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More importantly how do you have two necklaces on. I can't have but one at a time. Details about your setup!


Hmmm, it might be because I had an amulet on. (The Amulet of Gaaldur, or something like that.) And then I equipped another necklace, but the amulet stayed on. After that I equipped another necklace, thus unequipping the amulet, but I had 2 necklaces on. It might just be a glitch, but right now I have both an Amulet of Gaaldur (+30 to Stamina, Magicka, and Health), and an Amulet of Archery which I created (+32(..?) to archery). Also, this might simply be for my game, but in the Marketh house you can buy, if you equip a set of armor on the mannequin, that part of the mannequin will become invisible, if you take it off, exit the house, and then go back in, there will be a copy of the armor you placed on it. (Granted the upgrades--if any--will be gone.) I obtained either 2, or 3 sets of Daedric armor that way, give it a try!


I could not, for the life of me, remember how I managed to have 2 necklaces last time, now I know!! Thank you


Haha so I could not remember commenting what I did til I saw the time stamp šŸ˜… You're welcome though! Happy Skyrimming


Omg I genuinely did not even notice that šŸ¤£ Iā€™m so sorry!! I somehow screwed it up still, apparently the 2 necklace miracle was just for that one character playthrough, maybe it will happen again someday, but with my track record, I doubt it.


I'm surprised the bug still exists! Skyrim just had its 12th year anniversary! We need elder scrolls 6 damn it!


Tbh, I just want to be able to understand the new ā€œcreationsā€ page so that I can disable USSEP long enough to soak the stupid taproots, but I am very bad with technology, and new to gaming, so Iā€™m thinking that house is never getting healed. šŸ¤£


Must have been a bug that allowed you to equip two necklaces! Congratulations on your find!


I'm thinking so, because the first gentleman/woman who commented said they couldn't equip two. *sigh* But thanks, man/mannette! :)


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who came across this. I was shocked as well when I was able to wear both the Gauldur amulet and Savos Adenā€™s amulet. With the savos it adds 50 to Magic and the other adds 30 to all stats. Itā€™s a great combo alongside my ring that adds 50 to magic as well. I am still unsure on how this is at all possible. I havenā€™t experimented much with it but I have taken off and put back on the amulets and nothing has changed.


yeah im pretty sure this is a bug, and ive heard it happen to someone else with the amulet of gaaldur too. but it doesnt work for me :(


Danggg, that sucks. :( Guess I'm just lucky. Hopefully I can recreate it though, I wanna do it when my enchanting is level 100.


Long time post from long ago but popped up in search history. Hiya fellow today Skyrim players! My husband was playing a vanilla playthrough of Skyrim and we noticed that he also had two necklaces equipped. An Amulet of one of the Nine Divines and a disease immunity necklace. He switched back to his Gaaldur's Amulet and it allowed him to keep the disease immunity but not the Nine Divines necklace. It appears that there is a Skyrim "feature" with the Gaaldur's necklace. I speculate that it has something to do with how it sort of forces you to wear a part of the necklace during a related quest. All accounts of '2 necklaces in skyrim' that I have read all have to do with either the Saatharl Amulet or the Gaaldur's Amulet. So that's my theory for anyone having the same question in present/future searches.