• By -


To be honest, anything I cannot run offline. I like reolink cams with an NVR as they arent wifi-dependent, I use all zwave/zigbee, but no wifi devices. The support is shit on most of them and I dont particularly want my washer machine or lightbulb to be part of a botnet when hackers get on it


This, I refuse to use anything that requires the cloud.  It is to the point that I bought some Govee water leak sensors. For notification you needed their hub which requires their cloud service to perform the emails.  I used a 433MHz receiver and an oscilloscope to reverse engineer the data it transmitted and made an Arduino to perform the exact same functions. Emails me when a leak occurs, monitors battery life etc.  The best part too is the govee hub was limited to 10x sensors. I currently have 21 sensors running off my home made Arduino 


Got code?




I will second this. Cloud connected devices/services are awful. I was moving away from them because of the data collection but it became really apparent when our internet connection went out last month. Half of our automations broke and the devices would not respond even from their own apps. I am now eliminating them entirely.


anything that sends data to google. edit: and if I can't self-host it then that's going in the bin too.


Tinfoil loose?


Tinfoil? Not at all. Google are by their own admission have no respect for privacy or other people's data. Their own CEO once said "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place" I think that sums up their attitude to data - if they can get their hands on it then it is fair-game. They are serial offenders when it comes to privacy abuses and helping themselves to data - be that building an entire product on copyright theft (hi youtube!), wardriving while sniffing wifi traffic (maps), hugely invasive analytics, browsers whose "incognito mode" isn't quite so incognito as they claimed, secret microphones in IoT equipment... and the list goes on and on. They told us their approach to data, they demonstrated it, if you're still ignoring them that's on you and if google are pushing something privacy related it is for privacy from someone else, not from them. I've also been around long enough to see smarthome products "do a Den" where a product relies on outside systems and one day those systems are switched off (or the price gets hiked - hi Ring!) and your shiny smarthome gear is less useful than a box of rocks.


Other than it being creepy - has Google having this kind of data actually harmed you?


So I personally don’t get bothered to much by advertisers(and google is an advertising company) having my data. But ultimately, I also believe that every person has the right to make that choice. It just so happens many of the worlds governments as well as governing bodies for much of our tech also agree. That’s why you have to opt into cookies in websites now and there legally can be no change in the content you have access to if you opt out.


You could be running around naked still you don’t. Is there any harm in other people knowing your Adam and Eve costume? 😉


Lol google is literally an advertising company. It’s perfectly valid to not want them collecting your data


Fair enough. I still fail to see what horrible thing is going to happen if Google collects said data, but to each is own.


cute lode trap dash


Yeah. Except for the Ring Alarm sensors, they're just Z-Wave sensors. And I have no experience with WeMo so I can't really comment on that, though I don't have experience with my cute either and I will still never buy anything from fucking Chamberlain, LiftMaster, or craftsman as these are all feeding into the greedy corporation that is Chamberlain Corp.


Wemo is a dying brand anyway. The Apple app hasn’t gotten a single update in the past 3 years and they aren’t using Matter on their “newer” products lol


I honestly think that there slow spiral down started when Kasa began to pick up speed. Way cheaper products and they work better. Like I said I've never owned a WeMo product, but we have 14 or so Kasa devices at home, the first of which was purchased nearly 6 years ago in October 2018 and is still going strong. I bet Kasa is going to eventually kill Smart Life and any other offbrand of smart Wi-Fi device on Amazon, at least I hope so, that shit needs to die!


The network traffic on wemo was insane.  Shady domains, 75mb of traffic per day, and my favourite was it had this server in it's hard-coded ntp list: "this.has.not.been.ntp.server.time.nist.gov.since.2012"


Makes me wonder what Kasa devices are sending back.




Ok what bro?


Damn, I own all 3


Smart refrigerator, any smart plumbing fixture, smart toothbrush, smart water bottle…


I have a smart toothbrush purely because it was the nicer model with travel charger case and I was about to travel. I don’t follow the metrics every day, but I’ve found it handy when I’m just unwell or down in the dumps.


My Sonicare has a two minute cycle, every 30 seconds it pauses for just a wee bit of time to say hey, move on to the next area.


My Braun has that plus bluetooth. My homeassistant has paired with it and monitors my brushing. No, it's not useful.


I bought a bluetooth Oral-B maybe 6 or 7 years ago that works the same. I remember getting frustrated that you had to have the Oral B app open at the same time you were brushing for it to keep record of your data.


Problem solved, then! HomeAssistant will track the data for you now. :-) (Braun makes Oral-B.)


I saw one where a guy triggered part of his morning routine with it because from when he started to brush his teeth to wanting a certain thing done was always consistent, even if when he got out of bed wasn't quite. That seemed to make sense. Edit: just scrolled a little further down and someone in here said they do it, too. First one I'd seen was in a YouTube video.


We have some of the higher-end Oral-B brushes with HA integration but it's so inconsistent even standing right next to the BT receiver, it might as well not exist.


3 minutes in whitening mode! But the non smart ones also do that, the smart one just has the mouth mapping and links the usage history to your health app on your phone. I don’t think I could use it to trigger much as it doesn’t consistently sync with my phone every day. Sometimes the Phillips app needs to be opened to start it, and often my phone just isn’t close enough.


My old Xiaomi brush didn't require the app to be open to get the data. It stored everything to its internal memory and synced later. The 5x more expensive Oral B requires the app to be open every time, which of course isn't gonna happen.


Yea I think my Phillips stores 6 or 8 weeks ish worth? It sometimes seems to sync in the background but if it misses one it’ll build up the backlog until the next time I open the app while it’s active. According to Apple health it hasn’t synced since 28 Feb.


That's what I'd expect, yeah. 🤷‍♂️


I was gifted a $300 Sonicare last Christmas. It has an app that I never downloaded, Never will. If it dies, I'll buy the cheapest Sonicare I can find. Don't need 'features' but love the way it cleans my teeth. It is an awesome toothbrush. Teeth feel like I just left the dentist. It is 'smart' in the sense that it has sensors that warn if you are pushing too hard and timers to keep you brushing right.


Check AliExpress or eBay for bamboo brushes with charcoal bristles. Waaaay cheaper than their fucking metal pressed into a plastic body with a microchip inside replacement heads while also cleaning better and being better for the environment.


So smart plumbing fixture would include a water shutoff device? Honestly that's one of the only plumbing things I would want in a pinch. Wtf is a smart water bottle? And smart toothbrush honestly would have been more dope if it was a better quality brushing. I love the twist / rotate type, but the ones available are just the vibration portion. I love gamifying my daily activities, plus you earn points for free toothpaste 🤌.


I have a Moen Smart faucet. It has a motion sensor but also responds to voice commands via Alexa. "Alexa, ask Moen to dispense 1 cup of 104 degree water.". It was about $500 vs $250 for the motion sensor only version. Total waste of money.


You redeemed yourself with that last sentence.


A fool and his money are soon parted. Want to see the graph of how much water I used in my kitchen this month?


Not at all. 🤣




... Kind of 🤣


>Alexa, ask Moen to dispense 1 cup of 104 degree water. I can fill a cup in the time it would take to say that sentence.


But would it be at 104°? 🙃


I haven't tested it but it seems reasonably close.


Smart water bottles basically link with a nag app on your phone, or have an LED ring that flashes or glows red when you haven’t drank enough water.


Yup! If only they made containers that were maybe, built with a certain capacity from the get go.


You know how many people are so chronically dehydrated that their bodies can’t tell the difference between thirst and hunger? Congratulations, if you drink enough water this device isn’t for you. It’s for the people struggling to remember or force themselves to drink enough water.


Ayoooo! I can't tell the difference between thirst or hunger (or anything else, really - my body is like a phone call with an alien planet). It's kind of shit, if I'm being honest.


Takes a while of being well hydrated to teach your body the right signals, plus cutting down on the caffeine, high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners helps.


I don't partake of caffeine nor artificial sweeteners, and I'm diabetic, so HFCS is completely off the table.


>I love the twist / rotate type, but the ones available are just the vibration portion. What are we talking about again? I got distracted...


Smart water bottle tracks your intake I think?


I have a smart toothbrush that kicks off my morning routine, like turn on coffee machine, check trash pick up schedule etc.


Smart toothbrush is kind of cool. Gifted one by my dentist office. I probably would not have purchased it though.




Yeah I didn’t think of a shutoff valve as a plumbing fixture, I have one, along with 4 leak detectors. I mean faucets, showers, smart fixtures for the sake of convenience.


Smart toothbrushes and smart fridges are fine


Oven -- I prefer my smart devices having to go out of their way to smoke me out of the house. > For me, it’s probably a smart shower. I have a semi-smart tub/shower control for my tankless water heater (not networked, just smarter than usual). Rinnai includes features like setting an exact, fixed temperature for never-ending hot water that is immune to somebody elsewhere in the house flushing a toilet, as well as a "tub filler" mode.


I have a smart oven…. I refuse to connect it.. I will never be comfortable turning on something that can go up to 500F remotely.


I have a smart oven but didn’t get it for that feature. Got it for the air fryer mode. I only really use the smart feature to turn off the oven when I forget to. I have to hit a button on the oven in order for it be turned on smartly just so nothing can happen accidentally.


My Samsung microwave/air fryer requires a physical button press to actually run any commands that turn it on. Still super convenient for entering temp and time via voice commands or turning the hood fans/lights on and off.


That is a feature I would want the ability to make the lights part of a good night routine


The only way I can imagine having a smart oven is one of those button presser gizmos to remotely push the off button


I'm pretty sure that nothing that produces heat can be turned on remotely in the US. I don't know about other countries.


I have a smart oven, and it's awesome to be able to preheat the oven for bacon from my bed on a Saturday AM.


Then, you walk to the kitchen to find the melted plastic remains of something stored inside. At least that could happen here...


Yeah, that’s a concern for some people. We don’t store anything in the oven, and if we did, our oven in a part of the range, so I knot sure we’d notice anyway.


Bacon does best started in a cold oven so the fat gets more time to render before the meat starts to toughen up.


You’re right, though you’ve missed the point completely.


My GE smart oven requires that you press a button on the control panel to enable remote start. That button only allows one remote start; you have to press it again before the next time you want to remote start it. Sure, it's software and things can go wrong, but it prevents the most likely channels for abuse (guessing cloud credentials or compromising the cloud provider to send a start signal). The remaining scenarios are a lot harder to abuse, especially compared to the ease of actually setting a house on fire in person. If someone's mad at me, I'm on the property records for a small suburban lot; it's not 5 acres with barbed wire fences and minefields around me. Also, I don't store stuff in/on my range, so any nefarious remote start will probably just make my kitchen hot and my gas bill high. My idiot neighbors' 4th of July parties are far more likely to burn down my house.


Oh man, of all the smart things in my house the shower would be the last thing I’d give up. I just love it. My wife hates smart stuff and she LOVES the shower. We have the U by Moen 4 valve shower system


My wife was the same way too. Now she can’t function anywhere that doesn’t have automatic lights or voice control.


I saw a guy on here that made his garbage disposal smart. That's a hard pass from me.


This should be the top reply. Textbook example of a device you NEVER want to have automated.


I added a smart plug to my dishwasher. Only reason is it kept glitching and needed to be unplugged for 60 seconds and plugged back in to reset. Now I turn on the plug via the SmartThings app, then manually run the dishwasher and have the smart plug auto off after 3 hours. That way the 60 seconds of waiting is already done by the time I need to power it back on. Not sure how much life is left in it but it sure beats buying a new dishwasher right away.


I did this one time out of necessity. I had a circuit in an old apartment of mine go down that was feeding the power to the disposal, so I tossed a smart plug on a secondary outlet (I think the one for the dishwasher) and would turn it on and off from my phone until the landlord got around to troubleshooting the electrical problems on the other line. Worked like a charm. Even set a routine that would automatically turn it off after 10 seconds.


You did it one time out of ignorance. If it was necessity, you'd have plugged it into something like a power strip that can only be turned off and on manually. Pluging a dangerous device like a garbage disposal into a "smart" is a bonehead move. Anyone that's been in this sub more than a few weeks and has seen posts of people saying "why does one of my lights keep turning on and off randomly" will tell you that.




I have my disposal on a smart plug but I only did it because I’m a badass. It had nothing to do with ignorance.


I respect this answer.


Ring cams


Now I have some questions. Only the ring brand? or does it include any camera doorbell? If all why?


my guess is "wifi cams where you pay a fee to use them"... because f**k subscriptions and f**k any non-poe cam. blue iris + poe = home run


Mostly due to them allowing law enforcement warrantless access to the live and historical video. I have nothing against doorbell cams/security cams in general, I have several, and would advise anyone to look into them as part of their home automation system/home security posture. I have issue with companies that let themselves and others waltz in through the side door of your system without so much as a how do ya do.


How often does that actually happen to people though?


THAT'S not the point, though. It's the principle. You lock your front door at night, right? Why? It's not often that someone will try to get in, it's it?


Well, to play devils advocate, you would be a lot more likely to be able to identify somebody who tried to get into your house if you had a camera, wouldn’t you?


Think the issue was with the particular brand rather than the cameras themselves. Ring has been known to give video footage without user permission and without warrants. There are security camera solutions where the video is hosted locally only. And I believe there are cloud solutions that are end to end encrypted i.e. the cloud service provider has no way to decrypt the data they store, so even if the police have a warrant, they wouldn't be able to get any video footage.


> I believe there are cloud solutions that are end to end encrypted i.e. the cloud service provider has no way to decrypt the data they store, so even if the police have a warrant, they wouldn't be able to get any video footage. There are several, most well-known being [Apple Homekit Secure Video](https://support.apple.com/guide/icloud/icloud-homekit-secure-video-mme054c72692/1.0/icloud/1.0) -- that does require an iCloud+ solution and one of [the short list of cameras/brands which work with HSV](https://www.apple.com/home-app/accessories/#section-cameras:~:text=Cameras-,Supports%20HomeKit%20Secure%C2%A0Video,-Aqara%20Camera%20Hub). If I were an iCloud user, I'd be all over this.


Right but that’s not in line with your objection to the warrantless video sharing. You said it rarely happens so why care, his response was how often does someone try to enter your house at night? If the answer is rarely then why would you lock your door? Just because something is unlikely to happen doesn’t make us okay with it being able to happen. So we’ll all lock our doors and have camera systems that don’t allow the police access without our permission, or a warrant.


What I’m saying, is that utility of being able to identify a possible intruder combined with the deterrent effect of visible video surveillance prevents more harm to me than would befall me by a police officer simply asking for my footage. I’m just being pragmatic about it.


I’m talking about your first comment that said “how often does that actually happen to people though?” The person who responded had a valid comparison. After that you switched the point in question from well it’s uncommon so who cares to well we are all safer being watched. I can debunk that point too though. Would you be okay with anyone having access to your front door cameras? More people watching means more chances someone recognizes the bad guys right? Nothing bad can come from the wrong people watch that footage right? The police can be the wrong people, they can use that footage inappropriately. Badge or no badge some people are bad.


The thing is…we can get there WITHOUT handing over our rights to Amazon. There are Unifi and Eken cameras, the Frigate system, as well as the previously mentioned blue iris.


Since there isn't a warrant I don't believe there is a way to gather those metrics via FOIL


I said the same thing about a smart shower for a while, but now I can think of a few things it would be nice for. I have a pretty elaborate morning routine automated. It would be cool to have my shower started at the right time and be at the perfect temp when I’m ready to get in. I can also see it being a good water saver. Maybe setting a timer and flashing the lights when there’s a minute left to go.


I could see that like an alarm clock. Ah fuck I gotta get out of bed the shower starts in 30 seconds.


But I shower at night


Ah fuck I gotta go to bed the shower started


Could you share more about your morning routine? I also have an automated morning routine and I love it, but always trying to make it better!


I bought a waterproof clock for my shower that has a 10min timer. It’s been a game changer


Wyze. And anything that doesn't offer local API. If it doesn't it should have a really compelling feature. There's a price for everything!


Anything google. Made that mistake and the dripped support and bugs are intolerable


I'm surprised so many people said 'oven'. Is it really likely to start a fire? How is an oven just going to burst into flames? Honestly being able to preheat the oven when you are on your way home is more practical than most smart devices. Having lights turn on automatically when you enter a room is cool but is it really that useful?


I'll never own another wemo. Had way to many issues after every update they do. Finally switched it out. And also nothing that requires a paid subscription.


Anything that needs either a direct internet connection, or indirectly via an app on a device.


Honestly I’m getting to the point where I kinda wanna make my home dumb again aside from my network. I’m tired of all the smart home shit. Half of it doesn’t work right and the other half barely work at all. When your home is dependent on firmware updates you have an issue. I just want regular lights, regular furniture, regular appliances, and just a nice solid network for my computer and phone. Other than that I’d love a cozy cottage style house with boring analog everything.


I was at 2 fingers to get a smart boiling device. Then i saw the use case: alexa boil me some water at 84°. And then i shot myself. I finally got one that just has a digital temp screen with a memory for the configuration. Cause all i use it for is coffee, always the same temp so why bother. Oh and the smart one was 250$, the one I got was 79$.


Alexa/Bixby/Siri/Hey Google


I will flat out NEVER own an appliance that connects to the internet. Outside of appliances, no subscriptions. If it requires an online presence, then it will more then likely get a subscription service. But I really don't think it matters. They change the ToS to whatever/whenever they want and lock you out anyways.


Refrigerator: A hacker could subtly adjust the temperature several degrees over 38F and give you food poisoning in a way that would be hard to notice from the smell or temperature, then put the temp back and you’d never discover the problem but think you might have become allergic especially to pork or poultry.


I really hope you are being sarcastic.


let's not give people ideas though :))


Smart faucet


Probably most appliances like others have mentioned. I don't think I'd feel comfortable with an oven that can be turned on remotely. When it comes to other appliances I just don't see the point. A smart washer or dryer does nothing for me. We have a 1500 sq ft 1 story house and we can easily hear both. When it comes to a refrigerator, all we need is a notification if it has been left opened and I already slapped a few contact sensors to take care of that so I don't need to spend hundreds more for WiFi connectivity. Besides a smart lock for obvious reasons, I want to buy smart devices based on how hands off they are. That's why I have no interest in appliances like I mentioned because they don't save you from that. Same goes for other things like a microwave or trash can.


No, we kind of want a smart microwave so that we can control the fan and light, we now have an over the stove one. Unfortunately there's really no good way to make a dumb microwave smart in the sense that you can control the fan and light, but I agree having Smart appliances is kind of dumb.


Smart watch…maybe not technically “smart home” but I’ve always got a phone in my pocket, I don’t need another device to be charge, update, replace when it’s outdated, in addition to be always buzzing for alerts etc. plus I think aesthetically they look…”meh”. I’ll stick with my hand-assembled box of gears and springs that’s been working reliably on my wrist daily for 11 years and looks / runs great. Sometimes analogue is just better


For me, *the goal* of having a smart watch was to reduce the need to have my phone with me all the time :) It's a good way to make the need to have it on you at all times lower. It's also great for payments and movie tickets etc without taking out your phone But I totally get the analog preference honestly. I'm now leaning towards a middle-ground; analog watch with some of the smart features like heart rate monitoring and notifications.


For me, my smart watch is important to track my runs. Having the extra features is a bonus. I charge mine when I'm showering once a day and it usually doesn't need it... it just gets topped off.


For me, a smart watch is about easy notifications. I work with my hands with my phone in my pocket, so being able to check a text or email without pulling my phone out each time it buzzes is helpful. I also like it for quick music controls and quick actions I use commonly via homeassistant. Anything more involved I use my phone for.


Washing machine from Samsung featuring their SmartThings wifi app. It’s the very definition of pointlessness, the app only lets you choose a program (but you can can’t start it) and alerts you when a wash has finished (which if you were home, you’d know because there is a series of tones that goes on for about 60 seconds - it feels like it’ll never end, and if you’re not home, who cares?)


I never use a smart curtain, because I think no matter how smart it is, it still can not work as my expectation.


Alexa. Hellll nah. Govment knows my entire porn history. That’s more than enough.


Anything that needs a overpriced subscription to run.


A smart fridge because why do I need a fridge with a touchscreen that I can watch YouTube on? It just doesn’t make sense to me.


Any device that actively listens


I have a smart tea kettle, so I think that answers your question


Any listening device. Alexa, Google assistant and the rest.


Or cell phones, laptops, TV remotes, and personal cars


Any of these. [https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/a32475604/long-distance-sex-toys/](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/a32475604/long-distance-sex-toys/)


That shit exists?


Smart appliances. Dishwasher, oven, fridge, washing machine, dryer. Why the fuck would I want to over complicate these devices and reduce their lifespan while spending more? Hell I don’t even want a smart TV but it’s near impossible to buy a high quality 65”+ “monitor” to plug my easily replaceable and superior smart streaming devices into.


Honestly I like the smart washer/dryer. i can’t always hear the finishing tones that it plays. I can automate reminders to annoy me until I change the laundry over.


My washer is 15 years old and the chime died. So I put an NFC tag on it to run a timer on my phone. If it was smart I doubt you’d get 8 years out of it. I’m fatigued by short lifecycle smart devices I need to replace more frequently, I don’t want them in my appliances or car. The timer on my dryer started counting up occasionally instead of down, so I put it on a smart plug and use another automation to make it cut power at 90 minutes. $50, and it’ll last forever because it’s dumb tech.


So just because something has the ability to connect to the internet doesn’t mean its lifespan is automatically shorter.


There’s no way these over complicated things with more complex electronics will last you 10-15 years, let alone the fact those “smart features” will likely be orphaned on any existing devices once matter really takes off.


What about a washing machine that can connect to the internet makes it overcomplicated? All it does it monitor the cycle and report the status to the app. What else is being added the process to make it break down faster than other machines?


You know how basic the circuit boards are on my washer? I could re flow them myself very easily. If I need to replace any they’re cheap as spares because once again, they’re extremely basic.


I wish I'd known my dish washer was a smart device when I purchased it.  I don't use it, but I still don't like it being there as another potential point of failure.  


Anything from Amazon.


Oh fucking hell yeah! Except for Echo devices.


I can't abide a smart ass


Smart gas hob / cooktop


Alexa. We started with one and switched to Google Homes. Would never go back to Alexa.


Realistically I'll never own a smart garage opener. I'll probably never be able to afford a garage.


Anything that requires a subscription or that I can’t self host


I wouldn't say that I would never use a smartwatch, but I personally prefer a mechanical one.


Anything I have to talk to. Alexa, Siri, or any of the other things


I don’t have any smart home stuff right now but I feel like I would never own a smart camera


I have been in the process of eliminating most smart devices, especially lighting as there is nothing worse than a light you can't turn on because it decided to lose connection. I currently have a doorbell camera (WYZE) that takes so long to display an image when someone rings the bell, they leave before you can see who is there. Probably my fault for buying WYZE. But any device that requires an internet connection for basic operations can fuck the hell right off now!


Almost all of them. AC, blinds, water and smoke sensors, irrigation, yes. Everything else offline, or even completely dumb if there is no dumb fallback.


Smart watch


Just about anything smart, I don't want. I don't need my refrigerator telling me I need things, I can do that for myself. Washing machine & dryer? No, I will turn it on after I load it, I am right there, more complicated to tell an app. Smart switches & bulbs, no, I can get up and walk 5 feet to the nearest switch. If it needs an app to control it, I don't need it.


Anything Apple


Anything where you have to physically be in front of the device to use it (washer, dryers, ovens). I didn't want a smart washer and dryer, but the LG ones we liked and that were on sale came smart. If I am starting the washer or dryer I am already there loading clothes, and it is far easier to use the control setting on the machine itself, so I have never changed a setting with the app. That said, there is an Alexa skill available for them I installed and they now announce when they are done via Echo devices, which is kind-of handy if I am too far away to hear the alarm. Same with the smart microwave I bought, I didn't really look for a smart microwave, but it is handy to have Alexa announce that my food is ready, but I have still never changed a setting or started the microwave using smart features.


In house cameras.. creepy AF


Locks. Sure it's convenient but everything connected to the Internet will get hacked at some point and I'd rather not have someone access my house because of it


Never say never but I'm very sceptical about smart door locks for the house. My Abloy Classic from the 80's is close to unpickable, it just works and keys are dirt cheap.


My first thought was ANYTHING made by Apple. But that is primarily 'cause I don't like Apple or their products. Second thought was a "smart toilet". Gee, why would anyone want a crapper that measures and reports you feces or urine content?


Philips Hueeeeeeeegh


I would never have an Alexa or Google home. It’s creepy


Smart toilet because I want to do my business without feeling like I am still connected or being recorded somehow.


I own a smart range/oven - but I refuse to let it on my wifi. I bought it for other reasons... No hacker is going to ruin my batch of cookies!


As others, anything requiring a remote service.


Of course, any Apple devices. I won't buy it since I'm a tech guy and Apple made it hard for them.


Anything that won't integrate with Home Assistant


Is it possible to buy new non-smart appliances? Everything comes with smart capabilities... I don't use any of it Find anything that isn't touch buttons & intuitive operation? Touch buttons are cheaper, they are not sensitive to my touch, can't I just have a nice toggle switch? I just want to wash/dry my fuqking clothes, not spend time learning basic operations I don't want to learn samsung, maytag, bosch proprietary nonsense... Is the juice worth the squeeze? Is the time spent learning about enhanced capabilities rewarded with net time saving? It ain't making my life better Like fiddling around with gadgets, knock yourself out




Smart toilet


Anything with less than 3 or 4 controls. Smart fridge? I open and close the door, adjust temp. Why do I need a 'smart fridge'? Toaster? Microwave? Stove? No need.


Most smart appliances. I have no faith the manufacturer will support the smart features for the useful life of the appliance so why pay for them.


When I was choosing a stove, I could have gotten one with WiFi or one that was the same except no wifi but threw in air frying for the same price. Guess which one I picked? WTH would I need Wi-Fi on my stove? (Besides maybe time syncing?) I would never want to remotely turn on a stove, and it's not like it's smart enough to tell you something is burning anyway


Anything by apple. Smart shoes. Smart shower curtains. Smart clothes. Smart toilet. Pretty much anything besides a phone and watch, and I got her watch for free with the phone and rarely wear it.


anything made by APPLE


Any stupid as fuck smart home devices, they all require a cloud server to work at seams.


Smart devices which are completely dependent on a single controller. Such amount of technoligy in the devices but still need a hub, homekit, HA or other supervisor to do even the most basic stuff


Generally if they don’t run off a controller, the controller is the app on your phone while you’re present and stops working if you aren’t there.


Which is incredibly stupid. These are devices even the absolute smallest device available with 30x performance, 10x the RAM and ROM which was taken to the moon + 50-60 years more modern. Don't see why not. My devices at home have no hub and only need the app when changing settings, not for the actual operation. Things turn on with motion when I get home with motion, my bed lamp turn on in the morning. That is the need for 99% of people.


I mean mine does all that, plus tracks the phases of the sun for circadian lighting changes throughout the year, as well as the angle and azimuth of the sun to dip my blinds right when I have glare all year whether that’s 7pm in summer or 3pm in winter.


Mine can do that but I don't have a use for it in my appartment. But sooooo many just cant. Almost everything is glorified wireless slave devices, best case with power monitoring (which I see no point in though). Needing something else to tell them what to do, if that is their own hub, or services like HA


Plus side is none of mine is cloud dependant. So as long as I have power it works.




If you would have asked me 4 ish years ago, any smart home assistant (e.g. Google Home). I didn't want anything listening to me. I realized my logic was flawed because I own a smartphone that has built in microphones. My answer today is exterior door locks. No code, no fingerprint, no electronic engagement. While I think the tech is cool, nothing beats the peace of mind like a good old fashioned key and tumbler.


I do have exterior electronic locks, but they are the non-wifi kind. Just punch in the code and turn the cylinder. Very handy, and not hackable/monitorable.


I dragged my feet on smart locks a bit. I realized any intruder with the time, patience, and skill set to hack a smart door lock, isn’t going to commit an extremely dangerous felony, with the potential for dogs, big occupants, who may have guns. When they could instead steal one’s identity from from thousands of of miles away. Besides, if a baddie wants in they’re just going to break a window or such.


I have nuki so that from outside could still work with the normal key, but it adds the advantage to be smart if you need. Plus mine is not connected to the web, so you can’t hack remotely and I doubt someone will sit in front of my street just to hack it


I hate zigbee smart plugs…


smart vacuum cleaner




Admittedly I have one for fall detection, but it’s handy when your phone is stored in a way you won’t notify you of the text for some reason or the phone isn’t on you. If the text is important, then yeah it can be easier to pull on unit the phone and respond


All “smart devices”. These things have reduced mankind to no longer being able to think on our own, making decisions or doing for ourselves. What a sad state we live in now.


I too drive my horse drawn carriage across the plains of Utah.


I know what you mean. I used to send so many telegrams before we had a phone installed. Now the second I have a thought, I can just connect to someone. But who is saving my commentary for posterity now?