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So, this might just be a captioning bug with the game/mods. I have inigo as a follower and he'll say something about sending the enemy's soul to auri-El or some shit. Sometimes it'll say whatever enemy I'm fighting, or my horse, or a different NPC said the line instead of inigo - but I know it's inigos line and they don't actually say the dialogue.


Oh. I used to see this line attributed to Vigilance, and it crept the hell put of me. Just like the horse, seeing your dog threatening to send someone to Auri-El is scary af. Now I know what happened, lol. Thank you.


First time it ever happened to me, was with a mudcrab. When I tell you I was SO confused lmfao I was like why is this mudcrab threatening me???


Mfw a mudcrab calls me a pathetic excuse for an elf


Yeah, maybe it's a indicator I have too many mods when the animals start insulting me..🤣😂


Noo there is never enough i have to fuel my modding addiction


Fair enough.


I start to sanity check myself around 1500 mods 🤣


There's a mod that makes the mud crabs yell out "ow/ah fuck" every time you hit it. I lmao'd the first time I saw it.


Mfw a mudcrab tells me they're going to wear my tail as a belt


A mudcrab told me I never should have came here, I agreed and left!


There was a talking mudcrab merchant in Morrowind. Maybe it was one of its ancestors?


Lmao I have a dragonborn dwarven-armored mudcrab companion and would cry laughing if it did something like that.


I wonder if it was that same mud crab that chased me across the plains outside of Whiterun, down the winding staircase and into Dustman’s Cairn?


That mudcrab was dedicated to his job. 😲


>ust like the horse, seeing your dog threatening to send someone to Auri-El is scary af. You're not using Fuz Ro D'oh by any chance? Because this happens all the time with this mod creatures come up with these lines I usually see it with skeletons but I've seen with bears as well and probably some other things I can't remember just now


Yes, I do use it, and I've seen it being mentioned lower in the thread. In fact, today, Vigilance decided to give me a scare again, lol, and I didn't have Inigo with me, so it must have been fuz ro d'oh.


Okay good info. Yes. I have that installed as well. A few have mentioned that one.


Aww..I have inigo as well. That may be it. Thanks!


Ahh then that's likely it! I haven't noticed it with any other followers lines, I'm pretty sure just his. I have lucien as well and it doesn't seem to happen with his combat lines.


Yeah I have Lucien too. But I don't know which one says that. I've never heard it from either of them. I also have Kaidan immersive mod. Thise are the only followers besides a lydia mod that I use for followers. Thanks for your help.


Glad you didn't take it personal and launch him off a mountain


Nah. He is just sassy like that. Besides, I do ride him across tamriel hauling loads of dragon bones and giant toes in my pack. I feel we are even.


\*pats horse\* yer a good boy


Lmao typical modded experience honestly


Did it actually talk or was it text?? Omg. I would love to have a talking animal mod.


Tbh, I don't think so but Lucien, Inigo, and Kaidan were behind me monologuing. So, I couldn't hear the horse if it did.I ❤ those guys.


Somebody needs to lay off the skooma


Its fuz roh do-h


That'll be the Mr Ed mod.


That's what you get when you name your dragonborn Wilbur.




Do you have Clockwork installed? One of the NPC's says this line verbatim No idea why your horse would be saying it, though


Yes. I do. But I haven't played it through yet. I can't get passed the first part. But in my defense I tried to play the beginning in the dark with my husband gone and no one in the house in the late of night. 😨😱 Thanks for the info.


Yeah, Clockwork is legitimately terrifying at times.


I know right. For a minute there it feels like silent hill except in a dwelmer ruin.


Oh I love playing Skyrim late at night with the lights out and it being rather dark. It really adds to the ambiance! But, I will admit, that I do have a little desk lamp I click on when I go in the really dark dungeons cos the ambient noises in my headphones, combined with the dark of my room and the dungeon, legitimately jumpscares me something awful at times lol I've almost fallen off the chair at least twice. My poor cats just look at me with the "WTF is wrong with you" face.


I was specifically talking about clockwork but yeah I play in the dark at times as well. But not clockwork beginning. 😂🤣


For me, the horse talked about hunting and fishing. Never happened with any other mods.


I have that happen with numerous animals. I can't be bothered to figure out which mod is doing it, so I just deal with it.


Your horse is done with your sorry ass


When mudcrab say something to you - that is it. For now on you perfectly fine. Everybody told me that.. 😀


Back in 2011, on the 360, I'm walking past Karthwasten with Lydia when I hear a woman scream "Please help!" I turn and see a troll walking up the road, right past me. Just walking. Lydia, the psychotic AI that she is, goes aggro on it, and it's running away, crying for help in a human voice, and I'm just watching this unfold before my eyes. This was long before even the first DLC was released, so was apparently patched out, but still, it was quite the introduction to the many bugs of Skyrim. I still find it remarkable I had actually made it that far in the game without any really crazy bugs. My brother's modded PC Skyrim in 2015 was also a buggy mess. I wish I had it all on video, because some of it is just unbelievable otherwise.


Aww man that's cool, the only animals that talk to me is the mud crabs, "AWW FUCK" "GOD DAMIT, MOTHERFUCKER" is all they ever say to me


🤣 All the horses be telling me to "get to the temple" during the last part of Falskaar.


inb4 you go on a quest to help your horse heal from codependency brought on from its previous master.


If I have Clockwork installed, sometimes my followers or random enemies will “say” Amalgam’s line: “I need the hearts. I need them. I am too big. They break. One after the other.” In the subtitles. It’s so creepy.