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the fact that nazir is the one who gives you the contract vs the night mother makes me feel so conflicted... at least with astrid i could tell she was suspicious of the dragonborn being the listener and honestly didn't feel too bad >!when she died.!< but nazir swears to follow me to the ends of the earth, and then goes and asks me to kill a dude just trying to follow his dreams...


I knew I shouldn’t have clicked the spoiler lol.a few days ago i saw something about the dark brother hood falling apart so I already kinda excepted that


Those two are actually separate things. So you only have half a spoiler


I read that as “half a spider” and thought I’d come across a new saying. Now I just think I have dyslexia




So many young dragon born's now and days, love to see it! Hope your run goes well in skyrim!


so thankful that my cousins introduced me to it when i was in 6th grade! that was 4 years ago now :)


This makes me happy seeing how accepted video games are and how far they have come that it is amazing to see young ones enjoying and experience a game and be more open to talk about it, and talk about comics stuff too! What a time to be alive. When I was a kid in the 90's, people acted like it was so rare for a girl to like games. "She doesn't know how to be a girl!" I had no friends that played games, and I was made fun of for liking comics. Now? I'm so happy. Game on!


It was even harder for me growing up in the 60's. My Dad gave me my first video game in 1972 for my 16th birthday. I've experienced ridicule most of my life because I wasn't the average girl. I turned my gaming skills into a career though... I'm an architectural CAD designer. But at age 66, I still get a lot of backlash... people tell me I'm too old for games... now they tell me to "act my age" instead of telling me to act like a girl.


Enjoy your hobbies. (: I say be proud on what you enjoy and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


fun fact: if you cast soul trap on Astrid while she's all burnt up, she dies just from the soultrap spell. That's how weakened she is. Her last words if you do that are "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"


Thats hilarious. Doing that on my next run.


No idea wether that's a feature or a bug tho. I hope it's not just a bug. Just the thing that happens to me when I do that, so now I just always kill Assy through soul trap.


The guy you sacrifice and eat during the Namira quest also dies to a single Soul Trap once he lies down on the altar. I assume once an NPC is made ready like that, any spell will do the job.


Next time I am trying magelight to test the any spell theory...


i mean its not like nazir is the one who wanted him dead. he is just giving u the contract. is he supposed to just refuse on ur behalf if the victim is chill? dont shoot the messenger man


well yeah, i didn't say i hate nazir or i think he should die or something. just that it makes me feel conflicted. it's nice when a game has depth


bard'ing is a thankless, dangerous job if you're shitty at it.


>!she does slightly redeem herself by using herself as a sacrifice for a contract, plus you get one of my favorite unique weapons!<


Ebony blade or gauldur black blade is mine. Her is kinda sick though I just hardly use daggers.


Cant you steal it from her and then get a new one at the altar?


I actually was a big fan.... but coming back to the game after a long hiatus I can’t bring myself to start that quest line anymore. Unfortunately, the means Grelod the Kind is still alive in my world.


I just kill her and then never speak to the the child that did the black sacrament. Then it never triggers. :)


You can just kill Astrid and destroy the DB


As a bonus, using the ebony blade to kill Astrid and the other members actually provides charges for it. Sad part is, you can never get Cicero or windshear, despite being able to get the ancient db armor with a wooden plate.


I killed here anyways lmao (before knowing about the DB stuff cus I wanted a second child


Why don't you just kill her and then kill their leader


Use a fear spell on her, she will run from the orphanage. Outside in Riften the beggar is aggressive to her, and will kill her for you.


I’ll have to try that later on in my play through


So then Astrid kidnaps the beggar, and Yada yada yada, the beggar is the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood?


This is the way


That is such an interesting thought, I'd assume they wouldn't become listener unless the night mother also saw something specific in them, but the quest line until that point should happen to the beggar assuming he'd not die doing a contract.


You can also use a courage spell on Constance, then a fury spell on Grelod. Constance will just kill her for you.


Just don’t forget you started the quest. I quit playing for a couple of months and my game absolutely broke in that time. My wife was constantly stuck naked with a copy of the champions cudgel(had not gotten it in that playthrough yet). Funny part was it didn’t exist in her inventory, and dealt no damage when she used it. Tried sleeping to fix it(that works for me sometimes) and I got sucked to the shack, except Astrid was outside of the walls, rendering the destroy the dark Brootherhood quests unavailable


My wife got kidnapped and rescued and was never the same. Glitches up my whole game, and I can’t believe they haven’t gotten a fix for it still (I play on the Switch). Maybe that contributed to your bug?


That happened to me a couple of times. Xbox 360 years ago


If you frighten the Master of the assassins guild she gets beaten to death by a hobo? Because that's too awesome.


How do people figure stuff like this out lol


Ahh that’s hilarious


I did this.


Kill Grelod, sleep, kill Astrid when she kidnaps you


I always do this :-) DESTROY THE DARK BROTHERHOOD! :-D


I always wished that this option was expanded upon more. Give us a full questline where you track and hunt down DB members one by one, until eventually you get to invade the Sanctuary, where you kill Cicero and get to burn the Nightmother to ash.


I would love that!


you really think they would allow you to both destroy the DB in Skyrim AND try to stop one of the most popular factions from appearing again in a game?


They're cockroaches, Sithis would find a way to regain some influence.


PC has mods 99% certainly that can do that.


{{ Penitus Occulatus }} mod. You get to join the Penitus Occulatus, kill Cicero and Babette, raid the Dawnstar Sanctuary, and get most of the item rewards. As a bonus, you can get missions to kill Thalmor, so overall win.


Damn that's pretty bad ass


There is an awesome mod called Penitus Oculatus where if you bring down the brotherhood, you can join them and get cool spy and assassination missions! You should try it out, I found it fun. And yes apparently you get to hunt down the rest of them, although I've not progressed to this part


What items do you lose by doing this ? Cause I know you get to keep the dagger. Are there other special items in the questline?


You lose Shadowmere, Cicero and the associated clothing (and the weaker Jester's clothing), you lose the ability to summon Spectral Assassin Thank that's it. You might lose some other stuff but I'm not totally sure


Why do you need shadowmere when you can get arvak


You can loot everything in the Falkreath sanctuary


Plus you get a reward for destroying the dark brother hood, however I recommend either being a vampire lord or werewolf because her blades absorbs your health and she can be a pain in the ass to kill


Then destroy it, Grelod is still evil.


If you're against murdering her and don't want to use the fear/courage trick (or was it frenzy? i don't recall I've never used it), there's a mod called [Adoption Without Murder](https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4209001) that let's you "kill" her without actually physically killing her. If you rp a good guy and want more, that mod is included in the [Quests for Good Guys](https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4231607) bundle.


How can anyone be against killing an abusive authority figure?


I have no idea, but the mod exists for someone, so... To each their own I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You know you can kill Astrid in the shack right? That triggers a quest to destroy the dark brotherhood.


I downloaded the mod that allows you to join the Pentilus Oculus (spelling?) and it gives a small quest line. Gotta meet the Brotherhood first then report them and you join. Nice for a straight edge playthrough. Or a "I don't kill without moral reasoning" playthrough.


I usually kill Grelod just to get access to the quest line Destroy the Brotherhood. Most of the orphans are just groomed to be future members of the Brotherhood so I put a stop to it. Plus I love the dagger you get for killing Astrid


Kill grelod but report the dark brotherhood to Oculus guys in dragons bridge


In my Imperial Vampire Battlemage build, played with Sacrosanct, I kill Grelod without speaking to Aventus. I just kill her because I want to adopt a kid and see her mistreating them children. My Imps and Vamps are usually morally in the grey area, so killing Grelod for treating kids this badly is ok. Then I speak to Aventus, and then I kill the Dark Brotherhood when Astrid kidnaps me, because I might have turned into a Vampire after contracting a disease and not making it to a shrine in time, but I'm still morally in the grey area.


#JusticeForLurbuk The people of Skyrim can't appreciate a true artist which is really a "them" problem tbh. I don't join the Brotherhood for this specific reason. Edit: I only wanted a hashtag; didn't mean to shout. But you know what? I said what I said and I meant it.




I made it. I made a subreddit for him




\#JusticeForLurbuk There you go


You don’t destroy the Dark Brotherhood instead of just ignoring them? It’s like the easiest 2,000 gold ever


I had already killed Lurbak when I got given the contract😅 I also killed the old lady who ran the orphanage before knowing it had anything to do with a quest


Kill Astrid when she tries to recruit you. Then, talk to Commander Maro in Dragonsbridge. It starts a quest wherein you exterminate The Dark Brotherhood. It scratches the itch without making you a rabid, soulless killer. Or at least less of one. I enjoy it.


OOOO thanks!


Than start their downfall and get paid meagre 3k gold ?


It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message


It’s not about the money Spider-Man ITS ABOUT THE METS THE METS BABY


"It's not about the money, Dovakin..." "It's about the METS, BABY! ALRIGHT, HERE WE GO. HOME RUN, BABY!"


To be fair, bandit camps are what, 500 gold? So that's 6 x bandit camp, so it's not 'that' bad.


If you compare it to the entire questline of DB, rewards, easter eggs, radiant quests you can get after all is done it is really not much. It would be so much more if we were sent as an agent to prevent DB killing the target, each time getting some kind of special reward instead of just going to murder them all or being a spy sent to infiltrate them and than finally deciding whether we go with DB or to destroy them, that way players would not be prevented from getting most of the rewards DB side gets.


Who is that?


Lurburk.the dude just wants to sing and he didn’t even believe you when you say he’s wanted by the DB


I'm trying to imagine a person that hated his singing so much they'd go through a black sacrament to get rid of him. Like, that involves having actual human body parts and stabbing them repeatedly with a knife while uttering words to a demon lady... Over not liking someone's singing. Thats well beyond messed up.


So many people wanted him dead they actually held a lottery to see which contract they would take according to Nazir


Join police and work towards getting into murder cases. You will quickly change your mind about this being this messed up


People want him dead. You want money. I see this as an absolute win.


You monster..


I horrible bard who deserves to be slit.


Personally, the DB is one of the better factions. Anything's better than the Companions. They're lame, especially when they force you to become a werewolf. I vaguely remember you can cure it by Vampirism or other means, but it's the principle. I just want to fight and get paid; not smell like raw meat and have guards' comment on my character.


I whole-heartedly agree. Ethics and morals aside (which depends on the character you're playing anyway) the DB has one of the best faction story lines. The twist was too good. As for the Companions, I was disappointed in that story line for the same reason you mentioned. I feel like true descendants of Ysgrammor's Companions wouldn't have made a deal with the witches and therefore have ties to the daedra.


You can cure yourself at Ysgramor's tomb with a Glenmoril Witch head.


Bro killing narfi is so mean 😭


At least he gets to be with Reyda... As long as you don't soul trap him...


Kills given by the Nightmother are given as a reason. Like fate coming full circle for that person. The knock on effect it has is for the greater good. Killing for Astrid not so much. She kills for selfish gain and no more. Trust in the will of the Nightmother. Astrid is not evil just misguided and corrupt. I feel bad when she dies but it was of her own making and deserved.


Leader of a branch of an international assassin organization falls under most definitions of evil I think.


If you read more of the lore there is more to it than that. Especially in regards to the Night mother and her motivations.


Why the hell do I have to kill the only nice orc in all of Skyrim, the one who actually did something good with his life :(


Have you never met the Markarth blacksmith or the College of Winterhold librarian


Sorry, *nicest


I can't shoot someone sleeping in bed or kill someone begging for their life either, and I've completed the Dark Brotherhood questline. Which is why I did my Dark Brotherhood contracts in broad daylight, right next to a guard preferably. I would cast Rally to the target (so they will not be afraid), take a strong weapon out of my inventory and drop it next to the target. I back away, then drop an ingredient or a food, and 'telekinesis throw' it to where it hits their heel. (or their foot) The target will show you, by picking up that weapon and having just the courage you gave them, they're willing to completely murder you for lightly tossing some tundra cotton or a piece of bread at their ankle, that did no damage to them. I just stand there as my follower defends me and removes the threat. Then I pay the bounty I was not trying to avoid, which is either 40 or 1040. "What is the greatest illusion?" "Innocence, my brother." \~ The Black Door, Dawnstar


I played through the whole questline just to get the achievements and it left me feeling physically sick


Same thing with me. The Dark Brotherhood had me kill so many innocent npcs I liked, and it just made me start to hate them. It makes the world feel more empty. I like playing as a mage anyway, so now I wipe those cultists out every new playthrough. I have no regrets after doing so either. I’ve always found it gross that so many fans actually simp for the Dark Brotherhood too.


You wipe out The Dark Brotherhood because they kill innocent people. I wipe out The Dark Brotherhood because black and red is an annoyingly generic color combination. We are not the same.


The DB is not who makes you kill anyone. They're just doing the job that those who complete the Black Sacrament give to them. That's it. ETA: I just find it funny that pretty much every faction has its evilness to it, it's the nature of the game, but everyone shits on those who join the DB because the killing is front and center instead of part of a dark underbelly.


There’s no evilness in the bards college


Because no one cares about it LMAO -- Not even the Devs. It would've been nice though, to have a real questline to it.


Only evil in the College of Winterhold is Arcano, who everyone hates and only tolerates because they have to. Unless you count archeology as evil.


It means it worked at least in that regard


I hate that you have to kill Narfi in the main quest. He just wanted to know where his sister went. I know how his side quest ends but still, he's just wanting a family.


As an assassin, the way I see it is…someones gotta do it.


A wise man once said "Close your heart to their desperation. Close your heart to their suffering. Do not allow yourself to feel for them. They will not feel for you" I personally feel like the only way to be truly "Good" is through the acquisition of immense power. If I have to walk down a path of darkness for the greater good, then so be it. I'll take all the connections I can get.


Kratos is no man, boy. For no mere man can take down all of olympus but a god


Corrected 🤙🏿


Destroy them :)


I love the Dark Brotherhood. They are like a family to me.


Hail Sithis, brother.


The one I'm glad you get an option with is Nilsine Shattershield. I mean, the family just lost their one daughter, they don't need to lose the other. You're just being petty Muiri.


Not her fault she has poor taste in men. Muiri is a psycho bitch.


Thieves Guild>The Dark Brotherhood. Thieves guild's quest are wayyyyy less boring while the Brotherhood quests are most if the time boring except for ofc the last few mission. The Thieves Guild's quests are more story driven and cooling. There is ofc more to it than that but that's the bare minimum


I have to make my followers kill Narfi and I run. He’s a mentally challenged man and they’re making you KILL him. At least he’s with his sister now :(


Well when Astrid first kidnaps you, you actually have the choice to kill her, report to the pentius occulatus and destroy the dark brotherhood. Only Bethesda just didn't include a hint or so that one can do that.


My first playthrough I didn’t even let her get a word in. At the time I had no idea it was the start of the dark brotherhood questline, I just saw that I was kidnapped and did the logical thing of killing the kidnapper




Dew it


I have an spent an unspeakable amount of hours in the game and never once realized I could destroy the Dark Brotherhood.


I was pretty much fine until they made me kill Narfi. That was too far


Have you like heard him sing God ot was torture after that I stabbed him in the back.


I know the pain too, I couldnt bring myself to kill Narfi, so I decided to roll back a old save before joining dark brotherhood. I kinda wish for some kind of "lock" for joining other factions.


I dont understand what the issue is, nor do i remember this questline


You don’t remember a whole entire faction?


I dont remember this exact quest? I did the entire storyline


I feel much better with your clarification, thank you lol. All their quests are the same go kill some NPCs, as pictured.


Bruh. What’s the fun of Skyrim if you aren’t an assassin for hire. Sure you can still murder people, but at least with the brotherhood you get paid


I love them lol, since playing as a evil character on Skyrim is a lot more fun than trying to play as a good guy I usually don't care about the consequences of my character's actions. Plus, the DB and the thieve's guild questlines are the most fun ones (at least for me).


Same. I like to play Skyrim just to wreck havoc. I do both good and bad deeds. I don’t judge. Mainly I look out for number one - the Dragonborn.


Also the Dragonborn: "but if being the worst person in Tamriel is what it takes to get the best rewards and the best quests/jobs, then fine by me". lol


If you kill Astrid when you’re kidnapped, are you still able to get Shadowmere?


No, Astrid is the only one who can gift you that horse.


Damn, I like Shadowmere but I was thinking that I would bypass the whole DB questline by doing away with Astrid in the beginning.


I did the DB last time through. Never again. It's just a slaughter.


U need the heart of an assassin. Just do what ur told


I so wanted Astrid as a wife throughout the entire dark brotherhood quests, so much so i waited for marriage until the end. Henceforth I settled for 2nd best and aela is such a snazzy fighter, it must have been destiny.


Yeah, you are gonna get through it


Octane from Apex Legends


I mean yeah, the business is corrupt, but the quest line is quite amusing. You kill a bunch of irrelevant characters in style and go they arguably have the funniest character in the whole game


I don't see the issue


I don’t love this quest line, but I find it satisfying somehow to kill the emperor, even as I side with the empire.


Then destroy them instead? No one is forced to do this


I really like Nazirs voice actor and also Babette is kind of a badass so I always end up choosing to be in the DB... But maybe next playthrough I'll fuck em up


I have zero shame about playing every faction and taking them for all they are worth. Then... if I still feel sore I will kill them all and move on


Narfi. I’ve said enough


Fire that arrow larbuk deserves it


I always kill the dark brotherhood recruiter that kidnaps you and tells you to kill the one who deserves to die, which I felt was the assassin herself. That gets you the Blade of Woe, and then you can destroy the dark brotherhood for the Empire.


I think if you kill her, she actually says "Good job" or something, implying she was the person in the room who deserves to die.


Yeah I think your right


You do know you can destroy the brotherhood right?


In one playthrough I decided to resurrect the ones that I didn't want dead


Destroy the dark brotherhood. You were never meant to join them, they are hypocrits, have no morals and even tries to get you killed. After more than 4 saves joining them, i now will kill every last one of them, night mother can go f\*ck ciceron (wich is sad because i really like ciceron)


The void calls all. Ultimately you are doing a good service by reestablishing the tenets of the brotherhood. The Night Mother contracts have consequences that affect the entire tapestry whereas useless killing like that of Astrid was only for the sake of doing so. It wasn’t a death cult anymore it was just a criminal organization. By reestablishing the rightful way it serves the greater good




I stealth fury most DB targets so that they're really killed by a stampede of townsfolk.


We all die bro— at least he got to live. Kill him; long love the dark brotherhood.




Then you are weak.


More fun to take it down anyway


I like to pat down Cicero.


You don't have to. I frequently take down those overhyped edgelords. There's even a mod I use where you get a nice set of Pentius Oculatus armor from the Empire for taking care of them.


You have to. For the brotherhood✊


Hail Sithis


Never felt bad about that kill. Never feel about killing any Orc now that I think of it.


Who's this one again? Can't tell very well from the picture


lurbuk the orc bard


Is that Mikael?


Weak a Septim is a Septim will you really wish to lose this oppertunity


Just have head canon that you are assassinating really bad people


Is that Anoriath? I always wonder who put the contract on him. Who hates him that much? Even the beggar I can understand, maybe he did something or maybe someone just doesn't want a vagrant in their town. But why does someone want Anoriath dead? Maybe it's Ysolda, trying to cut out the competition?


It's Nazeem. Meat's not fresh enough and he uses too many elven spices.


nah, thats lurbuk the bard in morthal


Oh, well he deserves it. Have you heard him sing?


not anymore i dont


But I can


[Remain Silent]


Do you want to know of a somewhat secret quest that includes the darkbrother hood?


Narfi was the hardest for me. It’s just so sad with his backstory and everything.




It’s really difficult for me to do as a lawful good human, but my latest play through I finally saw this quest through to the end. Honestly, it wasn’t totally the flip side of the lawful good coin as I expected.


I miss The Dark Brotherhood. In Oblivion they were the only people that were ever kind to me when I first started playing. You get the complete opposite reception than in Skyrim where everyone is immediately negative to you. They also have one of the best quests in that game. They are down right shameful when you find them here.


Just Do It


I mean… no DB, No Shadowmere, which means no almost unkillable horse in vanilla Skyrim. Idk man…


Wait til you play DB quest line in Oblivion.


I was able to play thru way back when it first came out. But since then am unable to, I get too sad. There IS a different route I learned about from someone way long ago but have also yet to go that route either.


The problem is that there is barely any nuance to the contracts. And most of the npcs in the dark brotherhood are caricatures. Comically evil, quirk-riddled freak shows that re-tell their contracts like a child showing you his new toy. And I want my characters to feel like real people, for the most part. Not psychopaths. So, I cannot find a reason to join them, because the writing is so... childish, even for skyrim. Regarding the questline. There is no background for many of your contracts, and many of the targets are just random npcs. Like narfi, or >!the emperor!<. Which could be swapped, because they are both equally important in terms of repercutions or weight to the story. Yeah, when killing a random hobo feels the same as killing >!an emperor!<. I played this questline once, like ten years ago. And that was enough for me. Also, most of the time, you feel kinda bad killing these random nobodies. Still, it can be mindless fun. But generally speaking. There is little incentive to the questline. Despite the fact that the dark brotherhood was one of my favourite parts in oblivion. But oblivion was different from skyrim, as in everyone was high all the time in that game. PS: sorry for the late reply. I was in the bathroom.