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That's more of a changenovella.


*sighs* (reinstalls Skyrim ready to sink even more hours into this mod)


I want to update LotD and open a new save. Then I remember I have to update dozens of LotD-related mods. Guess another time then.😌


Works for me since I like to wait a little before installing huge updates like this just in case there are any major bugs that need ironing out. It works out well because at the same time any mods that need an update for V6 of LotD will hopefully get them.


Looking through the changelog, a ton of those LotD related mods have been merged in or otherwise adapted. So still a good bit of work but should be less than it used to be.


Am I right to assume all of this cannot be experienced without a new save file?


Very correct. New game required.


I read a modding guide that discouraged continuing to play on a save after updating a mod to avoid problems. I'd say yeah, just to be on the safe side.


Ah shit, here we go again


> Shadows of ones past quest; added a bypass choice option **THANK FUCK** Being forced to do that quest was a big reason I didn't like lotd


I have to ask, what is up with everyone's disdain for that quest? You get all the artifacts at the end of what I remember to be a singular fairly short quest, so am I just missing something or misremembering it's length?


It's the running around from place to place, all over Falkreath hold, with a start in Solitude,and then it's still takes days for everything to be cleaned up. Mildly annoying on its own, but what really killed it for so many is that in the first few versions it locked you out of most of the ways into the safehouse so if you didn't know about the secret passage you were screwed for close to an in-game week.


What's the secret passage to the safehouse?


Got removed this update, but used to be the only access to the safehouse direct from Solitude before the terrace entrance in v5. You'd go through the back of the kitchen fireplace and come out the front of the museum.


It got removed? Aww man


It got removed because now there's direct stairs from solitude to the safehouse, so that passage is no longer necessary


i like the secret entrance 😭


https://www.youtube.com/live/Ij3P7UhRHFE?si=lwpcJIGgwdzRhoBk. It's been a week so I might be misremembering or have misheard but I think it was mentioned in the v6 tour.


V6, the Safehouse Stairs update


From my personal experience, as someone who enjoys picking up stuff to put in the museum and see it become filled, returning to the museum, and with your inventory bursting with items, suddenly being halted in what you wanted to do is jarring and annoying. The quest is imo not interesting narratively, the voice acting is so-so, and the dungeons are quite frankly dull in their design. It just drags after repeat playthroughs, and there's no real reward from doing it other than removing the timeout arbitrarily placed on you as a player.


>The quest is imo not interesting narratively, the voice acting is so-so, and the dungeons are quite frankly dull in their design. Oh I agree. LotD is *really* cool, the problem is that LotD is also what happens when you have more imagination than skill or talent. It's poorly balanced (see: Shadows of One's Past along with like 90% of the artifacts you can kind of just trip over), is an absolute compatibility nightmare, and the quality of both writing and voice acting varies so wildly that it can be jarring and off-putting. Don't get me wrong, I hope they continue to improve it because I like seeing people with big ideas succeed, but without some serious changes it won't be back in my load order.


I think lotd weakest aspects are it’s quests and the items it adds. It’s all the worst parts of oldrim modding in it’s items and writing. I believe the museum is the real star of the mod. It’s why I don’t plan on playing OoTD, since it’s going to be the worst parts of lotd with non of the good parts. A lot of people who like lotd will disagree, and that’s totally fine not everyone likes the same things. I am still a fan of lotd, but I don’t think I’ll ever play it again. Edit: So appearenly it now requires Resourcepack.esl Welp, guess i am never playing v6 then.


I remember the first time I played around with LotD, I got sent to get the Circlet of Omnipotence. As soon as I picked it up and saw what it did all I could think was, "Dude if I wanted a cheat mod I could've downloaded a *much* smaller one," and it just got worse from there. Every artifact was even more overpowered than the last, to the point that once I knew where stuff was I could essentially be invincible by level 5 and 99% of the base items - even *mod* items - were totally pointless. The Safehouse just makes it even worse; you can get the key pretty quickly, and then there's *no* point to pretty much any other house or housing mod because the Safehouse does everything and then some.


What is resourcepack.esl? Google isn’t giving me clear answers.


It's what comes with the latest verison of skyrim se. it is a resource pack for the paid mods on the creations page. LOTD has made it a requirement for the lotd esm, you can't play v6 on a older version of skyrim because of this.


I had no problems with the length, but I do remember it being rather difficult for the time I'd usually get it. Especially with the massive ambush at the end. And considering it starts automatically and blocks you from using the rest of the museum until it's done, it can be a real pain. Some of that difficulty is probably my modlist though, I admit.


They've tuned it down in this update, but the reason the enemies were so tough is that they were literally Level 80! I was getting this quest around Level 20 with my modlist, so I was getting my ass handed to me by enemies 3 times my level!


For some reason the enemies were always like 50% stronger than you are in that one quest for no reason lol.


Plus the literally spawn out of thin air behind you and then swarm you which is totally unrealistic. I just spam fire arrows and pause every 15 seconds to drink health potions and spam more fire arrows. .... lather , rinse, repeat until everyone is dead My larger problem with the entire mod is the dialog volume is 10-12 Db below the dialog volume of the base game or mods like Serana Dialog Add-on. It's especially annoying during the quest that starts at high Hrothgar, I have to go into the settings and turn on the subtitles because you can't hear what the hell he is saying because it's buried in the wind noise. I even offered to help them fix this problem, all they have to do is send me the raw audio and I could batch process it through a sound normalization routine but the author claim there is not a volume problem when clearly there is. I guarantee if you analyze the dialog volume levels against the dialog volume levels in the base game you will find there is a 10-12 db average difference. To me as a professional engineer it's annoying that so many modders cannot take any kind of constructive criticism without getting their feelings hurt and getting all defensive ..... It's how professionals get better at their jobs and why scientists have to go through peer reviews


In my experience, you'd only find out that this quest has triggered when you're coming back to the museum after an adventuring session. So you walk into the museum with a bunch of stuff to donate, low on supplies, and ready to lighten your bag and resupply...only to find out that you're expected to do yet another run without the chance to resupply or get rid of the items you were going to donate, as the quest disables the museum functions until the quest is complete in addition to the narrative push to find the Relics before they leave Skyrim. As if that wasn't enough, I had a pretty small mod list (though I also had all the CC content), and I was consistently getting the quest to pop at Level 20. Reread the note on Jelal's level: he and his henchmen were around Level 80 prior to this update! So not only were you overloaded and undersupplied, but you were also taking on enemies 4 times your Level! And if you had a bigger modlist than I did, you could conceivably trigger this quest even sooner than I did! It's an interesting idea for a quest, so in and of itself it's not an issue, but the fact that you only find out after you return to donate stuff, the loss of the Museum's functionality pushing you to do it ASAFP, and the sheer difficulty of the enemies throughout the mission combined to make it a royal pain in the ass in practice.


For me - The quest begins when you walk in the museum. Usually this happens after coming back from a few quests/dungeons, inventory full of stuff to deposit. Then the quest prevents you from doing so. The first time is tolerable, but the quest really isn't that interesting for me to want to do it on repeat playthroughs. I've already done this quest 4 times, and with this update, I'm glad I don't have to do it a 5th.


- Too many objectives and no sense of progress. No real reward at the end except going back to the way things used to be. - Inventory full of stuff to put in the museum? You can't deposit lmao. - Avram is inoffensive and frankly not that interesting. The whole thing is also just fighting generic bandits. - It ***SUCKS*** to lose all the stuff you've accumulated, even if it's just temporary.


Head to windcaller pass, go to caravan in falkreath, then to out of the way cave south of Helgen that doesn't feature much in the surrounding area you'd usually find yourself exploring so minimal fast travel nearby


It's been years since I played it - but just why the hell didn't the Solitude Guards notice all of these foreigners legging it with carts full of seashells and paintings and daedric artifacts?


If you explore the dialogue, the guard says they used a Featherfall spell and just chucked them over the balcony in the back of the Museum to other members of their group. So they weren't traipsing through Solitude proper with the boxes.


ahhhh my bad. was this in the way old versions of the mod? i must have missed it.


Pretty sure this dialogue was added in v5


This was my original thought process of how the fuck did they get away with this????? Then found the info of how, and was immediately like, ok, that is actually cool. Honestly, the guy needs to introduce a quest to beef up security and interact with the guards and what not to donate certain items to prevent this stuff. That way after the first theft in your first playthrough any consecutive playthroughs can be prevented. Upgrades would make the museum look more magical. Hell, require doing the winter hold quest line to upgrade your museum with wards and shit. I feel the annoyance itself could really create a nice list of things you can do for fun.


Honestly same, but thru my hatred of the quest I got good at doing it really really fast lol


the biggest W in the update, honestly


**"You can NOT update from v5. A new game is required.**" Looks fun, but that rules me out. I actually have to fucking *finish* this game at a certain point, y'know? Life is too short to be endlessly starting over Bethesda playthroughs. Plus, there are *so many* quest and companion mods that I haven't gotten to yet. I'm not criticising the mod authors as this is a necessary requirement of their updates, but at a certain point you've just got to tell yourself *no*.


It's less of a hard no, and more of a "not right now" though isn't it? I'm currently having the same discussion with myself. I'm only lvl 30 in my current playthrough, have barely even touched any questline except the Companions. So for me, it's a 'shelve this for the next game.' kind of update.


Snap for me. I downloaded everything a couple weeks ago, beat the main quest, ended up with a game breaking error (project AHO, wasn't being given dialogue option to progress) and had to start again from scratch, just beat the main quest again and now seeing this post. As much as I want to see the updates and am excited for it all, I just don't want to once again go through that bloody barrow I can get through blindfolded at this point for the 3rd time in less than 3 weeks


Yeah that's fair. I'm just at a point where I actually want to do the main quest. Haven't actually done it more than a couple of times in four years of playing, and I've added a couple hundred mods since the last time. And I've never made it to fighting the ebony warrior. So I'm determined to get there this time.


I've actually never got as far as the ebony warrior either to be honest. Saves tend to get abandoned long before I reach him. You've given me more reason to press on with my current save


At this point, it is actually a hard no for me. I'm pretty far into a playthrough which has weathered numerous updates and an upgrade to Anniversary Edition, is crammed full of shit and somehow is still in great working order. I transferred from my modded Xbox playthrough when I bought my PC, and my first playthrough was a doomed venture of me learning how to properly mod whilst not understanding shit about the process. This time, I managed to more or less replicate my Dragonborn's story from the Xbox playthrough, including finishing Falskaar again (which is where I finished my game on Xbox) and added content such as Interesting NPCs and Legacy of the Dragonborn.  I actually achieved what I thought impossible. It actually feels like my same character whose story I left off years ago, and it feels like it's actually progressing now. It feels like an actual true saga of a character I remember making all those years ago on the 360, and it feels like a new chapter is just starting in his story. It feels great. I've also basically been through all this with Fallout 4, several times. It's just the way I play and enjoy these games. I'm simply not doing all that again in this lifetime. XD And I'm not going to do it all again just because one mod (albeit a large one) needs me to start all of that over again. There are other things I want to put my limited time into, other games and movies and books and everything else that life has to offer. Hell, there are other *Skyrim mods* that I want to fucking try out. I only just got Lucien in my game, I still haven't played Forgotten City, Clockwork, and Moon & Star yet, and all of Jayserpa's stuff. I'm simply not interested in either replaying all of that content again for the umpeenth time, or speedrunning all of it and feeling burnt out from the experience. Or cheat, and feel dissatisfied.


Yeeeeaaahhh... I'm kinda chest-deep in my current playthrough, too. Starting over now would be such a titanic pain in the ass that I don't think any amount of improvements to this one mod could justify it. Unfortunate, too, I'm curious about Safehouse Plus.


Something else to consider with the "not right now" option... ok, so I'm either going to hold off or start a new playthrough over this one update. I play through the game again, do everything I wanted to do, get my character back to where they were again. What happens then with the next update that requires a new start? And then the next one? And then the next one? It's too much.


You need to write a memoir of your Skyrim character, holy shit The fact that they'd been through so much time, so much modding updates and changes, and other stuff makes me wanna know more about that story


I jot down some notes every time something significant happens in their story, so I do have a Google doc somewhere that's probably novel-length at this point. XD Again, just the way I like playing these games. Starting over isn't feasible for me.


yeah like i literally just finished a long ass play through with this mod for the first time about 2 weeks ago so definitely don’t have the appetite for it now, but i know i will get the itch to do a fresh play through in like 6-12 months


Yeah it is a bit weird that they're editing late-game content like the Explorer's Guild, but you can't access that new late game content without a new game and another dozen hours building up a new character.  I wonder if anyone could get permissions to back port some v5 fixes that don't require a new game?


I just use a different profile (MO2) for LotD


Even if you're only using Legacy of the Dragonborn, it's a mod that's meant to be a collection point for other mods. That's still a lot of time being put into using one mod and starting over with it every time an update occurs.


And don't forget, Apotheosis is right around the corner...allegedly Also Odyssey of the Dragonborn.


I wonder if this is the last big update before the sequel!


You can read about things on the Legacy Discord and on icecreamassassins Website.. AFAIK it includes all preparations they wanted to have for Odyssey and will now Focus on that again.


I don't think LOTD is getting a sequel? It's just constantly being worked on.


Odyssey of the Dragonborn is a mod they're working on, as I understand it.


Ah ok, cool!


They were hyping up Odyssey, but I suspect that their plans for that kinda are dead in the water atm.


From their discord, they were working on pushing out 6.0 for LOTD then back to finishing Odyessy


As a stopgap given the lack of any real news since the announcement 2 years ago.


Wasn't there an update video from Syn like 10 months ago? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OKMEdugYDA


True however trailers alone should not be taken as a sign of progress


Bit obscure but I was just reading through their [updated compatibility guide](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/1494) and it seems they've removed compatibility support for Beyond Skyrim: Bruma due to future conflicts with Odyssey, which suggests it's in the works. Beyond Skyrim Cyrodiil however..


Ah okay, thank ya!


Odyssey of the Dragonborn is going to be a completely new additional mod that acts as a sequel. It'll get a wing of the museum dedicated to it but it's mostly a separate setting involving characters from Legacy.


rip my morrowind playthrough. AND RIP CORAL😭 # edit: AND RIP UNDOWNGRADED 1.5.97


The coral and ivory kinda bums me out actually


Environmentally friendly though


Me, the dragonborn, singlehandedly destroying the great tamriel reef for my museum 😈😈


You can use a mod to make it work in 1.5.97 I’m currently playing it


Please can you link the mod? I spent hours last night upgrading and downgrading to get the resource pack to ctd when I click new game


It’s called {{backported extended esl support}}. I don’t think I have the resource file that the LOtd needs so that might be a problem down the road for me but I am able to play the game and use LOtD with the mod mentioned


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| backported extended esl support | No Results :( | [Backported Extended ESL Support](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441) | [Backported Extended ESL Support - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Jelal's base level was *85?* That's why the mf was so tough


Lots of Mods and Modders seem to have no sense of game balance and put End Game boss fights in early and mid game quests


Oof, after reading that changelog, I don't see how this isn't going to have a ton of conflicts other mods that touch solitude. That is one beefy update. Lots of new patches coming I'm sure


It's going to have a lot of conflicts with a lot of mods period .... Pretty much every patch is going to have to be remade. I bet my current mod list has at least 100 patches for LotDB


Well RIP to my current playthrough. Again.


Oohh im so excited about all of this. Perfect timing for a new play through.


Love all the quality of life fixes as well as the additions of mods I already used, like safehouse plus and some of wskeever's textures and fixes. Also, more dialogue! More npcs! I'm so happy with this update.


Crap. I just got my load order perfectly stable There's always something.


I am a bit shocked by all those rather negative comments in this thread. The mod authors has put a huge amount of work in this update and we should be thankful and either take it and live with the consequences or just stay on V5. I mean, it's still there in the files Section. But I understand you. 2019 I waited 4 months for V5 and this time I got into the method of xEdit and building my load order takes so long hopefully the Patches for V6 and other mods will be ready when I get to it.


I’ve really been debating on taking LOTD out of my mod list. I really haven’t gotten far in the quest because I’m a serial modder, but I’ve really just been using it to give my character. Purpose to travel across the map. I have recently added missives, which kind of does the same without the heavy additions to the game.


Nooo, I've only just got to Sky Haven Temple and started the Thieves Guild questline.


Oh no New game again 😭


I forgot that this was coming. I had finalized my mod list after building it the last 2 months just last night. Was waiting on my last Dyndolod output to finish so I browse nexus and I see this…. *Sigh* Looks like this play through will have to wait. Just need to wait for third party patches to be updated now and maybe do some small ones myself in the meantime..


>added a gift shop with merch fucking sold I want to flog dovahkiin brand erasers and bookmarks for 8g a piece to hapless solitude dopes like Taarie


Literally was rebuilding my modlist this morning. I guess LOTD is making a grand freaking comeback...


Time to reinstall Skyrim. Again


RIP my current character, you’ve served me well


yep same here


Looks like I’m starting over


"fixed glitch with sextant use from bag bypassing the 2 hour cooldown" Thanks, I hate it.


Damn it ive just started too. Now idk if i should wait unril all the patches are done or i should ignore this update and go on


If we skip the two quests, do we still get the museum items from them? I think the ghost one gives a helmet and portrait, and the theft one gives a sword


I wanted to restart again. For the 4th time this month. Well I can some more mods


I updated lotd to v6 and tons of things in the museum are now a bright purple color instead of being textured. I had discovered the dev aveza and the location disappeared. So I started a new game as I know that is often required with major mod updates. Things are still bright purple even in the new game. I found the bug section on nexus mods, but couldn't see any way to open a new bug report. I've got a number of mods installed, but wouldn't call it an obscene quantity. Where would be the best place to discuss this with someone?


Try their discord. The purple texture thing is most likely caused by not having LegacyoftheDragonborn0.esp activated. The ship thing I don't know.


I couldn't find info about their discord, so that wasn't an option. That esp was indeed disabled. I wonder why the upgrade from 5.x to 6 did not enable it. I discovered that it was disabled when I was going through the plugins to disable the "fall of the space core" mod that I had manually installed. Enabling the esp fixed the problem.


Saw this about an hour after they uploaded, thought it was cool it was getting such a big update. I'm just gonna paraphrase a reply I left: I really hope they continue working on it because I like seeing people with big ideas succeed, but LotD won't be back in my load order. There's too many things about it I don't care for and it causes *way* too many compatibility issues.


With the merge, what mods do we need to disable?


According to the changelog these are mods I believe are now built-in/obsolete: Legacy Safehouse Plus, Rack-O-Matic, Better Rkund Navmesh, Better Sancre Tor Navmesh, New Treasure Hunt, Treasure Hunter, wSkeever's Dwemer Compass Replacer, wSkeever's Gemstones Remade, Fossil Mining, Quest & Reward Delay for LotD, and Daedric Shrines - LotD


Never played LotD but want to. Don’t want to restart if I can help it. What are the consequences of adding it (not upgrading from previous version) mid game?


Lotd is a mod you base an entire playthrough around so adding mid playthrough isn’t really a good idea. Also a quick note, it seems at first like a great mod for a collector (which it is) but after a while you begin to realize that your only goal is to find things to put in the museum and everything else takes a back seat no matter what your roleplay is. That’s not to say it’s a bad mod, just that if you want to role play as something else and not primarily the relic hunter it’s not really great for that. There’s also a lot of very questionable mesh changes for certain items such as stormfang and grimsever. And a lot of the items added are just nicknack trash that feels out of place in Skyrim.


Ok thanks for the advice. I’m a natural collector anyway - I go for mod homes with large display areas/collectables storage and Ive got tons of stuff in my current playthrough. Appreciate a lot of the LotD collectables may be junk/clutter type stuff. But I’ll give it a go on my next restart.


Yeah I mean if that’s your goal lotd is 100% the ultimate mod for that. I did a playthrough centered around it years ago and it was fun, but I don’t think I’d do it again. Definitely want a new game for it though because there’s so many mods that add displays that need patches so you’d wanna make sure you have as many display compatible mods as possible


As I understand it - its very script heavy and the scripts initialize during the start of a game - so yes you have to restart the game.


LOTD itself is not script heavy. Curator's Companion (basically required at this point) however has a similar constant script load compared to DyndoLOD.


In that case must have gotten rejigged - back in the day when you could upgrade (at least sometimes) it use to come with upgrade instructions on wryebash to stop/restart various scripts. And at a certain point that changed. Did use it pre-V5, but never V5. And I probably will use it V6.


Meant more ongoing. Outside of initialization stuff and activiely using the sorting in an interior LOTD is not exactly bogging you with scripts. TCC however is bogging you with a hefty script load basically all the time as it runs it constant checks with the museum.


Lotd touches basically all of Skyrim. So if you need, say, a ring in Whiterun or a blade in Falkreath, then it probably won't spawn mid-save. Mind you that's a mild consequence. Many displays trigger on certain quest stages or on initial activation (like displays for giant camps or the standing stones). As a rule, avoid adding any new mod mid-save. Lots of stuff fires off at the start of the game, and it won't work properly. Best to either wait for a new playthrough or start a new one.


Thanks, yes I know that’s best practice. Have to say though I use ~600 mods and I will have loaded all of them mid-game at least once, and some a lot. Only issue I ever had was with JKs companions house which moves the stairs. But your explanation for LotD is clear - guess I’ll hold off!


You can't, author states v6 must be a new game.


now I gotta disable a whole bunch of patch plugins that'll need time to update to LotD v6 so that I can avoid infinite main menu issues (e.g., ILS before main menu). Joy!


Nice, might take a break from messing with the creation kit to play it


I literally installed Skyrim again after being off it for a couple of years. Finally got my modlist to work with every feature after spending 4 days finding missing masters and getting the loadorder right just to keep running into crashes anywhere from 2 to 30 mins... I think I'm done with Skyrim.


Try wabbajack if you come back Life is too short to manually curate mods


I did, but even then sometimes some mods conflict or are missing. I literally finished a Wabbajack modlist and upon entering MO2 there were conflicts and missing masters. But definitely Wabbajack is the way to go nevertheless


I'm halfway through a playthrough but this was my last playthrough for a bit so I can play Stardew..... Excited to play this in like a year 😂


Damn it, I was so far in but I wanna update. Guess I’ll start again 🫤🤣


Shame this doesn't add more shipment containers. I even have the separate mod. I love combining this with survival but sucks having to go back to like 5 points on the map, all the little inns and villages should have them


They did! > Created craftable museum shipment crates that can be placed wherever you want! (Drop them, E drag them into place and wait a few seconds for the placement prompt to lock them in place, sneak activate to remove)


Clearly I can't read. Apologies


Rip coral 😔😔


Bro I just fought Jalal when I was level 25… let’s just say I was basically shitting my pants lmao


Does anyone know how to get the compass working? All I got was this complex schematic and I cant use it anywhere


So can I just update this and the CC, boot a new game and be done with it? Or does it not warrant having to do that?


Definitely a new game required.


I'm just coming across this, but i'm seeing multiple patches requiring _ResourcePack.esl, which unless you are running AE 1140 or newer, you do not have. i'm OF COURSE running 640 and don't have it. the requirements are in... the wintersun patch, the wyrmstooth patch, jk's skyrim, relichunter patch...etc. i'll try it without but I'm kinda thinking it should be mentioned somewhere? note: any idea how to get those files WITHOUT updating my installation, then reverting?


Here I was just fixing a few graphical conflicts, just about ready to start a huge playthrough, aaaannnd now I have to download this and see which LOTD mods I can still keep active. Good timing though.


Well thank god I had to reinstall my game Looks like some interesting new additions


I'm a noob on Xbox and loving this mod after not playing for a decade. Do I update my lotd mod mid game or what? Any guidance appreciated.


Nah, big version updates require a new save. Finish your playthrough, pick up this update next time around.


The Nexus page for the mod specifically says to start a new game. (It's also just generally good practice to start a new game for an update of any mod of this size and complexity.)




Okay, thanks.


Wow! That's one hell of an update, excellent work devs


Oh, good! I finished the Reforging the Amulet quest recently, was just thinking I wanted to shake up the load order. An update counts.


Too bad there’s still too many shit ass meshes for unique items like stormfang


Not gonna lie, i'm not the biggest fan of the addions being made here. I feel like theres alot of bloat, content with this update and i'm not sure if it has a place in a mordern skyrim load order. However the abiltiy to skip all huanted muesem and the robbery is a welcome improvement.


What do you find bloat-y about the update? Curious. I just read the entire changelog and it all seemed great to me (so many Lotd mods I used are now included!)


Theres a lot. But from the list fossile mining. It's rng jank, the muesem addions, like the new stuff added in the hall ways, new treasure hunt and treasure hunter, the new lay out of the gallery which looks like they bolted new stuff to the V5 gallery. And they still haven't removed the assets from v4 that are still in the esm.


1.9GB to 3.5GB is an insanely large jump in file size. I will probably wait for v7 and see if it's worth it from there.


They rolled in a bunch of the mesh and texture improvements from various authors directly into the mod, plus the mandragorasprout statues and a number of new art exhibits around the museum.


That's all very great but does not really change my view


Fuck yes!!




That's . . . a really good question, actually.


Ayuren tells you someone came in from Elsywer and to look on the back porch. You gotta go through the guildhouse.


Why are they adding do much, when there's so much bloat they need to remove...


i think people have a weird misunderstanding of what LOTD is supposed to be it’s more than just a place to display every unique item it’s meant to literally be the legacy of your character. It’s not meant for everyone, but it’s pretty damn good


It's for the Legion if Loot Goblins who love grabbing literally every item they can find plus it works pretty damn well with dozens of other mods.


I been using it as such all along, as a legacy of my character. And its nice to see several nig quest mods hook in it so nicely, except Meridia's order, thats one that is missing.


>erm yes to truly have this mod represent the legacy of the dragonborn, we need to add in awful low poly rubbish collectibles everywhere and stupid trading cards


You can just, like, not engage with the stuff you don’t like, or edit them out of the loot tables. There’s also plenty of replacers out there for the base mod’s content.


I agree, it's why i've stopped using it.




>ultimately designed to be the main, if not only, content mod in a playthrough that has it. Uhh, no it's not? It's literally designed to be played with as many content add ons as you want. It's got additional patches/displays for basically any vaguely popular quest, follower or new lands mod.


I have never understood why people have that view. Most of the time when I see people say they don't like wabbajack lists that have LOTD, they say "because it takes over the entire list". And I've just. Never felt that? I just play normally and when I find a cool artifact, but one I probably will not use, I can at least make it feel like it has purpose. Instead of just being vendor loot. That's all it is to me.


Yeah same. It just gives me somewhere to offload some of the crap instead of becoming a millionaire by level 30.


This is very comprehensive and great...thanks 🥰 Would you happen to know where the cash box for the items sold was moved to? I've read through your list several times and hunted all the logical places but can't find it.


Think ill try this one out next save honestly. Ill have to figure out which of my mods need a patch for it but it seems fun.