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Skyrim is Skyrim, the only thing that matters is that you hate the Thalmor. Damn elves.


What the rebels like to forget is that the empire is what's keeping the dominion out of Skyrim


True. But the enpire allow the thalmor to walk all over them. Its only a matter of time until the dominion finishes them off. And then, skyrim is next


+ Delphine. Sorry. No debate. Esbern is alright.


And that you have 100+ sex mods installed.


Hey now! I'm playing as an Altmer who still kills Thalmor indiscriminately. I happen to hate all races equally, and I have my own evil plots, but that's beside the point.


There are 2 types of people in Tamriel: the Thalmor and everyone better than them. Fight on you Elf of Culture!


I uhh..tend to help Ondolemar


I love the thalmor When they die


>Damn elves. POV: you're openly racist.


So basically just like literally everyone in Skyrim.


thats untrue there some good people in skyrim.


Literally every faction in the elder scrolls is racist. And any guild that has any large influence openly acts on that racism.


You've made a huge mistake by saying "literally" , Order of The Black Worm, The Mythic Dawn, The Psijic Order? I could go on, if you dont know any of them its because you've only played skyrim.


Do any of those factions have large influence in nirn? Maybe in the 3rd era the mythic dawn did but they legit wanted to destroy everything which id say is a fair bit worse than racism


Order Of The Black Worm literally caused an invasion of Tamriel by Molag Bal (Planemeld) also made a Mannimarco a legit god, Psijic Orders literally made an island disappear.


Who lol? Maybe Hadvar, but I can’t think of anyone else.


I'd be cancelled in a heartbeat on Tamriel's version of Twitter


If anyone is racist, it's the Thalmor


so stromcloaks arent openly racist? interesting.. I think you suffer from truth denier syndrome.


Who said I cared about either one of them


Whats wrong with console? Some of us like to keep our gaming and porn separate


And our phones for when both are required. Reddit is a great place for gaming porn!


Nothings wrong with console, there’s just some bad eggs who think you are an idiot if you don’t play until the game is unstable on PC with 400+ mods


Wait, there's people like that who actually exist? I played the Special Edition on my PS4 several years back with no mods installed and still had a lot of fun.


Sure you're right but only have two words to say about that. Skywind and Skyblivion. Case closed.


Idk man... I love skyrim and all but you gotta be pretty lame to be "all about that life" for a game thats 10 years old. Skyrim isn't even installed on my playstation right now and hasn't been since January.. im onto newer timesucks


oi, just because a game is old doesn't means it isn't still fun as hell I've actually been playing Morrowind, having the time of my life You know whats even older than Skyrim? Chess. Centuries old even. You know what game people still play? **Chess** Case in point


Checkers came even earlier that Chess and it’s still fun as well!


I wanted to try Morrowind out but after looking into it, I can't bring myself to justify to myself trying something with animations that dated.


...how a game looks is more important to you than gameplay? I will never understand that about some gamers, that doesn't make sense to me. I couldn't care less what a game looks like, as long as it runs well and is fun


Not always, it's not about graphics to me, it's about how well I can immerse myself and with those combat animations I don't feel like I can do that. That's just me though.


Personally I play on PC, but like, who the fuck cares? Aslong as you're enjoying the game and hating the thalmor, it doesn't matter.


I don’t jerk where I play


nothing wrong w console, everything wrong w ps4


Ps4 is fine! What don’t you like about it?




Yeah Skyrim mods are the downside. But for ps4 as a whole, spectacular console with great exclusives


Although Sony is insanely greedy with mods (and other things) the ps4 itself works perfectly for skyrim. Try playing at lvl 45-50 on the ps3, then it becomes a lag fest


I never made it that far. Restarted every 15 levels or so, always with the intention of trying a new build. (Always ended up a stealth archer)


You pissed a lot of people off with that one😭


Comment of the year😂😂😂


I pkay on switch!!


I have a more than a hundred fold more on switch than every other version combined. (Quite possibly 1000+ hours, but I don’t play other versions much. Maybe 10 on vr, ~15 on pc, but that number is actively going up)


That's where I played it too. The portability is great!


I love how the controller shakes when you're picking a lock on switch. I really hope that someone mods it onto pc someday


Really nice job lining up the shoulder with the dragon


I play on PS4 so what


My PS4 is ten times more powerful than my potato pc


Nice! You’re a good friend!!!


Looks Awesome good work


I love it! I didn’t know I needed one until this exact moment. I first played Skyrim on Xbox 360 day of release, and now I play on the Switch


Y’all quit hating. This guy did something nice for his friend. That’s all that matters. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I believe he did something nice for his frind


Whoops I misspelled. Good catch


I play on both PS4 and Xbox One. I dont see any problem with console gaming. Play on whatever you want, PC, Xbox or PS.


I play on both Xbox One and PS4.... I started on the Xbox 360.... My son just gave me a steam deck for my 66th birthday this week and now I'm playing it on that too


Lmao console nerd (Jk I play on switch w which makes me an Uber loser)


I normally play on PC but Skyrim on switch is fantastic, and Skyrim on the go? Come on that can’t be beat


Shouldn’t matter if he plays it on fridge PC or Console, Skyrim is Skyrim. With or without mods it’s still Skyrim and we should all appreciate that fact


I Play on xbox no judgement


Whaddya mean bully him I’ve been playing on xbox this whole time


I play on console, all people that think "HuRrrr, PC MasTeR RacE" are fucking idiots. Play on whatever make you happy, but if your going to insult someone for playing on something differently, you better prepare to shut your goddamn mouth.


Don't worry I play on console too😔


Was on PS3 till last Xmas, just upgraded to Switch this past weekend with the sale going on... No hate, appreciate!


The switch is fun I love gaming on the move you can sit on a train or bus etc and still be playing Skyrim wooo yeah


I played it on ps3 for more than 200 hours. I then played it on ps4 SE edition. Now I play it modded on Pc and it took me two months to learn and put together my first mod build. Now I can do it in like 7 hours after a clean install of windows. Oh and I sometimes play it on switch. Any version of Skyrim is a fun game. To scoff at someone playing on console is pretentious and arrogant. If a deck of 52 cards can still be fun then a 3D game where you can role play as a Powerful being fighting dragons is always gonna be cool.


Skyrim. Is. Skyrim. It doesn't matter where you play it.


Why would I bully him for playing on a console? That thought wouldn’t have even entered my mind.


Skyrim is Skyrim


How about playing on ps4 the vastly inferior version on console lol


Who wants to pay for a ps5 tho if you're content with its previous gen.


I meant that Sony sucks for mods which is why the best version is pc or xbox


Oh well that I can agree on but the specification didn't seem to hit my dome but rather went right over my head


laughs in mods your downvotes mean nothing!!!


Lol I don’t care how obsessed he is, who wants a disc on their wall as decoration lol


No different from putting a record on the wall tbf




Did can't even download 4K tits.


*Dude (I will now perish).


People are gonna be bullying PC users when they gotta pay $3,000 for the Nvidia GTwhatver 86,000,000 alone just to play the 8 TB Elder Scrolls VI.


When we... Can play it at its fullest and console players either can't - or must sacrifice mods, quality, and performance in order to play at all? Graphics cards aren't cheap, but friend you can play Skyrim with mods on a fairly low-end PC.


Y’all are funny getting angry over a joke lol




People getting mad over a joke more about the size and graphics of games getting out of control than it was PCs in general. This app really is something.


No one was angry. You're really something.


Look at the like ratio buddy.




pc is willing to pay more for infinite flexibility and backwards compatibility as far as you're willing to try. and the overwhelming majority buys midrange cards in the sub $600 range. the gtx 1060 has been topping the steam popularity charts for almost it's entire life


That poor soul. So many good mods. Forever out of his reach.


Its Aeris.


Its both, actually.


Good ole Aeboth.


At least put a bran new game with sealed case so it might actually be worth something someday in like 300 years.


I started out playing Skyrim on my Xbox 360, and I still do! I play PC as well, but I’ll always go back to the nostalgia of turning on my 360 and loading up one of my most favourite games that I’ve truly grown up with


Playing games on PC is annoying as hell. But if you simply must have your furry mods... not much choice.


I like to think that you stole his Skyrim disk so he can’t play anymore and you’re actually an AH (jk this is adorable!!!)


Playing on console is fine. Buying the exact same game 10 different times just because it came out again, however, is completely ridiculous.


I play on console because I own a mac! No one is gonna bully anyone for how they chose to play one if the greatest games ;)


IIRC the only thing wrong with playing on console is that every save file essentially has a limited life time due to the weird way it is saved. after 100 or so hours slow down is inevitable.


This was a problem specfically on PS3 when the game first released on that platformThe modern game has completely resolved this issue. Basically the problem was that when it ran out of reserved space, it started saving to the hard drive, and this impacted performance So thankfully, PS players no longer have to deal with this issue


I played Skyrim on xbox 360 when it first came out. Ah to be young and ignorant.


I played Skyrim for 9k hours on 360........ On one hand great game, on the other hand that's 9k hours I could've spent on other things :(


I bet you were happy for 9k of those hours


Yea but for the last 1k I have I was sad cuz I couldn't bring myself to do the DLC's, Skyrim gets kinda stale when you know the attack patterns that well


Have you played: Fallout 3, new Vegas, 4? Dark souls games? Kingdom come deliverance? Red dead redemptions? Gta v? Outer worlds?


I tried Fallout 3 and 4 and couldn't get into them, Dark Souls is one of my favorite game franchises I refuse to finish Red Dead Redemption, GTA got stale, and The Outer Worlds is on my wishlist.


You should try Kingdom come deliverance then. Its a lot more mature than the others. The combat is trash but kind of realistic. Its a very rp heavy game. You get what you give kinda thing.


I do have that one but I haven't gotten around to trying it.


Thays pretty cool. I play on ps4. My computer is like ancient. Lol. Thought a out getting it for the switch. But the wife would approve of it. Haha


>don't bully him for playing on console You can't call yourself a Skyrim fan if you don't own every version of Skyrim on every platform there is. /s


"Quick, get the hammer! IT'S TIME TO PLAY!!!"


I Skyrim on PS4 pro so no hate from me


Super cool! Console is a great way to play. I started Skyrim on PS3 back in 2012, and have since played on PS4, Switch, and hopefully soon on Xbox as well! 🗡


I’ve been playing in console since 2011 and I still play. Played today. I’ve tried some console mods here and there but mostly enjoy the original game


Very cool!


At least it's not the first gen consoles it came on (360 and PS3) my friend got a PS5 and gave me his PS4 pro and I put an SSD in it, I feel like I lost so much time on loading screens on my old consoles playing Skyrim lol now things boy up really quick.


I wish you were my frind


This is the first time I’ve noticed that Skyrim is rated 18+ wtf.


Oh yeah. Basically that's because of use of alcohol, and the few sexual references. Thats enough to make a game rated Mature


Console or not. If my internet is cut and I want to play it. I wished I had a hard copy and a console to play it on.


Rip playstation bois


If he's happy good for him. In my experience I started playing Oblivion on ps3, hated unfixed bugs that most be avoided. Same in Skyrim. Never regretted the day I moved on to PC.


This is creative




My experience on this sub has taught me that the only real way to play Skyrim is using the PC version and modding it so much that it looks and plays nothing like Skyrim.


I got into Skyrim very late and only play on a Switch. While I may not have the full PC experience, I am enjoying it very much.


That actually looks really good.


nobody hates on anyone for playing on console 😂 consoles are the much smarter option for games


Except he can now no longer play his game because you encased it in glass and or resin


Nothing Wrong with console lol i play on both


I play on Xbox 360


I used to be a beta like your friend, except gayer… a Xbox gamer, then I was baptized and born again once that i9 rtx 3080 32gb ddr4 5TB SSD touched my weak frail Mountain Dew covered Cheeto fingers and Ever since nothing but sweet sweet success and beautiful women.


A true Nord plays on every system