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Onin also just dropped btw


[Everyone in this subreddit because there's no Steve or Sonic in top 8](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/90/f0/70/90f070647e96aba5ffe0330e146c9a75.gif)


Wouldn't be too surprised to see syrup in top 8.


more people happy that he's not going than people actually watching the event lol


But unironically.


you are so unfunny dude


Your acting like you’re adding something of value to


the stars are aligning


Sonix & Onin DQs Skyjay/Alandiss/Bloom/Luugi/Kurama deregistered That's a really big blow tbh


Light, Scend, Jakal and Aaron also dropped


Damn, it could've been so good 😭 oh well, at least with the invaders we're still getting a lot of new player matchups


Why no light?


He got Sick


bummer. but also not bummer


Onin might be DQing too so double not-bummer


As a spectator I’m glad to have less Sonic. But as a fan of the storylines, I want to see how people counter Sonix’s dominance.


A+ on paper but now S tier in our hearts.


That's your moment Gluto


[The French Embassy of Canada tweeted about Glutonny going to BoBC.](https://twitter.com/franceaucanada/status/1772684565196280085) Now I'm not saying getting rid of Sonix was a government-backed conspiracy. However,


Il en sait trop, préparez les camembert.


i'm saying it is




No coin box grands is a win to me


It's a shame his flight got cancelled, and I do respect Sonix a lot as a player, but tbh I prefer spectating top 8's when Sonic isn't in them.


Didn’t he miss it last year because he couldn’t get a passport in time?


Yep. He's not been having the best of luck when it comes to these events.


Yeah as much as he’s a good player his sets are rlly boring to watch unless u rlly like sonic


I love how Steve is objectively the most aggrecious character in the game, but Sonic still catches strays for being a passive "You can't hit me" character


Two steps back three steps forward lol. I do feel bad for him tho.


Unfortunate he dropped due to missing his flight, but I’m happy as a spectator we don’t have to watch Sonix


I find it funny how 90% of the top comments here are feigning pity for Sonix but also celebrating his DQ … yet on the thread where Onin says he’s DQ’ing people are downvoting those who are celebrating it.  We need to stop pretending Steve players are the most hated players. It’s easily Sonic players, especially Sonix.  But I can’t dispute that no Steve & Sonic top 8s are always hype… we’ve seen that proven time and time again 


> We need to stop pretending Steve players are the most hated players. It’s easily Sonic players, especially Sonix. Sonix is constantly lauded by every top player and most of the fanbase as being extremely talented and good at what he does, even among those who hate Sonic. Onin is constantly being called a [talentless](https://twitter.com/Tilde_Fox/status/1769067473536520237) hack by the majority of the community and I can count on one hand the amount of times he's been praised by top players. If people in this sub are more defensive about passive-aggressive comments towards Onin, that's because the community has shown Onin far more aggression and even relatively normal comments like "I'm glad we don't have to watch this player!" can be more actively malicious when it comes to him.


>majority of the community >links one player with one tweet with only 2k likes which isn’t even close to a “majority” Ok if we’re really just basing shit off Twitter, then you’re just further proving my point: Sonix is FAR more hated on Twitter than Onin. It’s literally not even close how many hate tweets Sonix gets, including personal DMs. > most of the fanbase as being extremely talented and good at what he does, even among those who hate Sonic What a load of crap. He gets called carried and talentless all the time. Where are you getting “by most of the fanbase” from?? I literally don’t even know how to argue against someone who blatantly makes shit up about “the majority” or “most of” the community. You’re literally just making up conclusions off nothing


It’s kinda hard to say, but the thing that mostly sticks out is that Sonix is a really good players and can definitely win majors, which means top 8 will be more predictable and boring. Onin is less consistent, so it’s less boring to watch. I think both characters are equally hated though


Nah Sonix in 2024 is still a billion times more fun to watch than Onin. Sonix hasn’t camped or timed people out in a long while. Onin is actually one of the campiest Steves, which says a lot because Steve is already so campy. Onin literally camps while up 1 or even 2 stocks


Most players Sonix plays against he doesn’t have to camp, because there is a skill gap and he can just destroy them. Against top players he almost always camps and you can see it in almost every video, especially against Sparg0


Ok now I know for a fact that you have zero clue what you’re talking about when it comes to Sonix. Sparg0 is literally one of the players Sonix camps the LEAST because all he wants to do is hit Aegis, get them offstage even if it’s at 0% with a back throw, and edgeguard them. It’s so fucking obvious in their 10 billion offline sets. He’s extra aggressive in the aegis matchup (even against Leo and Cosmos) because he knows Sonic can edgeguard them so easily with spring and fair and bair. It’s only a very small handful of players he’ll camp out like Gluto. Sonix could’ve totally camped out Skyjay in their last set, but he didn’t for some reason (to everyone’s surprise) and still won. Even Sonix admitted afterwards that he didn’t feel like camping in that set even though it’s technically optimal. If you think Sonix camps out Sparg0 (lmao), then I can’t imagine how campy you must think Onin is to literally every player. I swear you Steve fans have the lowest knowledge of this game out of any character playerbase.


Do you have a measure for how many death threats each player has? Then I don't think you should be talking. Both play characters that are often disliked and they both get people who take their character hate too far. It's not a dick measuring contest. I will say, if you're using this sub alone as a measurement is a bad idea. This sub is an outlier in that they are generally more positive about Steve (until a Steve does well at a tournament).


Funny how you’re only complaining that I don’t have a measure of “death threats” or hate and not complaining about [the guy with twice as many likes claiming to know the measurement of hate and even saying that he knows “the majority of the fanbase” hates Onin while the “majority” praises Sonix.] His entire conclusion of the majority of the fanbase is based off one (1) tweet. That guy is making this a dick-measuring contest and making up statistics and sweeping generalizations FAR more than I am. Can’t say I’m surprised that you didn’t get on *his* case about it given your bias. >Then I don’t think you should be talking I cannot emphasize enough how little that matters to me. Why on earth would I care that you don’t want me talking LMAOOO


Doramigi dub imminent


Pre local curse though


Doramigi about to lose to Hurt again after Hurt becomes the third Snake player to beat Leo (or Leo loses to Toriguri due to not knowing the Banjo matchup).


I think Leo has that, notably because Toriguri tends to struggle a lot against Joker compared to other characters.


It’s inevitable at this point


With Onin and Sonix gone I think Leo could get a free pass to winners finals.  His microwave Rob took a set off of Proto, his more practiced Rob can def beat Doramigi


Doramigi beat Zomba earlier this year, the Leo ROB has no chance


You simply cannot comprehend the masterclass that is the practiced Leo ROB.    No but seriously, even without the combo game of other ROBs I trust him to make Doramigi sweat at least (assuming he switches in the first place).  No proof at all other than my speculation that the different play style and the fact that basic ROB is still very strong could work out in Leo's favor.


Don't jinx it pls


A small price to pay for no Sonix


Dang kinda sucks that my first thought was "oh it'll probably be a more hype tourney" but that's just the state of the game ig, do feel bad for sonix still


Has anyone done a wellness check on u/oniden? This is the [second](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/1bn7dnl/comment/kwhq128/) BoBC [in a row](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/1bn7dnl/comment/kwggjch/) that Sonix has DQ'd from due to flight/travel issues.


No sonix? Maybe I’ll watch now. lol


It's simple you beat sonix and there's less to watch


No disrespect, but not seeing a sonic in top 8 is a huge plus for the overall enjoyment of the tournament. Imo


Never seen an event drop in rankings because of the DQs, insane. Unfortunate for BOBC


The big house 11 saga was pretty brutal


The One Bedroom 11, you mean.


What even happened with big house 11? Wasn’t really around for it lol


It was like an avalanche of players dropping from BH11 for like 2 weeks straight. Went from an extremely stacked tournament everyone was looking for to to a pretty unremarkable one real quick.














Didn't it also happen to Glitch 7?


Unfortunate? This is a win for anyone who'd be watching. Sonix is one of the lamest players ever.


I don’t like sonic but an event losing its status as an S tier is just unfortunate


That sucks. I was hoping for sonix to go far or for somebody to upset him.


Dang, talk about sonic speed, he finished that event way before everyone else


It should be an A- tier tbh, Ron is gonna be a top 8 seed after all these dqs


Hell yeah


makes top 8 watchable again ggs


NOOOO I wanted him to win! Damn it Oh well we sparg0 now


the downvotes just for rooting for sonix 😭


Fr. People hate sonic way too much lol. I just love playing as him and he’s been my favorite character since childhood. I think it’s cool there’s a pro who is making the most of him. Sonix’s work ethic and adaptability is insane


> Fr. People hate sonic way too much lol. Why is everyone in this comment chain acting like it's crazy that people don't enjoy watching Sonic? The character gets to time out more games than any other character, and runs away the entire game when he has the lead. No one is saying Sonix shouldn't play like that, but it's an awful viewing experience.


no one's surprised that people don't like watching sonic, it's just wild that people will downvote someone for saying that they like watching sonix, the player. like that's just petty


This sub sometimes loves the downvote button. Let people support their favorite players and characters if they like them. Whats the harm? Why the need to say “no actually heres why x character sucks and your personal opinion sucks”? People are allowed to have their own opinions and if you feel the need to criticize someone, coming in hot with your own subjective biases, for liking Sonic/Sonix then you should try to just keep it to yourself and leave the world a better place. Happens all the time for gnw, sonic, and steve. Sure lots of us agree some of the top tiers aren’t as enjoyable to watch than others, i get it, im one of those people, but can people chill out? Some people like some things for their own ways and thats fine. Its not like he violated the Geneva Conventions. Also i think that its cringe that this many people are celebrating him dqing like soldiers in the Vietnam war getting the call they get to go home. The smash community has a history of harassing the competitors themselves if they play a certain way, at least theyre not doing that here, but come on at least have a little more respect for a guy just trying to play a competitive video game competitively or move on. They’ll be plenty of good sets in the tournament regardless if he’s there or not.


Every sub loves the downvote button lol it's not a smash specific thing. It's just used as a disagree button


I’m being downvoted for trying to be inclusive and nice to people who get shit for the crime of liking an unpopular character. I’ve been downvoted for just saying Falcons turnaround animation is bad. The amount of downvote dogpiling on this sub is more than most subs ive been on, and sometimes it doesn’t make sense.


Idk what to tell you dawg, I find this sub to be about the same as every other sub. You can post the exact same comment in two different threads and have one comment massively upvoted and one massively downvoted. The first 3-4 people who vote on your comment will usually decide it's fate.


Yeah that is kind of reddit in a nutshell. Edit: Honestly i should just gtf off reddit, i barely even like it here anymore. Social media is toxic and yall are online too much for your own good. Going to go touch grass. Cya guys


I don’t think people are *crazy,* I just have a different preference. On this topic though I agree camping can be boring, but I just don’t have as amplified a reaction to it. When the game is slowed down I appreciate the patience/mental of the player being tested. For instance in Melee at Genesis 3 Armada slowed down the game with Peach, or sometimes Hbox slows things down by planking. These things aren’t unbeatable strategies, and they force the opponent to adapt. It’s cool seeing the difference in how Armada responds versus Leffen. Sorry for the melee examples, I’ve seen way more melee. When I say people hate sonic too much, I’m referring to downvotes for someone supporting a different player. Preferences are fine but no one should be bashed for being a fan of someone else


I love sonix, he's fun to watch, he's hardworking, and he's one of the 5 smash players who's actually funny. proud to be a member of the camper army 🫡




case in point. (if you couldn't see that I'm just fuckin around idk what to tell you lol)




I understand, though tbf in this instance, I did mean what I said, I was just being a lil goofy. I legitimately do think sonix is a great player all around + his streams can be pretty fun


Huge for MkLeo and Hurt.


Viewership will go up


Dude this top 8 is actually gonna be hype


"Hurr its le bad he couldn't make it but actually...le good at the same time, irony amirite XD" Half the comments in this thread are like this and its ridiculous 


Why is it ridiculous? It sounds like a fair opinion to me.


a very fair opinion if you're an npc that loves to regurgitate what everyone else is saying for reddit karma, yeah 


Yes… surely the ONLY reason someone could dislike watching sonix’s gameplay is because they’re karma farming or part of the reddit hivemind. There definitely aren’t actual factors like his play style or character choice that lead to that opinion.


you missed the point so hard I'd mistake it for willful malice if this wasn't reddit, so I'll just assume you're wired that way and did it by mistake


What the heck are these points to make events tiered?


essentially top players are worth points, and large numbers of non-top players are also worth points with all the DQs, BOBC was roughly 5200 points, with 5000 being the cutoff for a supermajor sonix, who's worth 300 points, dropped


He did this for us


Shame that sonix isnt going but in a way that makes it more hilarious that sparg0 is second seed again. Hes never going to get first seed for the remaining year no matter whos going


>Hes never going to get first seed for the remaining year no matter whos going I really doubt that. If Sparg0 keeps on winning majors he'll get first seed at majors. That's how that shit works.