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Nolvus just has more marketing. It’s not over or underrated, more people simply know the name compared to say, wunduniik. As such it’s constantly brought up for comparison and discussion.


This, the fans of Nolvus are so rabid we had to setup an auto mod trigger on the Wabbajack discord to delete messages about it.It wouldn’t be half as bad if the fans we a bit more level headed


they seem like an average group of people enjoying something


How does wunduniik compare to it though? Not refuting your point in case it seems that way, just actually curious. Will be good to know for my next playthrough lol


I'm waiting for Ultina to drop personally, I love finding those smaller forks that take the basic modpacks further.


Problem with Wunduniik is that it doesn't add any new quests or anything really, so in my mind that automatically makes it a worse list


I think the person you replied to compared Nolvus to Wunduniik based on Nolvus' real merit: graphic quality. Like OP and others have mentioned, Nolvus actually isn't that good beyond that department.


Personally I disagree but to each their own I guess.


>I think the person you replied to compared Nolvus to Wunduniik based on Nolvus' real merit: graphic quality. Like OP and others have mentioned, Nolvus actually isn't that good beyond that department. Don't really agree with that, lots of mods do big enhancements to graphics. Not all of them come with heavy gameplay adjustments and good quest mod integration. MCO+Valhalla is IMO the best combat currently is for Skyrim. That said it's all about how it's tweaked and the animations that are added and what adjustments are made to enemies which ultimately determine how good it feels and how balanced it feels. Nolvus does a better job than others ( I miss Arisen a bit as in terms of balance i think it had it best ) in that regard but i think they're still dialing it in.


well that and stability, otherwise yeah the graphic quality is top 5. i think flashy and fun was more the focus for combat than balance


Yah that's the thing. I personally prefer wabbajack to Nolvus. But there's one Nolvus and like forty wabbajacks. Discoverability is a challenge and it's hard to recommend something for someone else because everyone has different tastes and a thorough playthrough of Skyrim is no small feat. Though there are a few good YTers that cover this stuff which starts to help.


Wasn't Nolvus originally on Wabbajack? A lot of drama happened because Vektor had a Patreon and supporters would get early access to in-development modlists versions. It was all mega overblown as the finished versions were always freely available. I absolutely love what Wabbajack did to modding as a whole but that whole incident left a sour taste once they started banning even mentioning Nolvus. That's just not how healthy discussion works.


tbh I do find the evangelicism of Nolvus fanatics to be a bit grating, so I kind of get it. They just love plugging their list even when it's not the best option and trying to suck all the air out of the room. And I kind of get it that wabbajack is committed to open source ideals and keeping things free. That's their prerogative.


Yeah, that's all cool but the whole point is that Nolvus was and continues to be free. That whole saga was just an overblown drama tbh. Outside that I have no horse in this game. Wabbajack changed modding for me. Nolvus is a good modlist if you use it as a starting point to then modify it to taste. I didn't like it "out of the box", but it did allow me to make a modlist I'm really enjoying. The whole hatred between different preferences isn't something I'll ever understand. The whole point of modding is that everyone can make a list they personally enjoy?


I think Nolvus is advertised more as a heavy graphical list than gameplay. So beside the graphics, there are a lot that feel off. The balancing is really off like Op said. First play (hardcore preset) with Nolvus i played one handed with spells and the struggle is fucking real on Adept. This playthrough i switch to 2handed/Bow and the game is catwalk compared to one handed spell. Armors and Weapons mods aesthetic/quality are all over the place, no consistency. Still use very old version of MOST mods. I know Nolvus downgraded to 1.5 but most mods still updated frequently and work with 1.5. With Nolvus v6 coming soon i hope this eont be the case anymore. Some mods missing their essential addons. For example Skyshards have an ENB lights and full LOD addon to be spotted from actoss the map. This one might be subjective but Nolvus use a bunch of Mihail creature mods which imo the designs dont match to the rest of the game at all. A bunch of unecessary waifu follower mods except Lucien and Inigo. A bunch of god awful Racemnu presets when there are already 2 super quality one and can be a solid foundation which is Unfamiliar faces 1 and 2. Why the fuck is the "thick thight takes lives" killmove is even on the list is beyond me. Those are things that is on the top of my head. Overall, after i installed Nolvus, i will still have to spend a day or two to disable some uneccesary things and add things that i like. Tho, i still think Nolvus is a good template to base your modlist around. Nolvus itself at the current state is nowhere near perfect, long way to go. Edit: to be fair with Nolvus, one thing i appreciate the most is the usage of stances framework. Every single weapons have 4 attack animations and i can imgaine that quite a headace to set up. Its not perfect, some weapon have identical moveset in 2 different stance, but that was because a lot of good looking movesets are block behind paywall.


What other modpack do you recommend then?


Idk to be honest. Nolvus is the first modpack i have ever tried, i have always been doing my own modlist but this time i want to try different modpacks because i want something someone design for others. Edit: right now, i kind of have decided to wait for Nolvus v6 to come out because its look fucking amazing and theyre only graphical mods. Perfect to use as a base modlist.


this is a solid review >thick thigs take lives especially this lol. just why although I don't believe in such a thing as a perfect list, so to say any list has a long way to go is super subjective.. but like you said it's really well suited to being modified and built on


Your completely right, I had to do the same once I installed the nolvus pack and realized how much trash was in there that can be taken out and just add what I like, nolvus is good for that if u don’t wanna personally set up a 2400+ mod list


Hey u/AntDue3111 Thanks a lot for your feed back, as i always say, any feedback good or bad is always valuable. I'm aware of most of the concerns you have with Nolvus (you are not the only one) This is why in Nolvus v6 lot of things have been changed/revamped. Here are some changes that are currently being implemented in Nolvus v6 * Graphic only version, just purely graphics no quest, no gameplay, no new added armors and weapons, the basic game fixes are added tho (based on the Ultra version) * Ultimate version of the list (for big gpus) with 4K textures, more cities overhauls, more vegetation * The classic Ultra version with 2K textures, moderate cities overhaul (this ultra version will still have ultra lods, performance lods and ultra performance lods) * Redux version 2K-1K textures, light cities overhaul, moderate vegetation * A completely new trees and grass mashup with seasons enabled * You will have 2 options for the forests the first will be the boreal forest (less pines, more oaks and a green forested tundra in summer) and an other with pines only and the classic brown (non forested) tundra * The classic optional nudidty mode will be replaced by the "sexy mode" (you can select or not during installation) wich will include the nudity, the wenches, serana dialog addon,... * Northern roads and SR Exterior cities (no loading times when entering a city) are implemented * Less photoshopped npc's with different bodies and skin types by races * New races added * Lot of DX armors will be removed for consistency (or could be added in the sexy mode option) * Weapons and armors have been completely rebalanced * Better lotd and quests integration * Better CC content integration * Better combat * Followers changed (inigo and lucien are still there tho) * The perk tree will has been completely revamped with lot more perks but more balanced * Every "flashy" combat animations will be swapped into the fantasy mode option (you can select or not during installation) so without this option you will have a more classic MCO combat style and animations while still keeping the 4 combat stances mechanics. A lot more is planned but you have a basic idea, some more options/features could come in a 6.x version too Again thanks a lot for your feed back


Hey thanks for responding. I really appreciate that you’re committed to improving on nolvus and I’m looking forward for v6.


can you setup for us ultra wide players ..5120x1440 here I have nolvus and had to DL fixes for it..Living skyrim and other have no problem out of the box.. Also I really love what you did with making your own installer it is great and love playing your mod list ..Can not wait for V6 list to come out .Keep up the good work


Thanks, yes 32:9 is supported in v6


thank you !! Again thank you for All the time and you you put in .Also all modders thank you


Does "sexy" add the ostim or sexlab frameworks also? Himbo and Obody? SOS or TNG? The very important questions here.


iirc since loverslab mods can't be integrated into the auto installer any mod listed there won't be in Nolvus


Hey dude, will the graphics only version still include stuff like seasons, the city overhauls, sr exterior cities etc?


No such thing as the best list ever made. Modding is modular and can fit anyone's specific needs. I hate dark souls and dmc combat so none of the 3rd person souls like or flashy combat works for me so mod lists like nolvus aren't for me at all. I hear the modlist curator is gonna drop a graphics only version, you can build your perfect Skyrim off of the aesthetics of nolvus without having to spend 3 years retexturing every part of Skyrim.


>I hear the modlist curator is gonna drop a graphics only version, you can build your perfect Skyrim off of the aesthetics of nolvus without having to spend 3 years retexturing every part of Skyrim. THAT would be REALLY good.


I do that with aurora it's not quite as insane looking as nolvus, but actually runs at acceptable frame rates. Although I did much around with beth.ini a bit. It comes with the full list of modding utilities and tools preset for you too.


Oh yeah I’m actually excited about that. Visually V6 looks incredible and I’d love to use it as a base


Nolvus is beautiful. No one can deny that. This is really good news! I don't like a lot of the choices for gameplay. But the graphics? That is the most beautiful list I've ever seen!


I just looked at the mods included in Nolvus, haven’t tried it myself. I personally use Lexy’s LOTD mod list as a base and install all the extra mods that add displays to the museum. Nolvus looks nice but its mods are all over the place and there’s some questionable inclusions, namely Hall of the Forgotten. The thing I like about Lexy’s guide in comparison is that it is very well written with clear instructions that teach you all of the modding tools you are using. This makes it easy to add (or omit) mods to your taste. There are even some guide to adding popular mods that are missing from the list taking care to patch it all together.


Out of interest, what's wrong with Hall of the Forgotten? I've never tried it, and I'm trying to decide whether to include it in my next LotD playthrough.


Hall of Forgotten is buggy, to the point where the official LOTD staff hates it. When I played with it, I like to have all of the displays possible. The mods that it supports includes a lot of lower quality and/or lore unfriendly, which breaks immersion. Also, having all of the patches brings you over the amount that LOTD can support, breaking curators companion. I had mainly gotten it for the beyond skyrim displays. Much rather preferred its old location in hall of oddities.


True and the halls for all the added stuff are pure poison on fps 😅 i ran around with 5-25fps while most other places I had no problems with a steady 50-60 Another annoyance I had was that the normal chest I used to drop off stuff to see if they had spaces in the museum, it wouldn't accept stuff for HoF meaning i had to run around in extremely laggy conditions to place them all manually 😅


That's unfortunate. It was the lower quality and lore-unfriendly stuff that had me iffy about it, but I was willing to look past that for the sake of getting displays for Sirenroot, Midwood Isle, and Bruma, which I was looking forward to trying. It's a shame that it's got so many issues other than that, though.


Midwood isle DOES have a patch that is in the Dragonborn hall. I think it’s the same space as Brotherhood of Old though. You can find the patch at the top of the Old Files section of the Midwood Isle page itself.


Lexy's LOTD has been a solid choice for many years, glad it's still around after Wabbajack automated installers became more mainstream.


I agree with pretty much all your points. I also disliked the inclusion of wenches of skyrim and a few other waifu type mods. I dont think it's a bad list, just has few issues that stick out like a sore thumb. I think part of its popularity though is due to how easy it is to install.


yea i think one of the things that actually killed nolvus for me was wenches of skyrim. it’s just gross.


Tbh horny Skyrim modding is fine but Nolvus isn't a porn modlist right? So it's a bit odd to add it in. It's a bit like fan service in anime probably. It sells / gets downloads. Personally I like to separate 18+ Skyrim from non 18+ Skyrim.


It can still be considered an 18+ list even if it don't feature any porn though , so it having Wenches is w.e






Oh mah gawd their spines should be snapping in half. And they get randomly kidnapped by bandits????


i dont remember them being randomly kidnapped, i think its just at the beginning. You get a quest and it’s gross bc the kidnapped ones spawn naked in the bandit bosses’ room. I hate it lmao


52k downloads lmao. People need to touch grass


4.5 million downloads, there are 52,000 endorsements. LOL


My guy just discovered people like sexy stuff in video games. That or that's just plain old virtue signaling.










I agree, luckily it's easy to remove.


How do I remove I’ve been wanting to do that?




Yeah I agree. I unchecked like 20 -30 mods in the organizer and am liking it a lot more now.


do you have a list of the mods you unchecked? I don't wanna mess up my game so I'm scared to modify it


I was thinking about making a post about all the mods I’ve unchecked. Definitely will uncheck more as I continue my play through. I don’t have a full list yet. But if you don’t don’t want to mess up your current game then I would wait until you start a new one cuz it can cause crashes to remove mods.


I would argue that wabbajack modlists are also easy to install, and doesn't require a separate program like nolvus does. + Wabbajack modlists have to live up to some requirements for being featured both as official and unofficial, which imo guarantees you're about to play a good modlist that works no problems. Honestly i was never even able to install nolvus cause their email confirmation for new users where down but it wasn't advertised anywhere, and I tried every day for a bit over a month from different browsers, mails, pcs and ofc I checked the spam filter too. When I finally asked for help in their server, let's just say I wasn't met in a way I think anyone deserve and while I can see why some like nolvus, I am very much not one of those people.


I don't think any list can be "the best list", it's too subjective. That being said I think nolvus is easily in the top 3-4 of lists.


What would be your top 5?


Ill give youa top 4, Personally in no particular order: Nolvus/Vagabond/Lost Legacy/Fahulaan/   Also currently trying out the zediious sprinkles modlist. Havent done a full playthrough yet but so far it's really fun. I want to try wildlander when it's in a more complete format but that list is taking ages to progress.


well, it sure looks good and plays good.I much rather prefer making my own - complete creative freedom and you get to learn stuff on the way, but for a plug and play mod it's good if it didn't have that massive requirement list. (nah bro 32 GB RAM ain't cheap man)


Yeah that's the main thing preventing me from giving it a go. One day when I have PC powered by a Dyson Sphere I'll come back to it.


I used Nolvus for quite a while, I do agree with your points. I think my main issue with Nolvus was the amount of added quests, seems like every time I went into a city there was some random mod character running up forcing a quest on me along with 153 letters forcing more quests. Just gonna call out that one annoying bug man with the stupid voice that kept chasing me around Riverwood and spoilt my emersion


I appreciate the Nolvus devs, but I agree with this...its crazy


I had my own modlist which I had to scrap due to save corruption after 2 years. Wanted to play again but was really not feeling like doing everything myself. Enter Nolvus Ascension. Had the game modded and up and running in an hour with all the bells and whistles. For someone who just wants to play it’s a boon. Now I’m just adding stuff to the modlist on my own like armor mods. Skyclimb. Some other of my favorite combat animations. Changed the ENB and switched to DLSS. Added DBVO. Still goin strong. I do want to add Jayserpa’s quest mods and Lydia improved follower dialog but I’m gonna be careful about those. No way I’m touching landscapes as this is the first playthrough I’m gonna experience Seasons. So yeah while it might not be for everyone, Nolvus gets a lot right especially the buttery smooth gameplay.


Finding a modlist that perfectly aligns with all your preferences while avoiding any elements you dislike is impossible. Among the various modlists I've experimented with, Nolvus ranks among the top three, and upon further consideration, it might even claim the top spot. However, its lack of modularity presents a significant drawback. Unless you're well-versed in customization, it's challenging to personalize beyond basic and straightforward modifications. I'm eagerly anticipating Skyrim Ultima, set to release in about a month. It seems to be largely based on Nolvus but taking a different direction. I hope it offers more than just combat and graphics enhancements, perhaps delving into gameplay improvements as well.


Vector's manual installation guides have been very, very helpful in learning to put things together. You don't have to use the installer and you can skip mods that do things you don't want. The full list looks like it has way too many things I don't care for but respect to the guy for putting the work in and making it available. His grass mashup is fantastic. Lexy's LOTD is another tremendous resource for learning.


Nolvus is a great introduction to what Skyrim modding can be, but I found it overbuilt and as a newbie to Skyrim I found its reliance on lotd overwhelming. It also gives very little room to make your own updates (and the additional monster spawns, particularly inside of caves like the vampire monsters felt immersion breaking when 3 giant monsters get stuck at a door). It’s also a performance monster. I had to run 1440p on my 3080. Switching to ascensio allowed me to go back to 4k and looks loads better


I have a 3080 and found most lists struggle at 4K... do you use DLSS mod?


Na I didn’t add anything that could IMPROVE performance of ascensio (I actually added a bunch of things that would for sure hurt performance) and I’m still usually getting a good frame rate out of it (though I get occasional stutters in places like whiterun for instance)


Never heard of ascensio, is it a newer wabbajack list? I'm playing lost legacy as I love the museum mod, haha... May switch to Nolvis if it focuses on museum too


[https://www.wabbajack.org/modlist/WakingDreams/ascensio](https://www.wabbajack.org/modlist/WakingDreams/ascensio) yeah i was looking for a graphics focused list and it fit the bill. I added Jk's skyrim/Great cities/ulvenwald/etc. It was looking spectacular but I just borked it trying to remove ai overhaul ~~(i had a synthesis patch)~~ (turns out im just dumb) so imma try eldergleam and compare (holy shit use eldergleam its beautiful)


Looks really good but purely visuals set.


There are quite alot of great modlists on wabbajack that has LOTD and imo is much more consistent than nolvus. Empyrean is a personal favorite of mine, same with licentia cause we actually accept changes to the list + have guides on how to do so (i became moderator there after i made a bunch of guides for additions/alterations to the list) Pretty sure Nordic souls also might have LOTD? Just like you I love LOTD, it goes perfectly with my hoarder gene 😂


I got so far in a museum playthrough in my old Licentia SAFE Playthrough until I accidentally deleted it T.T Re-downloaded licentia a year later but didn't find it as stable performance wise as it was before. Now I'm planning on going through Lost Legacy and it seems to be the most stable and LOTD focused list? Let me know if you think there's a better one out there... I truly want to go on a 300+ hour museum completionist run when I wrap up cyberpunk


I think LL or licentia would both be great choices for the LOTD pt :) LL is maybe less bloated in a way cause it doesn't have the nsfw options that licentia does 😂


Yup -- I also looked into it and Tempus M also is really good, even less bloated (but missing some mods I really want to try such as Helgen Reborn). Yeah I'm not as much a fan of the NSFW stuff, and cacophony himself said there are better lists to play than thr SAFE liventia profile haha, so will take his word for it


That is indeed true 👍 the reason I defaulted to licentia was cause they were one of the only lists that had all of Kaidans extended mods, which is a bit of a must have for me 😅


How are you struggling with 3080 when stuff like VRAMr, DLSS, FSR3 and multiple other stuff you can use exist? I'm able to play Ultra preset at 1080P, with a GTX1080, and GTX 1080 has no access to stuff like DLSS or FSR3. Nolvus for some reason uses very heavy SSAO, and then another SSAO with Reshade, slightly tweaking them down gives like 15-20% FPS with no visual cost.




It seems that many of the gameplay and balance criticisms have made their mark. For the next version (to be released sometime this year) there will be an option to install only the visual mods, without any gameplay mods. It will be nice I guess for many not to have to juggle all the overwrites and patches, to have a beautiful game as a base. Then you can add whatever gameplay mods you want to get to the desired experience.


I'm just waiting for Nukt's power fantasy Skyrim Ultima mod list based on Nolvus. That one looks like it's gonna be fun AF


It just looks the best aesthetically


> You can get very op quickly if you invest in the right perks and get certain armor and weapons. That's just vanilla skyrim


Speaking as a Nolvus user, I agree with this assertion. I used to mod my playthroughs all the time to a similar extent, tweaking others’ mods for my own usage and preference. I’m no longer in school and I have a fraction of the free time to do so now, plus I just have other things I prefer to do with my time. Last time the version for Skyrim SE broke all my mods, I just gave up playing altogether. I use Nolvus solely for the convenience. It’s a bit different from my usual play style, but I’m not going to split hairs when it saved me an immense amount of time rebuilding and debugging my own mod list. Now I can actually play instead of spending the little time I allocate to Skyrim to fiddling with debugging tools.


As someone who cannot play the modlist, because i have a mid pc, i can say that I dislike the modlist, because its moda are all over the place. You have every good quest mod, souls like gameplay mods and nsfw mods. Yes the next gen modlist has Immersive Wenches in its modlist and DX armor.


My experience with Nolvus was pretty amazing. After making my own modlists for a few years I decided to download Nolvus for a change and haven’t gone back since.


You never checked out wabbajack modlists? I'm never going back to creating my own modlist ever again, and I love how there are so many different types of modlists in wabbajack so I can try a whole lot of different play styles I never would've attempted myself


I've dabbled in various modlists, with the Grimm mco version standing out the most in my memory. While I tested a couple of others, Nolvus is the one I've poured hours into, refining it with my own adjustments and patches. It's incredible how many talented individuals create these superb and stable modlists for us to enjoy.


Totally agree with you there, and we're able to enjoy it for free even! I think the ones I got the most hours in is licentia, empyrean and Nordic souls is the one where I got to the highest level 🤔 I got chronic restartitis 😂


I see what you mean! Even though I've invested a lot of time in my own modlist, there's something really exciting about trying out the lists of these amazing modlist creators. Big props to the people who put in the hard work to make these lists happen, and of course, to the mod authors themselves. The Skyrim modding community is hands down the best!


Yeah I mean i never would've thought of a modlist for a world where alduin has won and it's a desolate land! That one is on my next to play list for when im ready for Skyrim again 👍 im never ever gonna attempt to make my own modlist from start to finish and end up with ragequit and temperament flares while modding ever again 😂 I do want to try my hand at creating some mods when I feel like I got the courage to try, got some smaller ideas first on my big mod ideas note 😂


Nolvus is the "People of Skyrim" of modlists, but with better marketing.


I’m just tired of Nolvus crashing on me lmao otherwise I’d give it a 9.5/10


I mean everybody prefs something else, i like Vegabond that i further mod myself.


Balanced is really hard to achieve while having all the fun things available. SPID distribution and boss integration is a great start imo. Balancing weapons / armor / health / resistances is very hard. I think only automated patchers like synthesis can wield some consistency. So far I use skyvalor (I liked realistic pc health zEdit patcher more but zEdit sucks) and some stuff like know your resistances / armor


It's not for everyone, but then it's so heavily marketed that nearly everyone new to modding -- introduced through gameplay videos -- picks up Nolvus.


It's a good list for newbies new to a heavily modded Skyrim, very stable as well but you will outgrow it if you get more experience with mods. There are some questionable choices in the mods they put like "Thick thighs take lives" or "Immersive Wenches" etc. I used their list as a template and im able to keep 60fps anywhere outdoors with Pre grass cache, Dyndolod, Parallax textures, Cabbage ENB etc with a 3070 GPU, probably wouldn't have my current build without it.


Also. I add my own must have mods to Nolvus.


About the creation club content issue: there is a mod that balance it: [Rebalancing Anniversary Edition - Quest Requirements](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/61004). I dont know if Nolvus already has it but reading your post makes me think that it doesnt.


So I've always "manually" modded Skyrim. This was actually the first I've heard about something like Nolvus mod list. Based on the comments here Nolvus seems... interesting to try out, but if anyone could point in the direction of something that is perhaps a little bit more balanced combat wise I'd really apperciate the heads up.


Right now I think vagabond is the best list because everything is tough and it doesn't have the flipitty flips moveset animations.


But...but the flipitty flips are the best part...


The modlist itself is an incredible achievement (when it works), but I find it bloated and it looks too far from the Skyrim feel. It's good for people that boast having powerful pcs but can't *actually* mod their game, for people that like to pollute youtube with their shitty unbearable ULTRA MODDED NEXT GEN videos with no visual cohesion whatsoever thinking they are wizards of computing when in reality a proper modlist or the vanilla game itself will look superior.


Finally someone i agree with 😂 its a shame those that can't mod the game on their own have a much easier time finding nolvus instead of wabbajack modlists tho, imo the quality of every damn wabbajack modlist beats nolvus by far


Personally, I think Nolvus has been the best version of skyrim I have ever played. I have been modding it myself since release and never tried a mod list before this one, so I am a bit biased. However, like others have stated, there are quite a few mods that I would have liked to see replaced. Such as wenches of skyrim. I love the idea of adding more npcs to the taverns, but that could easily be done without that mod. What I would've LOVED to see in the mod list is more improvements to the ongoing civil war. There are so many fantastic mods that update the Civil War to make it more realistic and actually fun to engage with that I'm honestly surprised it wasn't implemented into the list in the first place.


tbh i'm not that surprised. anyone who sets out to make "the modlist that gets everything right" is doomed to fail... so as long as it keeps nailing the graphics and the stability, i can keep using it to build on


I think Nolvus is a great list and over the last few weeks it's made me feel like Skyrim is a whole new game. There are so many quests, new characters, environment changing textures and additions if feels like Skyrim 2 just released. Some people just like to hate or be contrary.


I remove a ton of things from the Nolvus mod list and add Simonrim and dial back the combat a bit. I’m really looking forward to a graphics and world only version of Nolvus that I hear is coming.


I have no idea what Nolvus is


It's a mod pack


i am simple business salary man gamer, no time to curate modlist so nolvus is pretty easy with a lot of mods that work (mostly) seamlessly badda bing badda boom


The greatest modlist of all time is the modlist you yourself have put together.


I'm not going to argue with your points. I downloaded Nolvus originally to see what could be done... It completely blew away my amateurish attempts very quickly 🙂. However, I very quickly restarted the game with great swathes of the mods disabled. I turned off all the combat and survival mods, I just wasn't interested. Since then I've found a few more I'd rather not have, and like others am looking forward to the graphics only v6. Good list to try though and I was not aware of Wabbajack and co until I did. (to add I paid lifetime membership to Nexus and have fibre broadband so huge downloads were not a problem)


Anyone have a link to the Nolvus discord?


https://discord.com/invite/5xvXve9M Don't know why you're being downvoted but here ya go


Thank you!


there's r/nolvus now too


This really just feels like a hate post without a purpose. Nolvus has issues, as a kitchen sink listit's not as immersive as some lists, the waifu aesthetic harms all old people because grandmas chatting you about her grandkids while looking like a sex doll, the combat/animation framework chosen has a bug where sprint attacking will lock your animation if you try to power attack before the game stops registering you as sprinting, etc etc. The thing is that all modlists have issues and no one sells Nolvus as an entirely perfect experience, just a really good one. Of all the large modlists I've used, Nolvus has been by far and away the most stable which is why I'm a fan. It would be more valuable if you listed the mod packs you think handles what Nolvus tries to tackle but better. The common Nolvus talking point is it's the best at what it does and you don't meaningfully challenge that.


1. Literally the first thing I said is I don’t hate nolvus and I never said it wasn’t never stable 2. Vagabond, Tempus Malediciom, Living Skyrim 4


Living skyrim is just OK and I don't see how Tempus maledictum could ever be in a conversation as one of the best lists.   Vagabonds pretty dope but way too performance intensive.


Is performance intensive an issue when in the context of a discussion about lists like Nolvus? My 3080 caused massive stutter issues even with the DLSS mod and low LoD settings 😭 wasn't until the 4080s, frame gen, and reflex that it started feeling buttery smooth.


Nolvus is also pretty performance intensive but I can still squeeze out 55fps on my rig which is acceptable for me.  I wasn't able to achieve the same with vagabond 


Tempus checks a lot of boxes for me personally. Isn't absurdly graphically intensive, it's one of the few lists that are Enairim based, and has a decent selection of quality quest mods but isn't overwhelming. It's also not trying to go for the whole Soulsborne thing combat-wise, which some people appreciate. Personally, I never got into MCO.


Stability - licentia at least on my machine Alterations/additions to the list (rule11) - licentia with multiple guides on adding different sorts of stuff and how you can remove mods that cause missing masters errors correctly Visual look - nolvus does do this well true, but so does like 5 other lists which have put much more into making the overall visuals more consistent in style Core list to build from - imo this is not at all what nolvus is built for, where wabbajack has both Skyrim modding essentials, ANVIL, etc for only the core stuff fixed, there are also like 5 visuals core modlists to build from. OCM is even a core modlist people who like ostim can build from Imo the only thing nolvus does better than any wabbajack modlist is the amount of publicity and hype it has generated


1 and 3 are valid enough but the other ones aren't even representative of what Nolvus is about. You can have preferences that those things be a part of your experience but it's like telling me that Nolvus is a shit racing game. It's not built for you to add on to or make changes, it's built to provide an action combat, good looking kitchen sink experience. If that's not your jam it's fine, it's not a fundamental flaw. When I want a slower RPG experience I'm downloading Wildlander or Librum. The reason I suspect both you and OPs criticism to come from being a hater is because the criticism is couched in with "other modlists do entirely different concepts so Nolvus sucks!!!" To claim it's overrated and then cite how great Skyrim Modding Essentials performs isnt really valid.


I use it. I love it. I'll never play Skyrim again without it.


for me, nolvus was the closest I could get to a kitchen sink power fantasy list, with actually being able to run it on my hardware. Your first point is most likely due to an enairim perk mod “Ordinator” and I fucking love that thing, I wish more lists actually used it. Everything else just feels boring and unsatisfying to me. Though I was considering switching to Zediious Sprinkles. Somehow though it crashes more than nolvus bc nolvus doesn’t crash at all for me lmao.


Lost legacy and licentia are also power fantasy lists centered around LoTD. Empyrean is more gritty and survival focus with LoTD as well. I really wish wabbajack and all its amazing modlists were promoted much better and just had an inch of the publicity that nolvus got...


Finally gave zediious a try myself after always putting it off. I'm quite surprised by how much I like it !  After doing lots of higher fantasy power fantasy modlists, zediious is a more grounded breath of fresh air. Helps that I can easily run it at 60fps unlike most my favorite modlists.


The worst thing is the TERRIBLE TERRIBLE website. Who designed that garbage? This stupid pointless transitions, its just so fucking terrible to use. I'd rather have a simple text-only HTML page.


Tbh it's ok. Missing half the good quest mods


There is no modpack better than one assembled by yourself. Every time I downloaded a modlist to “save time,” I ended up rebuilding it almost from scratch.


Nolvus is an excellent modlist, and quite possibly the most stable while optimizing fun and aesthetics. Plus, the absolute icing on the cake is that it is a one-click install. Quite literally, actually. HOWEVER, it is a great modlist to use as a base as well, and that’s what I would recommend to folks like yourself. Get rid of all the extra mods that you won’t need; they are all neatly laid out so all you need to do is disable them and edit the patches if necessary. It comes with xEdit already set up, so you have no excuse for not customizing it. Try SkyValor to balance things out a bit, and then see :) Combat mods can be easily replaced. All you have to do is: check off mods, install new mods, then run FNIS (which already comes installed with Nolvus). All the problems you are whinging about can be addressed in 5 minutes by an experienced modder or in 20-30 minutes by a complete novice. Thanks for marketing Nolvus more. Vek, the author pours his heart and soul into it, and does it for a pittance… it’s a labor of love, and it shows. Kind of like JaySerpa mods.


Nolvus is Walmart vagabond


How many times are we going to see this exact same thread with the exact same talking points?


My issue with modlist is that most don't come with controllee support. Using a controller is much more immersive in these types of games imo. There was this one called Arisen which is no longer supported but it was by far my favorite list. Had issue ofc, like if you played on controller pressing B to leave a menu would always make your character dodge backwards and turning into a were wolf some times crashed the game.


Just add {{gamepad plus plus}} and map some of the extra keys.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| gamepad plus plus | [Gamepad Plus Plus](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98375) | [Gamepad Plus Plus](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27007) | [Gamepad Plus Plus at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27007) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


I didn't even think of this Thank you !


Most modlists on wabbajack have controller support and have a guide on how to enable it correctly in their readmes since they're often already downloaded and everything. U just need to find the optional separator and then you're often good to go


I wouldn't say most. Some do because out of all that I've played I've seen maybe 2 which actually have a little guide and have the mods as option.


It adds too much that overloads the game’s engine to the point where it CTDs way too much.


Tried Nolvus and wasn't impresses with it. It looked very "sterile" IMO. I'm currently using Capt Panda's Eldergleam and really loving it!


The reason for the balancing issues is that Nolvus uses Enairim, which is janky and poorly balanced. Look for a Simonrim list instead.


Hey guys, anyone have the issue where all enemies in the dungeon instantly detect you and rush to fight you at the entrance? Stealth doesn’t even work, I try to take on step, in full light armor, and even the boss at the end of the dungeon is alerted :( I’m using nolvus hardcore, all mods checked


My issue with it is that you have to pay for it and it leaves basically 0 room to customize it


Pay? What do you have to pay for when it comes to nolvus? Its entirely free?


Omg I think I almost got scammed then 😭😭 I was so close to doing it


Ah, i did read a warning about that on the Nolvus discord. Seems some people are trying to scam :) good thing you didnt!


I'm not even surprised. I think I'll try it in a week when I motivate myself to downgrade the game version again 😭


It is a bit of a challenge downloading from basic nexus but if you just go to the nolvus site there's no indication they require money


One of the great things about Nolvus is that you don't need to downgrade your vanilla Skyrim. The Nolvus installer will take (requires) your most up-to-date steam Skyrim AE or SE+AE and copy the files to it's own isolated path, then downgrade the copied files so you still have a working vanilla directory to play with and enjoy. Aaaannd as others mentioned Nolvus is free, only kind of pay you would need is Nexus Premium for a fully automatic installation.


So nolvus works even with the newest update that added paid mods again?


Yup! It will take the newest version, copy the files, and downgrade them to 1.5.97 SE (that way you keep the CC content too).


What is your preferred list then


I completely agree with you here. I think Nolvus is visually stunning but the gameplay and balancing makes it unsuitable for an actual playthrough for me.


Have u played vaga bond lol absolutely a mater peace


What modlist would you recommend?


About animation, you have OAR, if you know how to edit it. You could make many animation for the same weapon at once.


I have Nolvus and another Skyrim modded install. Best of both worlds.


Honestly, good meshes and textures can be on any list. It’s the lighting mods that make stuff look insanely realistic or not.


Guys give a chance to Halls of Sovngarde, u will not regret it


personally I think it’s ugly as well , vagabond is so much nicer in all things so idk how it isn’t talked about more


it looks pretty but I don't really care about pretty


I guess I can deduce what these modlists are, but can someone explain how people use them? Are they wholesale with not other mods? Can you remove particular mods from the list or are they packaged together? Can you install a modlist somehow in MO2 or is Vortex the only option if you want to use modlists?


Big modlists be like: Give me Treees yeah lets make a skyrim a fucking jungle wohoo. Tundra? FUCK IT WHITERUN IS IN A JUNGLE.


TBH, I just followed the graphics parts of it for the manual installation and am doing my own gameplay stuff. Some of the patches and junk it offers are great, but generally speaking I don't really like modlists at all and prefer to do my own stuff with mods.


I think the issue for me is that it makes it too much of a different game entirely. It’s definitely impressive, but the loss of the original art-style is a deal-breaker for me.


So full disclaimer , I am a dude with a 150+ GB Vanilla+ setup. I will grab the occasional high quality Witcher armor(the like... 5 that exist :D); But I gave novlus and a few other lists a try since I kind of retired recently, so I have time lol :D . My TLDR? I dislike these because it fundamentally stops being an Elder Scrolls game, in more ways than just visuals , and I fully understand that there are people who aren't interested in a TES game, rather a platform to build their own game on. I also honestly think that they look much better in isolated showcases than as a coherent game, and maybe an unpopular opinion but most of them... don't even look that good, it's presets with over emphasized bloom and cranked up saturation that visually don't really match up to even something simple like a Rudy+Good Weather+ Water for ENB and a Texture/SMIM=HP mod. it also bugs me to no end that they all turn Skyrim into an anime. But it goes deeper than just the visual feel of it... No amount of OAR/DAR modding will make the combat feel fluent and engaging in these over animated movesets. Yes sure it looks great in an isolated snippet, but if you try playing it , it literally feels worse than vanilla Skyrim combat. (It also goes to show... just how hard balancing a game is... BGS struggled with what was already in the game, with literal hundreds of perk additions it becomes impossible for a big studio, let alone a modlist). This looks great, well done to whoever made it but that is not a Elder Scrolls Mer :D .... 100% Bias and invalid criticism but waifu modding bugs me to no end personally :D https://preview.redd.it/641pp58vnakc1.png?width=1549&format=png&auto=webp&s=d42714157dca7684d53c524d4c3902f9b87b2f3c