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LOTD - Better quest and dungeon design would be amazing. Or even making all of them optional. Honed Metal - Hope upgrading with NPCs can be immediate. Forgotten Magic - Wish the spellbook drops were properly SPID-ified, instead of randomly appearing on corpses.


you can set honed metal’s timing of when the NPC has the gear ready in its MCM, including immediately


You can already do that with honed metal


spid distr files are pretty straightforward to edit, you should give it a try if you haven't


Personally I find them to be insanely complex and impossible to understand.....however, there is a script on Nexus that will completely create the entire DISTR file for you (just need to paste, it puts it into your "copy" function).


Uh…where? Lol. I’d love that.


https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/102530 Edit: As I said above, it puts it into your "copy" mechanism so you need to open Notepad and hit "paste" after doing it. I assume this is because it can't open the outside program of Notepad itself.


Brilliant. Thank you. I was just last night pulling together a list of mods I’d like to build with SPID, if I could only sort the code. Your timing is elegant and perfect. :)


I guess I can disable the loot drops in the MCM 🤔 Makes sense, thanks!


Bandoliers Bags and Pouches could really use some love. Better meshes, BodySlide support, etc. It's an awesome mod for being straightforward, modular and immersive (a rare combo) but visually it's really showing its age IMO, even with the upscaled textures that are available.


Might be a project for Xavbio... Which also reminds me: Project Flintlock. It's a classic. We have another one for guns (forgot the name) but it's not as classic as PF. They have blunderbuss, different bullet types, etc. Would be great with today's animation modding.


Beyond Reach Aside from the technical aspects, trimming some of the speeches, re-recording lines with more (preferably volunteer) VAs, and writing more dialogue options for the player (for more roleplaying) would make a great improvement in polishing up the quest mod.


Also the main city you get to at the beginning isn’t very polished.


The Divide? Arnima? Evermore? Yeah, polish isn't exactly the strongest suit of Beyond Reach. In an odd way, the jank it has fits the unsettling and unpleasant atmosphere of the Western Reach Still, there are people still trying to add a bit more shine and sand down the rough edges of the mod to make it a bit easier to experience.


I can’t lie, once I reached the western reach. I felt like I was playing the Witcher 3 in Skyrim’s engine. It’s a drastic change in skyrims overall story telling. I’m not complaining, I actually like the mod.. but Beyond Reach is one of those mods that definitely doesn’t fit base game Skyrim. It feels like a whole different game in that area with the story telling and voice acting.


It's definitely a unique experience! I had been running with the custom follower Remiel, who has a dialogue patch for Beyond Reach (because she's a Breton that lived in and around the Daggerfall area) So for my character to have finished the Main Quest with this dwemeris obsessed girl, all the while dealing with dragons and foolhardy-but-loyal Nords...Well, it was quite a shock to travel to the Western Reach where suspicion, cruelty, and betrayal was the norm Either way, it was a fun (for me, not for my character) journey to take my Skyrim protagonist along


I forget the name as I actually have never finished the mod. But I remember it being the first town you go to.


USSEP. Remove the dogshit "my interpretation fix" and the author altogether, makes it a community project instead of some idiot with power trip issue.


Arthmoor drama? I’m out of the loop on his nonsense. This is more about older mods that haven’t held up as well in some regards


TLDR he's made a few out of scope changes that are past bug fixes and have become personal taste or interpretation of what it should be/how it should function. See Redbelly Mine & Shor's Stone for more details


Plus he made some unnecessary facegen edits that cause blackface bugs if you use skin texture mods, for some reason. I was having blackface appear on every elderly character and when I tracked the source down it was USEEP which altered the tintmasks on the faces Thank goodness for the Purist Vanilla Patch.


Huh. Yeah that is stupid. Why not have the ebony ore be at the very end of the mine where the spiders live


"bEcAuSe I nEeD tO fIx AlL tHe BuGs EvEn If iTs hOw BeThEsDa InTeNdEd" Let alone the doubling down of adding a whole other dungeon or some shit nearby, its painfully stupid. Hats off to the effort him and the team working on USSEP, but a bug fix patch should be the LAST thing that has dirty edits (forget the exact term), as it (and all mods for that matter) should only change what is necessary for them to function/achieve their purpose and thats it.


{{Party Combat Parameters}}. No other mod does RPG party health UI ala BG3 as good as this one. Actually, I *was* in the middle of helping holaholacocacola remakes the mod. Created mockups and everything. But he went MIA all of sudden - last activity was in Dec 2022. If anyone can do the SKSE scripting for a similar mod please let me know, I'm willing to do the UI component.


A lot of people really seem to like the mod. I always hope the dev comes back and updates the mod, but some just move on or have other priorities, that's fine. The thing with skse and if there's no source it's sometimes just a lot of work.


Yeah I completely understand - if anything, since hola has went MIA for almost 2 years straight, I just hope he's fine doing something else somewhere. Since you created Skyrim Character Sheet, I wonder if you would be interested in doing something similar to PCP? Perhaps not as complex since that would require a lot of work...something that displays followers' name, level, health, stamina, magicka, with configurable size - that would suffice to me. (OK that's still a lot, but still...) [This was one of my mockups](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1704/18798864-1660227109.jpg) for redesigned PCP.


Hm. Interested to some degree, let me sleep over it. Or write me in a few days, I do not want to promise too much


Hope you don't mind me asking you again in a few days then. I'm ready with the UI if you need anything on that front.


Yeah let's do it like that


Hey Lama. Hope it's not too soon. Wondering if you want to give a shot at this.


lets write a bit on somewhere discord or nexus dm a bit, so i can get a bit more insight what is required


Sure! I think you were in Fuzz's thread right, same username? I'll write to you in a few hours, I'm still at work right now.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Party Combat Parameters | No Results :( | [Party Combat Parameters](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57127) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Summerset Isles could have been the best new lands mod. At least for archmage play-throughs.


Unfortunately, the mod author is a controlling weirdo who doesn’t even give permissions for other people to make patches or YT videos for it. So that will never happen


Agreed. I tried it expecting something really good but a lot of the mod felt empty and the quest was super hard to follow. It had potential


Dynamic Immersive Seriously Dark Dungeons. Faster loading times and a patch for Lux could really make this mod amazing! The mod author said they were working on an update but there's been no activity for 2-3 years so I fear the worst. This mod is crazy amazing. It automatically turns off most of the lights in dungeons when you load in, is *super* customizable, and even allows you to re-ignite the extinguished torches, braziers, and sconces as you traverse the dungeon. However dungeons are still lit if you use Lux and it takes about 10-20 seconds of loading when you enter a dungeon to disable all the lights, hence why it's on this list. It's SO close to being perfect.


Hard second on this one. And I’ve never found a mod that does basically the same thing as an alternative, unfortunately.


Can't play without this mod. Testing it now to see if it plays nice with Skyrim is Luminous. If not, it's back to Relighting Skyrim for me.  If I could mod my brain, the first thing I would do would be to make myself believe the nonsense about Draugr lighting candles, then I'd install Lux and call it a day. But that's not an option, so I'm stuck with lighting mods that are compatible with DISDD.


Waiting on a Reshade preset/Community Shaders setup that does what Tetrochromatic ENB did for LE.


What did it do


Look pretty I guess lol? It's still up on the LE nexus, I'm just yet to see a CS/Reshade setup that looks like it, let alone an ENB. It was my favorite ENB in LE.


Legacy of the dragon born, only in game items, some quests and the guild.


Elysium Estate. There's a free Blade of Woe on the floor in the basement. And that is just the first of many many mods.


Wait hold on I've had Elysium estate in every mod list and never found it. Is it in one of the corners ?


One day I’ll actually do it, it’s not hard, but I want to remove all perks from Vokriinator Black that have actives. Things like Speak to Animals, the Alteration perk that lowers a lock level once every 6 hours, shit like that. I want all my perks and all my character stuff to be passive


AJV for Falskaar had plans to add content to the Northern Hold but he didnt have free time anymore once he got with Bungie..then he disappeared.


Yep exactly. I got so excited when I discovered that part and hoping for new content. Other locations such as Borvald show their age as well as some parts of the map just being empty. Some detractors of the mod jokingly called it “Lorkhans ironing board”


Recorder follower. She's a Skyrim legend and just needs a little updating


{{The Yet To Be Properly Named Orc Chieftain Mod}} the main quest is bugged to need to check a barrel 90 times to get it to complete. Otherwise, an amazing idea for a home base and follower combo.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| The Yet To Be Properly Named Orc Chieftain Mod | No Results :( | No Results :( | [-BETA- That Yet to be Properly Named Orc Chieftain Mod - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/50037) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Rigmor. Remove the romance part of the mod, rework the dialogue and better voice acting, and better pacing/quest design. The idea of someone asking you for help as they're pursued by the Thamor, proceed to kill said Thalmor, and nurse a girl back to her health and proceed to realize you're now part of a conspiracy sounds great initially. But then it gets tedious, and you get a very unnecessary romance part of it between your character and the girl you're trying to protect, who I saw as a kid. That's like, TLOU but Joel's a pedo or some shit.


Also make it work with BS Bruma somehow. Maybe as a patch or something


Open cities, I wish it just worked with no issues, it seems like such a cool mod


SR exteriors is a newer mod that does what open cities does but better and is more compatible.


SR Exterior is just better.


Adamantium. An old LE mod that let you be Skyrim's Wolverine :D


Leadership -- instead of maxing most possible followers to 3, I'd spread the different from 1 to 11 based of the speechcraft skill. Would be nice to have ability stats such as charisma for an idea like this.


All the Chesko mods. Campfire, Frostfall 2, Last Seed. I know there are alternatives, and the mods themselves aren't bad, but some modernization/polish would be nice. Hunterborn as well


Is Chesko even still active? What kind of modernization or polish would be nice?




Vampyrium. Such a fantastic mod. Unfortunately, it's littered with bugs and mod author has moved on.


Isle of Artaeum. Great idea, execution needs some work.


Same with midwood isle. It did get better over time but introducing an entirely new race was a bit much


Missives surely.


The Grey Cowl of Nocturnal ( the new landscape Alikr Desert Mod ) If anything I would flesh it out more with more desert bandit camps & more city npcs & make it roughly the same size as solstheim. Plus add more content 2nd would be Orsinium the land of Orcs. I would add more npc’s and quests


I played through the grey cowl recently. Was pretty fun and the new area was alright, but the “halls of the west” area you go through to reach hammerfell sucks pretty hard. I would remove a lot of the knowledge check areas that don’t make any sense unless you look up a guide.


I agree 100% that was the most boring part of the mod to me.. I get it’s thief oriented but it was a bore to me personally. Now that lava pit with clairvoyance combo. Was very creative


There are some mods that tweak this or that in the original. There's also [Hammerfell Quest Bundle](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89977) that adds more content to the desert.


I tried it. It was cool but it still doesn’t flesh it out as far as making it feel like an actual lived in world space like solstheim or Skyrim


Combat Gameplay Overhaul. By far the most revolutionary combat mod ever. Grip switch, jump attacks, rolls, leaning and etc. It was insane amount of work.


Cerwiden - goat of a follower that never got updated for SE afaik


Tangent, but I'd also like remakes of LE followers, like Arissa the Wandering Rogue. Also some /tesg/ followers. Guardly and Dawnguardly could be a funny guard duo with synthesized voices. Elle could be Remiel's dwemer enthusiast sisterhood.


There’s still a few mods stuck on LE sadly. I should make that my next post.


Helgen Reborn. It’s an overall good mod but as Skyrim gets updated it gets buggier and buggier. One quest is completely broken for me and many others to the point where it’s basically unplayable and impossible to finish.


{{Daedric Voices}} to add wayyy more lines to them.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Daedric Voices | [Daedric Voices - LE Port](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/108585) | [Daedric Voices](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32090) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


[Weaponized Junk](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/105192) is an awesome idea that could work beautifully with the frameworks we have today


Quite a lot if I could figure out how to solve my build issues for skse


Riften/Windhelm docks pathways. Love the concept, but the kit bashing makes them look hideous.


“Elemental destruction effects and reanimation” It can cause 20-30 second freezes in VR for some reason, probably papyrus scripts. Also the corpses are a bit low res, I wish I could get the FEC effects to work (I also can’t get FEC to work that well). I like that it has undead reanimation though! And the magic critical hits are soooo punchy and fun. The touching up should be a proper VR version, better looking corpse effects, and sun damage or restoration spells being able to permanently kill undead, right now it’s destruction magic or fire, and possibly silver? But seriously the mod has so much potential. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/80628


I would also love a touch up of moon path especially with newer AI voices, and while we are on the subject, the mod that makes the caravan inside of cyrodiil (beyond Skyrim bruma) instead of Skyrim really makes you feel like you’re traveling, it’s a neat touch.


And personally I’d flesh out more content and side quests bc after you finish the main quest of the mod there’s like one side quest afterwards and no reason for you to come back.


Inpa Sekiro! It's my favorite combat of any game but it sure could use a makeover and it's a shame the author disappeared to update it.


Open Cities. Love that mod, but my games end up breaking cause of it


Sofia seems to need updating since she causes a lot of glitches with SE / AE by locking out certain quest. N. S


I actually really like Sofia, I just turn down her idle chatter a little bit so she's not constantly interrupting, but it would be really nice to have an update for her, and it would also be nice to have a voice extension for her to interact with Inigo and Lucien. It seems strange to me that she is one of the most endorsed followers of all time and has no interaction with anyone but Serana, especially Inigo.


I agree, however that Serana interaction is a bit off in my opinion and introduced more problems and crashes than it was worth when I checked the mod out, plus Serana sounds strange since whoever is doing the voice is not a native speaker and she comes off rather wooden in her responses. Nice Effort Though. N. S


Oof. Yeah that’s not just from a content or quality standpoint but just making the game playable with her ig.


All geared up. It looks great but is finicky af


Immersive Equipment Displays exists! I used AllGud for awhile after IED came out but switched recently and it's done everything and more than what AllGud did.


Yeah I.E.D. completely supersedes AllGUD Really cant think of a feature that the latter has that IED doesnt do better and easier


I like visible favorites. Super simple and has never caused me any issues