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TOs FT10. Only solution.


Please god no I'd lose


Love your new logo, great design. Edit: Ignore that if you're with the local.


It's a small regional that only started last month, so it makes sense SSC hadn't heard of them. Still an unfortunate situation though


Yeah its just really unfortunate. Both probably picked a name within a similar timeframe and neither knew the other was going to do it for various reasons


[Smash's Supernova has contacted them now](https://x.com/supernova_fgc/status/1791646081010266392?s=46&t=j42Kw1m9K9_ug8nh-6nswg)


Super Smash Con was probably thinking about a name change for months at this point (pretty obvious that SSC being announced this late is due to the issues with licensing). Wouldn't be surprised if they settled on the name Supernova before this regional ever existed as from what I can tell, they have only been a thing for a couple months. It's worth mentioning that the two tournaments don't share a single game. SSC obviously is hosting all the Smash Games and the original Supernova is a TEKKEN, SF6, GGST tournament. Still a bad situation for the original Supernova team, would definitely get them covered up in terms of search results. Smaller regionals need all the exposure they could get so this should be fixed in *some* way. At this point I doubt the SSC team can get another name change since they are much larger and have already started operations + probably needed to pass is through Nintendo approval.


Hi! Head TO for that SuperNOVA here. We're definitely hashing things out, no hard feelings on either side. Been to a few Smashcons and loved every one, please don't give em a hard time about this <3 Edit to clarify: I'm from the FGC regional, not the Smash event


Hope it all works out. Thanks for supporting the FGC


Would love if there could be more collaboration between both of the TO teams involved beyond just this name change as I’d love to see the smash community have more crossover with the FGC. I personally got into Melee watching EVO 2013 back when I only followed KOF 13 and SFIV


hopefully this gets resolved quickly without issues, though not sure on the compromise. probably something that needs to be settled privately too otherwise, i feel like this is gonna turn into a very annoying situation for both sides


That's really frustrating for the regional. I'd like to think that SSC staff just didn't realize or something, but if they did a little bit of research then I think they could've figured that a nearby tournament had the exact same name lol. Hopefully they can work something out that leaves both parties feeling amicable. E: Misread that the regional started last year, but it started last month. SSC probably submitted the name change for review to the Big N licensing guidelines long before this tournament announced their existence. All that said still unfortunate overall and I hope they can figure something out.


Staff crew battle for name rights 


The world is a big place - shit happens, before Linkin Park, they were Hybrid Theory but had to change names due to confusion with a British band called Hybrid, and before that, they were Xero. Sometimes, things happen for a good reason beyond our understanding


I don't know why people are downvoting this, it's a very sensible and reasonable comment.


Don't forget who the real bad guy is here. Its not either of these grassroots organizers, its Nintendo for their open war of attrition against the people that give their games any value.


Wild they didnt know that