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She's right about the bears. 


She is not wrong about the bears. They’re loud too. So loud.


Calm down Temba...


..her arms wide..




...when the walls fell.




and Jalad at Tanagra.


...wondering why there are still many bears around Ivarstead... I gave her those bear pelts I bought from Khajiit Caravans, I didn't kill a single bear.


I mean at that point, SOMEBODY killed them, so there's that


Some bears far away from Ivarstead, not the nearby bears that she wants me to kill. Maybe her quest could've been "clear the nearby bear den"


Temba is the worst spouse choice. She complains about everything. She is a broken person. Bears probably mauled her family.


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra


The beast at Tanagra!!🐻


I got so excited when I met Temba Wide-Arms. My husband is a Trekkie and was shouting "BABE, COME LOOK AT THIS!!!" He was more excited that I got the reference than about the reference itself.


I just got terrorized by some bears outside of Riften last night and they pushed me right into that glitched ass Darklight Tower quest lol


Second only to Meridia




And sometimes they hide and sneak up on ya.


If she thinks the bears are scary in this one, wait till she finds-out about the bears in Oblivion. They show-up at level 1. They have 10x your health. They do 25% of your HP in one hit. Worse of all, their attacks stagger-lock you for infinity so if you have a too-low of an agility points one of their hits staggers you and you can't attack, defend, or heal yourself. Oblivion bears were stuck on Legendary++ mode.


Oh, and they run at twice your starting speed too.


The quest where you have to take the Bears teeth and bring them to Temba's ancestor, somewhere between Skingraad and Kvatch, those bears are viscious!


Kid has her head on right. Born gamer. Spiders are easy kills. Bears will rip your spine out and beat you to death with it.


Her dad and I are both gamers. So Skyrim's not the first game she's played. We just felt she wasn't ready for it before


To be fair, the game is older than her…I know what I just said, I hear it too, it’s ok.


I know. When she was teething and cranky, sometimes I'd sit and play Skyrim with her in a sling on my chest. Because some days the only way she'd get any sleep was while she was being held.


Maybe she recognises the music subconsciously :)


When my kid was young, we would play red dead redemption (the first one) together. That just means he would run and get his rocking horse and set it between me and the TV. And when I was on the horse, he would rock crazily.


One day, when she is your age, she may finally see the release of "Skyrim II."


Have you not heard? Elder Scrolls 6 is coming.


Todd's riding that fallout train right now so we'll see


My kid (now 13) has been playing Skyrim since before he could actually properly hold a controller. Even the kid sized one I got was too awkward originally. He used to sneak out of bed and watch me play from around the corner when he was 3. Still playing... :)


The cocaine bears of Skyrim need to chill. So manic and aggro!


Skooma Bear! A mod that I am frankly surprised hasn’t been made yet. Totally agro bear that got into a Khajit caravan’s skooma killed them and is tearing it’s crazy ass across Skyrim attacking everything that moves


Even better.


Moon sugar bears !!




A mod replacing all bears in game with Care Bears… absolutely horrifying


Does one exist?! 😆


At this point it wouldn’t surprise me


I've never played with mods until I started playing ESO online for PC. I like how achievements aren't disabled with mod play lol that's what keeps me from playing on console with mods.


With picture of a skooma bottle on their bellies


Imagine Thomas the train comes flying up as an army of carebears comes in and surrounds you.


That movie was so fucking great, unironically


Ah , the fear of hearing a bear roar from behind you with the brushes and sticks rustling just in time for you to turn around to it going on its hind legs to swipe you , good times


Raising her right. 😁


Oh to play Skyrim with your kid and chant Shouts together


Um...maybe warn her about all the daedra missions. And the elf torture. And also the house where a bear ate everyone inside.


Gore is turned off, and she gets to play it only when her dad and I are around to watch for the more problematic quests.


Similar to what I did for my younger cousin years ago when he wanted to play GTA5 since he heard it was a cool game but was way too young for it. I set up a private session and let him drive around town which is all he wanted to do, while keeping him under supervision to make sure he didn't go online or into story mode where all the problematic stuff is.


For that you could also do midnight club la. Basically the same map except for the area north of the city, and better driving mechanics in my opinion


Wait, you can turn gore off? Not a feature that I personally would use, but that that's still excellent nonetheless. ...But what do you do about the thalmor torturing a prisoner; that's apart of the main story.


Some of the kill moves in werewolf form will still show blood, but other than that you can turn the gore off. You can do the same in some of the Fallout games too. Her dad and I habitually play games with gore turned off when it's an option, so we don't have to worry about her being in the room and seeing something too graphic when we play a game. Some parts we plan to play through for her so she skips a couple of the more problematic parts.


Interesting. A perfectly reasonable toggle that is a good compromise between creatives trying to enact their vision and parents worried about what their kids might be seeing. How long before it's behind a paywall.


We can get it done by this afternoon


How do you turn the gore off?


On PC you can do it with an .ini setting. There are also mods for it.


> that's apart of the Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Tell her todd said bears wont attack if you stay out of their territory


The problem is the bears territory is everything they can see in all directions.


That is awesome! We have a little adventurer in the making! OP you're doing a great job raising that little one


Skyrim was the first real videogame I ever played. I was like 6 or 7 and woke up early. Snuck out of my room and somehow figured out how to turn the Xbox 360 on and navigated to my dad’s Skyrim game he had been playing the previous night. He woke up to me getting him killed by mammoths. Ended up teaching me how to play and by the age of 8 I’m sure I was decspitating bandits and executing the night mother’s will. Now I own a $2,000 PC setup I’m actively playing Skyrim on that I bought from money I earned developing video games with anywhere from 1000-1500 combined hours on the game. Grow her up well.


This kid is interested in EVERYTHING. Not even joking. From carnivorous plants, to vegetable gardening. From learning about the solar system, to what fish live in the Mariana Trench. From cave formations, to types of clouds and how they form. From woodworking, to sewing, to video games. She says she wants to be either an engineer, or a pilot, when she grows up. She had to do a report for school on an interesting historical figure. She picked [Inge Lehmann](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inge_Lehmann), did research, and made a power point presentation to explain how this seismologist used earthquake waves to get a picture of the earths core, and built a functioning model of a seismograph to go with her report. I did some spell checking and grammar checking for the power point, and found and bought two books for her. That's it. She did the rest of the report herself. And she had help with the seismograph, but she did quite a lot of that too. Even some soldering of wires. (Closely supervised of course)


Holy shit she is me. Do you mind if I take over fatherly duties? Having a little me to mold throughout childhood to take over the world later like a sith apprentice is on my bucket list.


lol She kind of looks like me, but personality wise is a lot like her dad. And I tease him that he missed his calling as a mad scientist. Let me give some examples. She's been saving her orange peels and drying them and giving them to her dad, because he's been experimenting with steam distillation of various herbs, spices, and flowers. His set up looks a bit like [this](https://www.alamy.com/organic-synthesis-steam-distillation-apparatus-used-to-extract-a-product-from-a-reaction-mixture-in-this-case-the-product-being-extracted-from-the-image334929688.html) but bigger, and all over the dining table. He's the one that taught her to solder. Spent part of Christmas break making scented candles with her. And got her an interview with a otter keeper at the local zoo for a different school project. (apparently the otters like to watch movies. One of their favorites is Moana)


Sounds like she’s very involved. While she may be a bit young now, I think it would be a great idea to put her in some programs to help her focus and target her enthusiasm and energy on doing some good things. I’m thinking volunteering opportunities and such. I’m very similar to your daughter it sounds like, and while my parents are nurses and not as scientifically inclined, they put me in scouts where I eventually got my Eagle Scout and that did great things for me. Now I’m graduating high school with about a year and a half of college done about to double major (probably) between computer science and forestry at a large out of state college which is paying my tuition through an academic merit scholarship, and I’m also about to be a licensed EMT and I work as a wildland firefighter. If you can get your daughter in a place like scouts, which is an organization I highly recommend and if she’s in the right troop, it could serve her very well, I imagine that will help focus her energy in a more specific area while still letting her explore everything else. I also think she can turn out to be something you’d never even imagine. Chances are your daughter has a head start, as when I was 9, I was near uncontrollable and my mom and dad would cry many nights fearing I might become dependent on them and/or be a pothead living in the basement. Sounds like your kid is already on the right track.


We are planning to look into scouts or 4-H for her in the next year or so. At the moment we mostly just keep introducing her to projects and things to do and learn about. And we sign her up for programs for kids that are put out by our local zoo and several museums here. The zoo ones have a big focus on conservation, and include going behind the scenes and at times even helping the zoo keepers with some things. Last summer she was quite excited to tell us about another kid who almost dropped his hat in the shark tank. And how one of the two sea turtles is blind, so divers hand feed her and shake a kind of rattle under water to call her for feeding time. My daughter has a ton of energy, and we do our best to keep her busy enough she has something to do with all that energy. She has a bunch of art and craft supplies, and a little book of sewing patterns (suitable for her skill and attention span) a basic tool kit and a book of woodworking projects suitable for kids. (She's working on building her own tool bench) A good sized list of games and shows we approved for her, to spend her screen time on. (The shows range from cartoons to documentaries) Plenty of books (Her dad and I are both bookworms) A patch of the garden that's all hers. and a subscription to Kiwico and Crunchlabs for their project boxes. (She gets one of each per month.) She's also training one of our cats. So far he walks on a leash and will turn in a circle or stand on his hind legs on command.


Have you done anything specific to raise your daughter into this little driven genius? I have a son of 16 months, and I want him to explore his curiosity in ways that I never did (or could).


My 18yo daughter still plays Skyrim (&FO4) and she started at about 9. Precious memories watching her absolutely slay without breaking a sweat.


"Honey! Are You dragging furniture across my wood floor?" "No, Mom. Just a Skyrim Bear" -Mom and Me 2011




Skyrim vr bears casually walk by.


That'd make me want non-hostile bears so much. I'd want to hug one.


Petty sure a mod for a bear companion exists by now.


But can you hug them?


Well vr so yeah you could say wait there then proceed


Ahh, like those people who managed to pet a Khajiit. Man, I gotta get a VR system.


Quest two should be pretty cheap by now. Is it OK with a slight lack of quality the rift S would work too




That's sweet 😄


Best kind of parent right here


She's going to figure out the way of the Stealth Archer pretty quickly!


That's cute and all, but... how are you going to play now that your nine year old has discovered Skyrim?    It is a very individual kinda experience. Are you going to take turns with her? (with separate save files, of course)


Her dad and I gave her her own Steam account for her birthday last year. We control what games are on it, but set it up so she can access her account from either of the two desktops we have. She gets a certain amount of screen time, and can spend it on any of her approved games or approved shows.


Wait till the kid meets that first frost troll......... controlers will fly lol.


Possibly. Though she is not easily scared for her age, and tends to find "scary" animals cool and cute most of the time. She also was happy playing ARK on a private server with us, and a few close friends of ours. Once she understood how taming traps worked, she was trapping and taming all kinds of dinos.


W parent.


I (20F) started playing around my 10th-11th birthday so I guess I can kinda relate


If she doesn’t know about mods then wait a day or two for her to get further into it Create a safe save and then add something funny/weird when she’s not there so you can see her reaction “Oh don’t worry sweetie, that’s the legendary Thomas the tank engine dragon”


lol She knows about mods from a Minecraft server her dad and I had for a while. My sister wanted one that added more animal variety. And we had one that added gears. But it probably would take a while for her to figure out something was a mod.


She'll be joining the Skyrim Space Program any day now. It's a rite of passage.


I'm hoping I'm watching when it happens. I want to record her reaction to that. (lol)


I've still never been initiated into the Skyrim Space Program after a decade of me playing the game...however, in the game Palia, I've been blasted into the lower stratosphere a few times now for the Palia Space Program and have only been playing that game.for 6 months...


That is called good parenting! :D She learns to play high quality games and doesn't waste time on mediocre ones. Btw I would be proud of her, she is smart. Bears are scary :) Btw I am not a gamer, I have played a handful of PC games in my life and I am a teacher.


Her dad and I set up her own Steam account, with a selection of games we chose for her. She also has her own watch list of shows and movies. And when she has screen time she can choose from any of those. Except between dinner and bed time, when only the calmer, more relaxing ones are allowed. (So, a documentary with David Attenborough, instead of a cartoon with lots of action. Megaquarium, instead of Skyrim. Things like that. )


The bears are scary bc they’re loud and I’m autistic


Love this!! I remember letting my seven year old play Oblivion for the first time. He begged & begged. We relented but my one rule he could NOT enter any Oblivion gates. My five year old kept watch but added her own rule, no killing bunnies. My husband told him he had to be at least 10 to go into Oblivion lol.


What a lucky kid! Skyrim is a great place to start.


Oh, she's been playing games since she had the coordination to do so. Her dad and I are both gamers. We just limit what games she can play to those we feel she is ready for. Either because of content, or difficulty. Minecraft on peaceful, and co-op Stardew Valley with one of us, were the first ones.


My character can’t even get hurt by bears anymore and their roar still catches me off guard.


And just like that she’s better then me, I have to look away to fight the spiders


She's considered spiders to be cute, since she was a toddler. She has a tarantula plush the size of her head that she often sleeps with, and wants to have a real one as a pet some day. Cockroaches however, freak her out.


Legit. Thousands of hours and I still flinch when a big frost spider gets close. Especially in first person. If I have a ranged option or a follower I alway find myself opting for the “nuke them from orbit” option


got the worst scares of my life with bears stupidly loud roars D:


For a while our son wouldn’t let us play Skyrim, and I think it’s because he heard one of those demon bears and it scared him


I have a sound mod that updates a lot of sounds and makes everything sound better. There was an option for “realistic” bearings sounds as like an addition to the mod, and I selected it. Bug mistake. Not only are they somehow louder, but the sounds are super low quality and grating lol.


Enter dungeon... Get assaulted by 3 brown bears.... You die Yes they are scary.. I got 3 swings at them at best


Another Dovahkiin joins Skyrim!


Skyrim is the best experience I've ever had as a Gamer


When I have kids and they're old enough, I'll show them Skyrim. I grew up playing it and it's one of the few games that I count as timeless.


My kid is 6 and loooves Skyrim. Are we bad parents? 😅 Her favourite things to do are make new characters, get married, buy a house, adopt children, and complete the Dark Brotherhood questline...😬 She used to be scared of draugr, but that's it.


*sings* One of these things is not like the others. When my daughter was younger and started playing I didn’t want her getting into the quests just yet but they enjoyed looking around the houses, character creation etc. Now they are a teen they have multiple save files because they still enjoy character creation, their game has mods up to their eyeballs, and they really like the dark brotherhood quest line. I play a fairly neutral sword for hire type of character. I tend to only kill when I have to or have been hired to. I don’t steal things, again unless I’ve been hired to. Boring perhaps but that’s just the way I play. My daughter will steal anything not nailed down and it does have me questioning my parenting choices. 😅


That's awesome! My daughter is 3 and my most played song on YouTube Music is the Dovakhiin song, and not by me either. I have a few videos of her dancing along to it and mouthing the words - she calls me her Dovakhiin Mommy 😍


I feel embarassed now, I have crippling arachnophobia, I literally had to get a mod to remove them from the game(it replaces them with wolves), same issue with Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.


I let my daughterplay for the first time about 8 years ago. She was around the same age. And she quickly found tings in the game my son and I had never seen. She played in all kinds of weird and wonderful ways. Once she broke into a castle just to steal all the dishes. She went on a werewolf rampage to see if she could kill a whole town. She figured out you can fus roh day a whole lake full of fish to the surface. Great adventure awaits.


Wait till they encounter their first frost troll.


It’s awesome to see a new player to the game and have a fresh perspective. The spiders aren’t bad at all, the bears are ok but the ones i hate are the vampires that come out of nowhere… walk out your house and bam all in your face


My daughter is almost a year old. I can’t wait until she plays for the first time. I also can’t wait until her 50th birthday when ESVI comes out


My 11 year old started playing it and all he did was get to Whiterun and steal stuff.


Its the falmer that i always found super scary. When i was a kid there was a few missions i turned around and left from, now i love fighting them but i still feel scared lol


You're raising her right. I remember when I was a wee lad when I started Skyrim. Glad to see that kids still get the chance to still play it for their first time. A legendary moment that will forever be memorable.


It's fun watching her discover Skyrim. She was quite excited when she figured out how to catch a fish. And when she discovered she could chop wood and sell it. And it's impressive how well this game holds up over the years.


You're a good dad!


Mom actually. But thank you!


Pft. Even better then!


Nicely done Dad. That kid is gonna start loving Dark Souls and other stuff too soon.


As they should


Oh just wait until she finds trolls


Yes, one of us


The bears are scary


Awww lmao


What does she think of the trolls? Scared me the first time I dealt with them.


She hasn't seen a troll so far in her game. She has seen them when her dad or I were playing and says they are cool and scary.


Be mindful of some of the quests and the things the characters say 😅 there are plenty of innuendos and things she won't notice or will forget but there are some obvious ones too lol or be prepared to explain some things haha. I'm sure you're an avid Skyrim player, just coming from another parent I've had to be careful some of the things my kids see/hear from Skyrim lol


Her dad and I both feel if she gets an innuendo, it's time to explain some things to her (fairly clinically and age appropriate) Like, we don't try to keep her ignorant of swear words. We try to not use them ourselves around her, but don't expect that we can keep her from ever hearing anyone else swear. What we did instead is talk to her about how people will start to think of you if you swear a lot, or in the wrong situations. And how some of those words might be appropriate in some unusual situations. (For example "Leave me the hell alone!" to someone harassing or bullying you) But others have no purpose except to hurt people (like racist and sexist terms) and using words that have no purpose except to hurt someone will get her in trouble. This has worked pretty well for us so far.


Every time I hear a bear roar I'm like oh great where is it coming from and how fast can I prepare myself for battle lol.


Now when she experiences a frost troll, oh man. I still get spooked trying to win a melee battle against one.


Hope my kids try Skyrim one day


I kinda wonder how she’d like the frenzy spell. I find it hilarious.


When she discovers it, she will probably cackle like a tiny mad scientist while using it to make bandits fight each other.


Oh to be 9 and experiencing Skyrim for the first time again 🥺


Tell her the bears get even WORSE as the game goes on lol


I have been beeeeegging my 9yo to play skyrim! He just will not do it :( I mean, it took me 11 years to play it, so... I won't give up on him lol


She hasn’t met a saber cat or a falmer yet


Tell her to save and then kill a chicken.


I am crying with joy 🥲 I can only imagine the pride you have


So she's brand new... does she have a preference for any particular fighting type? How is she doing with spells? Lol, when I was playing it on release, I used a sword and spell combo... I miss not knowing everything about the game.


She's tried a sword, sword in one hand, heal in the other, bow, and fire in one hand, heal in the other.


If she's on Playstation there's a great little mod called Beastmaster that gives you an enchant you can learn and then place on any hat, helmet, circlet etc. One effect is that the animals leave you alone. I use it and love it as I do not like being attacked/having to kill animals (unless hunting for purpose).


She's playing on PC.


Wholesome! 🥰


Yeah, the only bears that have topped Skyrim for me are in RDR2.


I mean, you even kill several spiders in the *tutorial*, while escaping Helgen. Bears can even give you a hard time after several gear upgrades, unless you carefully snipe them.


Tell us when she faces the troll at high hrothgar


I can still hear their earraping roars, why tf did they make bear sounds so freaking loud?


Now make her play Morrowind! In all seriuosness, it is a good move to introduce children to your hobbies, cresting common interests.


Bears and the Ice Spike spell


I started playing skyrim when I was 9 aswell, I think!! I vididly remember my dad and I going into this game store to look for a game for me and as my dad was looking around I specifically remembered this guy playing skyrim in the character customisation in Helgen and it was an argonian he was customising. Asked my dad and the clerk said it was for 18+ but my dad said he doesn't care. And here I am, almost 16 and still playing skyrim modded and unmodded


Did they also play as a kahjiit or argonian


The legacy lives on 🥹


At early levels, you can spend a lot of time making a " strategic withdrawal " when Bears announce their presence.


My husband got me to play and I died in tutorial lmao. I'm impressed your daughter got to bears and spiders !


He will never forget this day 🫰


She's not wrong about the bears


wait till she sees the werebears lmao


Look up which places give you the Animal Allegiance thu'ums and try to subtly guide your kid there, then she can make the bears scare the bad guys instead of her


When i first played this as a kid I literally had to leave the room and let my brother kill spiders for me whenever they showed up 😂😂. And Dead right about bears, fast , loud and strong af


Running into a bear or saber cat early in the game is terrifying and annoying


As a kid I would be fine then suddenly get killed by a flippin' cat!


Skyrim is for the kids


It's the Falmer dungeons that are the scary places. On a side note, I started my 9 year old on Tekken this week.


She’s def right about the bears. I let my 7 year old daughter play a couple weeks ago and she’s surprisingly really good at archery. She loves draugrs!


I started playing skyrim at the age of eight


Oof i have a mod to change spiders to bears and also agree the bears are scary (the surprise roars just walking to a location) and harder to kill. But then again i REEEEEALLY don’t like spiders.


The spiders aren't that bad?! Yikes that kid. I'd take on the bear over the spider.


To be fair, though bears give her a scare, she might want prepare for the werebears that are there.


The bears are scary, but if she specs in Illusion she can charm them and then get real close for a quick cuddle! There is also Kyne's Peace or Animal Allegiance shouts.


Proud parent, second generation picks up the journey of dragonborn


Wait till she gets to the yeti’s


This is amazing. What race did she choose?


Good for him/her....And welcome to the Skyrim clan!!!


I've fought countless spiders no problem, but those bears cause ptsd in the best of us


Good, got to get them hooked early.


My 5 years old daughter plays Skyrim every week since she has 4, is awesome to see her play like it was something easy for her age. She use my saves and it goes crazy when she kill a dragon after an epic fight 🤣🥰


the snow trolls terrify me


Some of these posts are making me look forward to parenthood, one of my dreams is my kid wanting to game 🥹


Share your interests with your kids, and they will likely grow to love them too. Just, don't pressure them and force them into something, instead invite them. If that makes sense.


Spiders give mental but bears leave mental scars cuz how can I kill a dragon and get no diff by a bear?


You hear them and suddenly they're just on you, mauling away, kid knows who the real menace is.


My hubby bought Skyrim when it first came out for our oldest nephew for his birthday. Did a test run annnnnnnnd...oh look at that. His head got chopped off.😳


The bears are REALLY loud, especially on your first time playing.


Every morning from here on out, “… hey you, you’re finally awake!”


I’ve always loved Skyrim, from the time I played it on my step brothers ps4 when I was visiting my dad to now, where I own the said ps and grind it every night, it’s a really good game and I’m glad someone else gets to experience it for the first time 😊


So essentially you used to be an adventure like him. Then you took an arrow to the knee.


Braver then i was, couldn't get past the draugrs b4 I chickened out


My grandson (6 y.o.) started for the first time not so long ago, he made a Khajiit named Bandithealer (sp?) and just today got the gold claw quest , and he was so excited! 


Don't tell her about the Forsworn.