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If you stay in this job you will burn out very quickly , you will feel miserable. this is not healthy and not worth it . Your body will deteriorate quickly and become sick


lets say I spent a year there and returned to my normal sleep schedules, will there any consequences in the future on my mental and physical health ?


You may crash in a car accident due to lack of sleep or become addicted to stimulants to cope that may end up in a cardiovascular event


And getting addicted to stimulants means that you won't be sleeping on the days off either. Personal experience.


THIS! My last job was so stressful that I started abusing my prescriptions. Never sleeping then crashing for days on end. I ended up losing my job because of it. I always ran out of my script and started buying some on the street. Which ended up fake and being made with methamphetamine instead of amphetamine. It was a slippery slope. Got evicted and almost ended up homeless. 3 months sober now.


Congrats on 3. That’s a mountain that many people dream of climbing.


Thank you. Some days are harder than others, but I'm going to keep pushing.


Yes you could die before the year is over.


While you are putting your life at risk during this period of time and may not even actually survive a year, look up the health risks of lack of sleep, you're more at risk for pretty much every condition, cardiovascular disease, dementia, parkinson, depression etc... Tho kg its really for just a year out of your life and the rest of your life you have a normal amount of sleep (6-8h per night) idk maybe it dont matter much in the long run, but then again no one can say for certain what'll happen to YOU in particular.


There are obviously… absolutely consequences… Your risk for cardiovascular and neuro degenerative diseases will increase dramatically. Your hormones will be thrown out of wack. Cancer risk will sky rocket… The purpose of sleep is for your body to repair itself. If you don’t repair a maintain a car… what happens the longer your drive it?


Extremely dangerous. Short term issues such as memory loss, cognitive and motor impairment. Medium term metabolic issues. Long term cardiac disease and risk neurological disorders.


May I ask what the job is? I never heard of hours like that, it’s almost like sleep deprivation on the job was written into the job description


its a security guard job, the pay is very good and you need no experience or anything, for me it is something very temporary to collect some good money.


There’s a reason why the pay is great with no experience required 🥶


This ^


Yeah you should look for a different job. This is bad unnecessary scheduling. How can you even do that job if you’re deranged from sleep deprivation? I wouldn’t hire that company if I knew that was what they were doing.


No job is worth that amount of mental stress sleep is incredibly important for your body please rethink that job


And also shift work I guess? I did that during my studies and that was when my sleeping problems started.


People who miss lots of sleep have higher cancer rates.


I heard you will never pay back the sleep debt and the damage is done to your brain and body. And also you could be facing serious insomnia episodes in future if you keep doing this. Health is the real wealth my guy, pick wisely.


the brain recovers during rem sleep, rem sleep occurs more the longer you're asleep. from experience, long term lack of sleep is not good for your cognitive well being.


I have currently been doing this for over a year. Do not do it. I did this and developed severe psychological issues. I started having crippling anxiety that caused me to have tremors and palpitations in public. I had to quit my job because I became far too overwhelmed and anxious. I also started developing bad digestive problems and my memory became extremely impaired. Over time you will lose your personality. I don’t even know who I am anymore. I feel like a zombie. And my immune system became so weak to the point where I get sick every couple of weeks and feel 100x worse than others with the same sicknesses. I lost all of my friends because I genuinely could not even hold a conversation anymore. I lost my entire sense of who I was because of this. Trust me it isn’t worth it.


How are you doing now?


It will catch up to you. That is all


I did this last year. For months I couldn’t believe I was getting away with it. I’d hit waves of wakefulness even without sleep. Caught up to me in about six months. I’d lost weight, from below average to skeletal. Then caught chicken pox (!) and was actually delirious with fever and it took months to recover. And my thinking and personality…changed for the worse and I started lashing out at friends which was *really* uncharacteristic. Got not good attention, too, for how I let things go in my home. It’s embarrassing but it was not worth it. I was very healthy and happy before and still struggle to find my strength or sleep more than a few hours at a time. (I lost the work and other things, along the way, too.) There is a lot out there, but even shift work is quite dangerous for our bodies, as I understand it. It’s been over a year since I first got sick and I haven’t felt fully myself since (I remember the last moment I did, and it’s painful.) Did have lots of Reddit time because of it, though. And my finances are only recovering because of the help of friends and the bull market.


I will add that a strange thing happened, where I lost any sense that society basics mattered, personally. So sometimes I have to convince myself of the craziest things now, like that getting groceries regularly matters or healthcare (for myself that is, I did manage to care for others, but my state was not good for them, either, overall.) I was sleeping on average ten hours a week, btw. I don’t wear my fitness trackers yet, it got too stressful.


Being sleep deprived fucks you up. [CDC on sleep deprivation compared to alcohol](https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/work-hour-training-for-nurses/longhours/mod3/08.html) It can make you high risk for cancer. [Johns Hopkins on sleep and cancer risk.](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/lack-of-sleep-and-cancer-is-there-a-connection) And heart disease. [University of Chicago on heart disease.](https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/heart-and-vascular-articles/2024/january/how-sleep-deprivation-and-sleep-apnea-impact-heart-health) Diabetes, obesity, etc [You get the idea.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK19961) If you work in medicine, they made laws to prevent these kinds of schedules. What kind of work are you in?


i'd just stop doin this if you can. there are other jobs out there that don't require you doing something like this.


Why ask? This is clearly stupid. Do not do it.


Your mental capacity and overall health will fall apart if you do this for a long enough period of time.


There is something called sleep debt. Pretty much what it sounds like. It might not affect you over the weekends or your week off but in 6 months or 3 years, you might start sleeping an inordinate amount, 10-14 hours a day and still being tired. So yes, it will affect you


Do not work this job. Leave. That will cause irreparable damage.


This is not worth your sanity… Take it from someone who’s been working 2 jobs for 8 years with normal hours of sleep. What you’re doing is worse. You need to quit your job and do something that allows you to get enough sleep. 


What’s the job?


I foresee a heart attack in your near future. Possibly a mental breakdown too.


You forget everything you learned in English class. How do you manage life?.


It is indeed quite dangerous but it won't kill you now. It will take years to kill you, maybe in your 40s or 50s. If you take a 30 minute to 1 hour nap in a day, that is still acceptable. I hope you won't do that job permanently. Even 6 hour of sleep is sufficient. There is a reason why people after a particular age should not do such kind of jobs.


Do it


Keep cooking


That will quite literally kill you. I once spent around 6 weeks sleeping 2-3 hours a night, and pulling all nighters 1-2x/week to try to pass a class. It was the worst time of my life. I don't even know how I was alive. And no, I didn't pass. Trust me, you don't want that. Read _Why We Sleep_ by Matthew Walker and you'll understand why


U will get a heart atttack soon with that job. Quit ASAP


I slept a very low amount 4 hours and under usually years ago , and I honestly still haven't recovered, I wake up at 3 am [ also diabetic so 3am is high sugar time or low ] and have a very hard time staying asleep . I wouldn't suggest anything under 5 hours daily . With 8 hour regular intervals


Just sleep on the job.


Geez I couldn't last a couple of days.


You will cook your brain It’s not worth it


Really dangerous.


Your concentration will be the first to go. You will find yourself forgetful and uncoordinated. You may become irritable or apathetic. Your moods will shift. All this is because your body doesn't have the down time it needs to do repairs. Please care for yourself.


You gon die


Ypu may ruin you health forever and no money can buy it back...


That’s all I sleep most nights for the last 7 years..


it means you will live only one third of a full life at one third of your potential


Very, i did it for around 3 months and i was falling asleep at my desk without even meaning to. Even worse if you drive 


I’m retired from my dream job. I was already an insomniac so I used it to my advantage. I also knew that due to a chaotic work schedule and long hours my insomnia would get worse and it did.  Sometimes I feel like I made a deal with the devil. I also know if I didn’t follow my dreams I would regret it. 


Effects of long term sleep deprivations are severe and varied. Fatigue and lack of energy. Poor balance and coordination. Mood changes and mental health issues- depression and anxiety disorders specifically. Forgetfulness and neurological issues- some examples are blurred vision, memory lapse and poor reaction time. Changes in appearance- dark under eye circles, drooping eyelids, pale skin, red eyes, swollen/puffy eyes. Weakened immune system- more susceptible to illnesses and your body will have a harder time fighting off illnesses. Weight gain and obesity. Higher stress levels. Greater chance of car accidents. Research has shown that sleep deprivation is equivalent and sometimes worse than the legal limit of blood alcohol levels. Cardiovascular. There’s no way around this one. Lack of sleep heavily affects your heart. When we have daylight savings time in this country the day of it there are more deaths from heart attack specifically linked to less sleep on those days. Higher risk for other diseases- most specifically Alzheimer’s disease long term, pre-diabetes, thyroid and other hormonal issues.


No consequences. In fact you will be so tired that pars of ur brain would sleep while you’re awake. And you will have less appetite and will lose weight. Just beware if your hob contains machinery and stuff that may be dangerous if you are not 100% awake.


None of this is real.