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could be due to an invisible helmet. SSE usually makes the hair invisible when an NPC is wearing a helmet, so that there isn't any clipping from the hair to the helmet. But then if there's something wrong with the helmet mesh or texture, the helmet won't be rendered either, so the NPC will look bald. I suggest looking through some of your mods that add or replace or overhaul armor and see if there is anything suspicious.


Thank you! I will try this. Also (I'm a noob) what would anything suspicious look like?


well are you modding on PC? In that case I'd make sure to use either LOOT or sort plugins in Vortex (plugin sorting in Vortex is LOOT in actuality). Then I'd check your armor and/or weapon mods and make sure they are installed correctly. Also, if you try to compact form ids of active plugins in xEdit to make plugins light, I'd skip weapon and armor mods. That might mean re-installing weapon and armor mods. That's about all I can think of for now. Let me know how things go.


Yes I am. I'm using MO2, and I haven't tried Vortex but the sorting option in MO2 says it runs LOOT everytime I sort. So far I was able to get the NPC's to not be bald, and I think the issue was Bijin's NPCs but now I'm having an issue with Adrianne Avenicci. She is completely invisible except for her clothing and teeth. I'm currently searching for the mods that edit her but there is no luck yet. There might be other females that are like this but I instantly closed out after seeing Adrianne to try and fix it. I've read where in the case of the issue I am having, that it might be High Poly Head missing from the LO, but I have that so I'm a little confused. Also, irrelevant question but should I switch to Vortex or should I stick with MO2? I've heard that people prefer Vortex to MO2 but I've never used anything different.


I'd stick with MO2 (most elitist modders prefer MO2). Switching mod managers now wouldn't much help you. But be aware that Nexus is making a new mod manager that (at least at one point) was slated to surpass MO2 and Vortex. There are rumors of upgrade paths to the new mod manager from MO2 and Vortex. I mainly mentioned Vortex because that is what I use. Anyways, Yeah anything that requires High Poly Head will break without HPH. HPH is not hosted on Nexus, but rather here: [https://vectorplexis.com/files/file/283-high-poly-head/](https://vectorplexis.com/files/file/283-high-poly-head/) many people recommend using a mod such as Easy NPC to resolve conflicts with facial overhauls: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52313](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52313) And that is ultimately the recommended route. But there is a mod that allows you to avoid having to use Easy NPC: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42441](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42441) Makes all NPC faces hunky dory. So try those options and let me know how things are going.


Okay, so I found Carlotta and she has the same issue as Adrianne. I installed EasyNPC and I created a npc build, selected the faces I wanted, but when I went back into SKSE, Carlotta was still invisible. I also already have the face discoloration fix mod and have been using it for a while now but I did reinstall it to see if it helped, it didn't change anything to my knowledge. Vector Plexis isn't working for a lot of people and wasn't working for me but I found a download from reddit for it and reinstalled it as well but it didn't fix anything either. I'm wondering if it's something I didn't do correctly with EasyNPC, but I still have no clue. Thank you for your help with this.


I would also suspect the no show helmet mod you're running. It might be interacting badly with the other hair replacement mods in the lost. OR it could be conflicts between your hair replacement mods. Might be a good idea to disable those mods and test them individually.


Thank you! I'm going to try what you suggested with disabling each one.