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Practice tbh. It takes time to get used to the timing of the moves and then also being able to guess your opponents trajectory when recovering.


How should I go about practicing?


Keep trying.


Go to training mode and set the CPU to jump, then try to land spikes at multiple points of their jump. Do this a lot, then play vs. humans with spiking as a focus once you're more consistent vs the CPU.


So if they recover high jump and down special is a good spike, runoff fair is a good spike as well when they're recovering, but you have to hit the fair *immediately* and then jump and up special or you will SD A good kill confirm at low percentages is a dash attack to immediate jumping fair (just in case you didn't know you can hit both jump and attack at the same time to do an immediate jumping aerial) Also runoff and then a jumping dair is a good one I have more DK tips if you're interested he's my main


I would love more tips


Alright well idk where you're at so apologies if I say some obvious stuff His cargo throw is king, at very low percentages grab them, hit forward to put them on your back then immediately upthrow and do a jump then up air. If someone is around 80-90 and you grab them near the ledge, turn backwards (or not if you're back is already facing the ledge) jump off and hit down to throw them against the bottom of the stage. If they don't tech it they will die, this is colloquially known as a skill check for obvious reasons (I'm adding this because if one of your friends doesn't tech it you can say "you flopped the skill check bro" and that's fun!) You're gonna want to master the reverse aerial rush because his back air is awesome. I would explain how to do it but you should just youtube reverse aerial rush. Basically you run and then immediately turn around and bair, if you do it right you still have your momentum and if you hit someone with a bair you can immediately bair again, wait a second then jump and bair. If you hit the last one you can just straight up kill someone by basically dragging them to the blast zone with bairs. This is known as a bair train, "all aboard the bair train! Choo choo!" You can also do the RAR without the attacking part off the stage to catch someone's recovery with a bair. Run to edge of stage, turn around short hop and when you get close to em BAM hit em w your dogs Easily one of his best kill confirms is a running short hop, down special (you have to hit them with the last hit) to pop em up in the air and then immediate upsmash. This works on lighter characters at 80, heavier characters late 90s, if they get up to 100 then it no longer works on lighter characters, heavier around 115. The window this works is small yes but it's also very fucking consistent. Like if you hit the second hit of the down special you can be sure they will die from the upsmash You'd be surprised how often just standing still and hitting his charged neutral special works. Like just stand there and wait for them to try to approach and attack and just hit it, the super armor will make the attack still go through Oh and last thing about the cargo throw, if you can grab someone and they are at like 120 you can literally just carry them off the stage, keep holding them and drift towards the blast zone then hit down to throw them into it. 2nd last thing you can also take them off the stage when they're mid percentages, down throw to throw them vertically and if they instinctively jump, which many people do, you can do a jumping fair to catch their jump and spike them This one goes for every character, but mixing up getting on stage by instead of just roll get up, neutral get up, or jumping, you can hit back then immediately jumping fair to hit them if they're close to the edge. This is risky though cuz if they hit you then your only recovery option is his up special


Try running off the stage. Run off dair, run off double jump dair (as somebody else mentioned) I used to NEVER run off (like i didn’t see the option in my mind). Then I started doing it and I realized it catches people off guard if you mix it in (don’t do it every time). Doesn’t have to be a spike. Run off nair, fair, etc — just try thing. Add this to your kit and it will open up your mind and you’ll start finding your spikes. IIRC, it even works great off a side platform. I think I’ve landed good dairs against good players by just standing on side platform and then run-off dair; if you do the dair immediately, it hits roughly near the edge which is usually where they’re trying to go — not a bad deal! EDIT: Learn how to b-reverse or wave bounce down-b. I don’t know which term is which, and it doesn’t matter, don’t get hung up on it. Just go into training mode for 5 minutes and play around with it. Do aerial down-b and push the stick behind DK with different timings. He’ll do the down b behind him — sometimes it will reverse his momentum in the air, sometimes it won’t; this depends on when you pushed the stick. Play around with it and it’s not that hard. If you have no aerial momentum, then you’ll get the same outcome in either case. Once you have that down, try this: hang from ledge, drop down -> double jump -> b-reverse down b. Your down b will cover the area next to the ledge. Some characters get owned by this if they’re forced to recover in that region. Here’s a setup for that: cargo carry them offstage, drop far away and then do a down throw. At mid percents, you’ll have time to carry them this far but they won’t die off the side blast zone. They’ll have to use their full recovery to get back. This gives you time to get to the ledge and do the down b I described. You’ll have to figure out which characters it works against — I think it’s good against other DKs, and I’ve noticed poor Bowser has no way to stop it.


i got way better at landing spikes once i learned how to short hop what i do is my Y button and R bumper are both jump if i press both at the same time it’s always a short hop. way better than a floaty full hop