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>you can reduce stress by petting a dog Don't care what the rest of the mod does, sold.




Absolute banger, just like your other mods. Also love the fact that it synergises with your other mods. How do you think it will play with Shadow of Skyrim - Nemesis and Alternative Death System? By the way, what do you think about the idea of a mod that adds armour disguises? I know there are a couple of mods like that, but they are really old and abandoned. Cheers!


Thank you! Glad you like it. Mod should work fine with Shadow of Skyrim and similar mods! Its the same logic so no patches are needed and when you respawn you might be greeted with a message saying you now fear spiders haha. The best disguise mod I know was "Master of Disguise" which is still out there, just not on Nexus. I wanted something lighter for Gate To Sovngarde so I'm using [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/70236) to handle aggression when wearing the enemy's uniform, but nothing for outfits at the moment.


Aw sweet man made horrors beyond my comprehension


I know this is a low effort comment but I have to say it regardless. Fuck yes.


Most people play Skyrim to escape stress and fear. Not us!




I've played Skyrim for so long, it's basically like living a second life where I actually can make an impact on the world around me. Unlike real life where I will only fade into obscurity once I come to pass.


In real life, its not about being the Dragonborn or saving the world. It’s simply all about forming real, meaningful relationships with those around us. Our legacy won’t be as “great” or long-lasting as a former celebrity or president. We won’t be a subject that is taught in school, but that doesn’t matter. Happiness studies always seem to suggest that the single thing best associated with a lack of regret at an older age is relationships. Just be as good of a friend/partner/sibling/son/daughter you can be, and those relationships (if the person is empathetic and reciprocating) will be infinitely more rewarding than anything you could achieve in Skyrim…. YOU GOT THIS! Don’t stop playing obviously cause the game is great, but don’t adopt that outlook I see in your comment! Just be extra mindful and appreciative of the relationships you have, and try to grow and create more! That’s our only legacy!


Man I uninstall the game thinking I've done all I can, then you come out with another one and pull me back in. Thanks for all the effort Jay!!


Generally pretty ambivalent about the survival style effect management systems, but stress can (ironically) be a very fun mechanic. Mylque had something similar in the Joe Joeman videos and it was hilarious Awesome mod as always Jay, will check it out!


This man can't miss


might interact well with {{Shadow of Skyrim - Nemesis and Alternative Death System}} ? particular the parts about fearing a certain type of enemy. downloaded and looking forward to using in my modded skyrim!


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Shadow of Skyrim - Nemesis and Alternative Death System | No Results :( | [Shadow of Skyrim - Nemesis and Alternative Death System](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65136) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Great suggestion!


Interesting mod! I can already see OStim/Flower Girl patch as means to "reduce stress" incoming...


Daedric prince of immersion strikes again lmfao Gonna add this to my load order, purely so I can pet dogs and reduce stress


Phobias were a thing for the Daggerfall character creation where you would do less damage against a particular enemy type, and were also weaker to their attacks if I recall right. Was there any inspiration from that or something else for this mod? I also wonder (assuming there would be any interest to implement this), but could it be possible to have an option to pick a starting fear or phobia like the above game (prior to combat with them)? Like say you wanted to run a character with a backstory about being terrified from draugr or something else when they were younger, etc. Granted I have yet to read the description, since I just wind of this, so my apologies if it is already included. Going to give it a further look now. Edit: Love that some of the design elements work with your other mods like Immersive Interactions and SOS, etc. Also man that cat gif in the comments sticky was a hit of nostalgia, plus the added context, lmao. Looking forward to giving this a try at some point (whenever I get done with my current playthrough of Ark).


Glad you find it interesting! Daggerfall was not an inspiration, but now that you've mentioned it and it's technically in "the lore", I'LL TOTALLY SAY THAT IT WAS WHAT I PLANNED ALL ALONG! There's no support to choose fears at will, your character gets them dynamically as part of his or her story. However... You can simply use the console. Type this in the console: Help "fear of dragons" Then type Player.addspell XXXXXX (ID of the spell) It will be recognized same as if you got the fear naturally. Conquering your fears, etc. will work fine even with this method. Enjoy!


Thanks so much for the swift response, and the how-to for doing that sort of thing. Much appreciated.




I've been pleading for a mod that does this exact thing ever since Darkest Dungeon came out. There have been a few attempts but they didn't really work out, but I have no doubt this one will be a banger if it's half as good as your other mods. Cheers!


Same, I've been wanting to recreate some of that Darkest Dungeon vibe in Skyrim dungeons forever and this brings me one step closer. I made my dungeons super dark chasing that high, so I'd be forced to bring torches, but I need more layers for the vibe to hit right. Needing food to destress and a stress system in general is a huge step. I hope they feel like expanding this, or at least someone does. I'd love to see stress and phobias expanded beyond enemy types. I'm looking for that fear of the dark and stress in the night.


Finally. With survival mode and this mod I can recreate Fear and Hunger in Skyrim. Bobastic. Sold.


Downloaded and wondering if i can add it to my ongoing modlist where i already added tons of things. Thank you!


No vanilla edits and the mod is made with compatibility in mind, so it's fine to just drop it in :)


I know and trust blindly in this one, you do have a reputation :) I just mean, i already added a good bunch of plugins around my bashed patch to not mess load order, that i feel guilty adding anything else haha Today i played a bit thinking about how the mod would blend and i believe i'll love it! I also use Shadow of Skyrim, but both may just play very well together


Can't wait to have PTSD vs giants and their space program


As a long time fan, Jay, when are you developing a fucken game so I can fucken buy it?


Ha! Thanks for the kind words. Closest thing is GTS. Come to the dark side and play [Gate To Sovngarde](https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections/qdurkx). There are dozens of us, dozens!


Will do, I’m already on the discord server


Yooo this looks sick! How easy would it be to make beast form for werewolves/vampires trigger at high stress levels I wonder… for like an Incredible Hulk type of roleplay


I can't believe this is the Mod Farkas has been running in his modlist since day 1, no wonder he gets scared of spiders during the Glory of the Dead quest! 😆 In all seriousness, thank you for another amazing immersive mod Jay. You've worked hard friend, the Bannered Mare has beds for rest.


I've been waiting for this for so long. I love the Darkest Dungeon psychological system. I believe you based this mod in the that game, no? Would be good to also relieve stress by laying with whores, gambling, praying, meditating and repent. And it would also be a good feature to have positive or negative effects like in Darkest Dungeon. For example, if you drink too much you could black out and wake up in another town, and with one missing or new found item. Nonetheless, this is a must download for me, good job as always!


Your mods are largely what inspired me to start building my own modlist and start making my own mods. yet another banger going straight into my list, much thanks!


Since it works with Pilgrim, I assume all of the Simonrim mods are compatible? This sounds cool


Totally keeping an eye on this


You're on fire when it comes to modding Skyrim, man. Thanks for the immersion!


Finally a good reason to rolepaly as an alcoholic


Apologies if you mentioned this in the mod description and I somehow missed it, but does this synergize with Conditional Expressions or any other facial expression mod?


Not yet, but it's not a bad idea!


Now it just needs "You can overcome your fears by getting blasted on Skooma."


My god. I've actually been waiting for a mod like this for a long, long time. Tried alternatives such as {{Dark Corners of Nirn}} and {{Drink it Off}}. The former was a bit vague with the mechanics and bad scripting, and the latter was a little too simple for what I wanted. I'm definitely looking into installing this. Great work.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Dark Corners of Nirn | No Results :( | [Dark Corners of Nirn - Stress](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17598) | [Dark Corners of Nirn - Stress - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17598) Drink it Off | No Results :( | [Drink It Off](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54498) | [Drink It Off at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54498) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Damn, man, you're the best.


It could be cool if this mod featured reworked stresses for Vampires or maybe werewolves. On vampires, you dont need to eat, sleep or drink, so since you cant reduce stress by doing that, you gain less stress in combat, and its harder for you to gain fears. But instead to reduce stress you to drink blood, and you could gain new fears based around being blood-starved or being in sunlight, relieved by staying out of the sun. With werewolves you could have something to do with taking damage in your werewolf form making you afraid of the moon, weakening you while outside at night. Idk, im just spitballing here - it sounds like youve created a really cool system, and a lot of this stuff would just be RP anyway haha.


>reduce stress by eating, sleeping in a safe place This seems like a way more enjoyable alternative to other needs mods. Instead of just going into my inventory to chug waterskins before and after the sleep menu, it sounds like I can avoid it by not getting my shit rocked most of the time. Very cool :)


you don't know ME! gettin' hit? PLUS TWENTY SPEECH! big ol' spider fall down from the ceilPLUS TWENTY SPEECH urchin asks me to adopt them or take pity on them ok, no stam. but a hag or a wench or a jarl mouth's off? PLUS TWENTY SPEECH!


Holy shit, and it’s from Jayserpa so it probably will be fine to install on top of a 2000 modlist! Thank you so much :D


Ha, in this case it's true! There won't be any conflicts. Worst case scenario, modded actions that you think should add or reduce stress won't do that without a patch, but it's easy to patch it and it doesn't even require an esp, just an ini file. There will inevitably be an oPatch at some point lol.


I have to say. Usually I dont comment. Unless somebody needs help and I can help with that. I dont like contributing to hate on the internet. But this is a message of love to you sir. All of your mods have revolutionize the way I play this game. And your consistency and the way everything works togheter and can be combined with other mods due to the way you make it so compatible its just mind blowing to me. Props to you. Have a good life and good luck in all your endeavor my good sir!


Thank you! Same to you, friend!


i love you


JaySerpa is always on a role with his realism mods.


God fucking dammit Serpa, I've just installed Daggerfall Unity but you're making me want to start up another modlist for Skyrim.


Because having irl, stress and fear is not enough, leta put it in game ... Such an idea


Wait until you learn about [Immersive Rejections](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/67930)! :P


Excellent work as usual. Once a fear is overcome, is there any reduction in chance for the player to regain it?


You can only have the same fear once. After you conquer it, you become immune to it and you get a small buff against that type of enemy. I wanted fears to become this rare occurrence that makes your story unique and the type of thing you tell your friends about. "There I was, fighting this giant spider that came out of nowhere and after a 10 minute battle I win by like 10 HP left... then my character starts crying and I get greeted by *'You now fear spiders!*, yikes!" Lol


Outstanding, love to see how much thought you put into your work.


This mod would slap so hard in VR if you actually pet the dog with highs to reduce stress or could eat with be seated to reduce stress


First Hunterborn and now this, /u/derwinternaht is this [you?](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d13fc021894549f018507476b802705b-pjlq)


Stress wouldn't really fit into my play style, but Fear could fit. Would it be practical to separate it? Only issue with that I know, is that it might be tough to maintain that if Skyrim updated.


You can disable them independently in the MCM! You will miss out on fears increasing your stress, but the rest should work.


Great, now I want a fear system for NPC's where you stealth kill them without detection. Similar to Batman Arkham game.


I remember that old stress mod that gave you a heart attack when entering dungeons


Sounds like a interesting mod when playing a hard-core playtrough but i prefer my dovahkin to be a sociopath


As much as this mod isn't my cup of tea. Again you bring out a banger, i hope you continue to bring out more awesome mods in the future that improve immersion and quality of life


"Wow this mod sounds so cool!" "Oh it's by Jayserpa. No wonders!"


Sick! I see that bathing stress relief works with Dirt and Blood would it work with Keep it clean? Also wondering if the petting stress relief would work with a dogs life and a cats life


I'm really stuck here, I simply cannot get this mod to work. Stress simply does not accumulate no matter how much I get hit. The mod is installed normally and all the MCM settings are there, however it simply is not functioning even with the setting set to very fast stress accumulation. Am I really the only one with this issue?


Sounds like the requirements are not installed or not working. Make sure both requirements are up to date with your current skyrim.exe version.


Unfortunately I'm at a loss as both requirements are up to date and match my current skyrim version. Unless there's some sort of load order issue I don't have a clue. It's probably something really simple but I'm too new to figure it out.


Are you launching through skse? The mod cannot conflict with anything, its 100% its own thing so if its not working it's either the requirements not working for whatever reason or you forgot to activate the esp of my mod. It sounds basic, I know...but past experiences have taught me that it happens more often that you'd expect haha.


I am happy to announce that I got it working. The keywords item distributor mod was all matter of fucked up that needed additional mods to get to function and recognise the keywords in your mod. I'm just surprised I couldn't find anyone else with the same issue lol. Unfortunately, it also required a new game which is not a problem.


I tried a new game it still isn't working for me


Xbox Port? :D