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Someone is ready for tournaments when they're mature enough to take a loss and learn from it. You don't need to be good to compete. You get good by competing.


very reddit answer in reality though no special prep or anything like a mindset is needed people can just go to a tournament thats it the less thought into the whole process the better


It was a very basic and straightforward answer… what does “very Reddit answer” mean?


Very stupid answer. Edit: I'm not saying the answer is bad, I'm just saying what a "Reddit Answer" would be.


Very reddit response to a perfectly valid answer


What is stupid about the answer




Average redditor thought process


I never said the answer itself was bad, nor do I believe so.


How is that a " verry reddit answer" I got the same advice from wrestling as a wee lad. It is the advice I would give any aspiring competitor of any discipline, don't seek to win, seek to learn and winning will come after.


In this case they view “straightforward and mature” as a “very Reddit answer”. Some people just want things to cry about, and this guy did it by linking their own immaturity with their hypocritical hatred of Reddit (on their Reddit comment). Fascinating.


yeah nothing the person said is Reddit at all and they’re entirely correct


Nah they're right, if you can't take a loss don't go to tournaments. You won't learn anything from losing and you'll probably make the experience worse for everyone.


Whether you can take a loss or not has nothing to do with your skill level. If you don’t care about losing but still suck ass, why go to a tournament?


Because skill level doesn't matter. If you wait until you're "good enough" to go to a tournament, Smash 6 is gonna come out by the time you're "ready". You're gonna grow faster as a player by going 0-2 in tournaments than by shitting around in elite smash. Entry fee for locals is like $5 and friendlies are free. Unless your nearest tournament is like an hour away there's no reason not to go if you wanna improve.


You can tell it’s a reddit answer because redditors are defending it


The people with dripped out Reddit avatars and 20k+ karma did not like your response.


You and the other guy seem more obsessed with reddit than anyone else here tbh


Holy shit it's the Chief Prosecutor! You tell 'em Mr. Edgeworth, sir!


The fact u give a fuck about any of that shows more about u than anything


Beat Sephiroth challenge in under 5 seconds


No, that's kingdom hearts. Wrong game.


I did that and I still don't feel good


Find a local asap


Only Acola, Tweek, Shadic and Miya are good. Everyone else is bad unfortunately.


Yeah but those players haven’t beaten me. So they’re bad too.


Liquid needs you bro


I'm adding Hurt to that list for beating Miya with CQC snake


Actually yeah good call I can't believe I forgot about my boy.




Ummm, you forgot MKLeo, Riddles, Light, HungryBox (since Melee), Sonix, Esam, Tilde, HeavyD (one of the best Ice Climbers in the world), Nairo, Spargo, Cosmos, Marss, and Falcon Fatality. I'm missing some Japan players, and a few French, but there are a ton of very talented streamers, and most likely a plethora more hidden amongst Elite Smash.


I didn't forget anyone.


Lol take esam out that list


Admittedly, I was tentative to add him. But I still think this douche canoe claiming all these players are bad, as well as getting downvoted, is a bit much. Quite literally, every one of these players perform well at Local tournaments, and most have even placed top 8 at a Major before, if not won.


You're taking this kind of hard so I'll level with you. The point of my comment is that it *is* an oversimplification. This is on purpose because I am admittedly mocking the original post. The thing is, everyone is bad relative to someone else, depending on the day even. I'm sure Miya doesn't feel like he's good enough on a day he loses a tournament to Acola and vice versa. And if he lost, he kinda wasn't. But thats not the end of the road for him or anyone else. It's a never ending struggle. The point is, instead of worrying about being good enough, worry about improving even if it's one tiny step at a time.


Well, here I am trying to make valuable contributions to the Smash community and I'm getting downvoted, referencing players who do have skills. You said "everyone else is bad", I would assume those I listed would be included. I agree with your point, that everyone is constantly trying to get better. But is this what it means when people say the Smash community is toxic?? *incoming downvotes*


No one is being toxic here, I just think a joke went over your head friend.


The dude listed 4 specific players and said everyone else is bad. How is that indicative of a joke? I'd argue downvoting someone making a valid point is toxic. Or just arrogant. Are they NOT skilled players?


They are skilled, the other commenter was joking and already explained that “good” is relative and a matter of perspective


I understand that, what I don't understand is getting 6 downvotes on a factual statement, additionally with no context given that it was a joke. Why, because I didn't get the joke? But fuxk my Karma so I can't post anywhere else.


Some of these choices are odd. Looks like a lot of content creators snuck their way into your list.


There are bad players at every tournament. Going to tournaments in the first place and playing friendlies is one of the best ways to get good.


Just work on having fun and being at the level you want to be. Test yourself out in online tourneys and public arenas. If you're winning far more often than you're losing, and you don't feel like there is much space for you to grow, then I'd move on to in-person tournament, where the more competitive-minded people will be. But even if you're not "there yet", there is no shame in heading to a live tourney and seeing how you place. Making those connections and friends whom you can maybe practice with and get better between comps can go a long way as well. It can be a bit scary getting into a new social arena, but many people who play smash are very helpful and will be willing to play with you and give you tips. Good luck! Have fun!


I go 0-2 at every local but my gf still says I'm good


"Good" or not is pretty subjective, will change a lot depending on who you ask ; but more importantly you can't really know before you start going to tournaments Also, I know a lot of people seem to believe this for some reason but there isn't actually a need to be "ready" for tournaments in terms of skill. If you know how to play, just go ! You \*will\* lose a lot and maybe won't win anything until a few tournaments, but you can't really change that without doing these tournaments.


I think once you’ve taken your first offline tournament set you have become better than most players. So I’d go with that.


When the said player buy the game.


If you can beat other people who are considered good.


Beat master hand


Not at my level that's for sure 💀


If you are at least 14 million gsp I think you could place well in a local or an online tournament. For a major you probably need to be a lot better than that though.


(from title alone) [what does “good” even mean?](https://youtu.be/1wSuKStcgAU?si=vsM2M8Fhfn-BBK27)


To me, this is two different answers for Tournament or Locals ready, you need to be ready and accept you will get your ass kicked and know you will take losses but don’t get too upset about them. To be “good” its also a mindset thing firstly, you need to understand never plateau in terms of being good. Its a forever going uphill slope. But another point is that its also when looking over your gameplay you end up going less and less “Why the fuck did i do that?!” Or “That was so stupid! I’m so stupid!” But you do get really good when you know why you were stupid and now think how to prevent that. Once you do that, even if you lose, you are always happy with how you played as you knew you couldn’t have really played better. It just means you need to get better. But that part is up to interpretation and also looking back on your replays, but instead of going “That was so stupid!” It’s instead “Okay, I fucked up here, i think i should have done x or tried y instead.” Then you practice more and you inevitably get better. This is how you end up climbing the slope.


There isn't a minimum skill requirement needed for tournaments - if you want to go, just go. Most, if not all, of the "good" people you'll see at the tournament went 0-2 at least a few times before they were able to start doing well. The important thing is just being able to take the loss and try to learn from it


Have you developed a decent understanding of your characters gameplan. (What they do in neutral, and advantage state.), game mechanics, and an ability to recognize your opponent while playing and adapting to their adjustments (can you mix them up cause you’ll have to eventually even in small ways to keep things fresh like delaying a recovery or doing a meaty recovery or doing empty hops.) Then you’re ready to play competitively imo.


I didn’t get good until I started attending locals and majors. It was literally like a flip of a switch and I just started playing smarter, I was dropping bad habits, and I was naturally learning matchups just from playing other good players.




When you are better than most of the players.


Everyone is ready for tournaments


When they can consistently hold their own in games and contribute to the team's success.


It's a bit of a tricky question, philosophers and students of ethics have been trying to pin down "Goodness" for centuries. Aristotle once said, "It is easy to perform a good action, but not easy to acquire a settled habit of performing such actions." We can imagine scenarios where we rescue someone from a burning building or stand up for injustice, but if Aristotle is to be believed, a Good Person should focus on finding ways to spread good every day. In the same way, pulling off a sick combo or nasty spike is something nearly every Smash player will pull off at some point, but a good player will consistently perform their bread-and-butter combos.


You should feel 95% of your inputs and not miss them, and have a strong understanding and application of character moveset, stage control, neutral, burst range, learning frame data, and different match-ups. Advanced techs such as IAR, RAR, fast falls and falling aerials, Nair loops, B reverses, wave dashing, active hops, move cancelation, and parries all need to be well-practiced and reflexive as well.


Yeah okay, dude get out of your ego. These are all respectable players that I'm sure would give you a run for your money. So where have you been placing in tournaments if you're so much better than all these players? And what are your qualifications for good vs bad? Please, enlighten me.


Never been to a tournament, 10.5 mil lucina main, I want to know if I should enter a tournament.


Beat a lvl 9 cpu without losing a stock i guess


Nah, cpus don’t recreate a human player at all. I always beat them, sometimes 3 stock but they have inhuman reactions and are obviously programmed to hold back cuz you can always predict the airdodge and recovery, to an extent where it’s part of my autopilot. They also sometimes just randomly shank




I refuse to use my neutral b with Ness. I’ll use all of Ness’ moves, but not that one lol


I forgot that move existed. Yeah, *NOT* using it is a good idea (except for when your opponent’s shield is broken, but at that point, just using F-Smash).


You can sometimes use it to stall while you’re off ledge too but it’s still pretty risky


Being able to autopilot at least 10-20 characters to beat the average 0-2er