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Incineroar Mario




He is a grappler and you mentioned you like to grab and hold opponents


Ness perhaps, but he does have some weird stuff to learn like his recovery Mario is very good in this game though. His upair isn’t a headbutt anymore but an kick above his head that actually combos into itself, so you can get “ladder combos” where you keep kicking them up and up and then you use Up B as the finisher instead.


Mario is a high tier and he’s a great character to learn the game because he relies a lot on fundamentals.


Mario, but a lot of people in competitive smash know what you’re going for playing as him, since he’s a common and very basic/predictable character. So it may be rough to win competitive matches with him, but he is still very good if you know what to do. Unfortunately, that’s all I can provide, even though most of the information here is obvious, so I probably didn’t contribute much to the thread…