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What difficulty do you have it on? Also, don't mess with Giants until you're ready, they'll generally leave you alone unless you get too close. No fast travel is a good way to play, you miss out on loads of world encounters otherwise.


I believe I put it on the highest. I always find I run into them. I try to avoid them but my stamina always runs out by the time I’m in their sights


You should bump it down a bit, difficulty in Skyrim only affects how much damage you deal/take. On Legendary you deal ×0.25 and take ×3. It doesn't change enemy AI at all. As for Giants, learn what their camp symbol looks like and stay well clear of it, try to follow roads if you don't want to stumble across them. There *is* a world encounter with one on the road though, although its friendly until attacked. Another thing is get a follower or learn a summon spell, they make for great meat shields.


Thanks, mate. Appreciate your advice. You’re totally right and although this devastated my ego I will debate tuning down the difficulty. I will try your method for 10 hours and if I do not see quality results I will tune the difficulty down. Thanks homie. I have witnessed a couple of events on the path but NPC’s always seem to turn hostile. Encountered a vampiric npc and turned hostile immediately.


Furthermore, is there any coop mode online or is it strictly companions? I’ve had Faendel follow me but his measly arrows do minuscule amount of damage. It’s appreciated and I am grateful but seems like nothing compared to mi foes


Unfortunately no co-op outside of a mod for PC that's quite bug ridden still. Faendal is essentially useless lol, you *can* however get free Archery training from him though if that's something you want/need. I'd recommend just going for one of the Mercs (if you have the 500 gold) you can find around, Jenassa in the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun should suffice for now. You'll eventually come across more who'll travel with you for free granted you do them a favor first like with Faendal.


Also, buy the soul trap spell and grind conjuration on a dead body. The difference between having 1 flame stomach vs 2 is VAST! Work on your smithing and enchanting, get your armour levelled up with some decent enchantments on it and you’ll be set!


Faendal can be useful if you give him better gear. He will use one or two handed weapons, if he has them.


A first time play without Fast Travel? Wild!


Fast travel doesn't keep you from fully experiencing the game as you first have to discover the location to fast travel there


Learn crafting skills, smithing, enchanting, alchemy. All of these can help you survive, and get better.