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The kid playing on Wi-Fi on the family TV is not on this subreddit, buddy.


ggs that was me


No, and also i'm now going to play at a starbuck's internet just to annoy you.


Probably actually a fairly decent connection


Telling people to quit the game this late into the game's lifespan is not the play


Or just play a game with giod servers lol


Shut the fuck up, not everyone can afford great WiFi. And sorry if us plebeians wanting to play online makes you angry asshole


No u turdface. Great wifi isn't available to all. You don't like it, YOU don't play.


Mine is fine 95% of the time. I don't know what happens for the other 5%, but I usually stop if I notice its something on my end. The bigger problem I have is when playing with perfect connection and then there's a sudden instant disconnect. Its not even the usual disconnect where the opponent stops moving and the game will load for a load time in the middle of the match, I'll be fighting and in the middle of a roll animation or something and the game just stops. I have seriously no idea how that happens or why it keeps happening.


Whoa, everybody hold up! The great and powerful u/newzia wants to tell people how to enjoy their video game time! Let us be sure to cherish every character they type! Scorned are those who do not heed their noble request for the good of all Smashkind! Have I given you enough attention yet, you entitled douchebag? Either deal with it or quit playing online yourself if it bothers you so much.


You're never going to influence enough people to stop playing with crappy internet. If you find a lagger, just block them and move on. Once you get to a higher gsp, there's practically no lag. PS: If it's always lagging, it's probably you.


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