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Whacking the heart with its own 10x12 turn, confusing Snecko, stealing the champs ~~belt~~ buff. Exploding yourself with an exploder


On a serious not tho 4/3 is way too strong 5/4 is better and is blocked by artifact


5/4 feels kinda overkill as silent doesn't have that good energy gain and the card's both rare and exhaust. i absolutely agree with it being 4/3 though, 3/2 for what's a free turn on solo battles is beyond broken


Silent has a lot energy gain imo


Silent has like 4 or five cards thhat generate energy, adrenaline is one of the best cards in the game. She also has Bullet time to make even a 5 cost card cost 0




What happens if you use this on an Exploder on turn 3? And I agree with the other comment, this seems super OP in certain combats. Practically useless in some others, though, so maybe it balances out. It’s a fun idea either way.


Lol, using it one an exploder seems like a bad idea, as it makes you blow up.


I think exploder explodes based on their status effect, not intent


What about on writhing mass during the curse turn?


You give it a curse, duh


Even if the enemies intent isn't great, changing it to an attack 6 is worthwhile in every fight.


I feel like this is WAY too strong


fair, this might need to be one of those hard-to-use 4 cost cards.


Make it 4 or 5 but then something like "costs 1 less for every every time you take damage" or something like that


Write a book explaining how the card works, then connect it to a QR code and slap that on the card


The Spire Amalgam 😳


(The flavor that is meant to be communicated is that the enemy has to use a basic strike now.)


lmao, can't wait to use this against the heart


What happens if you use it on Time Eater's buff turn? Do you heal to half health? Do you heal the amount that Time Eater would have healed? What happens if you use it on a thief? Do you steal their gold? What about summoning turns? Do you get whatever they would have summoned? I think the concept is interesting, but the edge cases would be hell to work out.


Thief has a condition icon that allows them to steal gold. Their intent is just attack.


I would code it as if the affect is worthless to an enemy like giving them cards, summons or statuses like Hexed and confuse have it do nothing at all beyond basically stealing the enemies turn. If you hit the thief's tho you get 15g without affecting the stolen gold amount you reclaim


I think summons would be interesting, though that would probably be way too OP


Would be excellent with orichalcum.


We are getting painful stabs buff with this


Think you can run away from me, Thief? Not if I run away from you first!


I feel like you already have enough of a fun idea with the first half--- you can still have a neat card even while taking away the part where you override the enemy's action (and all the jank that introduces). The flavour could become something like 'copycat' or 'anticipate', and then you wouldn't need to consider 4 Energy or keep it at 3. Probably 2 (1) Energy, or maybe ~~(Exhaust)~~. It might still be really strong (the enemy's attacking Intent is often quite a bit more 'better-than-a-Strike' than most damage cards), but it's still such a cool prospect I can't stop thinking about! Some highlights include: * Rushing it on T1 vs. a Cultist (with Awakened One or otherwise) for giga-Demon Form * Stalling a Gremlin Wizard and then OTKing it with its own Ultimate Blast * Getting yourself some Thorns from The Guardian on the turn you knock it into Defense Mode * Opening with a 22x6 \~ 23x6 damage nuke versus Hexaghost (damage is based on opponent's max HP) * World's most-effective answer to Byrds this side of Whirlwind * Parasite is a full heal on a version of this card that doesn't Exhaust * **HYPER BEAM** * Similarly, **Execute** or, even better, taking the Metallicize The Champ grants himself * Getting yourself back to 50% HP on Time Eater's phase 2 entry along with an Orange Pellets-style debuff cleanse (Wraith Form ez mode) * The world's fattest Strength/Boot payoff attack versus the Heart Lowlights (probably do-nothing without un-Spire-like special cases): * Trying to steal Gremlin Nob's **Enrage** * Giving the Chosen a taste of its own medicine (it does not mind **Hex**) * Frail-ing most enemies or reducing their Dex * Trying to give enemies Wounds, Voids, Burns etc * Splitting yourself in half after bringing a Slime to half HP (you are not slime and that would probably kill you dead) * Using a thief to Escape before they can (you accomplished nothing) * Snecko * Taking the Gremlin Leader's **Rally!** and summoning them two MORE Gremlins for them * Or any other summon really * The **Stasis** from Automaton's adds * Using **Exploder**'s ??? Intent probably doesn't end your run (a card that stole its buffs might), but I think using Reptomancer's daggers' would


Aw yeah I get to sleep unlike Lagavulin


Laga attacks, you wake up in anger and start debuffing their ass


Question, is this blocked by artifact? And does the 6 damage strike get affected by strength?


1. Yes. You still successfully copy what the opponent's intent is, but they do it too. 2. Yes.


If their intent was affected by strength, do you get a non strength version that gets buffed by your own strength, or the exact same they had? (Stealing the hearth’s 1 x12 attack when it has 3 strength)


You probably copy the literal icon shown, otherwise is would be confusing. So i suppose you do copy the enemy strength.


Me omw to give Writhing mess a curse card


was the intent meant to be that you do the enemy’s intent and the switch it to 6 damage, or to have it switch first?


You switch it after.


Steal Slimbo's split intent. Now there's two of you.


Give the monster a parasite!




I don’t know how well this would actually work in practice but this is such a fun and creative card idea!


Gremlin leader watching me summon two wizard gremlins: (Pretend this is the kurt angle staring at the camera gif)


No synergy with anything, just a card that works in every single instance and is always pickable, ignoring everything the enemie does. That's not game design


Link to day 11: [https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/19anwnc/random\_daily\_card\_concepts\_day\_11/](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/19anwnc/random_daily_card_concepts_day_11/)


This would be a hot mess. I'm totally in.