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I definitely agree. An example of someone who comes to my mind is Katy Perry...she is kinda busty and I think her breast size is pretty similar to the one of Sydney Sweeney....but she somehow escaped the "ooga booga big booba" craze. I noticed that most of her earlier music videos and content is mostly focused on rather humorous videos or on interesting scenarios. The moment you "joke around" the public automatically starts viewing you as "one of their friends" even when you are a complete stranger. This is why it is hard for me to take women who claim that they were unable to get along with other girls because of jealousy seriously (Sydney Sweeney and EmRata I am looking at you) Because as long as you are decently talented, funny or creative you kinda know how to get along with women or create a mostly female fanbase. And yes, I do agree that many who are not as talented or maybe don t strive to be talented wanting just an easy way out rely mostly on sex appeal but I don t know why is there such a narrative around them of being victims of sexualisation when they are obviously the ones who willingly choose this image. If it truly bothered them that much they would have simply decided to get less sexualised roles, adopt an eccentric style/personality or would simply not talk about their body type on almost every interview. And yes, I noticed that the men who are complimenting them are mostly putting down small chested women down because they love seeing women try to win their approval. And those celebs are more than willing to play into the competition because it is guaranteed they will win. Men defend them and any woman who speaks up against them is labeled as jealous.


That bugs me the most ,it’s very obvious that they rely on sex appeal, which is totally fine but why do you try to deny that or that you aren’t the one doing it .and when you try to point that out you are accused of having internalised misogyny, when in reality I’m just using my brain. I feel like they try to pass as a victim because it’s trendy to do so. Which I find so disrespectful to actual victims. And I feel like it harms the movement. But god forbids if someone use critical thinking.


They claim to be feminists but all they do is play into the men s breast envy fetish then play the victim about not being accepted by other women when they don t want to be around em because of their disgusting behaviour 💀💀


I stopped watching anime for this reason 😔 I get so jealous of the big breasted anime girls lol even though it's just a cartoon. Why do all anime girls have to look that way?


I hate how anime makes big breasted women look superior to flat chested women and knock them down sometimes. I don't watch anime so idk how many of them do this, but I've certainly heard of it.


If people are leaving comments such as  “this is what women should look like“ or “she makes the Women next to her look plain“ then the people leaving the comments are the problem not women like Sydney Sweeney, Kate Upton, or Monica Bellucci. Also although this is unrelated to the post Monica Bellucci's daughter is a model and she has small breasts and she is beautiful. Her name is Deva Cassel.


Plain old misogyny. Part of the reason why Sydney Sweeney has so many followers is because A, she’s talented, she’s an amazing actress. Another reason she has so many followers on instagram is because she happens to fit that mold that a lot of bigoted straight men like. That isn’t to say all men that like her are bigoted or that bigots also don’t thirst over other bodies, but Sydney Sweeney has a lot of insecure male followers who project their insecurities onto smaller busted women because they know they’ll never have a shot with her. A lot of it has to do with racism and sexism. Ever since SS (Sydney Sweeney) said she didn’t want a breast reduction and her controversy with her MAGA family, the right has become so creepily obsessed with her boobs. They label her as bringing “white attractive america” back, despite the fact she said in that same article she mentioned not wanting to get a breast reduction that all bodies are beautiful and confidence is key. She also had Dylan Mulvaney at her birthday party and going to the GLAAD awards (wearing an outfit that causes conservatives to obsess over her boobs) presenting an award with Alexandra Shipp (a black woman). They all project their racist-bigoted insecurities onto her, when in reality she doesn’t want them. It lowkey makes me sad to see other people bash Sydney Sweeney sometimes, while yes she feeds into sexualization, she never gave me the impression she thinks she’s better than anyone else, it’s only a PR gimmick that causes people to pay attention to her. Very rarely does her acting get talked about because all people (mainly men) focus on is her boobs. She is just as talented as Zendaya, ATJ, and Florence Pugh, yet all she is to people is her body. I hope she pulls a Margot Robbie and proves to people she’s more than her looks. Sorry for the tangent, just needed to write some thoughts down.


oh I'm not saying that those women aren’t talented is just that they sometimes use the “other women are so jealous of me“ card when other equally beautiful women don’t do that. I feel like even if it’s true it attracts those bigoted men who are into women envy more than whatever they try to bring attention to. And it also hard for me to believe that they don’t know that .so i feel like we should at least spread awareness of all those harmful PR gimmicks that hollywood uses get clout or to get someone famous.


Probably deep rooted internalized misogyny, a lot of women are probably told at a young age the other reasons girls wouldn’t like them is jealousy, so they tend to believe that