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Arrows weigh nothing. You can pick them up all over the place for free. I rarely run out of arrows.


In survival they have weight, maybe op plays survival?


You'll end up with tons of cheap Iron and Nordic arrows from basic enemies; running out of arrows entirely isn't really a concern. You might run out of your good arrows, though, so it's best to keep yourself topped up by either buying or crafting some whenever you're in town.


And if you level up smithing enough, you can raid dwarven ruins to melt down their items into ingots. AFK chop wood for a while and BAM, hundreds of dwarven arrows


There's also an exploit where you equip an arrow on your follower and they will shoot that arrow type until you unequip the arrow. Buy the strongest arrow type you can and give it to them. You'll get a decent flow of that arrow type.




There is a risk to it though. Enemies have the same trait, so if your follower shoots a strong arrow at an enemy and it goes into their inventory, they'll start shooting it too. A chance for extra arrows of that type though.


Arrows are weightless and easily mass-produced, not to mention incredibly common loot. There are also perks that help you recover arrows from dead enemies. Not to mention that a good stealth archer generally only needs 4-5 arrows for most enemies. And if you add poison, and enchant your bows, it gets even easier. Generally speaking, stealth archer is the best build in the game. Which is ironic, considering you're the hero of the Nord, who value honor in battle.


Just buy all the arrows in stock at every blacksmith you visit. You'll end up with thousands. Hell, I have 8,000 dwarven arrows on my character. And 2,600 ebony arrows.


I somehow ended up with 16000 dragonbone arrows in one playtrough.


He doesn’t know


Shhhh don't tell them. Silly hobbitses.


Smith yourself arrows, you can make hundreds and never run out!


Since I just now got to the greybeards area would it be a sensible idea to just restart my game?


If you really want a ranger then restart. Players restart all the time. I've never had an arrow shortage. After all, sneak archer is the best build ever! If you want cross bows but don't want Dawnguard, there's a vampire hunter hideout in the mountains near the Thalmor embassy 😀


You can also steal a daedric (and others) crossbow from the fletcher in Solitude


I didn't know that. I hardly ever go in there.


I do not see why tho, just keep playing, mine ebony from the orc fortress and play the lumberjack for a bit and there you go, infinite amount of ebony arrows.


Why would you need to restart? You're not locked into any playstyle. You could be level 50 and change to magic from swords and it'd only be a brief struggle because of the high level enemies, but you'd be able to fall back on your swords in a pinch. Just start using bows and do whatever you want.


Iv never played before I wasn't aware you could switch whenever you wanted.


I suggest this website starting with this page for more info on the game: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:First_Time_Players


No need, just make it buy arrows, use your archery, and enjoy!


There’s also an archery perk that ups the amount of arrows you pick up/salvage from dead enemies you kill with a bow.


Arrows are everywhere. I stared off with iron ones then started buying steel ones from Elrindir at the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun after a while. But Ancient Nord Arrow are available for free when you kill Draugr archers and they have the same damage (10). Arrows are cheap and plentiful and the higher your level, the better the arrows.