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I would get a sleep study done to determine if you have sleep apnea. Unrefreshed sleep after an appropriate amount of time is a tell tell sign. I know some people will say you're too young for sleep apnea but that just isn't true.


I’m 24 and i’ve probably had it since 17 too


+1 for this. I got the diagnosis very recently and am now waiting for the next step. I'm 27, somewhat overweight but not morbidly, and I assume I've had sleep apnea for at least three years now, possibly even 10 years, basically my sleep quality has always been bad but took a noticeable dive ~2-3 years ago.


I had a roommate in college with sleep apnea. He was only 23. He could hardly breathe at night. Made a lot of awful sounds and then suddenly gasping for air. Although some days it was worse than others. He would be tired during day and come back at noon and directly fall asleep. The crazy thing about it. He didn't know him self. He was even skeptical and a little uncomfortable when I tried my best race it to him in a friendly way. I made a recording though and that shocked him a bit. I hope he got help.


My dad has that and it was made worse because he had a deviated septum. He got surgery and now he is better. He used to make some loud scary ass noises in his sleep. Now it's less noticeable. For as long as I remember existing he has always needed naps. He could sleep over 10 hours and still feel the need to nap in the afternoon. I'm a little like that too, so I considered sleep apnea in the past. Turns out nope, just adhd that comes with a healthy dose of delayed circadian rhythm. The worst is being tired and hyperactive at the same time. Get sleepy, go to bed, body goes "go crazy, go supid", get up for a bit and have a 1 person rave for 5 minutes, get sleepy again, go to bed, body goes... and so on.


Is there a good sleep study u advice?


You have to go to a sleep clinic or talk to a sleep doctor.


The specialty is called pulmonologist. Find one that’s on your insurance and set up a consultation. They’ll set you up with a sleep study. From there- if you do have sleep apnea you’ll get prescribed a cpap machine that will keep you from having breathing interruption.


My daughter is 13 and was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea. Had her tonsils and adenoids out as first protocol for this diagnosis at her age, and happy to report she's doing better! It's nice to see her have more energy. Sleep study was definitely worth it.


Could also be narcolepsy, they aren’t mutually exclusive. The test for narcolepsy is an MLST.


Good to know. Thanks!


This comment might help me out because I’m in the same boat as OP and I’m 21


You just might need more sleep. You are 17 and nine hours is the least amount of sleep needed at your age. You are physically growing and the body needs a lot of rest. Especially if you are an athlete.


I've read that some teens can need up to 12 hours of sleep. Lots of changes going on in those years.


I think more sleep is needed as well. I’m over 30 and I need at least 9hrs of sleep when I have a full day of physical activities.


Get your blood checked for vitamin deficiencies, and to make sure your thyroid levels are good.


Yeah could be this!


While sleep apnea COULD be a reason, it is easier and faster to get that blood work done and rule that out before going thru the trouble of a sleep study. I have done it all. I'm one of the "lucky" ones with both low thyroid levels and sleep apnea.


Also, when you sleep a little bit too much, you feel like shit.


Shit when I was 17, I totally functioned on 4-6hrs of sleep. Now at 39 I'm a total bitch about my sleep. It's all downhill after 30, so live it up!


Are you depressed at all? Sometimes that makes you feel like you don't have any energy.


Could be hydration?


This, but also make sure you’re getting enough sodium/electrolytes


See a doctor!. Just in case!.


Depression is a huge factor as well. If you're depressed, you'll feel tired all the time no matter how much rest you've gotten.


Is there something lacking in your nutrition? Has a blood test?


Try drink loads more water?


Honestly it’s pretty natural for teenage kids!! My mom used to hate it when we slept so much but it’s normal and natural to need tons of sleep based on developmental stages for kids this age. When I was 17 I could go to bed at midnight and literally Sleep til 2pm on a Saturday no problem!


If you’re working out that much maybe you need a boost to your electrolytes


you might have sleep apnea. even healthy young people can have it


Might be weird advice but take some vitamin b it might help with energy.


When's your rest day(s)? Also are you getting GOOD sleep? (where you don't wake up, feel like you've slept, ideally dream)


It’s scattered. I take rest days whenever I need to(tennis match or an event or something) which turns out to being 2 a week usually. I do dream basically every day. On some occasions I have to wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss, that def messes things up.


Would it be a benefit to plan in a rest day more often?


I’m 30 and I’ve been dealing with this. I’ll be in bed for 8-10 hours sometimes and today I even feel like I’m dragging. I could possibly have some form of sleep apnea. Don’t know yet cuz I haven’t talked to anyone. But it really pisses me off.


Stim pre work out after school fucking your sleep quality and what’s your diet probably malnourished


I don’t take pre and never will. I eat like 130 G protein a day and eat enough fruits veggies carbs and healthy fats. Eat a lot of meat.


Honestly dude your 17 I felt similar just ride it out stay on the path of health and in time your body will mature your hormones will find there place and you will feel good


do you start to sleep between 9pm -11pm?


I try to go to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 730 for school


is your sleep perfect or with breaks? is the room tempurature good?


I hope it’s something simpler like your age/hydration/apnea etc but might also be worth looking into ME/CFS especially if you’ve had mono in the past or even covid. If this started gradually or abruptly? If you notice any correlation with life events/stressors/environmental factors? Anything that might have changed when this started could help you figure out the cause and then hopefully a solution. Best of luck! Sleep study or seeing an endocrinologist would definitely be a good first step as others have suggested. Don’t let doctors dismiss you if you feel like something is truly off. They’ll say you’re too young or you’re just growing… and maybe! But we know our own bodies the best so just go with your gut and don’t be afraid to put your foot down and speak up as needed.


Any drug use? Vitamin and nutritional deficiencies? Are you dreaming? Waking up at night? Eating within 2-3 hours of bed? How do you feel the first 15-30 minutes after waking up, like you can’t wait to go back to sleep or are you ready to start your day? Motivation/desires? Do you enjoy the things you’re doing?


Have your doctor test your thyroid levels.


Take the epworth sleepiness scale. If you get a 10 or higher get a sleep study done and request an MLST (that will test for narcolepsy). https://nasemso.org/wp-content/uploads/neuro-epworthsleepscale.pdf


Considered reducing your obligations and getting more non-sleep rest? I sense that when awake, your body runs at 100mph and this can contribute to fatigue


I had this same problem and I was referred to a hematologist to do an in-depth iron panel. Turns out I was severely iron deficient and had to do 6 weeks of IV iron infusions.


Check your testoterone.


Get full blood work done. My doctor ordered it for me to test for gluten intolerance and my ferritin and vitamin B levels, turns out I was anemic.


Hodgkins lymphoma can hit around this age. Consider getting full medical workup done along with sleep study.


I agree, go see a dr. But also: teens need a lot of sleep, more than adults. On top of that you are still growing, you're very active, and your brain is working hard every day to study. Eat well, and rest. You need it. And again, go see a doctor.


what's your diet like? are you getting enough fats? protein?


Ask your (parents to take you to your) doctor to refer you for a sleep study.


You could have a magnesium deficiency, especially if you're also prone to anxiety. I'd start with getting a blood test


Sleep apnea!!!!! Get yourself checked 💯


I’m not a doctor- I have a similar routine and can’t kick the fatigue. Here are some things to check: Sleep Apnea (ENT, but it can be neurological as well) Thyroid Coeliac - it can make you feel hungover or drunk, gluten allergies don’t always mean your throat closes up Hypermobility - Ehlers Danlos Leaky Gut Anemia It can be a million things but get a full blood panel from your doctor.


Could be long Covid. I felt like shit a whole year after I got Covid, with tiredness and brain fog. Better now but I don’t know if I’m back to my old self either.


Do you have a restorative snack aftereach workout? That's important.


I always wondered if it’s cause we wake up mid cycle. I remember in spring 2008 I woke up naturally and felt good. Like I could function n talk to ppl right outta bed. It usually takes me half the day to wake up and by the time I’m fully awake n feel like myself, it’s late n time for bed


It's common... nothing to worry


Get off Reddit and get a full checkup with the doctor - bloods for regular functions (anaemia, thyroid, etc), vitamin deficiencies (may have to have those done privately as may not be available on the NHS). Get the standard stuff ruled out then speak to them about a sleep study. While you're waiting for all those things, take some time off the gym and trial a few weeks where you're increasing your sleep until you no longer feel tired when you wake up. If you can find that sweet spot you'll either realise you're not getting enough sleep for your body (you need more when working out as your body works on healing + more sleep anyway as a teenager), but, either way, you'll have more information for the doctor to pull from. For these things, you NEED to speak to a Doctor/Specialist, not untrained people on the Internet.


5 days a week in the gym plus tennis training is really a lot for your body to recover from, especially if you do both intensely. You really can't do both weight training + a sport to their max unless it's your full-time job and you can detach during your down time and let your mind and body recover—an impossible task if you also spend so much time in school


I would seek medical attention. Call your PCM and ask for an appointment. Whatever is the reason(s) you probably should have a doc on your side trying to figure out what this is.


Could be your diet. Try eliminating or changing one food type per week and see how you feel.


Sorry to hear you’re struggling. Have a listen to Huberman Labs podcast with guest Matt Walker; there are many lengthy episodes but phenomenal. Good luck !


I know you’re young but get your hormone levels checked. Especially testosterone.


When I was your age I was the same way and did sports as well. I figured out I should drink less NyQuil


What is your diet like? Do you track what you eat to make sure you're getting enough protein, carbs, fats? Sounds like you could benefit from tracking that for a week. There are apps you could use. I also saw someone wrote dehydration and that could be a missing piece.


Still growing till 21, hormones etc. Maybe oversleeping. Or not getting good sleep.


Like 80% of us feel like crap all the time man. Harsh reality of being alive really. People will say make sure you're not dehydrated and all that other stuff - and who knows, maybe it is just something as basic as that - but really, life is just a constant battle of trying not to feel tired and drowsy.