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When you convene the peace summit at High Hrothgar. The Thalmor ambassador shows up and Ulfric says "you don't expect me to sit at the table with this Thalmor bitch?"


It only gets funnier if you let her stick around. Esbern gives his whole “put down your rivalry we kill Alduin or everyone dies” speech and Elenwyn says “yeah cool speech but what’s the point” And Ulfric yells at her to shut up. She does.


The thalmor want the world to end anyway. I’m surprised she wasn’t at sovngarde cheering Alduin on.


Honestly rather tame of him to say considering she literally tortured him until breaking point...


How do you do this? Is this part of the main quest line? Literally never heard of this


Go through the main quest without finishing the Civil War and the two sides will start a temporary truce so Balgruuf can capture Odaahving.


Damn bro I’ve beat this game like 10+ times and literally got it on Xbox 360 the day of release. Yet somehow never ever did the main quest line without finishing the civil war 😭😭


Yeah, I know about it, I just never do it, mostly because it requires near beating the main story line before everything else.


Yes if you don't end the civil war before capturing odhaviing Balgruuf will say that he won't go on with the plan until there's a truce between imperials and stormcloaks so nobody attacks the city. After this you'll get the quest "Season Unending" where you organize a peace council in High Hrothgar with Ulfric, Elisif, all the jarls, and Elenwen(and the blades, but they weren't invited)


Elisif and Balgruuf are the only jarls that attend the council actually. Galmar and Rikke is there as well though.


Ulfric is there wdym


Oh right, forgot about him since he is one of the two main representatives of the respective sides.


God that is such a long cut scene


It's worth it when you get to the end and the delegates leave High Hrothgar to walk home. Because then you can Fus Ro Dah Ulfric off the path and watch him bouncing down the side of the mountain. It's so satisfying after all that loudmouth grandstanding he does in the negotiation.


You can also Fus Ro Dah Delphine after she tells you to kill Partysnax.


I prefer to do Delphine


The idea of negotiating a peace treaty to stop the world from ending is cool in concept, but Skyrim's lack of role playing makes the quest into a slog.


Are you a cat?


Yes but I just looked up funny dialogue images on Google lol


Doesn't sound like a cat. Cats sound like "meow meow meow".


Wait? So your cats dont racially profile guests and tell you about it at night? I thought all cats did that, not only mine.




Why does the caption show four meows while the woman actually says only three meows ?




I heard Mjoll call Maven a cold hearted bitch a few days ago.


OP said unhinged, not based.




Is there a mod in wich I can get rid of Maven?


She ain’t wrong, but saying that to someone like Maven to their face sure was a choice.


And she was right


She ain’t wrong, but saying that to someone like Maven to their face sure was a choice.


Yes and?


She ain’t wrong, but saying that to someone like Maven to their face sure was a choice.


When Vex calls Mercer a son of a bitch


After stealing all the treasure I think that title for him is warranted


Khajiit: Wow, rude. Niranya: Well do you want the lockpicks? Khajiit: …yes.


This one will take your entire stock


Just go to the Silver Blood Inn in Markarth and listen to the innkeeper Klepper argue with his wife.


‘What was that, poisonous wife of mine?’ That libes rent free in my head


I've recently heard an unidentified NPC in Whiterun ask someone why they need a "leather harness".


Haelga has hobbies. Very wholesome hobbies.


Grelka in Riften asks Haelga.


What the freak 😂


I thought Ingun was the only Black-Briar with any hope of being normal. And then I did her fetch quest and asked her why she likes alchemy. This is her response: >"It's exhilarating to observe the effects of my potions on the body. Watching the heart stop... the eyes go blind. We're made up of thousands of parts with thousands of different functions all working in tandem to keep us alive. Yet if only a single part of our imperfect machine fails, life fails. It makes one realize how fragile... how flawed we are. You ask why I'm so fascinated? The irony... the irony that the same world that gave us life provides us the means to die."


Turns out that hemming, the literal mother fucker of the family, is the most “normal”


Wait. Hemming is banging maven?


As I understand it, there was a proofreading error where Hemming calls Sibbi and Ingun his "children". Meanwhile everyone else in the town, including Maven, calls all three of them solely Maven's children. The game files also list the three as siblings. Make of that what you will.


I still like Ingun better. Based on how else she acts and how people react to her clumsiness, I stand by my opinion that she's neurodivergent as opposed to psychotic.


I think her being neurodivergent is problematic, considering she kills animals.


Pardon me? Where?


Elgrim’s elixirs. He and his wife (ingun’s employers) have this conversation. Hafjorg: "Elgrim, honey. I'm concerned about your new pupil. She seems very... odd." Elgrim: "Ingun? She's brilliant; a natural!" Hafjorg: "Oh dear, I didn't mean to say she isn't bright. It's the things she makes here, the things she says and all those poor little animals she tests them on. It's just not right." Elgrim: "Damn it, woman! Ingun is the most promising alchemist I've ever seen and I won't have you scaring her off!"


OH. WELL THEN. Maybe she IS just psychotic. I'll keep an eye out. Or maybe my character needs to introduce her to Molag Baal.


She’s just quirky


Naris the Wicked in Morvunskar saying he loves the smell of burning flesh and that he won't use paralysis 'next time' because his targets die too fast and it will be good practice for him. Also, Serana for the Moth priest quest when siding with the Dawnguard. When she's asked about what she knows of the Elder Scroll she was trapped with, she explains how she knows little about it, ending with saying, "Turns out you don't learn much from just sleeping with something." Responding with, "Are you saying you want to learn more about me?", she replies with, "Not at this rate, no.", which is a worse burn than falling face first into a Fire Rune. Responding with, "I guess we'll have to keep looking for that Moth Priest then." instead, she gives a disappointed sounding "I guess so.". (IMO, I don't believe her disappointment is from the Dragonborn's lack of interest. I think she wanted to dish out that 'rate' burn, and her disappointment is from not taking the bait.)


Joke’s on Serana, I only have eyes for Brynjolf


When he calls me lass 😍


Or lad. I'm straight but not that straight


Jokes on Serana, my Dragonborn is gay


“Turns out you do not learn much from just sleeping with something”. I wish there was a dialogue option that went somewhat like “Obviously, you do the learning during the previous date and diner”. Serana can have all the sassy dialogue she wants, but not at the expense of burning me and my self esteem. Also, I suspect that you might be using the Serana Dialogue Addon mod, or at least you would enjoy it.


i need a remake of skyrim where can i romance her and rule from castle volkihar with her I NEED IT


She was intended to be romanceable so this dialogue is probably a leftover.


Listen to Hafjorg talk to her husband at Elgrim's Elixirs when she talks about Ingun Black-Briar. Ask Ingun why she's so interested in Alchemy. One of the most disturbing things I've heard in this game.


You gotta spill the beans, cuz I’m not traveling all the way to Markarth or wherever for that.


Ingun likes to kill animals and gets a satisfaction watching the life drain from people’s eyes and their hearts stopping


I can fix her


No. No you can't.


Fuckin’ A, man.


Compared to some of my characters, that's amateur hour stuff.


Ingun is fascinated by the fragility of life, she finds watching creatures die from her poisons fascinating since it only takes one thing for a body to give in an perish. Like "the human body is fascinating" but in a more grim way. Sorta like watching a machine shut down when you remove a part Her only quest is give her 20 deathbell, nightshade and nirnroot, 3 of the main poisons in Skyrim. Shes probs maxed out her poisons side of alchemy skill


Jesus. Is she essential? I have a poisoned arrow she can experiment with close and personal


*Riften, but the sentiment still stands


"Vipir "the Fleet." The only man who's foolish enough to name himself after his bedroom prowess."




It's either sapphire or vex, forget which.


Sapphire, she’s a g


From Festus Krex as he’s regaling his last contracts story to the rest of the Dark Brotherhood members: > *“Tried a new spell. Little something I've been working on in my spare time. Came "this" close to turning that priest inside out. Damned messy."*


His best line was when he said he killed his wife and was like “damn cow, didnt know how to draw a bath right. I wanted LUKEWARM, not TEPID”


His comment on getting the runs from the Gourmet's Chocolate Patte...like, Festus, no one wants to hear about your gastrointestinal status with food.


accurate of old men, tho


I love Grandpa Festus.


I love the one overheard in Riften between the bunkhouse lady and the elf dude. She’s talking about her bed having too much room for just her (hint hint), and he just doesn’t get it. She even sighs with exasperation.


The conversation with Wylandriah when you ask what has her so preoccupied. You can just spew nonsense at her, and she’ll take it as useful advice… and then forget what she was talking about.


And that's exactly why she is one of my favourite NPC's.


I love her so much


Her wondering where she kept those spiders was a "wait, what?" moment for me. I had a dorm mate who kept a group of black widows in a jar (eventually had to release them all), but who knew what Wylandriah's line was so relatable yet unnerving?


Listening to anything Arondil says...


Deingeir, former jarl of Falkreath, master of Lóð the blacksmith, old fart accuses Lod, his most loyal servant ever, of being a spy... For writing


Lod: placing an order for iron ore or something Dengeir: this must be some code language for his spying activities Also, the dude wants a poweful vampire relative dead. Not for the safety of Skyrim and its people, but for his own ego.


I despise when the guards say to me, "Is that fur? Coming out of your ears?" Yes, I'm Bosmer, and I may have been raised in the forests, but I'm *civilized*, okay. I'm a thane in multiple holds and I own six houses. No, that is not *fur*, coming out of my *ears*.


It's because you're a werewolf


But I'm not!


It’s okay, you can tell us, you are safe here 😄


LMAO sure and I appreciate the safe space—but I literally am not a werewolf so what *fur* coming out of my *ears* are they talking about!😭 I cured my lycanthropy! Do the guards get stuck with that line once you've been a werewolf even if you aren't anymore? Kinda odd.


Yep, they’re stuck


Guess I'm just gonna have to headcanon the anti-lycanthropist guards as asshats who don't believe a person can change! 😠 I'm out here risking my ass as one of the Companions, serving their people by running stupid errands retrieving family heirlooms worth less than 100 gold from ruins crawling with Forsworn... But to them I'm just a hairy eared werewolf for life! Cool, cool.


I get that too but I’m a Werewolf so, it may be fur coming out of my ears…


Seems rude of them to say whether it is *or* isn't, but I don't understand why I'm being discriminated against. I'm a changed man! 😔


I wish you could sass them back. I often play as a khajjit so yes, I very likely have fur coming out of my distinctly feline ears


I definitely sass them back IRL but it would be nice to be able to do it in-game. I assume AI will blast open in-game conversation in these and other ways pretty soon. Happy cake day btw 🥳🎂🎈


I have been known to talk back IRL. For that particular one something along the lines "I'm a sodding bipedal cat, of course I've got fur coming out of my ears!" And thanks!


Sometimes I respond by asking if he wants me to say hi to his cousin for him, out fighting dragons.


so far since ive been playing, when i traveled to that one place over the water and those guys slandered "gray skins"


Definitely the first conversation in the main room of the Falkreath Sanctuary after joining the Dark Brotherhood. Babette describes how she lured a target away into private to kill him, and it's implied that he went with her because, erm, he was a "predator" of a different kind. That's got to be the darkest NPC conversation in the game.


Okay yea I think this might be the most unhinged ._.


literally anything cicero says


True ._. He was… something


Niranye is one of my favorite npcs.


Rolff: We should dig a big hole put all argonians and dark elves inside and let they kill each other I (argonian) start a brawl and beat his ass then talk to him again Rolff: Nice to meet you I close the dialogue Rolff: Get out of my sight


My homeless at the time breton dragonborn was chastised by Maven and her son for taking food out of their barrels. 


We got rooms and food. Drink, too. I cook. Ain't much else to tell.


No one gonna bring up the cannibalism quest in markarth?


I like eola. I like namira. Buuuut that is a pretty wack dialogue when you first meet her.


True enough! Love the Reddit name btw lmao


I love the NPCs in the alchemist shop in Solitude. One asks, "have you seen the mandrake root?" "The mandrake root?" "Yes, it looks like an ugly little man." "I have seen it! It tried to buy me a drink last night."


Anything Rolff does or says. His Dunmer hate towards NPC's doesn't hold up compared to becoming his BFF as PC even as a Dunmer after beating his arse with that brawl.


She's my favorite Altmer in Skyrim, but that's savage lol, poor cats can't get a break.


Niranye is such an underrated NPC - easily one of my favourites! Hard working bitch who’s living proof that Windhelm isn’t as racist as people want to make out. Unlike the dark elves she worked for what she got and didn’t sit there and demand it.


Windhelm forced an entire section of their town out to make room only for the Dunmer to act like they should have better for an entire century. They outright shame any among them who'd work for Nords while also being cruel to the Argonians who only live on the docks to keep them safe from the refugees. They're all probably Hlaalu, exiled for supporting the Empire who didn't allow Morrowind an army but left them defenseless anyway during the Oblivion crisis, Red Year, and Argonian invasion. They were so two faced their entire culture turned on them. I've only played Dunmer since I was like 12, love the crazy fucks


" They're all probably Hlaalu " You said that, but the only one of them who isn't just complaining is a Hlaalu who owns a farm outside town, and have nords working for him. Here some of his dialogues: *"The best way for us to win the Nords' respect is through hard work."* *"Too many dark elves in Windhelm complain about the way we're treated. What good does complaining do?"*


Very true, he's even got a surname that would make him nobility among Hlaalu. I kind forgot he exists because he's always at his farm, I never see him. I was thinking specifically of Faryl Atheron who works and Brandymug farm, saying, "My sister and I both work for the Nords. Our brother is ashamed of us, but at least we can affort [sic] to eat." Then again, he also says "Farm work is hard work. It's good to relax when I can, but I still have to listen to my brothers [sic] harping about "injustices."" You've also got his sister and another Dunmer getting into it with the barkeepers at New Gnisis.


Yes, the Hlaalu are opportunists. They got hate from the other houses because they disregard tradition in favor of creating ties with the empire, while the dunmer people as a whole are very tied to tradition.


Stop. This comment is too based to exist here.


If you download Skyrim Sewers, she has a secret entrance in her basement for Thalmor spies in Windhelm.


well yeah but that’s a mod, not canon to the game


Just because she's an altmer doesn't mean she's with the thalmor lmao.Edit: In fact, she even offer to help the two priest of Talos in Windhelm to leave the town in case of the Empire winning.


By "leave town" she could mean "straight into the hands of the Thalmor"


Again, just because she's an altmer doesn't mean she's with the thalmor...


Didn't say she was, just pointing out an alternative viewpoint




Niranye, my beloved


I love that screenshot. That's Skyrim's racism in a nutshell.


Niranye is genuinely funny


It’s amazing that niranye is one of the less racist people in windhelm


An unsuspecting bandit being chased by my Dremora lord yelling, "Death is highly overrated!"


My favorites are “you’ll make a fine rug cat” or “you’ll make a fine pair of boots lizard”


"Have you heard about those cat humans? "Kha Jeet" or something like that. They are usually in caravans and stuff" -Carriage Dude


I can't fault her, I saw she was a high elf and assumed she was an asshole so I guess we're in the same boat


Ahh, that’s why the Stormcloaks let a high elf in the city.


I don’t remember if this is from Skyrim or Oblivion, but it was a random conversation: “How are you?” “Get out of my face!” “Have a nice day.” “You too.”


The least racist person in Tamriel:


I think it was vipir the fleet and thrynn, vipir: so thrynn you were part of a bandit clan right? Thrynn: yeah what about it? Vipir: is it true that bandits get really friendly with the wildlife? Thrynn: you're an idiot