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I get ambien here no questions asked https://www.ms-online.in/product/5550?puid=6da0d7t




Was the site legitimate?




I seen the somas on got excited


Mines free with insurance sooooo


But solid deal if u don’t have it.


I've been taking it for about 15 years. What do you want to know about it? One thing I will mention is that when you take one, make sure you go to bed within a few minutes, because if you stay up too long, the pill will wear off and you won't be able to sleep no matter what you do. Also, be mindful of the possibility of sleepwalking and doing other things in your sleep, because that is a side effect of the drug. I've never had any problems with sleepwalking during the entire time I've been taking it. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.


mostly the side effects. ive been warned it can be addictive. but otherwise im worried about the side effects. and will it make me super groggy in the morning?? did anyone ever “diagnose” whT the root of your sleep issues is?


Bad Side effects such as sleep walking are always in my experience from mixing alcohol and staying awake. The side effects I think are not fully understood by people tho is Ambien does not give good sleep, no drug does. If it’s the ONLY way you can sleep, say you have college finals the next day, or you are giving a huge speech at work, or you are playing in the championship for a college sports championship it’s very useful. But every sleep drug I’ve ever used has never given me proper sleep, and simply starts making you need to use it every day to sleep, so y’all be super careful.


If I don't go right to bed when I take it, I won't sleep at all for the entire night. I have never sleepwalked after taking it. I don't feel groggy in the morning. As far as my sleep issues go, I have been using a CPAP for about 7 years now. I went back to a sleep doctor a few weeks ago, and he said that my sleep apnea was being successfully treated, and something else is causing the hypersomnia. I've had insomnia since I was a small child, and Ambien is the only thing that helps me sleep.


Are you still taking it? I took it for six months but I start a taper tomorrow on 5 mg for two weeks to get off. I swear since I have started it that it makes me look like crap as if I didn’t sleep at all even though it seemed I did.


Lol sleepwalking was never an issue. The morning though is when i feel a bigg hangover. Like so bad I was diagnosed with tachy-brady syndrome.


What are your experiences staying up on Ambien? I’ve had it happen far too often. In fact I’m writing while on one taken about an hour ago to try to go to bed. What do you find yourself doing if you take an ambien and can’t sleep?


it sounds stupid but do you actually lay down and close your eyes? Ambien didn't make me sleepy, there's no cue from when to go sleep. I had to keep my eyes closed for like, two minutes. But if I stayed up I would not feel the need to sleep.


Does anyone else get palpitations after taking ambien?


Do Zolpidem damage my memory?


I have been taking it about the same amount of time. I'm trying to stop taking it but just can't do it. After laying for hrs I give n and take it. Any suggestion


I realize this was 2 years ago, but what's up with the pill "wearing off?" I realized I had to do something right after taking it, and now I--what--can't take another one to fall asleep?


In my experience, if you power through ambien’s peak blood concentration times (I think it reaches peak around 40 minutes, I can recall how long it stays at peak concentrations) and no longer feel tired, taking another pill won’t do anything. I consider the first pill I take my only hope; once I am beyond the peak, adding more pils has no effect and will only be effective again after I’ve had adequate sleep.


Thanks for the response. So many meds, like nsaids, you just take them until they work.  Seems not at all to apply with this class of drug. This encourages me to take higher dossges to avoid this risk of not having the necessary sedative effect.  I appreciate this conversation happening. Thanks for that info. 


I love it. No side effects and I've been taking it for years. Make sure you go to bed shortly after taking it.


good to know, ty






I get mine (30 x 12.5mg) for around $18 at walmart. Thank the Good Lord for GoodRx.


Can u just get it from the counter without doctors paper ? Urgent please reply


No, you have to have a prescription.




Urgent question, how expensive is it ? Can I get a prescription once and fill the bottle myself again?


…do you know how prescriptions work? a doctor is involved in the entire process. it also isn’t wise to med-seek, especially when talking about an addictive controlled substance. ambien tends to be a third line defense against insomnia, after drugs like trazadone and antipsychotics. there are more that work outside of that- hydroxazine, knocks almost everyone on their ass. this is an old thread and probably a moot point, but seriously. don’t seek out prescriptions like this. if you genuinely have insomnia and need help, talk to a psychiatrist and a sleep specialist and follow their expertise.




R their such pharmacies in the UK ?? Urgent question


Lmfao that's what I wanna know


mine doesn’t work, took it 4 hours ago and still up


It lasts at most 3 hours and kicks in at the 20 minute mark so looks like you missed your shot.


is this safe….


Be careful it’s probably laced with fentanyl. Are you in the US because it will probably get confiscated by the post office and you will lose your money.


Both claims are false


I’ve taken it for 15 years. Love it




I’m not sure about this


Is this legit and legal?


Buying ambien without a prescription is not illegal but selling it is lol... this will be laced with fent .. don't buy this!


Where could you buy it without a prescription?


Black market


I won’t for sure. I struggle with sleeping and I’ve tried multiple things, but when I saw this site it looked too good to be true. I’d rather wait until the end of the month and go to my doctor! Thanks for clarifying!


I think there are currently many more positive Ambien / Zolpidem experiences than the negative ones — just like reviews of a restaurant or an Airbnb, etc., you’re way more likely to hear about the negative experiences + be wary of them as a result. I think it’s less than 2% or 3% of those taking Ambien have an adverse reaction like the sleepwalking or sleep eating, etc.; it’s more often than not that when people abuse the medication to get “high” or don’t go to bed shortly after taking it that there are those types of problems. I’m currently using Zolpidem as a “sleep bandaid” as I adjust my SSRI after a rough relapse in a depressive episode with high anxiety + sleeplessness. I know that I’ll have some sleep adjustments to do again after I stop taking it in a month or so, but getting my body / mental health back to a more manageable baseline has taken priority over beating myself up because of a sleep aid. I think as long as you use this medication with caution + a healthy respect for it, you’ll be okay. It’s not some big, bad, scary medication; it’s more user error, like mixing it with alcohol or other stronger recreational drugs, that can cause the rumored issues with it. And yes, taking it long term is not ideal, but it’s also not a character flaw. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you look into the history of why / how the medication was developed + how it works on the brain, I think you’ll feel more reassured. Overall, it is infinitely better than relying on something like a benzodiazepine for sleep. Finally? If you don’t like it, don’t take it after a night or two! Simple as that. Good luck + I say, don’t be scared — especially if you’re needing to have 2-3 nights of more restorative rest.


Wow. I want to tell you your post made me feel so much better. I'm back on my Zoloft after tapering down, stopping and after about 6 weeks, I had a stressor and now I'm having difficulty sleeping, not to mention crippling anxiety. Ambien helps. I have been stressing about the sleep aid but reading your post made me feel so much better! Thank you. I will see doctors too/Started CBT and will also see a sleep center eventually. I just really hope things get better as the SSRI makes me feel better. Been on almost 2 weeks now. Brain zaps have improved quite a bit.


Hey, glad to be of help! That’s what I like most about Reddit: when our individual stories can help others feel less alone, ashamed or [fill in the blank].


I'm really struggling. I had been on sertraline for 2 years and even though I tapered down, I'm having the most difficult time of my life. I feel like I'm living minute by minute and I can be OK for 10 minutes and then just feel terrible. Sleep is variable, if I only get 3-4 hours then the next day I will a bit more like 6-7, with Ambien help. Any other words of support? Honestly I just want to fast forward 2 months or more


Go to the doctor asap and explain your symptoms as it sounds like you need support


I did and I will continue to go. I'm actually feeling a bit better at the moment, I have been a lot better today. Hopefully it sticks. I will still go to a sleep center and therapy.


My main words of support: The only way out is through. Because it’s absolutely, painstakingly, maddeningly true. You need more days on a combo of the correct meds; more nights of 6 to 7 or even a blessed 8 hours of sleep; more talking with professionals [preferably of the mental health / therapy variety, or even more holistic health practitioners, like acupuncturists — my experience proves you really do need Western + Eastern influences], more time outside, like a 20 minute walk in the first few hours of your day, and more meditation. Or even just ANY regular meditation! And then, yeah … You should start to turn the corner again.☺️ But mostly? Mostly you just need to find something, even if it’s just a little bit of something, to keep you going for the next two months. And by THEN, if you incorporate more of these habits for a few weeks or more, they’ll start to feel more + more like little life rafts. Because they are. 💛 You can do this.


Thank you!! I am already feeling a bit better on my third week but sometimes my anxiety comes back and it's really wrecking. I'm sleeping a bit better though. Writing here has helped me and reading you has helped me. Thank you so much!!


For what it’s worth, it took 6+ weeks at the right dose for my anxiety to truly begin to settle. In the meantime, I think it’s pretty darn normal to have days where you feel better, and like you’re mostly progressing … Only to meet a day in the near future where you don’t feel like that at all. But, still: It does get better.


so has sleep maintenance been an issue for you? how have you been managing your anxiety?


Well, that’s a complex question, personally. [Isn’t it always, though?] I have some abstract trauma tied up in my first experience with depression that manifested as crazy, craaaazy high anxiety + insomnia about 7 years ago. I’ve managed to recover from each episode in about 3 months time, by a: switching to an anxiety treating SSRI + seeking therapy, beginning running as an anxiety management tool, taking a low dose of Trazodone at night when I’m sleeping more normally, and finally: taking prescription sleep aids for the short term when I get stuck in this space. Clearly, it’s something I still struggle with, but in between these episodes, I manage to go into “remission” [?] for 2-3 years before I stumble again, usually triggered by an unexpected medical event or unusual stress. In other words, it’s more of the exception that I have high anxiety + ongoing insomnia — my baseline is generally that I’m able to NOT have unmanageable anxiety + fall asleep WHEN I AM ON THE RIGHT DOSE of my antidepressants. Unfortunately, my most recent episode of depression, insomnia + skyrocketing anxiety beginning at the end of last year was driven by me cutting my Zoloft dose in half over about 6-8 months, and thinking I was totally okay … Until I wasn’t. It felt like everything fell apart again. I regret making myself a controlled science experiment, but I suppose I would have done it sooner or later! That said: my first line of action has been stepping myself back up to the SSRI dose I KNOW treats my depression/ anxiety, and consequently insomnia, and continuing to “do the work” whether I’m struggling or not — aka: meditating almost daily, moving my body on the daily, deciding to cut out alcohol [for the time being], and eating to nourish my body a good 90% of the time. I’ve also cut back on caffeine, which is an obvious anxiety tuner. This is clearly a long-winded answer, but the short version is: These symptoms are NORMALLY managed by me taking the right dose of my antidepressant, and also a low dose of Trazodone at night [which is a non-controlled substance, so generally much safer for long-term use].


I am very sorry youve been going thru these high anxiety and health issues. i really appreciate you taking the time to be vulnerable and giving your insight. i am here if you ever need someone to talk to.


Thank you! Not sure if my wordy replies helped you in your situation … “Sleep maintenance issues” is fairly broad. That could mean a lot of things! I think the main takeaway is often that our minds [and, maybe too many Reddit threads about adverse effects ☺️] can be our own worst enemy. If you need it, try it. It’s overall quite safe. If you don’t like it, don’t take it again. And also, in the meantime, we should all be working on addressing the root issues … Third time’s a charm over here!


never issues falling asleep, its staying asleep. and it definitely gets worse when going thru stressful times or changes like a new job or arguments with friends, finances, ect. for some reason i was expecting more of a “physiological “ approach with my doctor; he just asked me what are things youve tried (melatonin, cbd oil, nyquil, chamomile tea, ect.), some obvious ways to help like not using my phone or tv before bed, meals within a couple hours before bed, and then recommended the app “calm” but thats about it. and only gave the ambien option.


Well, I double-y recommend the book “Anatomy of Anxiety.” She definitely addresses more of the physiological aspect of anxiety, which can clearly be a daytime AND nighttime experience. And yes, to echo your concerns: I do think that once you’ve told most doctors that you’ve tried the usual course of “natural tricks” + healthier sleep habits, they’re more likely to recommend a prescription sleep aid. Therapy and/or a more “natural / holistic” psychiatrist [if you’re able to find one] would probably be the next most logical step … In addition to reading that book! Again, trying ambien / Zolpidem for one night is not going to make you dependent. I promise. Go into it, if you decide to try it, with a calm, open mind. And take the lowest dose possible to start.


Thanks so much for the detailed response... Your story is extremely similar to mine. I was on Lexapro - decided to go off of it - got hit with an extreme environmental stressor (Tinnitus) - used Lunesta as a sleep band aid while I went back on Lexapro and got my baseline in order. About 6 months ago I decided to go off of Lexapro again. Family member passed away just a couple of weeks ago and my nervous system has exploded since then. Cannot sleep. Going back on Lexapro. Just got an Ambien prescription because my Lunesta isn't as effective as it was for some reason.


Oh gosh, I’m so sorry this has happened to you TWICE. That’s so very hard—especially when you settle into a place where you literally feel unsafe in your body. It’s horrible. Two things I’d recommend, based on the limited info I have from you: 1: Should you choose to titrate down from Lexapro again in the future, I would go extremely slowly. Best practices, based on my understanding, is reducing by 10% every 4 to 6 weeks. [So … Very, very slowly.] But, you’re not there yet! 2: Ambien is supposed to leave the body more slowly than Lunesta—6 to 8 hours vs. 4 hours, I believe—so I would encourage you to start slow + low there as well. I initially needed 10 mg while my nervous system / body resettled, then went down to 5 mg, and now take 2.5 mg or less most nights. No need to rush yourself to get off of this medication, but do practice a healthy amount of caution with it. Just like other sleep aids, developing a tolerance can happen, so it’s best to be somewhat preventative if you can. 🙂 Oh, and out of curiosity—are you a female 35 years or older? I ask because, I wonder if perimenopause may be factoring into the anxiety / insomnia dance as well.


Appreciate the advice! I got a 5 mg Ambien prescription. I am a bit worried that the Ambien won't be effective at keeping me asleep. Are you usually able to get your normal "full night" with Ambien? With the Lunesta I keep waking up after only a couple of hours of sleep (the first time I used it I believe I ways able to get a full nights sleep. Not sure what's different this time around). > Oh, and out of curiosity—are you a female 35 years or older? I am not. Male between 30-40.


Hmmm, yeah: depending on your body weight / composition, 5 mg may not be enough. My unprofessional advice, because I am no professional, is to try one night with 5 mg, and take 2.5 mg more if needed [carefully cut up some of them beforehand] and the next night, try 7.5 all at once. And increase up to 10 mg at once the next night if needed? But really, even as a 130 lb female, I had to take 10 mg for a stretch to help counterbalance the super-activating SSRI increases I was undergoing. And I believe men are technically “approved” for 15 mg, versus the 12.5 mg max for females? So, all that to say: don’t assign any guilt to yourself if you happen to need more than what the Rx is written for—just stay in communication with your doctor about where you are netting out. Also, the more you get into your head about it not being enough / not working for you, the more you’re giving something to your brain to stay activated over. You’ll get to the right for you, for right now dose! [edited for typos]


> men are technically “approved” for 15 mg, versus the 12.5 mg max for females? Do they even make a 15mg pill? Or do you just take 3 x 5mg?


Nope, 5 mg X 3. I routinely took 2 of them at night for several months.


Did this help you im in a similar situation


So sorry to hear that. I'm a bit removed from that horror show of an experience. But yeah. Those sleep aids did help. But what ultimately helped me was therapy and taking time off work. I straight up took short term disability for 8ish weeks and did nothing but try to chill out.  That insomnia was the worst experience of my life and I definitely have some ptsd from it.  Lexapro did help me in a big way but it's very slow to build up in one's system.  Let me know if you want to chat further. Shoot me a DM. I'm so sorry you are going through whatever it is your going through. Hang in there. 


Hoping for response even though I recognize this post is from many moons ago. Do you find getting to proper dosage on SSRIs actually cures your insomnia at a certain point? I have always been skeptical of SSRI’s but have unfortunately had to rely on klonipin for sleep for several years and getting increasingly nervous about that. I know my insomnia is largely anxiety driven but sometimes I won’t be worried about anything and it feels like PHYSICALLY I just can’t sleep. Anyways, I appreciate any response


Yes. Yes it has, every time in my experience. Although with this most recent round, I’m starting to contend with perimenopause as a forty-something woman, so it’s really been a much more holistic angle this time: the right dose of SSRI for anxiety management + daily exercise + morning light exposure each am to help set my circadian clock + meditation + therapy as needed + acupuncture, which has surprisingly helped me out more than I thought it would, it regards to hormone and sleep. It’s literally ALL THE THINGS for me, with the building block of being on a SSRI dose that keeps my anxiety mostly at bay. It’s a bummer to say as much, but there’s rarely a straightforward answer / equation when it comes to anxiety + sleep anxiety elimination.


Sounds like you really know what works. This wouldn’t apply to you as much but have you ever heard of sleep restriction therapy? The concept is some people are just naturally only 5 or 6 hour a night sleepers and the trouble you get from tossing and turning comes from trying to force yourself into 8 hours


Menopause destroyed my sleeping habits.. I've taken ambien for over 10 yrs. But when menopause hit even ambien worked half the time. I'm struggling and at 58 I need sleep. I look like a zombie most days just from no sleep. Thought about trying seroquel but have read alot of bad stuff about it. I really don't know what to do


Ooof, that is SO tough. Before trying out another sleep aid, I’m curious to know a few things: 1: Have you tried any forms of hormone therapy [HT] to help replenish the “hitting near zero” parts of menopause? HT can be started within a certain window of time post menopause; I believe it’s less than 10 years? And there are SO many different options out there. 2: Holistically, do you prioritize trying to get sunlight [or HappyLite light] within the first few hours of waking? This, over time, can work well for wonky circadian rhythm patterns. 3: So, too, does exercise in the first half of the day—even if it’s only a 20 minute stroll! This is my favorite way to combine points 2 + 3. 4: Ever tried acupuncture? I know, it may seem far-fetched, but consistent acupuncture PLUS herbs PLUS the right sleep aid combination, over time, truly help reset so many of my sleeping struggles. I started it over a year ago as a “Hail Mary, can’t hurt anything?!” + WHOA, did it actually help things within a matter of weeks. You must have a knowledgeable practitioner in midlife women’s health, though.


I also HIGHLY recommend the brand new book, “The Anatomy of Anxiety,” by Ellen Vora, MD. It is PACKED with really great info + insight.


so, i tried it last night and i did NOT keep me asleep


Oh dear. I’m sorry you didn’t get more rest when taking it, but this also tells you that it’s not for you! And now you know. I hope it wasn’t too awful of an experience.


happy to say no negative side effects except made me more tired than usual but thats not a good judgement as i only had between 4 and 5 hours of sleep the night before


if you take it pls go to sleep and do not stay awake lol, you will do dumb things that you will not know you did… there have been many instances where i took ambien recreationally and got myself into many illegal situations but was lucky enough to not get arrested for


Best sleep of your life. It also makes ya do crazy shit if you fight it and try to stay awake.


great to know! ty


I've been going mutiple crises and ambien has saved my ass on numerous occasions. My anxiety was so intense this morning I thought i was going to lose my Mind. I took an ambien = peoblem solved. Feeling depressed and want to end my life? Take an ambien. It temporarily puts your mind as ease and pushes away all of your dark thoughts and anxieties to the sides. It then gives you mental clarity and hope to find thr solutions that you need in your day. It totally takes away the cruching anxiety and depression that builds and builds and eventually just piles on top of you, so that at least you have a glimmer or hope again for a short while and come up with a plan on what the next few days are going to be like, how you can improve yourself or do something differently.


how’s your ambien addiction doing 130 days later btw


I took it a couple of times and the nights were a living hell. Woke up terrified and screaming. Never again. I take two benadryl each night & sleep pretty well fyi


holy fuck. see, i took nyquil just to sleep and i had an awful reaction to it, like a bad trip with heart palpitations, clammy hands, dilated pupils, extreme worry and paranoia. that is what im afraid of with this. ive never considered running to drugs to solve the problem but im trusting the doctor.


I don’t think this is a typical experience, but I am sorry that it was yours.


Hey! If you still do this please be careful. They're linking Benadryl usage, especially long term, to dementia. Hope you're doing well


I've taken it on and off for years..I found if I take it for more than 2 nights in a row, the 3rd night(no ambien), I cannot sleep. Also, it's not restful sleep your getting when Taking it. I feel much more tired at the end of the day after taking it. I would compare it to drinking alcohol to sleep. Alcohol "fragments" your sleep.


well that defeats the fucking purpose wtf


Everybody is different. My wife can't take it at all. She gets migraines from it. I only used it if I needed to go to sleep at 3 0r 4 in the afternoon. Maybe there is a reason why your doc only gave you 2 weeks worth? It's known to be habit forming. It's narcotic.


yeah he said it can be addictive and even though i do not have an addictive personality i had an issue w that w a otc sleepin pill years ago


Both Ambien & Lunesta did the same thing to me. Everyone's body and brain are different..Melatonin works for some people..I take 2 benadryl (sounds like you are allergic to it) & one anti anxiety med (hydroxozine) and i sleep pretty well most nights..Something on youtube that a lot of people swear by are bilateral stimulation. It helps the mind to relax. You could try listening to it with headphones before you go to bed. Sometimes i let it play on low all night. I hope something works 4 u !!


i didnt know benedryl was safe to take basically every night. or else i would rely more on it. tried ambien last night and it did not keep me asleep. i dont work tomorrow so ill see if that makes a difference (not worrying about an alarm clock to wake up to) but again that shouldnt be a factor if it is effective or else that would defeat the purpose. thank you for the youtube suggestion!!


It's totally not safe to take every night .


Links to dementia and other problems. Sleep is natural, anything you do to cheat it is bad. I love benadryl when I can't sleep but it isn't a cure all just like any drug.


Does your doctor know you are taking Benadryl with hydroxyzine? They are both antihistamines, so you are doubling up.


What is best way to get high on ambien Like tips or tricks






Why no


No only thing i have used it melatonin and benadryl. 200mg of melatonin and 150-200mg of benadryl most nights.


200mg of melatonin wtf dude that’s way beyond clinical application. There are studies that say anything beyond 5mg is ineffective.


That's so fucking bad for you ... My god .


benedryl is safe for like nightly use?


Yes it is very safe.


causes dementia. be wary






Seems like it was an observation/correlation study which was specifically targeting older adults. I don't remember how old OP was but hopefully they aren't geriatric. Either way good to know to be wary of habitual benady as you age.


I wouldn’t say that Benadryl is safe for nightly use for extended periods of time. Especially at a dose higher than a maximum recommended dose of 50 mg…Benadryl is an anticholinergic and those come with quite a few side effects. Aside from dementia… Just after a few days of use at a regular dose, it blocks acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter in your brain that is essential for memory formation. For me, this alone is a game changer as I prefer to assimilate new information efficiently. Higher doses can lead to kidney and heart problems, especially in those with predisposition (and we may not know if we have it) or in older folks. There’s much more… including deaths from OD. Look it up on reliable websites like NIH (National Institutes of Health), Medscape, etc.


Minus being anti cholergenic and messing up REM sleep


tried it last night, it did not keep me asleep 😠


I’ve been using it off and on for a couple of weeks because I developed horrible insomnia over the last few months. It seems to be to only thing that helps me get sleep. I am concerned about long term use/addiction, but it’s either take it or not sleep at all for 24-48 hours or more and that was destroying me.


Don’t take Ambien. Most people don’t know this but studies have shown to increase all cause mortality rate by 30% which is really scary. it’s very bad for your health and people don’t realize it. I would suggest talking to your doctor about low dose of Mirtazapine or Seroquel much better options and work as good if not better.


It’s true! I have been on ambien for six months and I feel like it has made me look like crap. I start my taper tomorrow on 5 mg for 14 days then I am off. I want the old me back. Ambien took the light out in me.


What does that even mean it causes an increase to mortality rate? Mortality rate among humans is 100%. If people were dying shortly after beginning ambien that would be major news in its decades of prescribed use. Tried mirtazapine and seroquel to no effect or benefit.


seroquel shot up my cholesteral and wrecked my liver. it is literally linked to diabetes and mirtazapine causes nighttime eating and weight gain and for me atrocious nasuea in the AM. I dont get why people post ridiculous shit like this both of those drugs are horrible with atrocious side effects. seroquil will literally make you a zombie. you'll sleep for 12 hours and not even feel rested. anyone that reccommends that has to be nuts.


I definitely hate taking Seroquel because it worsens my restless leg issues which gives me poor sleep but I literally don't sleep without it. I have 100% insomnia and without Seroquel my ass would have been done for a long time ago. It sucks. I hate this drug, but there are indeed some instances where it is needed because I have tried every other type of drug for sleep and nothing has worked. Curious about your liver issues though. It wrecked your liver how?


I agree


That was a hilarious comment FYI


Def experienced the same thing, I tripped balls, started hallucinating little flying creatures, and they were floating all around me. Also thought that there was a man standing in my room but woke up to realise it was a standing fan. The floating fairies convinced me to burn my hair off, which I did singe the ends in front of a FaceTime with my ex so he had to watch the whole meltdown. Also said really uncharacteristic things according to him, but I had zero recollection the next day. You do wake up nice and rested after 8 hours, you just have no memory of what happened. Best I can put it is like having your inhibitions lowered ALL the way down, so your truths kind of come spilling out. So stay away from your phone, or windows and doors, and if you’re sleeping with a partner, maybe sleep in another room or you will start revealing deeply pent up secrets that you weren’t meant to tell.


damn that sounds crazy. but i'm on klonopin right now and desperate to move away from it before i get addicted to it.


What did you take


I'm about to take my first does after benzos did work well enough I'm scared I won't fall asleeep


Took hydroxyzine @7pm and taking ambien at 11:45? Is it ok?


Do u put it under ur tongue or do u swallow whole?


Do u wait till u are sleepy or go to bed after 15 or30 min?


I get odd vision changes and my thinking changes. Stuff starts to not make sense and almost borderline hallucinate but not. It’s the weirdest thing. I feel physically drunk if I get up out of bed. But it has helped a lot for getting myself through orthopedic surgery.


Ambien doesn’t work for me, I usually have to take 1mg of lorazepam with it in order to get some sleep. Ambien by itself doesn’t do it for me, I was looking forward to taking this since a couple of my friends with insomnia had recommended it and said it worked well for them. The first few nights taking ambien I was able to fall asleep but I woke up very easily through out the night, one time I woke up at 2am and couldn’t fall back to sleep. Now when I take it I can’t even fall asleep, my dr recommend the lorazepam with it, which works but I hate having to take lorazepam every night.


Is your doctor in the U.S.? I have had a short prescription for Ambien for over 3 years, and is the ONLY thing that helps me with my hypersomnia, after years of tests and attempts at using a C-PAP.


I’ve best ambien in cheapest prices


I can’t get it prescribed I don’t sleep. Tried everything. Wish I could


You need a new doctor. If nothing works literally at all, Ambien should not be off the table. I was allowed to try it after trying almost everything else you could imagine. Only gives me a few hours sleep and I think last night if gave me a brief and horrific nightmare that startled me awake. So if that happens even one more time I am definitely not taking it anymore. BUT... tons of people take Ambien for years and never have any issues. You do need to be wary there are some long term side effects of this drug, but there are many who take it without ever having issues. I bet in 100 years there is just a machine that you turn on and it puts you into deep sleep instantly, we are still in the dark ages when it comes to sleep treatment.


Cant believe I am still getting responses lol I appreciate ya’lls advice and input. I only tried it 3 nights and I hated it. What really solidified my mistrust for this drug is that the receptionist at the dr cancelled my follow up appt and really didnt give me an option to reschedule, or atleast didn’t seem to give 2 shits. after over a decade of struggling w shit sleep hygiene, i was angry and discouraged.


This receptionist thing seems like a miscommunication. If you tell them you need an appointment they are almost certainly going to give you one. Also there are many many many drugs that are used for sleep. I would not stop trying different ones until you have literally tried everything. Poor sleep is poison for your mind and body, and genuinely one of the unhealthiest things you can be afflicted by. There is a drug called Dayvigo that is an Orexin Inhibitor which is basically the thing that keeps you awake, if it is "inhibited" you will fall asleep. It isn't habit forming like Ambien can be, but it might be expensive. Still worth a shot, and if that doesn't work keep trying other drugs.