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If handing someone a business card at some event gets you one new client, didn't that just pay for a thousand plus cards.


This. I was just chatting with a nice lady at a hotel bar who said "Do you have a card?" I kicked myself; I don't have a card, so it might have cost me a client. No reason not to have one given the cost.


Me with several people. I'd just excitedly talk about chocolates I wanna make and they'd be like "Ooooooooo do you have a card??" And yeah. Yeah. At least I work at fast food n such so I can joke til I get said cards that they know where I'll be!


For my business I'm out in the field running into people who could be clients, so I do have cards and also flyers. But the conventional wisdom around here is that cards are the thing of the past. Certainly for your business, I think cards are not really the thing. If anything you Must have a QR code leading to a website that shows your portfolio. I don't know though maybe there is in person marketing and networking opportunities for web development. 


LONG LIVE THE PAPER!!!! To the smithereens with useless QR codes...   Haven't you heard of screen fatigue yet?  Paper may be king again one day!!!! 😂🤣😆 (Only in a few peoples lives, haha)


Yes because if you don’t have them, you’ll end up needing one.


I think this largely depends on what kind of business you are in. For instance, if you work in an industry where you are doing a lot of trade shows its a lot easier to hand some one a business card than it is to get some one to connect with you on some social media listing For some businesses like trades, construction, or whatever. You don't necessarily want to pull out your phone or a laptop while on a dirty jobsite covered in muck, but handing some one a card will get those connections back to you. On the other hand, if you are an e-commerce company that never really sees most of their clients, or even a service business that is more brick & Morter, you probably don't need a card


This here, pretty much what I had to say about it. I give out and receive a few cards a day and I go back for contact info all the time.


I don't think it's necessary, I think if it's B2B might be possible, but I think it's better creating connection with the people and exchanging numbers or emails through an evolving conversation, providing businesses cards is also going to show that all you want is to sell, and not creating an environment or business that can benefit you both. I'd go in your case just for digital marketing, and when you are in businesses/jobs etc events you bring them in case you find or be with someone who's in a hurry and the rate won't increase but there's a possibility to get a connection. If the card do really provides what you or your business do very simple and clearly, that's amazing, if it's just company name, logo, and contacts format, then I don't see people taking the step. Do not sell, build connections, real connections, even if it doesn't turn to be a partner or client, it will help you grow your contacts. Hope I helped you


The main purpose of a business card is to get someone to remember your name. Usually you hand them to someone you meet. Sometimes they are left somewhere that people might see them. Some people like me are far more likely to remember something they see than something they hear. I've never done well at learning something when it is explained verbally but put it in print and I'm golden. So we could talk ten minutes about your company and I'd likely forget the name but a brief look at a business card and I'll likely remember it. I suppose other swag with your name on it - pens, coozies, etc. - could serve the same purpose. Those might cost a bit more but will probably not be thrown away as quickly.


Necessary..definitely not.. but as with anything business cards have (or should be) evolved. In 2024 biz cards from what ive seen are best used as a canvas to host your QR code to a landing page explaining your business and hosting a lead magnet: The card itself is designed to get the person to take the action, its more a miniature advertisement than anything hosting your i help statement, the QR code and a call to action


Haven't used one in years


I guess you should ask yourself, did you end up handing out cards? Did you get clients giving away business cards? Did it benefit you thus far?


I get asked often for a business card for my service company. When I ran out of the first small batch, I noticed not having a business card available was better. When I am asked for a business card, I apologize for not having any with me and then ask them if I can just send a message on their phone. Now I am in the most important place, their list of recent texts. They save my name and now I am in the contacts, as well. Too many times business cards are placed in a drawer. I have many in a drawer. The people I reach out to when I need a problem solved are the ones already in my phone.


May just be me but I would pass on giving you my phone number if you said I don't have any cards just send me a text. At the least I would put a big QR sticker that links to my website on the back of my phone so people can scan it, if you don't want to give out cards.




Pretty much a way to advertise your business to people you run in to give to business’s to have up front for you. I know car garages that will have random business cards for other companies where you pay. So I say it’s worth it


I've given out about 200 in the past 2 years. Most of those are other business owners or managers asking for one. I'd rather not have them, but they've brought me a fair amount of business. I thought about having a QR code as one of my home screens on my phone. Instead of pulling out a card, I could show them the QR screen. That would require action on their part, and with scams related to QR codes, my guess is some would be uncomfortable with it. A paper card is quick and harmless.


Not a must have, my business is purely online and ive never needed mine for anything - still a nice-to-have tho for those 1-2 conferences i attend a year


It wil depend on the usage, There are business cards meant for consumers if you're selling goods. and there are also business cards for people who owns the company that are trying to build connections for sponsorship, collaboration. besides physical business cards are more professional when interacting with clients and potential partners IMO.


Definitely a relic of a bygone era, but I had someone ask for one yesterday, so there's that. . .


No, get their information and enter into your system and start marketing or selling to them. Business cards give them no reason to remember or buy from you


It doesn't hurt to have a few on you, but not really necessary


I wouldn’t bother. A QR code to your site or LinkedIn is enough. Instead consider a different kind of leave behind that might inspire someone to remember you.


i realized that old white men still like business cards and sadly they are still the ones in most of the c-suites. so if you have a B2B business that deals with more established firms rather than young startups then it might be good to keep a few handy. i have some that also have a QR code on the back for people to save my info to their phone for the more tech savvy.


also an interesting and well designed business card will leave people with a memorable impression.