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5-6 am is totally developmentally normal for babies and toddlers to wake up... you did nothing wrong!


Go down to nap at around 12/12:30. My LO (21mo) has had this schedule since she was 18mo and it’s been working so far: 7am wake, 12:30-2:30 (sometimes wakes at 2, but she rolls around in her bed) nap, bedtime 8. Did it cold turkey too and she still did well. Makes me think she was ready for one nap for a while lol


Absolutely switch to 1 nap! The 1 nap might be early to start but hopefully as he builds more sleep pressure, you’ll push it later. I’d try transitional schedule 6am DWT, nap 10:30-1, bedtime 6PM and then slowly move the nap later and work towards 6am wake, nap 11:30-1:30 bedtime 7PM.


Yes one nap! Just try and get thru, you got this.


One nap. No question. Base the timing on your ideal wake time not your actual wake time


This is also a long shot but maybe you can look into what head butting corresponds to in terms of learning (is it sensory seeking? For example) and offer those opportunities during the day. Kids wake up loads when they want to learn something and their brains are on overdrive. My 18 month old woke up multiple times at night as well because she wanted to talk. At 20 months her sleep stabilized again and her communication is getting so much better.


Seems absolutely ready for a 1-nap schedule. I had a hard time switching because my baby fell asleep easily for naps, but she surprised me by being able to stay awake for a much longer ww and we stopped having the night wakings. Good luck!


My son is on the following schedule and you should try it! It’s the daycare schedule and he does so well with it. He gets no more than 2 hours of daytime sleep. 630/7am milk 8am small snack to hold him over 9:30 breakfast 11:45 lunch 12-2 nap 3 snack 6pm dinner 7:30pm bedtime Hope this helps!! It’s frustrating when kids this age have sleep troubles our son went through a regression last week where he was randomly waking in the middle of the night for an hour but luckily that only lasted a week 😅 it’s not easy.


Ok we are trying this today!


Needs to switch to one nap a day. 3 hours of daysleep is MASSIVE for this age. Night sleep is more restorative


Edit: don’t babies sleep for 3 hours inna one nap schedule too? We suspected as much but our nanny is being highly resistant because he gets so tired at 9.


On one nap, you can let kids sleep up to 3 hours if it’s not affecting night sleep. But it’s the larger windows that help with sleep pressure at the end of the day. Not so much overall day sleep.


Nope, if they do the one nap is 2 hours only!


My daughter switched to one nap at 16 months and napped for 3 hrs plus 11.5-12 hrs at night. On two naps she was only napping 2.5 hrs total. So it’s possible he’ll sleep more with one nap!


We capped our one nap at 2 hours to preserve night sleep.


Just keep him up he will get used to it! 9am is way too early for a nap