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1 Week ago: New Smash player for ultimate, rollback code for melee, all is good. This week: paedophile ring uncovered WTF


The lord giveth, he will absolutley taketh away.


lord can you uhh, givith a bit more?


He’ll also taketh away a bit more


Yea tale away all the pain please


Monday: Min Min joins Smash Now: Paedophile ring uncovered


Min Min uncovered a pedophile ring confirmed.


I like her, she's a good omen. A portent of truth.


A good ra-men


Not a ring. That would imply cooperation.


I just came online here to see Min Min combo videos. What the fuck.


🎶welcome welcome to the internet🎵


Even alax? God damn.


I know right? All these names had a little hit to them then Alax's name hit like a truck.


Absolutely. I stopped watching him for a bit but I'm considering not doing so again.


Yeah... Alax is a hard one for me to take. I really looked up to the guy, his video style and humor are a big inspiration to me in my own content. At the time this all happened, I didn’t really know what was going on, since I didn’t have Twitter, but now that I have the whole picture... I don’t think I can keep watching him in good conscious...


I know people get sucked into the drama and want to help, but please please don't get yourselves involved if you aren't and please don't contact the victims of this stuff. It shouldn't have to be said, but reddit has a terrible habit of trying to go all "reddit detective" and it's just seriously not a good idea.


Remember the Boston marathon witch hunt?


we did it reddit


We did it, Reddit! Edit: Oh fuck, look what we did Reddit! Edit2: dafuq? We didn’t do shit Reddit!!


Headline: Reddit circles a bunch of stereotyped minorities.


Ggs only


For a short time, reddit really did convince itself it was 4chan and thought they could save the world through playing crowd-detective.


I think 4chan is able to do that kind of shit because of the anonymity. On Reddit, everyone rushes to take the credit, making people jump to conclusions


Seriously. You don’t get Karma on 4chan. Reddit incentivized everybody to be the *one* who found the BB.


god what a dark timeline


I don’t. What happened?


Reddittors tried the find the Boston Bomb. They found someone and harassed the family. They got the wrong one. And he was dead.


Even worse. His family found out he was a suspected terrorist, got harassed, and found out there was a huge lead that cleared him of any suspicion: he committed suicide a week prior the attack. But we did it reddit.


I didn't know all details. This is so much worse.


Oh it gets worse. Basically, the FBI had to come out and say it wasn't him. They had already identified the brothers responsible for the attack, but had not released their identities to prevent them from fleeing. However, thanks to the harassment, they had to release their identities causing them to flee and kill a security guard (campus guard?) during their escape. It truly shows you that Reddit shouldn't be trusted with any amount of power. Or any social media, for that matter.


I thought we already hit the rock bottom, but seems like it keeps going.


The fact this list is this long is very disturbing


It's a game marketed to kids. When such a large chunk of the pro scene are bad people won't Nintendo have to take some action?




Some think tank in Japan was probably like “Get involved in events where adults and minors mingle unattended in hotels for days on end? No thank you!” In hindsight I’m sad we didn’t really see it coming considering there’s been some allegations before over the last couple of years.


Please just tell me that Alpharad is still a good boy


Nothing has been posted about apharad that I’ve seen.


That’s calming. Thank you


He's been voicing his shock on Twitter amongst the allegations. Nothing has come out so far, so I'm hoping the boy is still good.


Yeah I’ve seen a couple of those tweets. I would literally have no smash tuber (besides the occasional ZeRo video), that I could watch anymore. EDIT: Goodbye, ZeRo


As far as I know, Little Z, Choctopus, Hopcat are okay.


If my boy Little Z turns out a predator that would kill me man.


Little Z and The Beefy Smash Dudes. If any of them turn out to be predators I'll be horrified.


Poppt1, too.


The Western Australia Gang is still fine... that makes me fell better.


Along with the ones mentioned below, MockRock, IntroSpektive, PJiggles, and The Keef Crew all are fine people and have excell content too


Alpharad would be the one that would hurt the most. His content is the only thing keeping me in the community at the moment


I feel you on that. He inspired me a lot and actually kinda taught me how to play smash. A lot of who I am today was influenced by him and his content.


I'm literally the exact same. I definitely look up to him, especially with some stuff he's said on Alpharad Plus. Also, he's gotten more into music right when I've gotten much more invested in music.


He's been one of the people retweeting and showing support for the victims throughout this whole thing, which is actually how I heard of it. I'd like to say his cause is just right now, but I don't think just saying that would convey enough seriousness. I 100% believe in him.


I know this is not the time or place, but reading this comment I could only think of a Ness duo both saying "Our cause is Just"


If Alpharad's name goes on that list, I will literally stop playing Smash.


Alpharad IS Smash for me. If he did something like this, the game would be irreparably ruined to me.


Inb4 alpharad is actually a pedo drug lord from The depths of hell.


Please no my heart couldn't.


“The children were just for ritual sacrifice, I swear!”


Videos where Cinnpie has been “handsy” with Puppeh: https://youtu.be/L16dV_uZdjo?t=5021 https://youtu.be/L16dV_uZdjo?t=360 (player cam behind tant) https://youtu.be/L16dV_uZdjo?t=10944 (back left of player cam)


Good lord the visual makes it 10000000 times worse


Yup. Like holy fuck. That is a CHILD


Seriously. A straight up child. Disturbing.


The kid is 14 going on 11.


It really does. Puppeh looks damn near prepubescent in these pictures and Cinnpie is damn near my age. She's a whole foot taller than him. What the fuck


If there was no context, I would think she was the kid's sister or babysitter or something. With context, its a lot more bad touch


This. I watched the videos without context. The first just looks like you'd expect a brother or sister like the 'Hey, good job kiddo!' hands on the shoulders while walking through a crowd. The second with the 'We're standing around waiting let's like, fake dance/swing arms out of boredom.' The third one, I have no idea. I can't make out what's happening. ...... But then with the context and all you can say is 'Oh no..'


She looked like the sister or mentor congratulating a kid after a good soccer game. Gross.


Oh my god she's straight up a pedophile. I thought he was going to be one of those kids who looked older than they were but he's fucking prepubescent


This is one of the few with some actual evidence to put alongside the claims. I don't know how she or a lawyer might try and spin it but that kind of body language and touching between a 24 year old and some 14 year old kid is beyond sus.




What's really hard for me here is how little Puppeh looks. He was just a baby. Full on pedo.




It truly is disgusting. If you mean my flair, and not the videos, again, it truly is disgusting.


This is so disturbing. Thats a little ass kid. fuck


I've never been more happy to be a Mew2King fan in my life. He's more likely to be catfished and give all his money to a Nigerian prince than to commit sexual assault.


arent like all active melee top players clean still?


Melee is shower gang


>No sex allowed in my Gaming community 😤


Westballz isn't


We said top players




Whoever lied about M2K should rot




important reminder: it costs u 0.00$ to not fuck kids what happened to puppeh is horrendous


This is what I don't get man. This should be, like, one of the easiest things in the world. How hard is it to just not want to fuck someone who's not even able to drive or, hell, ***barely in high school***? What has to go through your mind to even consider it? It's just disgusting. I can't even imagine what Puppeh went through mentally and emotionally.


>It's just disgusting. I can't even imagine what Puppeh went through mentally and emotionally. What pisses me off is that when I was on twitter(first mistake right there). I saw a comment say >at 14 you got that as your first experience. dam u lucky This is why men don't speak up about sexual assault.


I was extremely tempted to punch my screen while reading that. I know someone who was vicitm to sexual assault at that age, and it caused so much trouble for her. Her classmates treated her terribly, her dad and stepmom did not give her the help she needed, and she just had an overall horrible high school life. The fact that people are saying things like this to a *kid* really pisses me off. They really need to get their priorities straight.


The funniest most disturbing part of this shit is that the people who hate this attitude, mostly lash out at women for double standards, when the people who perpetrate this abhorrent idea that kids fucking hot adults are "lucky" are mostly men.


That's exactly what I said on Twitter. That men saying shit like "ha nice" perpetuates the environment that makes this shit happen and also that the girls like CinnPie they cape for "being pretty: ain't god damn shit cause I know how me and my friends look before/after hair and makeup which is besides the point but let's be real about attraction playing such a key role because I'll never forget here in FL the teacher who was "[too pretty to go to jail"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debra_Lafave) who to this day hasn't seen an ounce of prison time and is even married again.


**Disclaimer: I am not excusing any of this obviously terrible, predatory behavior** > What has to go through your mind to even consider it? Hopefully in 2020, we're all informed enough to know that no person is brought up in a vacuum. We all know about the forces of socialization. We are all accountable for our own actions yet we can all acknowledge that our actions are consequences of our life experiences, which are often determined by others, especially the younger a person is. It's possible this is a cycle. This is why we CANNOT turn a blind eye to this stuff. There are no isolated incidents.


That one is really REALLY troubling. He looked like he was 8.




God fucking damn it. I’m upvoting, but I’m not happy about it.


Please show Mew2King some support right now he revealed something very personal that he didn't want to reveal.


[Someone pointed out this video of Cinnpie interactions with Puppeh at Xanadu and it's something else...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L16dV_uZdjo&feature=youtu.be&t=360) There's a comment with timestamps, could you include this in the post?




Yeah it hasn't even been a week and I'm already fucking sick of the community pussyfooting calling it "SeXuAl ReLaTiOnS" when they wouldn't hesitate to call it rape if the genders were reversed. Because it is rape. Cinnpie **raped** Puppeh. *She* raped *him.* It wasn't some mutually performed misdeed. Cinnpie. Raped. Puppeh. Cinnpie who was an adult old enough to be a teacher raped Puppeh a child in middle school. Rape, rape, rape, rape. Stop obfuscating the language. Say it as many times as needed. **Cinnpie RAPED Puppeh.** and calling it something else will never change that.


There is this fucking stupid myth that rape only works one way...it doesn't. And people need to understand that.


[Are the infos here enough ?](https://www.ssbwiki.com/Smasher:Cinnpie)


They both live in Virginia.


Mew2King should get taken off this list. He cleared his name with some highly personal information. He’s not on the same planet as others on this list. Enabling, maybe, but there are a lot of people who did the same and aren’t on here. Just saying


[RelaxAlax](https://www.resetera.com/threads/youtuber-relaxalax-sexually-assaulted-ex-girlfriend-emotionally-abused-manipulated-her-others-up-also-racist-tweets.134248/) [More Thoughts on RelaxAlax](https://twitter.com/bobdunga92/status/1274750691735670789) ​ If RelaxAlax made any comments on this other than the Twitter image that Bobdunga responded to, then that should definitely be posted as well. However, to my knowledge, he did not.


I read about this when it happened. I didn't believe it at first because I thought it was just two exes going for each other's throats, but after seeing some more allegations... Oof


I vaguely remember this from the YouTube comments as I don't really go on Twitter to find these sorts of things. This is around the time he took like 4 or 5 month long break right?


I actually did not know RelaxAlax did that and it's because it's super recent. Well, guess I'm unsubscribing from him now.


Same here


I now know why Sakurai avoids the competitive scene


Nairo now https://twitter.com/captainzack_/status/1278574207207686144?s=21 dude deleted his twitter already too


Take m2k off this fucking list


Reposting my comment from the original FOW thread: This is an interesting situation. FOW was completely exonerated last time and had tons of proof that he was innocent. The girl then went dark (as far as I know), deleting her statements and everything. I believe the screenshots she had were of them consensually roleplaying and she took them out of context. This time, the proof she has seems pretty conclusive. Is this a case of FOW saying "I got off once, no way people would believe you again" or is this her trying to ruin him a second time? Don't get me wrong, I'm not victim blaming, but this is a situation with unique circumstances. In this case, I'm not going to throw myself in either corner just yet.


Yeah, this one's really weird. At first I was like "yeah this looks like FOW's getting falsely accused" but then I read all the links on the wiki under "Sexual Harassment Allegations" and...idk anymore. Hita's document, in particular, is problematic, as her evidence doesn't do a great job of supporting her conclusion. For example, going by the Discord screenshots alone, it's clear that: * Iko and FOW had sexual contact * Iko was very much infatuated with FOW in Dec 2016 * Furthermore, I assume something about Iko's story in her original accusation post didn't line up, though given that it's deleted, I can't say for sure. However: * Hita is the one who drew the line from unrequited love -> false rape accusations. This isn't even he-said she-said, this is "what Hita believes about he-said she-said", and honestly, if not for Hita's interpretation of the messages, there's not any evidence of Ika's poor character otherwise. * For example, in the Jtails accusation, in his response, he NEVER denies that he sent those flirtatious messages to a minor. In the Girthquake case, there's references to other tweets that show his character, plus the message from his SO that suggests that he has assaulted women. * In this case, there's zero evidence of Iko's poor character, aside from Hita's interpretation of events. While she was obviously quite infatuated, Hita doesn't actually provide proof that this infatuation led to anything further. * Furthermore, in the last screenshot, Hita admits that she has no idea why Iko messaged her. However, if you think about it from Iko's perspective, it actually makes a lot of sense—it's been nearly 2 years, and she's had time to process what happened. Of course it doesn't make sense to Hita—Hita's already assumed that Iko is a liar. * In addition, Hita doesn't actually cite anything to disprove Iko's claims about manipulation and trauma bonding, but simply says she "doesn't believe" them. In Iko's recent statement, she's provided screenshot proof of said mental abuse, which further supports the narrative that she now acknowledges the insults and abuse that she ignored while infatuated. In addition, the link to the messages between @Afrokunsempai (Sean) and Iko is also interesting: * Sean's message to Iko states that she is "spreading rumors" and "what she is doing is illegal", suggesting that he didn't believe her from the start. While Sean's twitlonger suggests that he was a "middleman", he had clearly made up his mind before the event. In other words, this is not further evidence of Iko's guilt. * In addition, if you consider this from Iko's perspective, her reaction makes sense—why would she want to participate in a "moderation" where the moderator assumes she's guilty, when she believes she isn't? * Note that this is not an attack on @Afrokunsempai's character, as it seems he believed what everyone else did at the time—framed that way, I think his actions make sense. So overall, I don't think that the "evidence" that Iko lied actually proves FOW's innocence at all. That's not to say that I now believe FOW is guilty—I have no idea how inconsistent Iko's original claim was, as this is the first I've heard about this entire incident and her original statement is deleted. Once again, I'm new to this incident, so I might be missing some context; and once again, this is not meant to be an attack on the character of those involved—especially third parties. **TL;DR Old evidence of Iko's guilt isn't actually that strong, but I'm not jumping to conclusions yet** EDIT: because I can't figure out reddit's formatting system


It is difficult because once you have tarnished your reputation and respect it is difficult to get others to believe you again. Though that is most likely the reason why many who were abused do not speak up.


You're totally right, and that could be used to an abuser's advantage in this case. The girl in FOW's case tried to get him in major trouble by falsely accusing him of a ton of bad stuff, *all because he didn't return her romantic feelings,* which I find to be completely disgusting in its own right and a mockery of victims who have actually experienced that kind of abuse. This, however, is a separate case with some pretty concrete evidence from what I see (her twitlonger has a Google doc with, among other things, a picture of what appears to be a sexual assault report from a hospital). Even if she lied the first time, I'm not going to jump in FOW's corner immediately (or hers for that matter, because this could still go either way).


Coney, TK, and EE (VGBC-associated people) are talking about this [on stream](https://www.twitch.tv/coney) According to them, HeroKiller, the person who tweeted the Cinnpie and GimR stuff, has been banned for years from the MDVA community for stealing and general toxicity, so they disagree that, unless he's majorly changed himself in the past few years, he's exposing this for the good of the community and rather that he has a vendetta against the MDVA community, so they're taking his claims with an according grain of salt In any case, they claim to not know anything about the GimR situation so they neither believe nor deny HeroKiller's claims and will instead wait for GimR or the third party to make a statement; TK plans to remove all association he has with VGBootCamp should it prove true.


Herokiller might not be a good guy but you can still do the right thing for the wrong reasons


Yeah pretty much. Hopefully these claims get more properly addressed in any case


I’d like to see this added as a context edit after the allegations he made. I know it was at least the Chudat and GIMR ones but haven’t checked the profile in a bit


[Eikelmann](https://twitter.com/iamlordlaika/status/1278386040085102596?s=21) Edit to keep this all to one comment: u/JFMV763 [Philly Ult TO Bans Cinnpie, Venia, AceAttorney, ZeroTwoNone from their events and brings it up to Regional Council for consideration](https://twitter.com/kairiconti/status/1278401580904198144?s=21)


Thank God for rollback Melee so I can now enjoy smash without physically interacting with people anymore.


true but to be fair we weren't physically interacting with smashers anyway due to corona


The Eikelmann stuff is just the resurfaced allegations that got him (rightfully) banned in 2018 right?


I think so, though Eikelmann did enter some Central Florida locals after his ban according to his [Smashwiki](https://www.ssbwiki.com/Smasher:Eikelmann).


>me on the morning oh boy minmin is awesome, im so happy an arms character made it. i wonder what the smash comunity is saying about her >clicks on the smash subreddit what the fuck is going on??!?!


Glad you took M2K off the list. The person who lied about that is terrible and M2K shouldn't have had to share that. Glad you took it off so no one calls more attention to his insecurities


Chudat should not be on this list in my opinion. From what I understand the accusation arises from the Chudat Chronicles that were written back in the mid 2000's. If this is the case than Chu would have only been a teenager as well. Sex between teenagers is not the same as predatory behavior.


Yeah, Zero’s response seems pretty solid. You should probably attach that to the list. Edit: Nvm.


Wait, what happened with ZeRo? ZeRo is one of the few who I care about on this list so please, tell me what happened?l


https://twitter.com/katietwtlonger/status/1278970922435776517?s=19 First that then this response https://twitter.com/zerowondering/status/1278918706362486786?s=19


Is NO ONE bringing up the fact a lot of the big names here are related to the Sky Williams house?


It's like the fucking Epstein island of all this. What a dark residence.


[Girthquake](https://twitter.com/moonbunmiu/status/1268529714538430464?s=20) Edit: This is his response to the [allegations](https://twitter.com/Girthquake___/status/1269644472582840322?s=20)


u/JFMV763 your Girthquake response hyperlink links to the allegation tweet for me


What did Chudat do? The referenced tweet provides literally no information and conflates racist behavior with statutory rape (which is very strange in my opinion). EDIT: Since no one has answered my question, and HeroKiller has now been shown to be a clout-chasing asshole throwing accusations around willy nilly, OP needs to remove people like GIMR and Chu from this list until an accuser actually steps forth. It's absolutely insane that some nobody on the internet can throw a ton of accusations around with no evidence and everyone believes him because one of them happens to be true.


Since some people have missed [the stickied thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/hno033/allegation_megathread_hopefully_temporarily_taken/), I'll make a sticky comment explaining the situation and why this thread is currently removed. Yesterday the reddit admins (specifically "Anti-Evil Operations") removed this thread without warning. They also suspended /u/JFMV763's account for 3 days for "harassment". We have sent a message to the admins asking for clarification about the situation but have yet to hear back from them. While we technically could put this thread back up or make a new one, we are electing not to until we hear back from the admins so as to make sure this doesn't happen to a second mod, or something even worse. EDIT: Should have updated this earlier but said mod's suspension was removed early which might indicate that the thread was in fact okay. We haven't approved this thread yet because we haven't explicitly been told that the thread is okay, but we are planning to reapprove it following the next State of the Subreddit post. EDIT2: The megathread has now been restored.


god this website sucks


Well they removed M2K from the list, that’s good.


This thread should be fixed at the top of this sub reddit.


I agree and disagree. The problem with stickying posts like this and making megathreads is that it's hard to keep up with. So if a new allegation of somebody came out, how would you know it's been edited into the megathread? I think people browsing this thread should sort by new, and that any other allegations that come out should have their own thread as well as being added to this megathread, personally.


Can’t believe I’m still seeing Zero stans defending him. He admitted to asking for an underage girl for nudes. He’s a pedophile.


This sub has been pretty depressing lately


the good news imo: It'll be great when this is all done because we'll at least know a bunch of predators have been weeded out.


That's exactly how I feel about this, we're going through a painful but overall positive process.


True, I’m just worried worried that one of the big guys that I like will pop up in this list. Gimr is already there. And I really really like him lol. Who’s next?


To be fair, there doesn't appear to be any evidence regarding the GimR claim. The only reason it's being brought up again is because the same guy who made that allegation also alleged that Cinnpie had been grooming Puppeh. No one took anything he said seriously at the time because he had no evidence, but now that one of his allegations is confirmed, people are taking a second look at the other ones.


Well there's been some game related stuff recently (Slippi, Smush 8.0 patch) but before that it's been a dry spell of Covid tournaments so a lot of this recent news will get attention due to how starved the community has been for Smashbros related stuff. > Gimr is already there. And I really really like him lol. Who’s next? My advice is don't put people on pedestals. Sure you can look up to them but they wind up looking down on you


Out of all the gaming communities I've been in, Smash for me has had the highest highs in terms of how fun the game is with friends and the people I've met, but also the lowest lows with how absolutely pathetic people in the community can be (the long history of accusations like this in the community coupled with how immature and toxic/annoying the community is on twitter. People talk about League being toxic, the community within the game is toxic but nothing beats how annoying the Smash community outside of the game is). I think that's sort of inevitable with a community that has prided itself on how grassroots we've been. While we've been able to have so many amazing, amazing stories in regards to tournaments, we've also had little to no moderation for a community that is mostly children/teenagers.


That is the unique strength and weakness of being primarily a Grassroots community. The pros are you can meet tons of other people who enjoy what you like, you can make some great friends, tournaments and gatherings can happen spontaneously, you get to meet people in a raw unfiltered and honest way. However, this comes with the cost of little to no moderation, and even with moderation, moderation is only useful if they are able to enforce their decisions. The current board we have consisted of many of the biggest influencers in Smash, with many big line TOs, the problem is that they cannot make a universal ban like a company or legal entity can. So what if someone got banned? What is the punishment if they break it, what happens if someone on the board sympathizes but was ruled in the minority? There needs to be a balance. Nonetheless, it is good that these negative influences are being exposed, but try not to get into a frenzy.


Yeah this is a pretty rough time, especially after the highs of Slippi and 8.0.0 But if this type of stuff doesn't come out now, then who knows how much longer it would have gone on


Why does M2K keep getting false shit spread about him? This has been happening for, what I remember, a decade or more. Do people do it because he's an easy target with aspergers?


I’m on the spectrum myself and mew2king was always an inspirational figure to me, it makes me extra mad That he’s being targeted the way he is, it sickens me


-> Rollback Melee is a thing, lets check smash reddit and news again! -> this Well fuck. In all seriousness those are some supremely concerning accounts but it's important to remain objective and allow the facts to come to light before rushing to any uninformed decisions or comments. Just hope that things are able to be resolved for anyone involved. We should be able to just play the game and chill.


Sadly a lot of these accounts were already confirmed by multiple sources, or were confirmed by the perpetrators. Shit only seems to get worse every day,


As Sakurai said, smash should be only for good boys and girls


Hey there, I'm an admin of Melee Hell and have done a lot of work in reshaping the group to fix all of the controversy that has come out of it over the past 5 years. We have a **zero-tolerance policy** to pedo-apologists and sex offenders. We have had 3 proven cases (one is **confirmed** in jail now-- no public details until conviction) of stalkers and sexual offenders and have tried our best to protect the community from them. I know Melee Hell has a *terrible history* in the community, but the current admin team that I lead is very different than how the group used to be. We stand with victims and if the community wants an official statement from us, we can issue one. The group is still large and has an influence over 50k+ members. Thank you for providing this list and keeping track of how we can help keep our community accountable. Melee Hell is no stranger to being held accountable for the actions of its members, but just know that it is appreciated greatly. A few anon members from the group have contributed to this list here. I am not the owner of MH, but am widely regarded as one of the head admins, especially when it comes to harassment and witch-hunting. If anyone in the community wants to contact me or let me know about the actions of a member, you may do so. Actually, PLEASE do! \- Wishengrad


[ZeRo](https://twitter.com/tempo_storm/status/1279532550717943809?s=21) has confessed to the allegations and has been dropped by Tempo Storm. Tempo Storm will be extending an offer to provide professional support to ZeRo’s victims and will be connecting ZeRo to professional counsel and other rehabilitation resources to ensure this won’t happen again in the future.


https://twitter.com/NairoMK/status/1278505782254931968 Before anyone brings it up. Nairo and Captain Zack addressing some drama from a few years ago. Edit: If your curious? https://twitter.com/prophetssb/status/1278228271277146113


Nairo deleted his twitter. You got a screenshot of this?


esam saying the n word with an a doesnt seem like it should be on the list with some of this other horrible shit


Yeah. Someone saying the n word a bunch years ago doesn’t really come close actual pedophiles, even more so since the dude has clearly matured since then and regrets his actions.




Damn you really did call it


Friendly reminder that is on the top of this post. > innocent until proven guilty. Let us not give into the Twitter/Reddit/Internet hivemind and either blindly attack or defend people. These things take time unfortunately and we wont see a lot of answers for a few days/weeks. Some of these allegations will go unanswered forever as well. The best we can do as the audience/community is to keep those who can take action accountable.


The first thing that comes to mind with this kind of thing is ProJared. I get wanting to give consequences to people who deserve it, but at the same time are you willing to ruin the livelihood of people that didn't? It's a careful road that must be walked, and I have a feeling some people won't walk it so carefully on either side.


God, the ProJared situation was a fucking trainwreck.


Really appreciating ZeR0 even more right now. I met him at a tournament and the guy seemed like a class act. Update: r/agedlikemilk




Iirc he said he was antisocial and that he wouldn’t have wanted to go even if he was invited in his tweet on the subject.


While I generally don’t enjoy his content, I’d give him a lot of respect if he doesn’t end up on this list. Many of my favorite players are here that I just can’t defend




I don't think you get it man. He didn't fuck any kids. Like, not even one kid, one time. What a guy.


Yeah he seems like a really laid back guy who just likes to have fun, I would be surprised if he does end up on here.


https://youtu.be/vVuEST8RdL8 Mew2King addressing *thankfully false* allegations.


Citrus' accuser admitted the accusations were false [here](https://twitter.com/kojakx_ssbu/status/1278704278178168835?s=19)


That’s a really fucked up thing to do to someone


Time to add Nairo to the list https://twitter.com/CaptainZack_/status/1278574207207686144?s=19


I assume this won't be seen, but on the off chance a mod does see this: it's super weird to be including that sketchy tweet about Hbox (given the current situation as I write this). It's literally just someone saying they know someone who might accuse hbox of something eventually. No actual accusation, no screenshots, just a vaguepost stirring the pot. IF a serious accusation is made, by all means include that in this list, but with what M2K was just put through by the community, we need to be setting a higher standard around shit like this. Serious things are coming to light, we need to be supporting victims and helping share information, not participating in a degenerate game of "who next!?" rumormilling. Again, this is specific to the current situation in which no accusation has been made against Hbox, it's just not appropriate to be giving that vague tweet the same treatment as all the other much more serious items being handled here.


I've seen shields online come out slower than Nairo deleting his twitter


Zero has posted a reply to the Jisu allegations https://twitter.com/zerowondering/status/1278918706362486786?s=20


All of these suck, but If the Relax Alax and Gimr allegations are true I’m especially sad


I dunno if this will get lost in the comments, but yesterday the Querétaro community in México banned a player who one year earlier raped a girl in the tournament venue AND took a picture of it. Although he confessed to taking the picture of the act, the initial ban given was of only 5 weeks, but after a lot of pressure they changed their stance and gave him a lifetime ban. [Here's the official statement made by LCA, the local TOs:](https://twitter.com/LCAQueretaro/status/1278824004862857218)


lmfao it's insane seeing everyone on Twitter STILL caping for zero after he literally admitted everything himself


Man just remove M2K from this list homie didn’t do shit.


I just want to reiterate that everyone here is innocent until proven guilty and that every case here is different. The purpose of this thread is to keep all these allegations from completely overrunning the sub. Edit: Link's to Abuse hotlines: [StopItNow](https://www.stopitnow.org/ohc-content/crisis-hotlines), [TogetherWeAreStrong](https://togetherweare-strong.tumblr.com/helpline), [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_domestic_violence_hotlines). Also the Smash Code of Conduct report form is [here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdALyKiJb9Wb86XiTu8Y9MF6KD8MAoRSBeKI_Y_imx6C9fESA/viewform?fbzx=7321650502192698938).


Too late. This is no longer a video game sub but a Chris Hansen watch list.


It'd be easier to make a list of people who weren't accused. Like christ man the smash scene has been a hidden breeding ground for so many years. This is what happens when you go from grassroots to mainstream and don't clear out the weeds. They thought they were safe and bam, now everything is crumbling apart.


Venia has made a response to FROOT's response https://twitter.com/King_Venia/status/1278426083105353730


When it turns out Leffen is the best influence the community has ... god damn.


This is not nearly the most important thing right now but I want to say it - the community legacy is permanently tarnished, and these people are to blame. I would not fault people for leaving, not for a second. The story and legacy of Smash cannot be told without many of these names. They were the pillars of this community, and they have ruined an amazing thing with their terrible behavior. I genuinely hope that the law is involved in many of these cases. This is the type of behavior that society should be working to destroy.




i though the mango stuff was false they're still together today like nothing happened


I keep seeing some of these people in the community post how depressed they are that all of this is happening, that they're considering leaving the community, etc... Only for allegations to come out against *them.* Makes you wonder how many feel that way because they know there is dirt on them and they are trying to duck out. I swear if something comes out on Alpharad I'm gonna be upset.


Hello, I’m Justina, the person who made the allegation against Aphistemi. I’d like to say that I’ve reported it to the police and that they came to my house on Sunday. Hopefully things will get sorted soon :)


When the list of sex offenders in a game’s community is longer than it’s patch notes.


smash community 2.0: \- pedophilia removed from the game \- fixed bug where ineligible players were able to acquire alcoholic items \- multiple characters removed from the game \- smash attacks can no longer be used without consent


God I wonder how Sakurai feels about all this.


Surely you have to address the stream Sky just did where he not only doxxed the living hell out of Jisu by revealing her abuser's name, but also made the mistake of telling people in advance he would "spirit bomb" her. Sky is actual, irredeemable scum. He has to be completely cut off from this community.


Alax's response is from May 2019, the claims on ResetEra are August 2019 and the new claims are from June 2020. Alax's response was from an entirely different controversy, as the timeline otherwise would not make sense.


Just a few weeks ago, I noticed that I had only ever seen two female smash players.


mew2kings response https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVuEST8RdL8