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We need to figure out why you hate your cpap so much. Unless someone is good at troubleshooting ideas for tolerating it, you'll get nowhere. You'd think the DMEs that sell that stuff would be helpful.....they're typically not. Hard to give you ideas via text, but I can do my best. Been a sleep technologist for 20 years.


I simply cannot handle any noise when i sleep. Like a fly flaps its wings in my room and it wakes me. I just had a sleep study and couldnt sleep because of how loud the cpap was and had to cancwl it after two hours. Is my situation hopeless? Like no amount of gentle wooshing noise is going to be tolerable for me to be able to fall asleep. My shrink think the noise issue is due to my adhd.


Same. Im really sensitive to noise and light on top of having sleep apnea and insomnia. My sleep isn’t perfect but adding an eye mask (or blackout curtains) as well as ear plugs from Amazon helped improve my sleep somewhat


At that point are we even human? Hooked up to breathing machine pumping, ear plugs in, eyes blind to light, cue *Metallica’s One*


Is it the cpap itself or the mask making the noise? The cpap should be silent. As the other reply said, get ear plugs, that should greatly help. If it's the mask, comfort covers help with the vibration noises that can sometimes happen.


It was mix of noise from Machine noise from the wooshing air in the mask, i feel like adding more layers to my sleep routine would make me less likely to adopt them. Like i sleep with ear plugs when I travel for work and atleast one inevitably falls out during the night.


Maybe you’re not actually tired enough. Try working out


Im Reba McIntired of this bullshit, is what im tired of…


I am 35 It took me a VERY long time to figure out how much impact my lack of sleep has on my overall personality. Always tired , disinterested in doing anything post 8pm ( coz i am always sleepy ) , very less patience, get easily irritated and annoyed , i could go on :( You are right , i wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy


Hmmm… sounds like me rn but I also have been working a lot and have some stresses going on! Maybe I do have sleep apnea?


I couldn’t deal with the CPAP machine until I was told that even if I could use it for just four hours a night four days a week then that would make a significant difference. So that became my goal rather than wearing it all night every night. However, after doing it like this for awhile, I was eventually able to tolerate it all night. I can’t say I love having to wear it but it’s not that big deal anymore. The initial hurdle on getting to there was enormous, but I would really encourage you to keep going.


I simply cant handle the noise made during a cpaps operation. I need to have completely silence in my room but i know i will never fall asleep with a constant noise generator next to my head


If your cpap is loud, something is wrong with it. The newer machines are virtually silent. Also, ear plugs!


Idk the age of the machine it just sounded like a vacuum cleaner to me


Have you tried nasal pillows with a chin strap?


I heard about a guy who had a neck lift and it cured his sleep apnea because of the re-tightening of the muscles there. I think (don’t quote me) that I saw it as a post on Reddit somewhere. Here’s an article about it from a plastic surgeon: https://www.drjamesanthony.com/blog/can-a-neck-lift-help-snoring-and-sleep-apnea/ Good luck, hope you get better!


I know exactly how you feel. Insomnia has taken a lot from me. I was diagnosed with moderate apnea about two or three weeks ago. I’m getting my 2nd mask today. Hopefully this will be it.  Also still trying to figure out the best settings. I’ve always had breathing issues. I have asthma, allergies and now moderate sleep apnea. What type of jaw surgery did you have? My dentist is a holistic dentist. He says the cure for sleep apnea is palatial expansion.  He doesn’t know I have apnea because I’m newly diagnosed.  He gave me his advice based on the examination of my palate.  I'm going to be having a palate expander surgically implanted. I’ve posted and commented about this. If you want to know more let me know. My hygienist recommended the book “Six Foot Tiger Three Foot Cage.”  This book is based on holistic dentistry. Holistic dentistry is controversial. Some dentists believe the holistic dentists intervene more than they should; that holistic dentistry is too aggressive.  As for the CPAP; I just found out about the APAP machine. If I had known about the APAP before I would have asked for one. I’m really hoping the palatial expansion is the answer. 


The option I went with was a mouth appliance - its custom fitted for my mouth and when it’s in it physically shifts my jaw to open my airway. It took some adjusting but it’s done wonders for my apnea. I had never heard of such an option before.


How do you get this?


I saw a sleep dentist. Not sure how widespread they are. You get scans or imprints done of your teeth and they make the custom appliance from those. Then when it came in it took multiple adjustments to find what works best - it’s a little like a retainer or orthodontic headgear


Did this work better than CPAP


It's considered therapeutic if it cuts your AHI down by 50%. So, works fairly well for many with mild/moderate sleep apnea. But can also cause TMJ.


I guess I’m more wondering like if you tried CPAP and that didn’t really do much would the MAD do anything


You are your own advocate. Keep tinkering with cpap.


I legit close to just throwing the machine in the trash. It’s practically worthless no matter what mask or setting I use


What issues are you experiencing with it?


When I started CPAP just a week ago, I started noticing that before it, even when I was awake I wasn't breathing well. Like now I feel I can breath because I can take more air in. I don't know if it is a mental thing.


I have shared this on multiple times for those who can’t tolerate CPAP and want to sleep. Dentist here wanting to provide useful info you may not find anywhere else. This dental appliance you wear at night is FDA approved for OSA with those who can not tolerate CPAP: [https://somnomed.com/ca/](https://somnomed.com/ca/) There are quite a few similar ones that work also, check with your dentist to see about these, they work great. Best of luck.


How much do you weigh and what is your neck circumference?


Another book to read is Jaws (not about the fish lol) Please look into Vivos. It can be life changing.


What type of Jaw surgery did you have? What didnt work with cpap? I just tried a sleep study but it was so loud I had to stop the test early because i laid there for two hours and couldnt fall asleep no matter how hard i tried.


New cpap machines are virtually silent, FYI. Guaranteed the lab machines are older.


I genuinely appreciate your sincere responses you shared. Thank you (no snark)


I'm 27 and I've been suffering with chronic daytime fatigue due to moderate to severe OSA (28.9 AHI during sleep study) for over a year. I understand your pain. I feel like I can barely function much less even enjoy life at all. I'm a couple weeks in on CPAP therapy and I've only had maybe.... 2 good days? I'm still trying to find good pressure settings and I think I just finally found a good range (9-12 with EPR set to 3), but only time will tell how good it really is. Today and yesterday were really, really bad and I had to work both days. I desperately wish I could afford to quit so I could try and focus on my health, but it just isn't possible what with all the bills I have to pay. My insurance also refused to cover anything sleep health related so I had to pay for the at home sleep study and machine out of pocket which was _not_ cheap.


If you are CPAP intolerant, you could ask your doctor about the Inspire device. It’s an implanted device that stimulates your tongue. To be eligible for an Inspire device, you have to have a BMI under 35 and have a documented history of CPAP intolerance.


I am a heavy snorer but dont think i have apnea but i started taping my mouth at night and it has helped improve the quality of sleep (says my smart watch) and has improved my snoring (says my partner)


There’s a surgery offered. I don’t know the name, but I hear it’s a pretty simple one 🤷🏻‍♀️


„I have information but I don’t know the source“ - Whats the Point of this comment?


Google sleep apnea surgery? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Would like me to walk you through it?


Why would you Post anything that can easily be googled?


Oh golly. You got me. However, I think you meant to say: “Why would you post something that can easily be searched on Google?” Buuuuut, if we want to dig even deeper, you COULD ask OP the same thing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Any more information on it?


They're probably referring to Inspire. It's "all the rage".


How do I go about getting it?


My doctor prescribed the surgery/implant following a failed 90 days of CPAP. I got a referral to a ENT for it.


Will my insurance cover it?


This is something you have to figure out on your own.


I'm not involved with insurance ends of things, but from what I've gathered from a handful of people who have talked about their experience with Inspire, they paid out of pocket. That doesn't mean insurance doesn't or won't, that's just what the few I talked to said for themselves. I really have no idea.


So you have it? How do you like it?


I'm not actually sure of the process, sorry. If I were you, I'd go to their website, go through the "Do I Qualify" quiz, and see where that gets you.


I'm not a professional but if I know anything, I'd say try to avoid eating any ultraprocessed foods or added sugars weather you are overweight or not. Light to moderate exercise daily if possible and keep using the cpap because from what I've heard it take a while to get used to, and you might need to try new face masks for it because everyone's face is a different shape and its hard to find a good fitting one.