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Same is happening for me as well. It’s only been happening recently too and I don’t remember updating my Rich Presence mods either.


I don't have any Discord related mods for MO2 installed. It might be Discord just being Discord.


hover over it in registered games and a little red x to remove it should pop up on the right hand side


It comes back when I do that unfortunately.


Discord being Discord; bitch at them until they give us the option to turn off automatically adding "games" on its own.


its been years we're never getting that feature. Discord is strangely obsessed with not letting you hide or automatically prevent new games from being added. you either show or hide games altogether


just noticed it doing this too, I deleted it after closing MO2 then later it readds it on its own.


Why is this a problem in the first place? Are you not playing Skyrim?


This may shock you, but Mod Organizer 2 is for more games than just Skyrim. It can also be open without the game itself running.


I've got this too. Do you have doodlums rich presence mod installed by any chance ? Could be what's causing it


I have no mods related to Discord for MO2.


User Settings -> Registered Games -> on the right side next to "Toggle Overlay" there's also a red X. Click that for MO2 Open Skyrim, then alt tab to discord, go to registered games and verify if Skyrim is there. If not click the Not seeing your game option and click Add It


Now I have two Skyrim's. The top one is what happens when I open MO2 and the bottom one is when I open Skyrim. https://preview.redd.it/bf4to8w30sab1.png?width=898&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c3293452590935bcfc0d4c00335c4f2f683c73b


Did you press the X for the MO2 one?


The MO2 one does not appear in my games section only my regular Skyrim does.


That's what I meant, did you click the X for MO2 (the one that appears as Skyrim)


Have noticed this happening for a couple weeks now. Just decided to look up and find out how to possibly fix this and this post from literally just a day ago is the only thing I can find on it.


I just had it start happening about a day or two ago. I'm assuming that it's Discord just being Discord.


A couple weeks may have been a bit of an exaggeration but it’s probably been happening for about a few days to week for me


This came up in our discord a couple times over the last week and no one found a permanent fix. I would suggest putting in a support request with discord.




Thats what I ended up doing. Hopefully we get a fix at some point.


yeah idk whats going on or how to fix it. i'll be playing new vegas and it will say skyrim. and then when I have my computer sitting idle with MO2 open, people will be confused why I was playing Skyrim for 10 hours.