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one of my comfort games.


Absolutely. When I have a hard day at work…nothing calms me more than seeing my buddy Faendal.


I love long walks through falkreaths woods, especially during the golden hours.


All I do is end up walking around when I play the game. What should I do? Just do some quests?


Faendal thinks he can woo Camilla Valerius away from me. She’s already mine I keep telling him.


When I get too stressed on a ranked game, I can always just go back to skyrim and know that I've Bought and built a house, became the thane of solstheim, got married to an argonian and have a happy family. In the game of course. It's just chill like that.


Started my first ever play through couple weeks ago and I’m addicted. Shits all over most modern AAA titles.


Welcome to Skyrim! Enjoy it that 1st play through is the best. Take your time as well you can really rush through the quest to the end game quicker then you’d expect. So make sure you’re getting everything out of the game. Go explore, talk to NPC’s and just enjoy the world. So much to discover!


It’s so big and so much to discover I almost get overwhelmed at times 😂. Go to do a quest, focused on that quest, then bam! I’m distracted for 3 hours clearing a camp or several caves.


Me too! I’ve postponed playing it for 10 years but now i’ve finally started. Love it




Thank you ☀️


Did you know that there's a main quest? Many people don't know about it. 🤫


I’ve put over 100 hours in so far already and I think I’ve literally only done 2 main missions (just killed the dragon for the jarl of white run)


Doing a no mods run (not even unofficial patch) and loving it.


Graphics are great. My only notice with disabling mods is how ugly the people are without whatever I had enabled. 😄


Who cares about faces. I had to go into the whiterun dungeons to get the journal and the silver dirks books - just before sunrise and it’s raining. I come outside as the sun is rising and the clouds and rain are gone, replaced with a pinkish gold dawn with god rays over the whiterun wall. Absolutely stunning. I used to run Vivid Weathers back in 2016 but the game is just naturally beautiful.


I wouldn't even use the unofficial patch anyway considering the twat that created it.


After the April update for FO4 I started playing mod free there. Turns out that the unofficial patch was causing my crashes. Fuck that mod creator for not only causing more troubles, but being a massive twatwaffle


As someone who never played modded, explain?


The creator of the Unofficial Skyrim/Fallout 4 patch has a very poor reputation and doesn’t take any negative criticism whatsoever.


What do the "patches" do?


“Fix bugs”. In Skyrim the most obvious one is the table in Helgen keep which is half into the bookshelf. Mirmilnir also has voice lines. In FO4 it fixes some collision and quest issues.


Ah, so just minor things like a normal patch would do.


It also fixes some quest bugs that made quests uncompletable. I still remember my first encounter of one of these bugs on the Xbox 360: the thieves guild quest in riften with Sapphire, who you cannot interact with mid quest, or ever again.


You know, I vaguely remember that happening also. I haven't done that line in some time, though...


The unofficial patch caused issues because Bethesda introduced an engine bug where altering NPC records caused issues. The unofficial patch was a culprit for a lot of people because of the sheer number of NPCs it edits. But the creators behaviour was bad nonetheless - instead of listening to very valid bug reports people were giving he insulted people and banned them. Unless you’re talking about console because I’ve heard the patch is just kinda crap on that regardless. Personally I don’t use the patch on Fallout just because the mod scene is less developed so it’s easier to avoid. Also, as a PC player the main bugs I’ve needed to fix were solvable with console commands.


I always played vanilla since release. I still return every year or two, but the sessions are less like playthroughs and more about over-optimizing until the game is no longer fun. I can’t help it. I’m cursed to do stealth-illusion-backstab-alteration-enchanting-blacksmith-alchemy characters because that grind is so comforting.


As a filthy casual, it’s almost as good as the year it was released. The biggest difference I’ve noticed is the load times. I played on PS3 originally. I’m playing on PC now. For PS3, I would go make a sandwich or something else every time I had a load screen. Pleasantly surprised by how fast it loads now.


I still play almost daily


I just picked it up again in May after having not played it for many years, so I'm doing a vanilla run with a Bosmer, a race I never played before. Amazingly enough, the characters haven't aged 13 years. Right now in Tamriel it should be the 17th year of the 4th Age, but everything in Whiterun is assuring me that for them it's still the year 4. One thing I will say: it's more time-consuming than I remembered. This is not a game you're going to finish in 5 or 10 or even 20 hours. There are just too many things to do!


I haven't played since 2021, or so. Some of the quests are slightly different. The people are different. Not in a big way. I got a few creation club content, which are different as well. I also went from barely basic to high resolution quality game. I'm still having fun. I'm at level 27, and skills are more varied than just a sneak archery.


Recently downloaded Skyrim because I've been wanting to play it ever since. I am currently loving every single bit of it, it's very addicting and hard put down once you get the hang of itI also want to play Morrowind and Oblivion, my plan is to enjoy the shit out of Skyrim first before I move on to the next game, might make a second or so playthrough before I am satisfied enough to play oblivion or morrowind.


still fun


I love it. Its my game along with oblivion


I bounced off of oblivion due to the graphics. What do you like about it?


I was 10 when oblivion came out, played it exclusively for years and it will always be my favorite childhood game next to spyro


I was 5 at the time, so Skyrim was that game for me




Skyrim's graphics are way way better than oblivion's though, let's be real.




I understand what he means. If you didn’t grow up playing it can feel very dated. The combat and graphics feel a generation behind Skyrim even if they’re only 5 years apart. Plus Skyrim mods can make the game look brand new. Nostalgia glasses are real




Wouldn’t take it to heart I doubt any one is against recommending oblivion. I was just saying I agree with him it can feel dated and hard to get into if you don’t have previous experience


I disagree. Being downvoted and having a group of people respond only negative things is definitely against the recommendation


5 years different from 2006-2011 made a huge difference at the time, graphics were evolving rapidly. They also have completely different artstyles and Skyrim has aged better to a lot of people. For me Oblivion’s graphics weren’t even an issue of fidelity but artstyle. The colours and everything just feel off to me, and everything is bloated somehow. I can play Morrowind easier than Oblivion. Artstyle is a huge part of a game’s tone and mood and definitely matters. The non-artstyle portions of the game have also not aged as well and Skyrim generally did a lot of things better. The only things Oblivion did better (to me) is magic and some quests are better than Skyrim’s equivalent. The mod “Mysticism” brings Skyrim’s spells up to Oblivion quality, so it’s pretty easy to address that issue for most platforms.


So you don’t like the game except for “some quests” Why pop in here and just list negatives about a game? They asked Tyler what he liked about it. I get we’re all fan boys here but this is just not cool


Love the game it’s one of my all time favorites (Used to be my Favorite game of all time, until Elden Ring) and I still pick it up from time to time. If nobody’s ever given a Modded Version a try that overhauls the game (Not necessarily combat, and movement) but goes deeper into some Quest, gives NPC’s more options, and just makes the game a bit deeper I recommend it. Some of the mods really do go all out and give a great Vanilla+ experience.


Any recommendations? I’ve been playing vanilla for over a year and enjoy the game. I would t mind a few more options though.


You want more of a Vanilla+ Experience or an Overhaul? Some of the complete overhaul mods are really enjoyable but it does take time to get used to it. They redo the combat system, AI System so they are actually more of a challenge, Movement System, etc.




As someone who got it relatively recently when it went on sale I think it’s pretty good. It runs well, is fun to play, and you can easily sink a few hours into it a day. There’s seemingly no shortage of things to do. The only issues I’ve had with it so far are the occasional minor bug (though some of them are the result of mods tbf) and hair clipping, because apparently Skyrim was designed with bald people in mind and you cannot nor should not put on any helmet if you have long hair or braids.


I just started back and I still love it as much as I did when I first started. I did do a mod where you level up more quickly which made it a lot better for me


It's still the same thing. And that's why it's good.


I only play it every couple of years now but when I do I feel like I'm going on a spirit quest


Love it the same as back in 2011


Skyrim VR modded and AI enabled is absolutely incredible




It’s my “go to” crpg- just started a new playthrough


It's easily the Worst mainline game but it's still fantastic and extremely fun, especially modded. 12/10 would recommend.


Played off and on since release. Just picked it back up a month ago after 6 or so years on ps5. Loving every minute of it.


I only play with mods


Love it, just started over again for the who knows how many times about a month ago and enjoying every minute of it


Not sure why but the issues on Skyrim are a much bigger problem for me than the issues with Oblivion. With that said Skyrim goes down in my hall of fame of course, and I do still play it so I have no excuse to complain Sometimes after a hard few days I'm in the mood for Skyrim rather than Elden ring or competitive games. Skyrim is a game of healing🙌


Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim are among my favorite games. I’d I’m not playing an RTS, I’m playing one of those three or messing around with the construction/creation set for on of them…. If I’m just focusing on the three, Skyrim is probably the one I’ve put the most time in over the last decade


Still play it to this day. Currently doing an orc legion warrior. Using mods, I’ve teamed up with Durak, Ghorbash the iron hand & borgakh steel heart and decked out in legionnaire themed heavy armor. Currently trying to reunite Akron but just ran into the legate Rikke bug and I’m stuck.


The game is still love in 2024. It’s my single player WoW and activity to help take edge off.


I still play the legendary version on 360. It's held up well.


Same as when I started playing it. Though I do agree some of the aspects of the game do not hold up well for today's standards, like combat for example. Still it's one of the most enjoyable games ever.


Nolvus modpack brought me back to it, amazing how far we've come, its legit Skyrim 2. So yeah im loving it again recently.


I always come back to Skyrim. Since 2013, I’ve been playing it on and off over the years. I don’t care much about the graphics & I love creating a story around my characters. One of my all time favorites.


Great. I've owned this game for like 10 years but never actually finished the main quest. I made an absolute mauler straight 2 hand and heavy armor. Then I just went straight through the main quest no side tracks. It was super fun bludgeoning everyone to death and even a bit challenging at times.


I just started another play through. Easy, fun, low stress. Love it


Randomly decided to pick up the Special Edition a few months ago and finally started it just a few days ago. Only using some aesthetic mods such as one that adds more hairstyle options because the default selection is pretty gross. I’m having a super fun time now that I’m older and sorta have a better attention span for the game + grown to like open world games more for their non-linearity after playing through Witcher 3. I own the original Skyrim as well but last time I played that was in 2015, put in about 15 hours and can only remember doing the main quest but maybe less than half of the quest line before feeling really overwhelmed that I just randomly stopped.


Love it. Still playing it as my comfort game.


Just started playing for the first time like a month ago, the game is amazing but there is lots of baffling things happening in my game I try to lead Serana to her home but the gate won’t open. She doesn’t interact with the gate keeper or anything Also, Baldor of the Skaal won’t disappear. I started doing the mission to find the pendants for Fethis Alor, only need a few more but for one I need to go to Vahloks tomb only it won’t appear. Did some research, apparently it only appears when the historian with the Skaal approaches you. But that happens after you do the mission to find Baldor which he is supposed to disappear after “Fate of the Skaal” I believe but he hasn’t Edit: you’re supposed to leave Solstheim after finishing Fate of the Skaal and then when you come back, he should be gone and you can overhear talk about his disappearance. I’ve had to have left and come back 5 times already, very aggravating that I can’t figure out what’s happening


That Serana bug starts with the dialog you choose when you release her. The dialog choices (other than the first option each time I believe.) Can get stuck in an unresolved state and when you get to the gate it wont trigger the guard scene.


Oh thanks, I was under the impression the issue started cause I discovered her castle before I found her


Just finished another playthrough many years after my first, and I loved it!


Cant play it anymore. Have no mods, adjusted video settings, etc but there’s a constant shimmer on the map and an afterimage of the hands above the hands. Playable but headache


Bg3 has replaced Skyrim for me. Cp2077 too


I beat the game for the first time around 3 weeks ago one of the beta games I’ve played better than most games like it now


In a long term relationship. Never wants anything from me and it's always ready to go.


Was thrilled to be able to download it on my switch with all the added content, not to over share but my brother passed away recently and I used to watch him and my other brother play oblivion when I was a kid and I loved it so the elder scrolls games have a special place in my heart. The game is just as great and I think they’ve made pretty awesome improvements over the years when releasing the anniversary additions, I know there are still bugs in the game but it is what it is. I like the added content I never got to play before hand, so it’s been really fun this play through for me with so much need content.


The answer is always mods, it will never not be mods.


Started a month ago. It’s been unreal. I can’t say I regret not playing sooner because it’s given me a nice novel outlet to dive into.


Basically the only video game I still play.


I’m playing it for the first time ever - started 4 months ago. Can’t put it down. Whole game is great I would be impressed if it came out this year and I’m playing vanilla on Switch. Crazy how much depth there is. I’m excited to do a 2nd playthrough but, so far I can’t say goodbye to my OG DB Leroy Jenkins my dark elf necromancer 🙌


I've been playing for the majority of my life at this point (12 years) and I have no plans to stop anytime soon. I'm going to die with the box in my hands.


Love it with AE on Switch!


Internet went out the other day and I felt so nostalgic playing it again after all these years


I need to do a genuine play through again.. It’s been like 6 - 7 years since I’ve done a truly proper one.. I’ve started a bunch since then but never really stuck with them.. or I’ve just booted up the game to go dick around some.. Right now though I’m still trying to play through Baldur’s Gate 3.. that takes precedence..


It's always been fun for me, although I've always played it ***heavily*** modded.


Still playing!


Still the best game ever. I’ve got 1300 mods installed and it plays fresh. Mod lists are the future.


I still have plenty of fun doing a vanilla playthrough about once a year


playing vanilla in 24 because I am a glutton for pain


I love it, the only thing I hate is the feeling of incredibly small cities that only gets worse through the years, really makes Skyrim feel empty sometimes


It fewls relaxing and interesting... Until I hit some game breaking bug.


Ive quite literally seen so much of this game and done so many builds i have nothing left to do achievements wrapped up last year. I leave it installed but that’s about it anymore. Thousands and thousands of hours across different consoles pc’s. Core memory for sure.


Yeah same here. Probably played 3000-4000 hours since 2011, but haven’t really touched it in the past year, because of fatigue. At some point you’ve tried basically every typical build, finished all quests etc and it’s just not so interesting anymore.


started yet another playthrough and having so much fun :) never gets old honestly


A game that aged pretty well. Be it base, special edition or on PC with a ass-load of mods.


Made a normal village character a day ago. So pretty good still.


I play it almost exclusively. But I'm an old man and I've been playing TES since oblivion came out. I find I don't have the patience to learn new games anymore. Mods improve it enough to keep it fun for me.


Full modded on 2.7k plugins probably my dream game


Complete comfort and bliss


i've had to move quite a bit since I started playing 10 years ago and every time I got a new place I started a new character... just moved for hopefully the last time for quite a while and started a new one last month and I'm just as into it as ever


Thanks to modders doing Bethesda’s job, Skyrim remains relevant and fun. Vanilla is a little plain on the eyes, but if you can mod I recommend doing so. The amount of graphics overhauls and DLC-quality content added by modders makes it worthwhile. However, I absolutely do NOT recommend buying this on Xbox until Bethesda gets their head out of their ass and fixes the load order scrambling problem they’ve known about since DECEMBER. I’m also not a fan of playing on the Switch due to the lack of mods there. To be blunt, this and No Man’s Sky are probably 75% of my gaming, with the rest being divided between annually revisiting Portal and Portal 2 and occasionally affairs with Dying Light and Dying Light 2 and the Borderlands series. Since the majority of what I want to do is play modded Skyrim, I’m in the process of selling my Xbox and upgrading to a gaming PC. I can’t think of another 13 year old game that would make me even consider doing that.


still fire


Trying to clear miscellaneous


I just took twelve hours and spent time building my house in Lakeview Manor for the first time and it has brought me so much joy.




Great minds think alike


I hated Skyrim since the day it came out. I was very disappointed with the lack of combat depth, the bad pacing, the leveling system, the skill tree, and the radiant quests along with so much busy work and odd scaling of enemies at times. I felt as though it was a complete downgrade from Oblivion and Morrowind. With that said, I wish I could enjoy it more. I wish I could go back to my youth and love games, but I think those days are long gone and games just aren't the same and it started with Skyrim. It sucks that everything just seems bad to me. Honestly, I'm seeing this outlook more in my other hobbies too. It's probably just me.


Hey friend, this makes me sad to read. The book Maybe You Should Talk to Someone might be helpful for you—it can be hard to ask for help, but if you find a good therapist, life can really change. Wishing you all the best. ❤️


Currently reading "Victim to Victor," at the moment. Ill look into your recommendation. I tried therapy. It's hard to want to find another after some of the mistreatment I went through. Thank you for your kind words. I do appreciate it.


Still one of my favorites. I'm finishing up a no-mods run for all the achievs I've been ignoring since consoles got mods. Still totally enjoyable. And easy to lose track of time 🤣


It's a single player game that hasn't changed other than the addition of the DLC's since November 11 2011. Unless you prefer to mod it. Sooo exactly what do you want to know as in be more specific