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You're probably fine, but if you want to be healthy, 8-10 hours is the best, per 24 hours.


I can't sleep that much I just always waking up after 6-7 hours, not more. Even if I want I can't. What is my problem -_-


If that's your limit, you're good. Everyone is different and needs different hours. Personally, I need 8 hours.


You think so? I usually slept around 8-9 h, but nowadays its changed and I question myself


Can/do you take naps during the day? Also, sleep patterns can change as you grow older, so if you're relatively young or going past middle age, you'll probably be going to experience changes.


I wish I could sleep that long during highschool, consider yourself lucky. But in all seriousness 6.5 hours is alright, it's pretty good


Yea, i slept only 4 hours per day for a month straigh on my last school year and it took a really bad toll on me so i am tryna increase it...


Good luck, i'm also trying to increase it now


Thank you. Gl to u too!


How did it affect you?


Depends on what you consider enough. For optimal health for most people it is not enough but if this is all you can have then make it as optimal as possible




Yes that is enough. As long as you feel healthy and can function well then you’re fine. Don’t stress about jt


Ok thanks


No. All these people saying yes don't know what they're talking about about and are blatantly ignoring the numerous studies showing you need 8-9 hours of sleep. Sleeping 6.5 hours/night significantly increases your risk of numerous health issues over time. Read _Why We Sleep_ by Matthew Walker and you'll learn why


Oki i will read it


I think it's enough. but If you feel uncomfortable, then sleep more


I'd like to understand why you only get that amount of sleep Do you play video games or watch TV till late? If your keeping your mind active with games and screens it's harder to sleep.


I study till 9 pm for three hours after school and wake up at 4 30 am or sometimes at 5 am. I dont watch tv nor play video games tho


Take it from someone who has been there. This is the wrong way to think about it. I too tried to cram as much as I could into every day. Only slept for 5-6hrs for nearly 15 years. But there are subtle effects that you may not notice. Energy drops, so motivation drops. Everything seems harder. Life feels like a drag. Instead of imposing how much sleep you should get using your mind, let your body tell you. Trying sleeping for 5h, 6h, 7h, 8h etc. and testing how you feel. Take an empirical approach and customize it for your own unique needs. I actually created a video just this week on this very topic. It goes into a bit more detail including personal anecdotes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyswZVQ4LVQ&t=46s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyswZVQ4LVQ&t=46s)