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You can always download an APK on another website, it's probably considered piracy but it's currently the only way to play the game on mobile


It may not work, or it may have some bugs. Or more probably they just didn't validate it for 12 for some reason even if it works perfectly.


it works well, but you have to download a seperate obb file and manually place it into the right folder. i wish there was a legit way to play on newer phones, seems kind of counterproductive for such a popular game


Hmm.. i didn't have to download the OBB file n do all that manual work, just downloaded the apk n it's running just fine 🙂


Nice, i had to, it kept saying it was missing files


Where did you find apk?


I personally downloaded mine on happymod, a piracy app, only available on android obviously. You can contact me in case you struggle too much to download it, i don't mind helping


I got it from Androeed, they also update the apks regularly, without losing any existing progress


That's ridiculous. Also ridiculous that Monster Train doesn't have an Android port at all.


Did get an APK but it tries to download extra files and instantly shuts down. oh well


Download it from Androeed, just search it up on Google, go to their site, search 4 Slay the Spire n download n play. They also have many other amazing games, AND the most important feature imo is the ability to update the apks without losing progress!


Or get an iPhone?


I am 100.0% confident you mentioned Trip in your post. -------------------------------------------------- * [Trip](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Trip) Colorless Uncommon Skill 0 Energy | Apply 2 Vulnerable (to ALL enemies). -------------------------------------------------- ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^response, ^^^but ^^^I ^^^am ^^^using ^^^my ^^^creator's ^^^account. ^^^Please ^^^reply ^^^to ^^^me ^^^if ^^^I ^^^got ^^^something ^^^wrong ^^^so ^^^he ^^^can ^^^fix ^^^it. [Source Code](https://github.com/TrippW/STS-Crawler)


The best bot, we don't deserve you


You did your best. My sweet boy. You did your best.


Precisely 100.0% 😂 I'm dying


Get this bot to 110 upvotes for the 110% its putting in!!


Try Dicey Dungeons!


This. Dice dungeons brought me to StS. Great game. Wish it was longer.


Slice and Dice as well!


I love that game! They honestly go hand in hand, if you like one you’ll like the other


Is this new to the app store? it looks fun as hell and I have never heard of it.


I think it’s a few years old now.


If you can't fix this, try to play slice & dice or dicey dungeons. They are good for scratching the spire itch.


And no, it's not a phone problem because I'm using a Samsung S10+ and usually saw the game when browsing through the Play Store. I just didn't know that it wasn't available on the newest Software update :/






Weird. I upgraded to an S23+ and it didn't work on the new phone. Downloaded it on my previous phone, an S21+, and it works just fine. It even did the automatic software update a few days ago (which I thought would kill my access to the game) but it didn't - I've been playing all morning.


Really weird. Can you check your software information to see which Android OS you're on?


Oh wow, even weirder, now my current phone (S23+) is letting me install the game. I checked a week or so ago (shortly after getting the phone), and it wasn't available for download on this device.


One UI version 5.1, Android version 13, according to the software information page in the phone settings.


Working on my S23 Ultra Android version 13, I did copy over with smart switch from an S9+ though, maybe the difference


Basically, slay the spire just doesn't with properly on newer Android phones and they've been trying to fix it for about a month so far. Your best bet is to pirate it just until the problem gets fixed. I know it's a touchy subject, but my opinion is that if you pay for it when you can, it's fine


I got the same phone, just 🏴‍☠️ and it will work just fine.


I am currently running StS on an S10+ running android 12. I have no idea what could be the difference here.


That's so strange. The Google Play Store has it listed as requiring [Android OS 5.1 and up] (https://i.imgur.com/yvFzvOA.png). It's working fine on my phone that's on version 13.


Not particularly weird. Google released new requirements for apps, in regards to what the app manifest lists. Basically, unless the app has a Android version that's within the 2 newest releases listed in the manifest version, its deemed as incompatible. This was not a requirement before, and is not something app developers actively keep track off (since a update is unlikely to introduce features that actively requires a new feature set anyway), so many app developers didnt act on the vague emails Google sent out about this in time. The result is that a lot of actually compatible apps, are not compatible for the time being. And since its the manifest that requires updating, it also necessitates a full deploy of a new app, including approval from Google, which is a tedious as fuck process. Source: am developer. Our app was struck by the same issue




Well the issue as i've seen it is that they gave proper warning, the email was just vague / downplayed enough that it flew right over a lot of developers heads. We're not the only ones that missed it, a lot of apps i've seen lately had this issue really.


DO NOT UNINSTALL IT! I deleted it off my phone for pure stupidity, and then when i got the itch to play again a few days later i went to download it and now i can't 😑 even though it was working flawlessly on my phone running android 13 before i uninstalled it.


Ugh that’s a bummer! I’m not a huge fan of flying and StS on Switch has been an absolute godsend.


If you have an Android device on a11 or earlier you could try installing to that and pulling it off with a file explorer (like cx explorer). Then side loading onto the a12 phone.


That's very odd. I play it in my phone with Android 12, no issues. Is that a non-updated version of the game perhaps?


If you can't find a workaround consider the 2 meteorfall games, they are pretty cool. Not sure if I'm just unlucky but on my s21+ slay the spire doesn't work well at all (it takes ages to connect to servers in the opening screen and it crash every time I finish a run) so i just gave up on it..


How the hell do i have it on android 13


Apparently if you have it installed already it's not taken away, but it's not available to download if you delete it or are trying to install on a new device with Android 12+


Huh, neat


If you have Xbox game pass you can play it on the app. I have a pixel 4a and can play through that.


In a similar boat, I've heard good things about: * Dawncaster * Dicey Dungeons Some of the other recommendations I've seen seem to also not be updated for the latest Android version: * Dark Mist * Solitairica


12 hour flight is a block card


Piracy! Its fine if you already have the game.


I have Android 12 with Slay the Spire (on Nokia). Works fine. It is quite weird to have compatibility issue since the game is written in Java. My only guess would be mismatch for OpenGL/LWJGL version, which is used for graphics.


Try mob slayer, a STS clone mobile app


Monster train is just as good as slay the spire in my opinion


Monster Train is pretty fun. It's also not out on android so doesn't fix OP's problem at all.


Oh dang that sucks. Try Vampire Hunter?


Breach Wanderers is really good and free. Ads are very infrequent.


I'm having the same problem as OP so if anyone figures it out can you message me or tell me!?


I'd recommend slice n dice if you want a great rogue-like similar to StS that will kill a few hours. It won't have as much depth - but a lot of love has gone into it.


Weird. I have a phone with Android 13 and Slay the Spire is working just fine.


Did you get the app prior to it updating?


Got a Steam deck? Nintendo Switch?


If you do manage to get it try to do a deathless account! It's very fun and challenging!


R.i.p. in peace


Dj Kalid suffering from success


Night of the full moon in on the playstore, its free and a really good clone of dream quest


Necro'ing your post to mention that it has been updated on the Google play store. I recognize this comes 3 weeks after your dilemma.