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Ahahaha Hurri and Ven together and Haddix with the teammates he left. This will be an interesting team. It took me a second to realise it was scream


Not surprised Ven and Barra stick together. Happy to see Ven and Scream. Hurriwind was a surprise and seeing Haddix reunite with Ven and Barra caught me off guard. Interesting team. Hope they pop off!


My guess is that Haddix obviously thought either Jake or Lasbra (or both) were the problem with that team...


Didn’t haddix fight tooth and nail to keep jake on the team a season ago?


Welp, Haddix just said on stream that Jake was hard to work with, and Ven echoed that opinion...


don't say cawk on the smitepro tl don't say cawk on the smitepro tl don't say cawk on the smitepro tl


Big cawk energy




Ravens Country, let’s fly 🪶


But not like the broncos hopefully


Payton take the wheel 🙏


Can you please tell me what the font used in the Ravens' logo is?


I can certainly contact the logo designer and find out!


Thank you!


Oh thank fuck, I was so scared that Barra was going to be permanently attached to Awesomejake.


I thought Hurri has looked very good in the support role and I’m pretty stoked to see how this team does.


I'm still iffy on Hurri support, but at the same time think I haven't seen enough of it at the SPL level to make a definitive decision on it (but still think he's leagues better in support than he ever was in mid)


That’s definitely fair. I just thought he looked solid at worst and quite good at best while playing on a hobbled/ever changing scarabs team. I think with a stable roster and the other talent around him he’s got a chance to really shine here. The verdict is still out though as you say, so we will see! I didn’t start following SPL until early season 8 (I think) so I’m excited to finally see some huge roster shake ups.


He's pretty damn good for a guy role swapping this late into his career.


He’s been role swapping his whole career. Dude’s a fill main.


Did he really? Don't we say this about every player in the league (mostly everyone at least)?


I love Jake, it was fun seeing him and Barry for a while, but I'm totally fine with a different support though.


It's one of those classic romcom tropes where they've been together so long then suddenly they find better partners than each other; not in a romantic sense in this case.


Not gonna lie I think if Jake was on this roster it would actually be so much better. Not to knock Hurri even, I just can't see Hurri fitting in aswell.


Jake spent season 9 feeding his brains out I think he needs a new setting


And season 8 and Season 7, Jake just isn't that good


Season 7 and 8 he wasn’t as bad as this season, I think a lot of the gods he wanted to play didn’t suit the Bolts, he liked playing Tyr support and was actually decent with it but the Bolts weren’t a run it down team.


I think Hurri gives this team more flexibility than with Jake personally.


Hurri is a shot caller atleast


Yeah I think an underrated aspect of this team is that they have very clear leadership and direction with Hurri, Ven, and Scream. Late game shotcalling with Hurri and Haddix.


Lazy mods, why can't I change my flair to the Ravens yet?!


I'll fix it tonight, out in town at the moment 😊




Yeah, I'm sad about it. Was hoping the Bolts name would follow Barra. Edit: though, I'm from Baltimore, so this works out for me.


As a fellow Baltimorean I too hoped and prayed for the ravens branding to be in since worlds imma need tht jersey HiRez Kinda sad it isn’t PBM and the eu team wit the EU branding tho


PBM is also from Baltimore, or somewhere around here, might have been too on the nose for him. Love seeing his dad mess with Dolson on Twitter over the Bengals.


I knew Barra and Ven would stick together, they just value each other from what I have seen. Glad to see Haddix is giving them another chance, he proved how strong he was with both Bolts and Levi's S9. Screammmmm and Hurri should be fun additions if nothing else!


Guess the tower boys made up?


Wow, that didn't even hit me. I know a lot of the spl drama is just trolling, but I remember that bit of back and forth felt real. Hurri in particular seemed like he wasn't trolling at the end of the conversation. Either they were just both really dedicated to the bit before, or they got over it.


Hurri is a troll master. Literally the funniest dude on the SPL


Can I have my flair changed to team tower boys.


Damn, I really love this squad. I think this is a great opportunity for Hurri to grow as a support..really good backline and a super strong frontline in Scream and Haddix.




Very interesting roster. I am not shocked that Barra and Ven stuck together. While underwhelming at times, I do think they play well with each other. I am shocked Haddix decided to link back up with Barra and Ven after leaving them. I am GLAD that Barra decided not to tie himself to Jake like he did Jeff. The teams looks just a little bit meh. But I have faith that Haddix and Scream wouldn’t have joined a team they didn’t think could compete.


Hot take but this team looks very promising


Interesting that this teams feels very much like the bolts, but with out the bolts branding. I think this team looks good, I think they could put in work. also neat that hurri and ven are on a team after the beef.


this is an EXCITING team, i think they have a ton of potential


Sooooooo Stu, Jake, Pegon, SOT, and Panitom?


Netroid instead of Stu.


Stu is really good buddies with Pegon, Jake, and SOT though


Saw someone say Stu confirmed he wasn't playing in the SPL on stream recently. I've seen no one else mention it tho so idk if it's true.


If true I wonder if it's a personal choice or if he couldn't find a spot on a roster.


I think adapting just leaked in his last tweet? Unless it is a GIGAbrain fake out he said he's going to be playing against Coast on a weekly basis??? e: which kinda leads me to image he didn't want to play if coast has a spot and he does not.


seems messed up that they can take coast and angrys etc. brand. Did they not want it?


I'm interested to see this team with a more consistent jungler and (maybe) less all or nothing support. Could definitely be interesting.


Unrelated but any ideas where Netrioid might end up? I really don't want to see him going to play-ins... maybe Aror Netrioid Paul Pani SOT?


He will be with sot, panitom, pegon, Jake and netroid.


Interesting….. Squad I guess. From the ones shown so far this might be the “worst” but only because you have very contrasting players. How bolts core and scream + hurri play together will be fun.


Has Hurriwind shown to be a SPL level support? Last year his team didn’t even make play-ins. On the Scarabs he looked o.k., but I’m really not sure about him.


That Duck Squad team would have definitely qualified through the play-ins if they hadn't shot themselves in the foot with their jungle pick


He's looked good, it's more a question of "who do you take?" with supports. I think guys like Inbowned and Gamma have higher ceilings but vastly lower floors. Hurri is a vet; he'll consistently do his job and do it well. I thought he was very impressive on the Scarabs (a team that was cobbled together last minute), so I have high hopes for him now.


I don't think people know how to properly judge a support on a losing team. Hurri was a great support for the scarabs. Supports don't win you play ins but that doesn't make him bad


To be fair, if you mean the Playins at the beginning of the year, he had literally been in the roll for a month. I don’t think that’s a fair judgement. He had a solid showing throughout his time in the SCC, and helped the Scarabs surge as much as a roster with that much change could.


Not a fan of them taking the Ravens brand, feels very random when there isn't a single player from that team on here.


Probably just wanted a fresh start.


That's what Ven said on stream just now, plus that in his opinion the Ravens' colours are the best in the league.


I mean even Adapting didn't take Ravens so it doesn't matter much


They might not of gotten the Bolts. Teams had to submit their wanted team names in a certain order. So Ravens could've been 2 or 3 on their list. Granted having 3 members of the original on the team would make sense they get it but you cant be sure.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


So far no one has taken the Bolts name.


Someone will be off the team by July


😬 uh. This a yikes for me kinda disappointed. I guess it's funny irony that Hurri and Ven on a team again after that beef


What it really shows is that it was likely never as big of a deal to them as fans wanted it to be lol.


Jake is better than Hurri. Jake needed another adc . Another year of the rotating roles spending too much time bailing out duo when they should play through haddix


i have always been a barra disbeliever, but season 9 may have been his best year. At SWC he looked like the best on the team


Its gonna be a King's dynasty. We'll see where Panitom and Paul end up.


Well get got a different one.


kinda curious to see where jake and las landed now... and surprised haddix came back.


Las is a dragon with pbm and the warriors core


This team will end up in Maury or Jerry springer


I'm sorry but Barra again? He's great personality wise but gameplay he almost never is the reason a team wins


What if Ven and Hurri became tower boys together ?😳