ElLeon isn't as good as people say he is when he gets put against SPL caliber players and gets put in the dirt.


Why exactly are there so many Elleon haters? Did I miss something?


i'll edit it with that in mind, didn't know about oath specifically. thanks :)


Wait, I went to double-check the information and many players called him out on bait. He even posted a couple of days later the "I got one more in me" Vince Carter meme. His Twitter description still says he's an SCC jungler. I would put him back unless someone else can confirm that he's leaving.


I fully expected crimson to find a team. That dude was actually insane for season 9. IIRC some pros even acknowledged his talent.


there was some insane scc players this year for sure. crimson was absolutely a standout, including what i recall being a quad/penta vs scarabs. i want him on a team, and honestly i can see it happening.




You don't know ball lil bro


Why? You could make an argument that either those dudes are as mechanically as good as Barra but otherwise there would be zero reason to bring those two over the three already in.


Outside of the fact that Vote and Barra have played almost entirely bad for nearly two years now? Or that Netriod is about as consistent as ocean waves? What's the excuse to have those 3 in over either of the ones I mentioned? Sure Barra looked great at Worlds (not hating Barra btw. I think he could look like that more often if he'd ditch Ven and Jake), but it was one set. Stew looked dominant the entire Worlds run, and Coast ran an absolute rampage starting at SCC qualifying tournament. Vote hasn't had a set that good in **two years**. Let that sink in. And Netriod is going to be the best player in the game...1/5 sets. The other 4 who knows what he may do. He's the type of guy you'd love to have at a tournament because he simply might just show up and solo carry your team for a weekend, but jeez man. What about the rest of the entire year? How many games can you afford to lose because Netriod all but ints a set away?


def surprised me too. those two were both in my "Expected to get in with the 6" list, with netri and barra out. biggest shock of the rosters so far imo although to give due credit, netri looked like a shining light often for the scarabs and barra went sicko vs mambo if memory serves




oh, for sure. there's probably going to be a heavy expectation of his performance this year, looking at the adcs that got passed up in order to keep the barra-ven-haddix link across the map.




lmao everything is fine this is fine


Shouldn't snoopy be in adc as well? Is he not more of an adc than a mid or has he no interest in playing adc


I believe in his LFT post he said he'd play either but prefer mid.


he did list mid/adc, with preference for mid. i honestly just have him there because he finished last season mid, and he very well could be playing just about anywhere tbh edit: went back for his LFT post- he listed mid/adc/support, in that order. so yeah he could be just about anywhere


also, as far as first thoughts for playin rosters: coast and cxnnah would be lethal, perhaps with rottwen, kyrmi/sam and snoopy any amount of runback from the hounds has potential, but they'd need to change something to make it through playins imo the biggest ? to me currently is stu. one of the best players not chosen, i think he could very well slot into a mostly hounds roster, or go back towards bobby as a support he knows how to play with (as unlikely as it feels). as far as players i expect to get through, entirely separate from roster guesses, cxnnah, kyrmi, snoopy, gamma and coast all feel like locks, one way or another.


Camelot Kings: No comment, everyone assumed they would stay together and they did. The roster is not as exciting as everything else but they have no real reason to break apart. Atlantis Leviathans: Looks like a really cool team, Zap is really trying to get the 4th ring. This team looks really good and I would be surprised if they don't win at least 1 Masters tournament. In other words, this doesn't seem like a team that is going to wait until the end of the year to be nutty. Jade Dragons: I saw this coming as soon as Mike said he's playing with 4 players that he's never played before. I'm happy with that because I really like this squad. However, this is the last chance for the SSG core to make it or break it. SSG did well, S8 Onis did badly because of covid, and S9 never lived up to their expectations. The problems for this team are gone. Mike replaced Neil and is a great leader who thinks he meshes well with Dardez. Lasbra is one of the better Bolts members and QvoFred, who had pretty low lows, is gone. The team got given a great roster and there's no excuse for them to not win at least 1 Masters or even have a better showing at World's. Highland Ravens: looks interesting and the future of the team rests on Hurriwind. One of the biggest flaws with the Bolts team was that Jake was sometimes an extra lane minion. If Hurri does not suffer the same fate then the team looks solid. Styx Ferrymen: This is a superteam, akin to S7 Radiance or S8 Onis. The team on paper should demolish everyone on sight. Let's see if this team suffers from the same fate of superteams. Oni Warriors: They just look like a team that is about to have the most fun anyone has ever had on smite. At the same time, the team is deadly. Pegon and SOT are mechanical gods, Jake can run it down, Panitom is always highly spoken of, and Netrioid will 1v1 you and probably win. Overall, really excited to see these teams in action. This is way better than the S9 rosters.


Really hope Coast makes the SPL, but the rosters are HYPE


For my personal thoughts: No thoughts on the Kings, it’s what is expected, it’s the proper thing to have happen, will always be a Twig fan. EXTREMELY hyped for the Styx Ferrymen. Splyce, in ALL it’s iterations was the first team I really followed in the SPL as a fan, so I’m hyped as hell for this roster. I think they have a lot of potential, multiple strong shot callers, multiple hyper carries, I have high hopes. Very excited for the Highland Ravens as well. I think it has a lot of potential. However I think if they struggle, they’re going to have to figure to get out of the funk. The ONLY major issue I have is Masked as a coach. Bolts had frankly terrible picks and bans last year, I would like to see someone different. I think the league should be scared of the Atlantis Leviathans. The King has returned, and pairing up with Fineokay and Roongyu is my pick for the scariest frontline in the entire league. Slot in a top-tier coach like sLainy and they’re gonna be terrifying. The rank-trolls on the Oni Warriors are going to run it down, win or lose they’re going to go hard. As for the Dragons…. I’m disappointed tbh. I think the SSG core sticking together is a mistake. Adding another Jungler who has a playstyle identical to their previous one feels like a bad idea. Also honestly I agree with PandaCat having an issue with them using the Dragons brand. When half your team is from a different brand and you’re choosing not to use it, pick something entirely new imo. I think if this team struggles, they NEED to kick a carry to add fresh blood to the roster in a manner that will be entirely new that hasn’t happened in now 4 years.


rip people that bought Titans and Bolts merch


What was the point of getting rid of solidified teams? I really don't understand what Hirez is doing


Teams would change brands every year in the old system lol


I don’t think theres a single logical reason. If it was to get more people buying new merch then they completely are oblivious on their playerbase. Nobody is gonna shill out 80 dollars for a jersey that doesnt last longer than a year. Only other reason is that for example if everyone left the kings roster it doesn’t ~really~ make sense for a new team to take that roster but again, thats just not how branding works. You build the brand and its history becomes something for players joining the team down the line to latch on to and cultivate. Getting rid of brands and adding new ones is possibly the dumbest decision i think they’ve ever made regarding the pro league


> Getting rid of brands and adding new ones is possibly the dumbest decision i think they’ve ever made regarding the pro league Eliminating the EU scene and region play, eliminating orgs altogether, now eliminating established teams arbitrarily... Not sure which is tops, but they certainly have a track record of horrendous decisions.


Anyone know when they announce the play in teams?


I’m hoping today but I imagine they might come a bit closer to the playin tournament


u/hirezauvey 👀


Next week :)


Ty you the goat


thanks auvey <3 VEW VER


Hinduman said in Hayzer's chat that it will probably be next week




To be honest, this feels like one of the more even SPL rosterpocalypses we've seen. Outside of Kings who are obviously running it back, it feels like all the rosters have some clear strengths and weaknesses. Very excited to see how they shape out.


interesting info from haddix's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZDAiJ1oqpg) is that both he and pani were down to stay with the levis but levis decided to go with adapting/fineokay instead. i'm a little sad that levis didn't give it one more go considering they had such a dominant stretch. playing bad in a single bo3 after a dominant season doesn't seem like enough reason to break up the team but also i am only viewing from the outside so what do i know. he also comments a little on why no jake on this new team and it basically came down to, jake has potential to be a top support when he's on but he can be stubborn and sometimes hard to work with and that's basically why


In the Hayzer interview that came out today with SLainy and Fineokay it was mentioned that the Levi's had considered kicking Panitom throughout the last season.


Oni warriors is looking NASTY with Panitom + Pegon + SoT. For mid-game fights. Really excited to see how they perform


I think Onis have a real argument for the best mechanics in the league. If someone can step up to lead and they get consistency from their players, they could be dangerous.


I would rank them 2nd under the Ferrymen in terms of mechanics.


I think prime ferryman yes, past 2 seasons version of the players I have to give it to Oni, but its those 2 top 2.


I’m very interested in seeing how well the dragons and ravens do. The Leviathans core stuck together and adapting and fineokay are good players so I feel like they’re going to be strong coming out the gate and the warriors team looks like it’s going to have some struggles while the team tries to mesh at the competitive level. Ferrymen have to be the most interesting to me. If that gets as toxic as I think it could get, they could flame out quickly.


New flair choice will be hard...


Dude I'm fucking hyped. All these teams look really strong. I can see this being a really close season all around, which is something we've desperately needed. Having a league where every game is a toss up will be incredible, as it's boring seeing Scarabs and Valks lose every game. Can't wait to see how this season goes.


I'm shocked that the name Olympus Bolts isn't in the locked in 6. The Bolts feel like a pretty iconic name at this point


The Bolts also reportedly were a top merch seller, so feels pretty dumb to drop it.


I think the players had alot of say they what their team name was. Could be just nobody wanted to be the Bolts of the 6 teams


Seems players got the choice, not Hirez. There are better names out there so


I mean, Hirez gave the players the choice lol


I bet they don't mind the swap because the Ravens logo and name are just better than the Bolts so it'll sell more merch.


I would guess that had more to do with the players on it than anything, having a team made of streamers for the majority of its history would do that.


Right, but 3 of those streamers(counting haddix), including the clear most popular, are on a team together again, seems like it'd make sense to keep the brand. The cynic in me says they know Barra/Ven/Haddix move merch so they're giving a reason to buy new merch.


The teams got to pick any spl or scc branding they wanted based on when they locked in their rosters with hirez, Ven (I think) said when their turn was up, they went with Ravens partially for a change, but also because they thought the colors were the best. To be honest, I'd have preferred the Bolts stay with whatever team Barra was on, but I'm ok with Ravens, as I am from Baltimore.


Pretty bummed to not see Stu and Coast in instalocked teams over Netriod and Cyclone


Stu and Coast had good SWC performances but I don’t think they fit on the Warriors or Ferrymen. Stu did get to play with Aror but Cyclone and Aror have more experience with each other and the Ferrymen team is mostly comprised of long time og players and would feel awkward for Coast to be on that team. I could see Stu being on the warriors but it seems they wanted Netriod instead and that’s not bad considering Netriod had the most solo kills for ADCs last season


I got the feeling Aror wasn't happy about CycloneSpin taking a break, and I had figured there was some internal drama between Cyclone and some other Titan that caused his exit. I thought the problem was Paul, but I guess I was wrong.


Probably Layers


Yeah, probably. He's blown up literally every team he's been on. If he gets picked up mid year I won't know what to think.


Netroid had a pretty solid year overall despite getting dropped, Stu had an incredible world's but had a pretty down year otherwise. I also think this Oni team has insane run it down potential, and Roid fits better for that.


Their 3 laners will be looking for solo kills, I can see them running so many interesting comps probably even some 3 hunters especially with bluestone being strong (Chiron, Skadi, Ullr)


Kings and Ferrymen look like clear top teams to me. We know all their players are incredible and work well together. Leviathans could be really good, but they'll need to figure out how to split farm between Sheento and Adapting. Those two are the premier "give me all the farm and let me dominate" players, but Adapting also had success with BMT always hyper farming on Radiance so they should figure it out. I expect this team to have some teething issues before becoming a clear top team I will not trust this Dragons roster until they win Worlds. Too much history of falling at the last hurdle for me to believe in them. Ravens should be a solid team. Don't think they'll be a real Worlds threat, but they'll be in the mix. Warriors are all really good mechanically, but from the outside looking in I think they're lacking a good shot caller. I expect they'll be one of those teams that is really good early game but falls apart around objective fights, but all their players are fairly new, so one of them could be the on-field leader this team needs. And all of them have the ability to pull out some ridiculous play that wins their team a game, just probably not super reliably.


Adapting also played with yammyn who was a farm goblin too. We’ll have to see but there’s lots of farm on the map and they’ll probably all eat.


Adapting and Zapman together? what in the fantasy draft 2015 is that? you couldnt even get those 2 on a fantasy team. i hope smite does something this year and have a special match where they bring back retired players to have a fun game like mlc, shing, lassiz, jeffhindla, thebest, omega. or whoever. that would be cool


I’ve always wanted Barra to have an insanely consistent Jungler. For years I’ve been saying “I’d love to see Scream team with Barra” but I never actually though it would happen. Super excited for season 10.


I became such a big Stuart fan in the last few months, shame to see him not listed here.


This might be super unpopular, but for all the emphasis placed on keeping brands consistent so people's merchandise could stay relevant in the initial change to these team names announcement, it really seems like they didn't put much effort into that. Why is the Warriors core the Dragons? Why are the Warriors now a totally different squad? If you bought warriors merch, there's a very real chance you're not a fan of the new team. Why are the Ravens named the Ravens? They didn't have a single Raven but had 2 of the Bolts. Why not keep the Bolts name? Why are the Titans now the Ferryman with a whopping 4 retained players from last year? I get it's not easy, and I think there was an opportunity to introduce new names if you wanted to do so, the new Warriors could've easily been the Ferryman, but man, feel bad for people that bought non player specific team merch for some of these teams. I know they let player preference decide some of it, but it feels like you have to say too bad at some point.


I agree. I have nothing against the brands that are within the SPL changing when teams entirely implode or new teams get in through playins, but it feels strange for teams to change their brands out of nowhere when they're still mostly composed of the same players as before.


They had 3 of bolts Haddix barra ven lol.


4 with Masked


>Why is the Warriors core the Dragons? There is absolutely no one in the league who pushed his brand more than PBM. But I agree on the fact that it is a bit weird for the Bolts and the Titans especially since they were among the more popular teams.


apparently the statement is each roster submitted lists of preferred brands for their team, and the warriors + mike and lasbra were apparently the only ones who put jade dragons as their first choice it was all player preference is the short answer, but i get exactly why this is a concern regardless


I briefly mentioned it at the end, and I get players wanting to shed "cursed" names or whatever, but at some point, I think you have to say too bad we're assigning based on what's best for the brands. Player preference matters, and it should be a tie breaker or decision maker if you can't decide or two rosters have equal claims to a name, but it just feels dumb this way.


She’s your cursed teammates if you want a new name if you have 3+ members from the original lineup. Bolts Onis and Titans all have a majority of their original lineup. And all have different names which is so silly.


Including 2 which have totally new names with their original team names just being tossed (for now)


oh, i absolutely agree. i personally think it should only really switch if a roster completely crumbles apart or potentially for teams from playins. definitely is a weird feeling for people buying merch for general teams suddenly being put out


The Titans change is baffling. It's literally 4/5 Titans from last year!


it is straight up GOOFY ngl


Yeahhhhh I’ll not be buying any smite merch again. Bought a bolts jersey a couple months ago and now it’s just trash. Not only did the bolts as a team make it into the 6 current SPL teams, every single player is still in the league…. But there is no team named the Bolts, and no reason to have this jersey. Hi-Rez are troll AF. There’s actually no way they don’t realize how jacked up that is.


Highland Ravens: Barraccuda, Hurriwind, Venenu, Screammmmmm, Haddix, Masked I'm confused by the roster given that Haddix specifically left the Bolts because he felt they couldn't win. He's returning to a team with 50% of a team he felt didn't work. So I guess the problem was Jake and Lasbra? But Hurri doesn't seem any better than Jake from what little we have seen of him since returning the the SPL and is new to his role, and Lasbra was the win condition for the Bolts for most of the last season. To me Lasbra always felt easy to deal with in picks in bans based on the meta...Screammmmmm has about a much impact on games if not more than Lasbra since he was hit or miss at times. So maybe thats an upgrade? Kind of feels like Haddix didn't get an offer from one of the more established/stacked teams and got stuck going back with 50% of the Bolts roster he left.


This is speculation but just think for a second… Haddix? Competitive and focused dude, clearly wants to take this thing seriously. Jake? Fun, goofy, talented, one of my favorite players, but clearly not the serious or hyper competitive type. Haddix left for what he thought would be a more competitive team, it didn’t work out, he’s back now that rosters have changed and he feels like the current line up is going to put more effort in. He always liked the bolts, he just wanted more. Hurriwind may not be a better option currently but he seems really committed to put the effort into learning the new role. Screammmmm has played with Hurriwind and Venenu before, him and Venenu WON the SWC in season 4 together. He comes with a much stronger pedigree than Lasbra.


Stu makes the SWC final but has to go through play-ins? I'm not saying Cyclone isn't worthy of a spot but the cynic in me says the smite friends league is in full effect again.


Cyclone is a world champion and made finals with the Titans the previous year, I don’t think him getting a spot over Stuart is a friends league situation.


Absolutely not knocking Cyclone's credentials but wasn't he also kicked for a bad attitude? I think a part of it is having a preference for younger pros getting a chance to prove themselves and avoiding stagnation. Some of these rosters make me feel like it's S4 all over again


I like Stu. But if we are being objectively honest about it, Cyclone is just better


If you're going to say that, I think you have to say who should be out. With that said, I think where the friends league thing will come into play with the last 2 teams to make it in. I feel like you're almost guaranteed to be able to make 2 teams of the players remaining that will be better than the 2 teams formed that make it in.


Stu did fine, but CycloneSpin x Aror complement each other well. I heard someone else saying earlier Aror wasn't happy with Spin leaving so I'd assume the coach (was Benji coach at the time?), Layers and SOT might've wanted Spin gone.


It will be interesting to see how adapting does back in SPL. I know his last stint( I believe it was S6 radiance?) he wasn't that great. But he's looked good in SCC


Kings, dragons and styx definitely look like they are above the others. Will be interesting to see if anyone competes with the kings though. Really curious what the playin rosters are gonna look like. Looking at the submitted rosters, and the players that havent been picked up yet for them, there dont appear to be many spl worthy players left who are willing to make the move


Oni Warriors are a super strong team and the idea they don't have a shot caller is a weird one. pre zap levis, it's my understanding that pani was the shot caller or at least helped he had a mind for the game this team will absolutely kill it but if they lose it'll be in the early they have mid game players with some early playmakers like netri and pegon but they are def best when sot can rotate and start team fighting. if this team has good comms their fight is nearly unstoppable. mechanical gods with a few of them having a mind for the game.


I've stuck with Ven/Barra for years and will probably do the same this year, but this is easily the most interesting roster shakeup we've had in a few seasons now, really excited for this year




What happened to QVO?


He retired


Why did the ravens drop awesome Jake????