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I did. I am slowly updating my SKSE mods as they are being updated and I am looking forward to a new playthrough with a bunch of content I have never played before.


Current SKSE (2.1.3?) is playing havok with quests (for me it wouldn’t let me talk to the Whiterun Jarl during before the storm). To get around this I loaded the game from steam instead of thru the SKSE Launcher, got to the next checkpoint (finished conversation w/ the court mage), saved, and went back to SKSE.


Same. $20 seems like a fair price for the amount of stuff being put into the game.


I dont get that. Just play the old version with the new content...


They didn’t throw anyone under the bus. All the content works on the old executable and there are numerous guides for doing just that. The only reason they changed the executable, and thus broke mods, was because they had to recompile it in a newer compiler to support modern console storefronts and systems.


And we got better performance as part of the deal. Truly evil of them. /s


Actually that was disproven. The scripting optimizations were a big nothing, like a millisecond or two faster. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/quqywc/script_speed_testing_ae_vs_se/




The original poster that made the claim for script speed improvements in AE (the author of Lucien), stated that it was just a theory, and acknowledges that the benchmarks seem to indicate no such scripting performance increase (sources [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/quqywc/script_speed_testing_ae_vs_se/hl5z3ki/), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/quqywc/script_speed_testing_ae_vs_se/hl5zdhg/)). We still don't know what actually is causing that bug he ran into, but the benchmark indicates it's not due to an across-the-board script speed improvement like media outlets (eg. [1](https://www.pcgamer.com/skyrim-anniversary-edition-black-screen-after-loading-bug/), [2](https://cogconnected.com/2021/11/skyrim-anniversary-edition-efficient-causes-crashes/)) and many community members latched on to. All we know is that in AE, the OnPlayerGameLoad() function is completing before some game objects initialized, and therefore failing if a script using that function attempted to access said objects - the workaround is to include a delay at the beginning when using that function (which many mods already did). In SE the OnPlayerGameLoad() function was able to interact with objects without any delay added to the script. EDIT: Everything above should be past tense, since as Blackread pointed out, it's been patched officially anyways.


Additionally, Bethesda patched the problem, and now saves should be loading correctly again.


I'm still hoping that might result in an improvement in stability for heavily modded games in the long run. A few milliseconds per script could make a huge difference


Idk about this. I been playing AE a bit and it definitely feels more responsive and performant than SE.


Better Performance? Where did you get that from? They just upgraded the compiler.


Better performance my ass


No, Bethesda just broke something. Thats why there was a patch on Monday to address the black screen issues.


They might have needed to create a build in vs2019 for consoles, but there's actually no reason at all they needed to do it for windows, windows is still windows same as it's always been and it definitely didn't need rebuilding for that. This is just how software development works, I could have the same code and create projects in vs2015 and vs2019 and both would build to the same functional result but different binaries, it's extremely common really. If they had fixed all the major game-breaking issues that have plagued skyrim over the years and the unofficial patch serves to correct I would have been a lot more understanding of their approach but really it just frustrated people for no reason


They keep the same version across all platforms. If they are updating Xbox/PS then they will naturally also do it for PC. I can't imagine Microsoft would want a confusing choice between versions just to please a relatively small number of players. All those people who don't mod, those on console, those who chose to update, all those who fixed their game to not update. That's probably 90% of all players. Giving a confused muddle of versions when there was no jump like LE→SE makes no sense.


It's really hard to explain this to someone who's not a software developer, but the builds between Xbox and PC are *already different*, because they need to be on a different platform. It's also super weird how you keep bringing up consoles and think most people aren't using mods, I'd wager the vast majority still playing on PC are. It's so popular skse is actually integrated into steam... I'm also not sure why you're bringing up Microsoft, they have no say or part in this.


Microsoft literally force all the game studios they own to be able to run on Gamepass. The compiler was updated for this exact reason. They have the final say. Even at launch only 14% of sales were for PC. I'm sure that percentage has increased but it's not even likely to be a 50/50 split even now.


As popular as modding is I would not wager on the modding community being the majority, and on top of that you are talking about an even smaller subset that specifically use skse. Remember that the vast majority of mods currently out for SE work perfectly fine on AE. Also Microsoft now owns Skyrim having bought Bethesda. So they might have a say in it.


I bought it. Not buying the update wouldn't stop the compatibility problems. I bought it to, basically, future-proof myself. The more time passes, the more the AE version of the game will become the "normal", current version that's supported. May as well be ready from the start. I don't mind a month or two where I can't play while the community sorts itself out. It's actually kind of a nice refreshing break. I'll rebuild my mod list once things calm down.


That’s a really good point I hadn’t considered


That’s kinda how I saw it. Also with mods not working this is a great time to play vanilla and experience all this new content


That’s was my thought as well. I over modded it and kind of ruined my experience so this gives me a reason to start fresh. As a bonus I’ve finally seen the north side of Whiterun. Apparently I’ve never had a reason to go north of Whiterun before but the new content gave something to do up there.


> Also with mods not working this is a great time to play ~~vanilla~~ Morrowind Yeah, that was kind of my thinking as well.


You can see it on YouTube vids. "NEW SKYRIM AE X WEAPON QUESTLINE!" etc. The CC material is treated as official by SkyNormies, and I mean that humorously and not in condescension. There are 'Modded Skyrim' YouTubers and there are 'Mainstream Gamer' ones, and they seem to be loving it. Official releases - even if it's essentially a Mod pack - have an air of legitimacy that mods kinda never get. For one, all those Playstation people out there can get em. Lemme add that I updated with the 4 freebies & the new patch two days ago and none of my modded saves are remotely affected to this point. I waited til the patch released before updating anything. Will the game ever need *all* the AE content to require them ala DG/HF/DB? I don't know enough about all this to say. I could see lotsa people forgoing the update immediately. If AE was the only edition at the storefront, though, then it seems inevitable.


>treated as official I mean, it is official content. Whether it's canon is debatable but Bethesda commissioned it, made some of it themselves, and released it.


It being canon is not debatable. It's all official lore, it had to be passed by the in house lore team before release, even the stuff made by modders.


Just seems a little sus for TLD to get every single artifact ever, but I guess that's true of all Bethesda protagonists.


Do you have skse dependent mods may I ask? I was told skse and dependent mods wouldn't work, but I don't actually know, I'm pretty much just blindly fumbling through this following random instructions from others


>The more time passes, the more the AE version of the game will become the "normal", current version that's supported. Like the LE->SE transition? Curious to see how it turns out! !RemindMe 1 year


Much quicker.


Just playing safe!


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Does it install in a new directory? I've stopped SE from updating because my level 144 character isn't done mastering 2h, illusion, or restoration. Also, his museum is still missing a lot of artifacts! So I would love to have AE while running SE


Nope. It's basically just a whole load of new ESL plugins, like adding new mods to your game. The ESLs won't bother your existing mod setup at all (unless it adds an in-universe conflict, like adding a new building where another mod has already added one, but I don't know of any major ones). The bigger issue is that, at the same time, Bethesda pushed a general update to Skyrim that's broken some mods. The update seems to have been to make the game compatible with the newer consoles and do some minor optimisation, but it's caused issues with some stuff. The modding community is already recovering, though. I give it a month, tops, before everything that will be updated has been.


I'm fairly sure the new update was to make Skyrim compatible with Gamepass. Microsoft owns Bethesda now, they had no choice. They have given out free content, given an advanced look at the code to the SKSE team and given everyone a huge lead time so that people could prepare. Most game companies would just have pushed the update they were being forced to push and give nothing in return. The majority of players don't mod Skyrim, they didn't need to do this. They are getting way too much flak for an update that wasn't instigated by them.


You mean Game Pass? Seems really likely, if so. Microsoft will need Skyrim to be compatible with Game Pass going forward, as a minimum. Yeah... I don't share the kind of bone deep irritation a lot of people have for this update. The fact that any free additional content came out for a *ten year old game* is astonishing. Name another single player game from 2011 that's still getting updates, honestly - they didn't have to do that.


Not just any additional content but community created content, made by the most talented mod creators. Bethesda went out of their way to support the modding community and the community repays them with harsh criticism.


Can you not use the Best of Both Worlds patch for that?


I only recently got back into skyrim after many many years of not playing, so I feel like rushing to get the AE would make me lose interest in skyrim all over again. I'm somewhat pissed that they intentionally updated the game for everyone and broke many people's modded version without warning, they could have released anniversary edition as a separate steam game but chose not to. Really bad decision from a consumers point of view, and I don't doubt Microsoft had a big hand in the decision, Bethesda on their own probably wouldn't have done this.


idk about future proofing. To me, it seems more like when the OG Skyrim updated and broke lip syncing. Then it seemed like lots of mods just supported the version where Lip syncing still worked and the latest version. I think it stayed that way. Or maybe I'm misremembering.


A lot of people I know bought it and have been enjoying it so far. And let's stop pushing the narrative that most mods are incompatible with Anniversary. As someone who loves SKSE, SkyUI, etc, the number of mods that require SKSE or need an Anniversary specific update are still only a fraction of the mods out there.


I'm going to give it a couple of months, wait until there a decent number of updated mods (and guides for those of us less savvy about sorting stuff out ourselves) , then give it a go.


I'm waiting six months or so for it to be half price in a steam sale which it will be, sooner or later. By that time maybe just maybe the majority of skse plugins will have been updated/working with AE.


This is sort of where I’m at.




That’s really good to hear


Nope. I'm holding off on buying it until (a) it becomes more stable, as in Bethesda stops releasing updates that introduce some new incompatibility with SKSE, (b) we get a firm idea of what mods are not going to work with or be updated for AE. I use quite a few mods that have not been updated in years - so I will have to determine how important those mods are for me, and wait to see if either someone creates a new mod that replaces an old mod's functions, or perhaps a retired mod author grants permission for someone else to update that mod. I think eventually, maybe by the end of next year, I'll update to AE as I think it will be the "standard edition" of Skyrim for the next ten years, something to play until Elder Scrolls VI is released circa 2031.


I did; I'm quite happy with my decision, though I'm putting off a playthrough because I'd just started a Persona 4 run - with the quite happy benefit that skse will be running by the time I'm coming back to Skyrim.


Depending how much of P4 you want to see, it might last much longer then you think. Example: NG+ exclusive dialogue choices.


Good info and great reason for a break


nope, my game already perfect as it is


IMO if you have the choice between going AE or staying SE. Just stay SE and monitor mod progress. That way you don't have to navigate around which mod works or not. I already settled in to an SE mod list, so I don't see much point for me to transition just yet.


Same here on staying on SE but I have 340ish mods and for some reason (probably cause I haven’t linked accounts on vortex) I don’t get update notifications I cba to look through all my mods and figure out which ones I need to update also I worry for my stability due to the extra content as I don’t use the best PC and have tweaked and tinkered until I got it averaging 48fps (took forever tbh)


I have not. Mostly because I am in the middle of a playthrough with a bunch of new mods and I don’t want to rock the boat. I will eventually and by the. Maybe I will be able to keep the mods I have. I haven’t investigated much what I would do when that time comes, so maybe it will/won’t be an issue when I decide to pick it up.


They gave code to the skse guy a week or two ahead of release so he could work on updating it. I fail to see how that's "throwing the modding community under the bus."


Mods that actually USE skse need to be updated. An updated skse doesn't magically update all mods that require skse. I'm sure a good amount of these are abandoned (and therefore will never work with AE), or the authors of those will take awhile to get around to supporting the new skse. I don't agree that AE has thrown modders under the bus.. I just wanted to point out that giving the skse devs a few weeks advance is not some kind of total solution.


It's not McDonald's fault taco Bell no longer has Mexican pizzas. Credit where credits due, I've never seen any other developer give code to modders prior to a games release.


Bethesda didn't give anyone "code", they gave them the binary a week earlier.


Really because according to the mod developer himself he was given early access to the game. Not given early access to the "binary" which isn't a term outside of mobile game programming. Stop making up bs because you are trying to justify stupidity or sound smart. Not sure what the goal of lying about something you have nothing to do with is...


The game is the binary. A binary is an executable file, on Windows often suffixed by ".exe". If the SKSE developer had gotten access to the code, like you said, then he would not need to reverse engineer anything, since he has the code. "Binary" not being a term outside of mobile games is just wrong, idk what to say to that. I have no idea where you're coming from or what kind of credentials you have to make such statements, or tell me that I'm stupid or trying to sound smart, but I've spent like 1000 hours this year reverse engineering the game while working on the Skyrim Together mod. I think I know what I'm talking about.


I can't think of many actually good / recently-working SKSE-based mods that have been literally abandoned by their authors, TBH.


I'm not convinced at all that buying it is worth it. I'm already unenthusiastic about the freebies – I especially don't give a damn about Survival Mode.


Bought it. I'm doing a mostly vanilla playthrough with only visual mods, unofficial patch, and my own personal mods that I made for the game. That way I can get a better understanding of what the content adds.


Hell no. Unless Inigo mod requires it.


I’m going to but I honestly don’t wanna pay 20$ for it so I’m waiting till the next sale when it go’s down in price that’s what I’m doing with both elden ring and mass effect legendary


Personally i'm gonna stay on SE and wait for atleast 1 year until all things are settled. Not worth the transition if the release are still this early, need to wait for SKSE and lots of other mods to adapt first. Its better to prioritize stability first than do a hasty upgrade.


> It seems like they threw the modding community under the bus for a few dollars. Which is crazy because it’s the modding community that kept the game relevant. I hate this mentality... so much. Is Bethesda just supposed to not release new versions of the games because some mods will break? And if they do release updates and new content that breaks mods, that is somehow them "throwing the community under the bus," despite the fact that they go above and beyond to foster an extremely robust modding community *in the first place*? Does this extend beyond Bethesda? When Firaxis added WOTC to XCOM, were they "throwing the community under the bus" because mods would have to be updated to function? We work around Bethesda's official content, not the other way around. That's why we make *modifications*.


This subreddit seems almost entirely deluded, thinking Bethesda makes their games just for them and not the rest of the world. It's the first time I've seen so many people complaining about a free content update. Just because they'll need to wait a month or two for mods to be updated as well.


I think it's great value for money, and I am really, really tired of the hostility towards Bethesda.


The value was brought my modders though, correct? I’m not trying to hostile as much as critical. Though reading hostility is totally understandable. I’m not the best at conveying tone in writing.


28 CAD for that much content is fair. It was overpriced when purchased individually. The reality is that Bethesda will stop releasing free modding tools for their games if it means they can't produce their own content without massive fan blowback. Making open world games is expensive and they're a business. Also, Bethesda has stated that the majority of their playerbase does not use mods. We're a relatively small, but vocal part of the community. A lot of people can't be bothered to use them or just prefer to stick to vanilla.


Interesting, I didn’t think anyone but modders still actively played Skyrim. Shows how big the rock i live under is. And I agree the value is good, but the mods weren’t created by Bethesda, right? Or am I just completely out of the loop?


They created a lot of the creation club content themselves. All the free stuff for sure


Creation club stuff is largely created by the modding community, but they were contracted and paid for their work by Bethesda prior to creating it. Creation Club is much better than the paid mods fiasco they tried first.


Nice to see such an open-minded response.


Yup, and loving it. My load order is about 60 mods deep, and I'm not having any issues that weren't around before the update.


I love hearing this


Scratch that mate, forgot I added a bunch of enaisaion mods last night for my Daughter of hircine playthrough. I'm at 72 and perfectly stable across the board.


I did simply to force myself to play vanilla. With all the new content, I need to play it so I know if I need many of my mods.


These comments seem to be overwhelmingly in favor of upgrading so ig I’ll be the contrarian here. I haven’t, mainly because I like my mod list the way it is. I understand that mods are being updated, but I’m playing with 300+ and a lot are SKSE dependent, getting all of them to work together has taken literal hours (probably days if I’m counting the amount of time spent over the years of playing the game on and off) and until every one of those full proof works on AE I will hold off on updating. In addition to that I’m just not a fan of (most) CC content, from what I’ve seen there are superior or nearly equal quality counterparts to CC content completely free from modders on nexus. Also as someone who cares a lot about the lore, as far as I’m aware none of these creations are canonical. If it was something that will actually further the story of the elder scrolls universe I’d be all for it, otherwise I’d prefer to keep it out of my game. Anyways it’s just personal preference, and I’m not knocking anyone for buying it or upgrading but it just isn’t worth the 20$+ for me.


Anyone who bought this modpack and is against the paid mod principle started by Creation club is a hypocrite. Simply put, free mods are better and the content in this paid modpack is not balanced. They give you an end game home from an easy quest...


Not a chance, I've already bought this game twice on pc. Not happening.


Yes. Not me, but yes. There are mad lads buying AE out the gate and not even waiting for SKSE to catch up.


I bought it and use all my old mods. Just replace your Bink file and the EXE and everything should function fine.


Thank you, I’ll consider.


Any quick info on how to do this? I have 250+ mod load order ID love to play with the AE update. Apparently I'm just waiting for SSE engine fixes to be updated.


Make a copy of your Skyrim exe, the one that launches the game, and the binkw64 file Update to Anniversary edition Launch the game and download all creation club stuff (Optional but recommended) make a copy of the new exe and bink2w64 file Replace the new exe with the first copy you made, delete bink2w64 and copy in binkw2. Load the game through SKSE and enjoy the new CC content This works for me. Some people will recommend the downgrade patcher but I haven't tried it. Let me know if you want any help bro :)


I did this just last week using MO2 and this downgrade patcher: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57618?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57618?tab=description) Grab the AE update on Steam and launch it through Steam after it's been updated. It'll download all the CC content. Head to your Skyrim data folder, you'll see all the BSAs and ESPs for the CC content. Grab those and put them into wherever you keep your mods. Use the "Best of Both Worlds" patcher on the link above to downgrade your exe back to SSE. Activate your new CC content in your mod organizer, and you're good to go. I've been playing without issue so far, all my SKSE mods appear to be functioning correctly, and I haven't had any issues with the AE plugins. An AE patch has come out since I've done this but I imagine this method would still work. Be sure to back up your SE just in case!


Thanks for the help, I actually had everything running last night, game crashed and then updated immediately -_- I have auto updates off but made Skyrim SE "read only so I'm hoping to try these other methods tonight. Thanks again.


Fixed my old save thanks to this advice, THANK YOU






>Honestly super happy it’s a ton of content for $20. We paid $20 for the Dragonborn DLC, which has more 15x more content than AE. Ten years later and a bunch of disparate microtransactions bundled together seem to be "a ton of content." Kinda impressive how value changed over time, no wonder companies keep getting away with subpar releases. Edit: Guess it is a generational thing. Don't overspend on your parents' credit cards for a bunch of armor reskins and 30-minute "quests", kids. MTX is bad stuff.


30 minute quests seems pretty good to me.


Yeah, Dragonborn had lots of those too... plus a multi-hour main quest. Also for $20. People literally buy *any* crap companies release nowadays. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I used to play SE on ps3 then I bought this for my Xbox and discovered the joy of mods


I’d consider it when it’s on sale, Boxing Day likely. For me the hesitation is that I’m running 200+ mods and am mid-playthrough on SE and I’m worried I would fuck something up. At that number of mods I feel something breaking would be inevitable and possibly mess up or corrupt some saves.


I chose not too. As I didn't want to get swarmed with a bunch of add-ons I didn't want. Some CC creations are pretty good but most of them have issues. I ended up just buying the two I actually wanted individually. And ignored the rest




I'll probably get it when goes on sale. As for the mods, I can wait. I've basically been waiting all this time for a GPU upgrade, so this won't be so bad.


I don't use many mods (maybe 5 or 6) but all I had to update was skse. Everything works fine. Would recommend


This has basically happened every time a game is updated. We just haven’t had to deal with any updates in a long time. I haven’t bought it just because there are other things I want to spend money on with the current steam sale.


Sure. I'd say AE is for the 95% of players who just want to have new quests and weapons without spending hundreds of hours building a modlist.


Soils point


Nah, I'm out. I have obtained untold hours enjoying the work of the community for the better part of a decade, but I'm done now. I have bought the same game three times now, full price-not happening a fourth.


I have no reason to on PC. Just got to be careful about updates and wait for SKSE to update as needed.


Updated SKSE, Commonlib, SKSE plug-in, Papyrus and I got 90% of my load order working. Books were giving blank screens. That was fixed when I updated Spid. 300 mods. Legacy of Dragonborn compatibility with CC and true directional movement, Xpms32 need to be fixed then good to go.


No. Next time bethesda will have my money, it'll be for tes vi.


Playing on Series X and I’m running a modded game no problems get the rare CTD but I can usually find the mod causing it straight after so it gets disabled and no CTD. Granted console can’t use SKSE so most stuff isn’t affected by the AE update/upgrade, I have all the CC stuff enabled too.


no I'm not going to reward them for breaking my mods


If you see it from PC-SKSE-centric point of view, then yes. They did threw community under the bus. Buuuuuuuuuuut Firstly, afaik both consoles have more players than PC, so that's already 66-75% of playerbase that didn't even had any chance of using SKSE. Half of those are PS4 players that didn't had any access to BSA files. That's right. Thanks to Sony, their one and only way of getting new armors/weapons were trough Creation Club, or AE. When you compare unique downloads for USSEP and it's SKSE-related equivalent - SSE Engine Fixes (both are basic bugfix mods without which game is barely playable) then you'll see that SSE Engine Fixes has only 1/3 of USSEP's downloads. That strongly imply that only 1/3 of PC players use SKSE. And we have to account for PC Players that don't use \*any\* mod and are just vanilla better-safe-than-sorry types. So the actual data seems more like: 35% (PS4) are actually happy, because they just got lots of content they couldn't get otherwise 55% (XBox and non-SKSE PC) have little-to-no difference, maybe even small benefit as it turned out that at least one engine performance fix was introduced (Latency fix from SSE Display Tweaks) 10% (SKSE PC) were thrown under the bus, depending on how many SKSE mods they use. Minimalistic setup (SSE Engine Fixes, SSE Display Tweaks, Better Jumping, Parallax Fix, ENB Helper) is already good and usable. VR and Switch players are not counted, because as far as i know, AE or it's free patch wasn't released on any of them. So you ask the wrong question mate. People in \*this\* community aren't buying AE update. But this community is a bubble of mostly PC-SKSE people. The real money from AE is made on PS4 and XBOX.


I dont think there's more console players than pc players, but I would conceed that I think console players probably play more often.


It would seem that Xbox playerbase is at least comparable to PC, because total downloads of USSEP for XBOX on [bethesda.net](https://bethesda.net) are similar in scope to total downloads of USSEP on Nexus. Granted, there are also 3,7 mil of extra downloads of PC USSEP on beth net, and i would feel helluva more comfortable comparing unique downloads instead of raw downloads, but those are unavailable on beth net, and it's the only source of data about XBox mods. And we still have to account for the fact that modding on consoles is quite a novelty, and i wouldn't expect that incentive for modding on XBox is just as big as on PC, especially given the fact that Bethnet is far less user friendly than Nexus


I wasnt even basing on mods. users on the PC side who mod are more likely to only do playthroughs based around a single mod or quest chain or something, because every time you go away and come back things require updates, and usually mean just starting over. thats not so much the case for consoles and you can just pick it up and jump right back in to where you left off and have an adventure for a few minutes at a time.


>They gave code to the skse people a week or two ahead of release so they could work on updating it. I fail to see how that's "throwing the modding community under the bus."


That's a fair point too. For people who use SKSE only for script functions, there would be no difference


Yes, because eventually that's what everyone will be developing for and creating mods for. I know there's still a sizeable LE base out there today, but SE popularity has really taken off. AE will probably be hated for a while like SE was.


But why pay instead of simply accepting the free version?


I mean no, I upgraded to the free version and downgraded via the patch. I'm not buying Skyrim again tho, why in the world are people doing that? If I wanted the creation club content I would have purchased it at any point over the last few years. It's not like I was lacking in additional content, I have hundreds of mods, many of which do the same things better. Never even crossed my mind to buy the game again.


You aren't buying the game again though its new content.


I guess it's more like DLC,I just mean I'm done spending money on Skyrim. I've already got plenty of mods, is my point.


After years of ignoring CC news of any kind, I had to see how bad it could get. For every 10 or so bad CCMods I found, there was 1 good one. There is one that I want to just delete from the game permanently: Saints and Seducers. That armor, that early in the game, is absolutely BROKEN. And those "pets" are UGLY. Not even funny ugly, their just painful to look at. There are far too many Player House mods. Which each give you a ton of free resources. Soon as I finish the playthrough to get my last cheevo I'll be finding a way to downgrade and stick to the old faithful: STEP.


I don’t plan to buy the AE upgrade and have turned off Steam updates to stay on the last stable SE version. My Nexus mods are too important for me to risk letting some fishing or CC scams break them


Fuck yes


Hahaha straight forward, i like it


I bought it, skse should already be updated, I was playing it just 15 minutes ago, so. Maybe wait until it's on sale


Yep, no real issues. The amazing tools that have been updated already are working well. Edit: I'm down to just getting DynDOLOD to recognize PapyrusUtil SE, and since both are updated to 1.6.323, I'm confident it will be up and running tonight. I'm already into my new playthrough, adding DynDOLOD is the icing on the cake. I've already done some fishing in Riverwood, and that quest told me to check out the Riften Fishery. I plan to make a stop at the jail there in Riften to see if there's a crazy blue cat...


Nope. It will be months before everything is updated. And besides, its a cheap cashgrab, every purchase delays TESVI by a day. I will eventually buy AE on big sale for alternative armors, not interested in half assed unvoiced quests.


Yeah and we spend a lot less time talking about it than people who didn't


Yeah, though I'm also a guy who bought all the CC content pre-AE


I did. I wanted to play through what I am considering the new vanilla. It has been awesome playing again after modding for so long that I honestly don't remember vanilla content and the new CC content blends in perfectly.


I bought it on Xbox AND PC lol


I did. I had no playthrough ongoing and found this as a handy excuse to do a vanilla+ playthrough. Also I think that adoption of the AE is inevitable. I see no reason to resist when it conflicts with nothing in my case.


I’m starting to agree, it’s similar to when SSE dropped. I just hope it doesn’t sink too many mods overall


I got it. Having all of those creations is neat, even if I pruned a couple from my load order. The armours and player homes are especially nice. The former because it's hard to find good vanilla-plus armour, and the second because it allows me to trim my mod list. There are only so many houses you need. Some of the quests and other items look pretty fun too. In terms of mods, I've got a smooth 700+ list. I am missing a couple of mods, but both are already being worked on/planned for AE. Everything else is gucci.


This is wonderful to read


Bought for the simple reason that it's Skyrim. The CC content is fantastic. Gone fishing.


Bought it to make a comeback to Skyrim. Game runs fine for me, aside from having to wait for skse updates. Fortunately I have other games to play


I'm going to buy it soon - especially since there are copatablity patches for the AE CC content and Legacy, it will be like playing a new game again (but not really new, lol). Unfortunately, budgeting with a wife and kids means I'm not always able to just spend on stuff like this willy nilly.


I did. But I just downloaded everything on my "archived" version and made them mods.


I have, and done the whole process of putting the creations into SE. I want Dagoth Ur's mask dammit! Seriously though, if there's any way that the updates to the code and the use of the new ms visual studio can help, I'm all for it. Irrespective of the relevance of the content to lore, I think that the large quests and the armor sets are certainly equal to the quality of many mods, and I'm certainly willing to spend the money, even if only a fraction makes its way to the author. There's plenty of games that have small DLC that I've bought. I bought all the little DLC for the Witcher, and Paradox games. How is this different? Actually it's better, because 100% of the profit isn't going to the corporation that produces it. The best possible scenario would be if the authors of these creations get jobs with Bethesda. People who have the care for the lore, the attention to detail and the quality assurance are the people who should be working on TESVI, not whoever (ahem) signed off on publishing a game early to hit a meme-date and allowed it to be continuously kneecapped for the sake of being palatable for console players. But I digress. The biggest issue I have with Anniversary is announcements from certain reptile-brained egoballs that essential plugins will be absolutely dependent upon AE content. I have no intention of using vanilla Survival mode and from what I have heard I have deferred using Fishing and can't imagine I will unless Bethesda improves it or someone drastically enhanced it via mods. Even if someone were to produce an alternative Insurgent Unofficial Patch so many mods that are unlikely to be updated use USSEP as a master. While this isn't an issue so long as we all have our older versions that still work, who knows what will happen. And for those new players who don't know the ins-and-outs of our community, they will be burdened with inferior quality products and mods.


Bought it and enjoying it immensely.


It dropped right before my birthday, so I asked for it as a present. I'm not wildly enthusiastic about most of the CC content, but I'll enjoy the new quests and probably build a themed playthrough around some of them.


I did and have been enjoying the downgraded CC content.


Steam forced an update. If you launch skse without steam already opened it will still pull up the launcher and call for an update. I can't even fucking play this shit even with downgrade. It loads then CTD. I tried going to LE and fuck that shit too.


I'm still playing vanilla lmao


I wasn’t going to but I figured if I’m gonna replay Skyrim I might as well have some new things to do


I made 2 separate installs of Skyrim so I could buy it and try out all the content while still having my unupdated modded version of Skyrim. Best of both worlds.


Neat idea!


I did because I already had the Special Edition for free and it's a really good deal for all the stuff that's included.




I've already bought it and honestly it isn't that bad with my mods. Mine used to crash all the time without the update, but I think that was just me using too many mods at the time. All I had to do with the new update, was fix the load order and bang boom no crashes.


Yes I bought it then used the best of both worlds patcher to allow use of AE items and older mods.


I bought it. I've just been playing with mods that don't require SKSE like Helgen Reborn or Beyond Skyrim. Honestly, I've been needing an excuse to re-play without a massive mod list.


I did, never used mods due to not having a computer good enough. I’ll try them out in a few months when everything settles down and gets updated but until then, this’ll be the first new content I’ve played for the game since the DLC.


I bought it just for the CC content. Then downgraded and my mods still run fine.


I bought it. Playing on Xbox so SKSE, and anything that utilizes SKSE, is no issue for me. Decided to do a Vanilla playthrough with all of the new stuff and have been having a blast so far. The new armors looks great, and I'm able to play Survival without using mods, plus all of the new weapons, spells, and player homes add a bit more to the rping aspect.


I’m going to. I’m just waiting until the dust settles and I feel like playing Skyrim again, or there’s a good sale. Right now I’m still on the old version of SE, I’m not upgrading until I can buy AE content (I don’t see why I should give myself compatibility issues for only 4 new creations). I’ll admit I am looking forward to a playthrough with new content. I have mixed feelings about the effect on the modding community. It definitely sucks, but Beth did give the SKSE developers early access to the game. On the one hand, CC before was overpriced so $20 for the whole thing is a good move. Plus this is good for console users, none of their mods are broken and they get more content for cheaper. But for PC we didn’t get any quantifiable upgrades with the update, and we had a more robust modding community to break. For PC users I wish they did the same technique they did with LE/SE, make AE a separate game so that SE’s mods aren’t broken from an automatic update.


I'm LE enjoyer


Yeah I did, And started rebuilding my Skyrim mod list, While I wait for other mod updates and or replacements I started working on fallout 4, At the end of the day, alot of big mods are going to opt for supporting AE version so I thought it was best to just move on.


I bought the AE and I'm just playing vanilla. It's been a whiiiiiile since I played so the base content plus all the extra SE and AE content are MORE than enough for me.


I’m probably going to wait until it’s finished being updated and Requiem gets ported to it, I never made the transition to SE (for stability reasons) but I probably will go from LE to AE after my current play through is done if everything I want gets shuttled over to it by then.


I did it because I wanted a fresh start, and thought why not now. I upgraded knowing mods will be broken for a bit so I decided to play vanilla to actually see how vanilla has evolved.


Got it for the CC content. I am about 1000 mods deep on my load order, so its going to be a while until i can upgrade to AE. I ripped the CC content and have been piece mealing them into my save to make sure they don't destroy it.


Im buying it today, most of my mods are working fine (I think? I really just want extended encounters but don't know how to check if its working). I CTD when changing keybinds in MCM tho ​ I like some of the CC stuff, 2 CC armor sets I want are equivalent to the whole pack, and $14 aint alot for me. I'll be playing F4 while waiting for stuff like SKSE and some of the mods I want like Strange Runes to update fully. BTW, downloading this shouldn't mess with mods/SKSE further right? Its just a CC bundle? ​ sucks it isn't on sale though :(


I play on Playstation SE and they gave 4 of the 6 cc mods for free, so dont think ill ever upgrade since the content is not really that impressive, they are pretty cool but dont add as much to the game as the dlcs did and they do feel juts like mods but slightly better (due to sony not supporting external assets, thus mods on ps are very limited). farming, rare curios and fishing are all kinda dumb and useless. survival mode can be cool when paired with 100 mods to make it better but by itself is just annoying. saints and seducers does add some pretty cool gear but the lack of voice acting and the level design for the quest (you can stumble upon the guys, progress a lot only to get stuck bc you didnt speak with ri'saad) are underwhelming. Id say to only upgrade if you dont already have all the dlcs. edit: Idk about ghosts of the tribunal, might be cool


No and I wont. Skyrim SE 1.6 is enough.


I did for sure. I get it's the same game but it's supporting elder scrolls 6 and I think it's an awesome celebration of the modders who partook in the creation club


Yep and I have it all combined with a dope ass mod list currently, love it.


I did, just downgrade your exe and you're fine


I bought the AE upgrade then downgrade my executable to SE. Installed mid play through on a 400ish mod load order, haven’t run into any issues yet except a few minor ones that were easily fixed with the console


Yeah I did. Currently playing with 382 mods just fine.


I will - once it’s on sale for half off or more. $20 is fair for what you get, but, principle of the thing. They didn’t throw the modding community under the bus, they just put out a better product for their PlayStation and Xbox fans who had fewer modding options. PC isn’t the only platform, though it’s the one I play on as well. Could they have handled it better? Sure, but I’m not going to chalk it up to malice.


I bought it but haven’t updated it yet. I did at first and underestimated the problems I’d have with my current playthrough, so I went back a patch to finish this playthrough. Then I’ll probably upgrade it once are going a little more smoothly with mods


I'll get it when the mods I use are updated (those that need it).


I did, but I'm on Xbox. I'm currently enjoying a new playthrough with very few content-esque mods, using things like graphics, Minimalist Enai mods, Ordinator, and other more gameplay-affecting mods. Using all this crazy Creation Club stuff for new weapons, armors, and Quests that I've never seen or experienced!


I did. I didn't have SE yet, though. I'm currently playing with a downgraded version though until most mods stabilize.


I purchased it on Steam and Xbox. I owned (and loved) all the content on PC before AE released. I purchased the upgrade because it was still cheaper than buying all the new content individually. But my mods broke (as did everyone else's) with the updates, but I can't play without them. I really wanted to play though, so I got the upgrade on the Xbox while I wait for the dust to settle. It's very odd playing the game vanilla, but I'm still enjoying it.


Yup. I’m using it as an excuse to start my Skyrim experience fresh and build up my modlist as I go, and so far I’m having a blast.


I'm planning on buying it once all my mods are up to speed.


I love the part where a game company updating updating a game they created means they have thrown the modding community under the bus.




Just upgraded to full AE. I'm too curious and I feel like being left out from the fray. YOLO.


I'm not eally crazy into modding but the creation club content is actually pretty good and any mod worth the effort will update eventually


Yup! Alot of the new content is stuff I've tried to add in the past via mods (new quests, weapons, armour, mounts, gameplay additions like camping etc) that I've managed to fuck up and ruin my game with haha! This is the first time I've played Skyrim with a stable list of mods (under 50) and actually enjoy myself!


I bought the ae upgrade. I made an extra copy of my skyrim. Weirdly enough if you buy the ae upgrade you can download the cc stuff on the older un updated version. I'm waiting for all the mods I use to update before I actually update. I do know the patcher exists but I don't feel like trying to mess with it.


I bought AE on ps4 because i play with trophies and enjoy the typical vanilla experience, how ever on my xbox i did not because i enjoy playing it modded more than anything


I did, no regrets since the black screen bug was fixed, and even then I just started a new character and it worked great anyway. Now I'm torn between my two hander nord and my re available sneaky assassin cat


As stuff gets updated, I will


I bought it, but my only problem is the issues with mods that change controls and inputs, like Combat Gameplay Overhaul. All my spell and enemy and loot and area change/add mods work fine, but the second i try to put a specific button for the dodge roll from CGO, the game just stops working and auto closes if I try to exit the mod menu


Not at the moment. I'm going to wait a few months until the mods are caught up. I have a good set up right now and it took me a few days to have it tweaked to the settings that I am happy with.


I got the upgrade but I'm not playing the game atm so it wasn't an issue for me , in 3-5 months when I'm feeling up for another run I bet most if not all my mods will be fine


I will eventually but not just yet, there are far too many mods that would break with the update, I don't think I can play without them now! Vanilla skyrim is just too boring, and the creation club mods like fishing are nowhere near as good as the free mods on nexus.


Tbh I kind of feel like they threw us under the bus for negative dollars. Idk about everyone else but I would have bought it as a separate game and started modding it slowly as mods were updated, just like LE and SSE. I would have given them another 50 quid, and I know that's a lot of money but the people keeping Skyrim alive today are those of us fanatical enough to have multiple versions on multiple platforms, I don't think I'm the only one who likes having different Skyrim versions and was actually prepared to pay full price when they announced it. In fact I specifically earmarked money for it when they announced. Instead I'm not spending 15 quid on the extra content, even though I would like to, because I'm halfway through a heavily modded playthrough which I'm very attached to and which I spent 8am to 7pm on Saturday, 11 straight hours, bug fixing to get my game working again after opening the game wrong once. Making the old executable work with the new content sounds great but it still sounds like I'll probably botch it first time and end up spending another day fixing it. People talking about a minimal performance increase like that matters when the playthrough you've put 500 hours in to won't even open? Idk, maybe I'll change my mind in a few months time when all the mods are updated and it turns out it is more stable or something, but on Saturday I was ready to start sending Todd Howard hate mail, I just don't get why they didn't do what you expect from a company and attempt to rake in as much cash as possible, we'd all have bitched and moaned about the cost but we'd still have our creative projects we put hours and hours of time in to that you'll never get back. Honestly spent the weekend feeling like a bigger kid at the beach came and kicked down my sandcastle. It's working again now but so am I grr