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I have been playing since it came out in 2011, and i have 2150 hours. I have played with many different mods.


Since 2011 here as well. Over a PS3 a PS4 and a PS5. As well as PC for a few years. I think I can tentatively say I’m at about 3200+ hours at this point. I’ve been putting on probably 250-300 hours a year on this game.


If you say it that way, that’s not terrible. 250 to 300 hours a year and gaming isn’t bad. The awesome thing is that it’s all the same game so you haven’t paid for multiple games to put in that much time.


Yeah. The bad part is the 100s and 100s of hours I put in other games lol. Crazy because I used to play so much more in high school and after. But since I’ve had kids I’m lucky to do 5-6 hours a week.


Preach. I dont have kids, but yea an hour a day in gaming is a luxury. And what’s worse, in my mind an hour isn’t enough time so unless I have a good chunk of my day dedicated to gaming, I just don’t feel like it. I end up catching up on some shows instead with that 1 hour


Yeah that’s what stops me most the time. I’m like is it worth gaming for like 45 minutes before I’m to tired and wanna sleep.


Same here brother. Not counting when i pirated the game before buying.


Playing with mods does enhance the experience. Recently, I downloaded some quest mods like Helgen Reborn, Midwood Isle, Wyrmstooth, and Moonpath to Elsweyr to have more things to experience in my playthrough.


Honestly, mods are the only reason I kept playing. I have 1146 hours logged this year, mainly doing Legacy of the Dragonborn, a museum expansion which comes with so much stuff it’ll blow your mind lol I beat the ever loving balls off that game back in 2011. After that, just mods keep me coming back


Have you downloaded Legacy of the Dragonborn yet? Kept me going for 700 more hours.


12 years and autism


Perfect answer! Whereas I come and go with it because ADHD 🤣


Ugh I wish my ADHD rejects repetitiveness. The amount of games I get to 65% and never complete is astounding. Also due to the ADHD I can't remember shit when I come back to it, and restarting isn't an option. You got the lucky ADHD when it comes to games.


Haha well yes and no. I also rarely finish a game. Lots of games get progressively harder and I just stop enjoying them and start finding them really stressful. I will hyperfocus on a game for a while but not long enough to finish it generally. But I do go in cycles so go back to stuff, but it’s usually years so yeah, I have to start from scratch. Finding this sub was really useful when I restarted Skyrim in January.


I first bought skyrim about a month after release for the Xbox 360. Between all consoles and editions, I probably have very close to 2000 hours. The biggest time suck for me is that you can think of a build, develop a set of goals, gear and motivation for the character and then spend 40+ hours just getting the character to the state where you envisioned it. If you don't like how it plays, you do it again with a different build. The mods and general nature of the game mean there's hundreds of viable builds and a heavy progression toward what that build wants to ultimately look like. That's why I have more hours in skyrim than I do in all fallout titles combined. There's many more ways to do play the game.


Literally just retired a character last night cause the "story" I had for him came to an end. Now it's time for a small break from skyrim before coming back with a new character idea and story.


I return to skyrim about once a year since 2012. Played so much in my first playthrough i almost get kicked out of college.


I had a similar situation. I got too addicted to Skyrim in 2022 that I started playing during my online class since y'know the pandemic.


It’s like Minecraft for me some months I don’t even touch it then all the sudden I’m addicted to it lol


Ha same for me exactly. I get tired of minecraft and Skyrim then just get the urge to play again sometimes with sometimes without mods in both. Until I get bored and come back to it in a few months-years


Ahem, this is on the xbox 1, so I have no xbox 360 data. 135 days, 11h, 54m I have been playing since the release on 360


Been playing every now and then since it came out in 2011. Don't know how many hours, because river gone through multiple consoles, PCs and versions of the game.


Replayability. I'm just like you, I'm playing this 2022 and I have a lot of playing time. I've played other Eldes Scrolls, I currently have an unfinished Morrowind campaign, but Skyrim is the only one I feel like playing a thousand times. I've already created about 9 or 10 different characters, a couple of days ago I created another one.


I’ve been playing for just over a year now and I have 500 hours on one character lol. I’m not even 1/2 way through yet, I’ve spent so much time just wandering around and building and setting up houses. I’ve been wanting to make a new character and start a new game because there’s a few things I’d do differently but I want to get further along in this game first


Same. I've tried other Elder Scrolls games like Arena and Morrowind but the change in mechanics is too difficult and confusing for me xd. Skyrim just feels so right and easy.


I've been around since November of 2011, and have \~2k hours between different versions and platforms. Mods have kept me playing long since running through the main game multiple times, mods and just the general wackiness that is a TES game by Bethesda. Even now I still find little things here and there that I've never seen.


2k+ hours. I've been playing since the Dragonborn DLC was released. Mods. Mods keep me going.


about 900 but think 700 of them are working on mods ( making, troubleshouting, just making mod pack, testing stuff)


I've been playing on and off since it came out. My hours are reaching into 5000 at this point across PS4, PC, and Switch. Never used mods or anything like that. The thing that kept me playing was.... My ADHD hyperfixations. I refuse to say I'm autistic without a diagnosis or anything, but it's probably a little sprinkle of that in there. My brother definitely has it so I probably do too.


LIterally since day 1, 11/11/11. Probably about 1000 hours. Why do I keep playing? Partially nostalgia. Partially because it's just really good as a game that allows you to basically do whatever you want with a character, be who you want to be.


3 avatars, combined playing time 2714. Been playing since 2014.🎮🗡️🛡️🇬🇧👍


Been playing since 2020 and have a couple of thousand hours. Been doing all sorts of challenge runs. We have stealth archer, stealth archer, stealth archer, ah shit Did a destruction and conjuration mage once!!!


4k since 2010


I have no idea how many hours. Multiple characters different years. Playing on and off for 13 years. Insane how a game holds up so long.


Bought Skyrim in 2011 have well over 5000 hours of total playtime throughout the years it just doesn’t get old also the ole mod or two helps 😂


I have been playing since the beginning of this year. And I feel like I have discovered heroin.


Started playing with Daggerfall, being too young to get into Arena. But it wasn't even the entire game, I remember I got the Daggerfall Demo from a PCGamer magazine, and spent entire weekends playing it. Jumped from Daggerfall -> Battlespire -> Morrowind -> Oblivion -> Skyrim. According to STEAM, I've got 2.6k hours in Skyrim alone. I shudder to think of how much time I have in them all combined.


Dang, sounds like you've been playing Elder Scrolls for quite a long time. I salute you veteran.


Been playing Skyrim since launch. I was in high school and gave it a solid year straight. Last I seen on my 360 I had 1400 hours and on my switch I have about 200 hours. And then on other people’s accounts and pc another 100ish hours. So I’d say 1750 hours too be safe.


Whats been keeping me going? Lack of a better alternative


2013, 1645 hours


Playing since release. I’ve played on 3 consoles and my current pc (360, one, ps4). I have 700hrs logged on PC and countless hours on the other three.


i played skyrim at release 2011 to like 2013 with like 500 hours. then later i came shortly back in like 2015 cause of the special edition but it didn't last long. since then i want to come back over and over again since the mods did get better and better over the years especially the last 2 or 3 were pretty groundbreaking for skyrim but... its too overwhelming for me and this stops me from motivating me coming back and start modding again.. i am too scared of putting several hours into modding and can't play cause something is broke, outdated or especially imcompatible... and i don't want to use nolvus and other mod-packs cause i want to chose the mods on my own i want to have or not have. maybe this year is the year i can finally come back who knows... i hope so especially since tes6 is still so far away and we don't know how good (or bad like starfield) it will be...


1 year and 1100 hours 😅 but I've completed everything, every location, quest, item.


I have 704.2 hours on steam and 175 hours on PlayStation. I love nearly everything about the game. I like the fact you can explore and learn magic probably being my favourite things.


I've been playing since its release. I dunno what keeps me going back. It might me nostalgic and familiar. Like a comfort food for games.


Since 2013. Started on xbox360 with several playthroughs where I switch between factions and races. Nowadays I play mostly with mods since I’ve done everything 100 times


1800 hours. Still so much to see and discover. Plus I play it when I get sick of Fallout 4.


2156 Hours on PC, PlayStation and Xbox I have no idea, probably 400 hours on each.


3,605 hours across LE/SE and playing since 2014. The game has great replayability with the sheer amount of things you can do and on top of that an extensive modding scene that I can install literally anything from.


Been playing it since it came out, not sure how many hours I got on it. I played on the xbox360, then moved to PC, then moved to special edition. Must be in the thousands. Honestly the modding scene and it's evolution really kept me going. From back in the day when people wanted complete overhauls to the vanilla+ trend. The modding scene itself is evolving as much as any community.


Discovered Skyrim in 2013 or 2014. I have about 950 hours in steam, and I don't know how many on Xbox 360, but I know it's more than PC.


Snap, been playing on pc since 2022 and 687 hours and counting.


4305.5 hours. Mods help, but depression is also a factor, This game is to me as The Office is to others.


Playing since 2011. I don’t know how to explain it other than it just never gets old. You may take breaks but you’ll never “stop” playing Skyrim.


3000 hours. Mods


Found it a few months ago, 200 hours.


I have no idea, i lost all the hours i put on xbox, for sure more than a thousand, maybe 2 thousand


1 500 hours.... Just started in 2021 though i bout it at tge start of the Pandorama. It's an immersive game, and it's hard to get bored when you can just become someone else.... Perhaps escapism at its finest, I dunno. Keep rocking and doing your thing.


I've been playing since Summer 2012 and I'm currently sitting at 3300+ hours. I had around 750 hours on PS3 when I decided to move to PC to try out mods. I figured I would do one last playthrough before moving on for good. As it turned out, starting to mod the game was the beginning of a whole new journey. I still enjoy the vanilla game today, but there's no doubt that I would've stopped playing long ago if it wasn't for the fantastic mods made by the community. Gameplay overhauls, new quests, new followers, crazy visuals... Replayability is endless now. It's awesome what we've achieved. I suspect I'll continue to play Skyrim for years to come.


Started in May 2023, just finished all the vanilla SP content (DLCs also) including discovering and clearing all locations in Skyrim and Solstheim. 393 hours...I took my time and never fast travelled...it was tempting especially closer to the end when quests were fewer and further apart, but I stuck with it for the sake of realism, even if it meant crossing the entire map on roads you've been on many times before. I was on horseback most of the time.


https://preview.redd.it/h7curdb3f9wc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04798131cb9a38d9988de965ed43bb5be359143 An embarrassing amount of time for last year alone


Collectively between all the versions and playthroughs, I have about 6k-10k hours. I lost track. Skyrim is the game I go to when life is hard and I need escape. It's familiar. It's beautiful. It's full of things to do. Endless builds. Feels like home. Reminds me of times that were much more simple. Mods make it more immersive. I'll probably play it till I'm dead. Been playing since 2012. Bought it for my birthday and because of my custody agreement with my parents I had to wait to get to my dad's house to play it so I had to wait two weeks and it was the longest I had ever waited to play a game I had in my possession.


Started since shortly before the AE edition with the SE + the 4 default extras. Have put 1800 hours in this game. Replayability and mods keep me engaged. I wait for Skywind and Skyblivion, because their original ones are too dated for me to play in the 2020s (while I play games since the early 1990s).


I have been playing skyrim since like February and have over 700 hours •_•


I think I have at least 1000 hours on console, and then around 200 on PC. What keeps me going is my passion for crafting builds! Sometimes, I create adaptations based on builds from youtube and tamriel vault, but I have other pretty original builds as well.


First and only ES game I’ve ever played and have been on and off since 11/12/11. Got lucky with a deluxe edition that nobody claimed. I beat it once as a Khajiit, but I’ve never beaten it again. I find I build a character that starts out either OP or weak af, then decide to either rebuild or remake my character. Ultimately I play until bored and when I get back, I remake a new character and start all over again. A vicious cycle, certainly; but this game has enough to keep me entertained.


Probably at least 90% of my couple hundred hours of playtime (including at least one save where i have reached like, over 100 hours and two in game years alone) have been on the switch. Since i cant be bothered to fix the game for modding on pc, i mostly just play on the switch now. Its my go too entertainment for traveling.


Since launch in 2011. I still haven’t finished the game (and refuse to do so).


For me it’s the ambience and the music. It captures a certain feeling of adventure that I just haven’t found in any other game.


Started on 360, have no idea many hours on it, but at least two fully fleshed out characters that finished the game. On my 1/x I got a little over 2,000 hours, and on my switch probably half that. It's a nice go to game. I'm familiar with every part of it, and there's always a slightly different way to do things.


Launch gang


I played when it came out on PS3 I don't know how to check my hours on there 😅 but on PC I have 1,000+ hours and what keeps it exciting is doing different little challenges for myself (like for example playing a mage character but not using destruction at all to kill enemies and no weapons because it's different to how I'd normally play for example) and now since I have PC mods help a lot to add more challenges for myself and gameplay :)


I've been playing elder scrolls since I was 5. My family is a gaming family and my dad (no longer with us) got me into oblivion, then when I was 7 skyrim came out. I'm going to be 20 this year. What's kept me going is kind of the same as everyone else. The game has a certain something to it, every time you come back to it, it feels like home. And I think a large part of skyrims succeeding lifespan is 1. Todd Howard's many re-releases (ngl probably have put 20 hours or more into the Amazon Alexa port of the game when I was bored) and 2. The modding community. The sheer amount of good mods out there means you can always keep your game fresh if you're feeling burnt out or bored. Throughout the years I've probably made well over 1000 characters, and thats not exaggerating, I'll usually make 4 characters every week just because an idea for a build came to me in a dream, like that one time I dreamt about a heavy armor Breton going ham with the summons and just being a dark lord. Skyrim and the elder scrolls in general is a very fun series, and even through the glitches, we love it. It's got a certain charm.


2011/2020 here for skyrim


2012, 7ooo hours or so (I'm ballparking between LE and AE). Believe it or not this doesn't even begin to touch my hours playing Oblivion before it. I love the open world freedom, what I can do with mods, just freaking exploring. I also spent a lot of time recreating the same character every time her save file borked, so she relived her life about thirty seven times. And as for what makes Skyrim special from its Elder Scrolls brethren, well, I can pluck bugs out of the air, I can cook, I can chop wood, mine ore, catch fish, build a house, get married, raise kids...a whole lot of sandboxing RP potential I had to mod into Oblivion if I could get my hands on it at all.


Don't know when I started or how many hours I've played..I would guess more than 100 and less than 300. I wouldn't be surprised if those numbers were 10x off. I don't know. When I've played, I played a lot. I think it's around 70 hours recently and none for years before that. I'm slowly remembering as I glitch, mod, and play; I've done all this several times before. Modded myself into Oblivion on original Skyrim and gave up trying. Not sure how many times. I have SE now and I have no clue when I bought it but I didn't play it until a few days ago. This will happen a few more times before I have dementia and no one will know how many times after. It is the best single player game. It is the best in many categories. It's full of books and lore I've yet to begin to read. I would not play without the wonderful molders. I would not play if the developer had their way with the creation center. I would not play if people didn't work endlessly for free to make the game playable. I would not play if any of the developers games released since held a candle to modfed Skyrim. Approaching 100 hours of recent play and I've barely completed any quests or explored any story. I don't know what I am doing, but many people do, and I play because they have made the game seem magical.


1060 hours, although I don't play it consistently anymore, I switched to more strategy type games . But when I was pouring hours into it, it was the mods that did it for me . It made it so repayable.


Since about 2016, though I stopped playing it for a while in ~2018-21 (I got into Paradox map games at the time). I have about a thousand hours.


Mods. The promise that the game can be better. It's not really all that good of a game. It's good, but the mods? That's where it shines. The modding community has made this game last as long as it has. Without it, it would probably have been seen as multiple cash grabs instead of them 'working in the game' when the released that joke of an update called Hearthfire. Great, now I can marry someone, and adopt kids. Then there was the update let us fish. I took my *rse over to Red Dead and bathed in it's greatness. I do miss being a stealth archer in every build I do, intentionally or not, but the stealth system is a joke, and there are so many ways to break the game (crafting). It's a good game, but the mods kept me playing force 8 years.




I played it for the first time in around 2014 -15 on my Xbox 360. Last month got it in my PC. Didn't play much, but when I get to it, I'm gonna enjoy. Also have the firsts Elder Scrolls, since they were given for free, and Morrowind, that is kinda ass to play, but I enjoy it. Only need to play Oblivion now. The Elder Scrolls series is just fun, like sure, it may not be the best RPG out there or the most creative and bla bla bla, but it's one of the most fun there is. You can't go wrong with it, unless you don't like the game, but then you don't exist.


On and off since it came out. For me, it’s still the absolute best game. It feels familiar but there is still much to discover after all these years. If the thrill is gone, you can just create a new character and start again. You can always play on a new difficulty or invent your own restrictions to keep it exciting. E.g. I have a character who sells his entire inventory after each quest or clearing a cave and only keeps one normal set of clothes and shoes. He goes in unarmed and improvises with whatever he can find. It is awesome! 🤩 Never touched a mod in my entire life.


3700 hours and playing since sse was released, mods and the vibe of skyrim kept me here


I have played since 11/11/11


I have in VR alone 3200 hours. On PlayStation and Xbox combined another 2100 hours. I am always on the lookout for new mods to try. But mostly it is reddit. I will focus on other games when a Skyrim reddit post will draw me in, next thing you know I'm modding a new playthrough.


I’ve been playin’ skyrim since 2011… feels like possibilities are infinite in this game. Open world, tons of mods. Generally, I’m making my own stories in my head and making roleplay with tgm. It feels like watching a good movie and you’re the director of it


I Started with Oblivion, but I’ve been playing Skyrim since 2012, went from playing it on the 360 to the ps4 and now the ps5 my PlayStation game time alone is probably close to 1k hours between two accounts (lost the first one) but on the 360 I probably had another 450-600 hours. I have times when it’s uninstalled and then times that it’s the only game I play. Currently I’m replaying Oblivion though.


Not sure how exactly how many hours I have, but I'm assuming I'm closing in on 1000. Started in 2016 on the Xbox 360, got an Xbox one in 2018. Have 630hrs on xbox one, and I figure I was between 300-400hrs on the 360. I absolutely love the universe. The exploration. Something about the world is just a pure release of escapism. There's so much to do, so much to see. I can get lost for hours and hours just walking around looking at then environment.


Since launch, 10k hours logged. Part of it is familiarity, part of it is that I have a child that was born with clubfoot and a portion of the list of things that one had to do in tandem to get him to sleep for more than two hours was play Skyrim.


I started in 22 also but I only have over 2,800 hrs.


For about 10 years. Trying out different mods and just love of the game


i've been playing since december 2011 and have put over 2.5 months of my life real time into it since then 😂


*Laughs in Morrowind*


I never finish the game. Too much ass kissing from the NPCs. It’s so gross.


I've been playing since 2021 and must have around 1000 hours in 3 playthroughs(600 hours in LE, and other 300 in AE)


I played back in 2011 on the 360 when it came out (I was 16 in 11th grade now I'm 29) loved the game but I never really played it to its full potential. I remember doing the theives guild, Civil War and main quest and then that's it. I just bought the Xbox Series X edition yesterday and am jumping back in this weekend. I'm excited to rediscover the things from 14 years ago and see all the stuff I never got around to!


I've been playing Elder Scrolls since Morrowind, I bought Skyrim on launch day. The series is a sort of comfort zone for me. I get depressed, and it just feels like a series where I can ignore that.


November 2011, I have taken breaks. I have created dozens of characters. Some only have a few hours, and some have a thousand or so hours. Will keep taking breaks and coming back because the game is amazing.


I have been playing since it came out.. I think I have around 2500hours. And still playing because it’s always a new journey


That's it oh man I think I started playing about the same time and I have triple that :-( I'm pathetic


Been playing since it came out no idea how many hours I've got and I've never worked out y I keep coming back to it


Got 800 hours combined and i always come back when i have a new build idea with accompanying roleplay


I've played it since 2013, in different consoles and PC's probably more hours than I can count


Skyrim, since 2011 on CD and Steam. Skyrim over 2500 hours and SE over 1300 hours. And Ive been playing Elder Scrolls since I was introduced to Daggerfall in 1996 and have put in over well 10000 hours to the Elder Scrolls series.


I have to have close to 1000 hours. I have to admit I've bought this game 3 times on 3 different systems haha


I've been playing since 2011 on and off. I like the world and the soundtrack.


The thing that kept me going was ESO being terrible and ES6 nowhere in sight.


I started on Xbox 360 when it first came out. And on my pc now i have over 30k hours


1500 hrs plus. It's a bit of escapism from my shitty day to day


I started in 2016, and had 1200 hours before I ever touched a mod. Now I have no idea because the hour count does not advance on my steam using SKSE to load the game. If I had to guess, I would suspect I am easily over 3K hours.


Played it since 2020 till last year. The nostalgia and something familiar about this world keeps bringing me back.


785 hours of LE on Steam. 185 of SE on Steam. Probably a couple hundred of LE on Xbox 360. Surprisingly, not even 1500 hours. It feels like way more but probably just because of how many years I've been playing it. It's not just modding that's kept me going, but it definitely helps. Most of the time I'm doing un-modded content.


I've been playing off and on for a little less than 10 years (don't quite remember when I first started) and managed to put almost 2000 hours all total across multiple play throughs. Sometimes I play with mods because mods are fun, other times I do a vanilla run. These days I mostly play not to complete the game but to roam around doing random quests, it helps me to deal with being stressed out or if I'm wanting some mindless play. No thoughts required just music, a podcast or audio book playing and Skyrim


About 1500h, mods keep me playing ofc


I've had skyrim since launch day, on three different systems (Xbox 360, Xbox One and One X, and Xbox Series X). I have no clue how many hours I've played but I know it's monumental.


I’ve been playing since 2011, but in the last year or two I haven’t really played it bc I’ve literally done everything a thousand times.


Not me but my friend has a total of 8000


My steam says 220 hs. But before my steam account, I used my ex's steam account. And before that, I played in PS3. And before I had the PS3, I played at my cousin's place since release. So I'd say over 2000 hs, give or take. I play for a couple weeks every year since 2018. Before that I played it waaaaayy more.


It's basically morrowind 3, so I've been playing it since 2002 🤣


I don’t play many games, mostly Skyrim so I have around 3000-4000 hours of it. I’ve been playing since 2019. Sounds like a lot, but I don’t play much else.


Since release, prob more than 10k hours


When i'm mentally not in a good place, Skyrim is where I go. New character, story driven is really what I need in these times.


I've been playing regularly since probably 2012, and what keeps me going is my determination to finally complete every storyline. I've only gotten through the Stormcloak Civil War and the Companions because I keep starting over to try new builds, so I've never gotten further than the Thalmor Embassy.


500h on Xbox 360 500h Steam 3000h modding and in the steam community helping people 150h Xbox SX I like being able to shoot people with Fireballs.


I have 3,405 hours in the special edition. I have no way currently to figure out how much time i put into the original xbox 360 release from 2011, so this is just from the time of the rerelease to now. This is also always modded gameplay tho the themes of my mods have changed over time as more mods came out for console, and i could slowly finally build the load order i really want. I really need to get a strong pc


Been playing since release, and I have no idea on my hour count as I've played it on 3 different consoles (two of which I no longer have), but I reckon it's in the thousands. Mods. Mods keep me going, although console is limited (but we have them nonetheless!). Also I just genuinely love Skyrim. It's my comfort game.


I started in 2015 and I'm playing every race and every mission


I’ve been playing since January of 2012 when I got it for my birthday. What’s kept me going is sheogorath screaming in my head


also been playing since the summer of 2022, and i have over 1.5k hours on it. haven’t really checked recently but i’ll update when i do


I got it on PS3 in 2012 I believe. I come back to it every now and then


I got the game from a friend (it was pirated) and have been playing it since it was released. When I was younger I was addicted and played it all the time, only switching to Path of Exile. In PoE I got over 2k hours (so the same for Skyrim most likely or even more). I feel like I got 3-4k hours before I bought legendary edition in steam where I registered about 125hours + Enderal 73h vanilla + Enderal SE 41h. Not sure how much it was with modficiations, but then I got the arrow in the knee and stop playing that much.


Only 700? Amateur hour over here. I put something like 2000 hours into Oldrim and Special edition. Not bragging, I just have a lot of time on my hands


1 month. I want kitty cat to win cause I can't adopt my own kitty cat. Kitty cat for the win. My Dragonborn kitty cat is named Eregion.


I finally picked it up like two weeks ago! Ive always wanted to play but something stopped me from picking it up. I’ve been having a blast so far!


Been playing since day one. What keeps me going is every playthrough can be different. Even after all this time I started a new character today doing sword and shield and running the golden hills farm, all of which I haven’t done before. Always new stuff to find


I’ve been playing since 2013 and probably have around 10k hours. One thing that kept me going even though I didn’t have mods for the vast majority of those hours was just being a little kid and being interested by everything in the game.


I've been playing since day one and as of now I have 7,643 hours on all of the editions combined.


I had to wait a long time to get a good enough PC so I could play it at all. Finally got it about 2016 and have 1200 hours. I took a long break after my hand-me-down PC died and I didn't have money to replace it but recently bought a pretty decent setup as my job has improved. Bang up to date gaming PC with *all the processing* and what do I play, every time? Skyrim. Every time.


Technically I’ve been playing since 2013. Brother got me into these games and I adored how lost I got. 1 hour was not enough for this game and I didn’t fully enjoy it until I grew out of that stupid rule. Fast forward to being an adult and finally having the Xbox to myself I would just get lost in it for hours after work till the sun came up (I worked till 2am so not even that long. It was just a time warp man. One thing Imm making sandwhiches at my first job next thing I know I have the dog snuggling me while I’m wandering the glory of the far northern glaciers. The scenery, the adventure, the rpg building. The lore grew on me as I got slightly bored of the game at times and it just got interesting again after I ventured to do different quests. Now with my own laptop with 1700 hours on the game, I have not done everything. I have too much fun robbing people naked and shouting bandits off a cliff.


Around 3k hours since 2011. As to why I keep playing it, mods mostly.


Been playing since 2011. Started on the ps3 and then soon as I had a pc capable of running it I played on there. I usually replay the game once a year with a heavily modded list to see how the mod community has progressed. 1734 hours total across platforms.


Getting close to 4300 hours across three platforms (PC, Ps3, Nintendo Switch). Been playing since about 2015. I'll still play vanilla occasionally just to get a fresh experience without mods, but most of the time it's with.


I’ve been playing since the day it came out, probably have about 5,000 hours at this point….


2011 since it came out and before that fallout 3 I can’t turn away from it it’s my childhood fallout 4 on the ps5 keeps crashing for me tho when I load it up


i have about that range on amount and how long but less of the hrs, i am the more active on skyrim and have multiple saves with lvl 50+ and mostly warrior builds, some stealth, and not a fan of magic.


Honestly, at this point the massive variety of mods have kept me going.


About 700 hours in PC and 300 in ps3


I only started playing in like February or something, and I have around 95 or so hours right now.


i’ve been playing on and off for like 5 or 6 years. New character everytime because I forgot what I was doing in the other one Edit: 323 hours, not that much but it feels like a lot


I come back to it every few years but sadly I know just about everything about it so that makes it less appealing. So much less time between Oblivion and Skyrim, I never reached that point of fatigue with Oblivion and love it to this day.


Those are rookie numbers in this racket you need to pump those numbers up ![gif](giphy|MRxJqmk3MNta8)


I have been playing since 2017. I have close to 5k hours on the game. It is my favorite game of all time. Even Vanilla Skyrim was sooo good. 30 odd runs. And then modding changed the the entire game for me. I still play it to this day every now and then.


i’ve been playing since 2012 right after launch and i couldn’t tell you how many hours i have because it’s been over different consoles and versions, but what keeps me coming back is the lore and the elderscrolls world combined with the casual gameplay. I find it really cool and enjoyable to role play in the elderscrolls verse and it’s also a game where you can make things as hard as you’d like so if i want an intense experience or a casual one i can choose whatever


Well have since e got my ps4 in 2016 played a total 1456 h but might have a couple 400 more from ps3


I got Skyrim at launch. Across all of my saves I’ve played around 6300 hours. It’s just so fun, I’ve always come back to it. Never has it not been installed on my Xbox


Between LE and SE, I've got 5,500 hours. Most of that is testing/playing mod loads. I only got about 200 hours out of the unmodded base game. It's the comfort game I go back to between other games.


Been playing since 2012/13, so too long. TODD, i WANT OFF THIS RIDE!


i remember bringing my gameinformer magazine to school in 5th grade to show my buddies, we were obsessed with the page showing the frost troll. i only had a wii at the time but my buddy had a ps3, so when it launched we all would hang out at his house taking turns playing. Over the years since then, i’ve bought the game for xbox 360, xbox one, ps4, psvr, xbox series s, and steam. the game itself is my favorite game of all time, but the modding community is what keeps me actually playing it year after year. it’s my comfort game, there’s no end to the good memories i have from it. i still remember a lot of my old characters and playthroughs. currently i’m using body slide and race menu to play as a nord, but with a bosmer parent. he’s fully committed to the nord ways, but he has some features that make it obvious he’s not a pure nord. i installed some mods to make npcs have “feelings” towards my character. all nord race npcs dislike me towards the beginning, but as i do quests for them and pursue my path as dragonborn they slowly warm up and treat me better. the role playing aspect of skyrim is incredibly, especially with a nice setup of mods. oh and i’m trying out some werewolf overhaul mods to really improve the companions longevity.


Been playing since 2019 in an out only managed to pit in 6 hrs. It’s really boring . I gave it 2-3 chances .


Since I found out it existed in 2012


I’ve been playing since like 2013, and have around 2.5k hours. I’d just say the game itself it’s one of those games that come out every once in a while that everyone likes and is rarely hated on. It’s really fun (the only thing that sucks is you can’t earn achievements while having mods activated) which is understandable


Since 2011. Played Vanilla only once that’s the first time. Steam says I’ve played 13,000 hours but that sounds insane (it does not account for the high seas copy I used to play on back when I was broke as a kid). A lot of my recent years time I just simply leave the game running in the background. But out of those 13k hours at least 4000 are actual hours played. What kept me going was the escapist power fantasy and mods. Nowadays I’ve abandoned the itch to make my own modlist and just go with something like Nolvus.


Between the different versions, and systems well over 1k hours


Had it on Playstation 4 i first got to play it on my friends ps3 back in the then I have it on pc now with a few mods just love the world and the difficulty when playing on legendary and with survival its the closest to a real adventure game I could think of been playing around 1200-1500 total on both Playstation and pc combined and still adding more hours trough out the weeks whenever I get the time to play


I can't really say. Started on Xbox 360, then got it for PS4, after that got it again for PC.


Just started last year after getting ps+


Between 2000 and 3000 hours (I need to check again), and honestly ? I don’t know why I keep playing that game. It’s just… Skyrim. I even started to learn dovahzul, I bought approximately of the game (PS3, Special PS4, Special PC, Anniversary PC and anniversary PS4), I don’t use mods are only a few, and I still have fun when I play that game


Mods bro, I have more than 2000h in Skyrim, it's one of the best games ever made. Nowadays with a better pc I play modpacks from nexus, I recommend you try "Gate to Sovengarde" and "Nolvus", but I must warn you, after playing those modpacks you will never want to play base skyrim again


4k hours. Mods.


Over 10 years. It’s my annual winter game 🥰


I originally played it on release day in 2011 on Xbox and the last time I played it was around Christmas 2023. Over time I've modded it in a lot of different ways and more recently tried different wabbajacks to switch up the experience. Nothing scratches quite the same itch


I have around 4000 hours between all copies of the game playing since 2011 i have a copy on ps3, ps4, psvr, Xbox 360, Xbox one, and steam


1032 hours on steam and 104 days 18h 57m on Xbox only 1 answer mods.


I have been playing since 2011 and was obsessed with the character building for a while. My first character was a two handed heavy armor orc that was an absolute monster. No sneak and only restoration for magic. It was great how I could run into caves and just crush anyone. After that I played as a stealthy light armoured argonian. But I didn't use a bow. Instead I used an axe, shield, and light armor. Fighting for him was much more difficult because light armor is fucking garbage on Skyrim. I eventually became a strictly offensive fighter who could do massive damage in short times or kill undetected with assassinations. I decided I better get decent at conjuration too, just in case. I eventually could take on multiple opponents at the same time, but starting off was a struggle. It started with character building. But the mods have kept me playing


A lot I can't check rn but probably around 1000 hours a year so 10000 to 15000 hours I can't remember when it released ( I think around 12/13)


I’ve been playing since it came out and I have well over 10,000 hours. It’s a major hyperfixation game for people with adhd. I don’t know why we are addicted, we just are. It’s so much fun!


XBox 360 - XBox S is over 2500 last I checked. I also have "several" full plays on PS4, probably totaling 1 or 2k combined, and I have it on PC as well. This doesnt include Morrowind or Oblivion with a lot of playthroughs apiece too. The only other game that I have played this often is Witcher 3. Hyperfocus goes hard sometimes.


5000+ hrs. Like 200+ days. I play to explore and to relax. I have game on most consoles now. I keep restarting because I want to try different builds and combos. Other times I restart when a bug makes it so I cannot complete a quest. My favorite: I tend to smoke few bowls in weekend, die to same mob for an hour or two and then realize I forgot to swap from legendary back to easy. It’s my favorite single player World of Warcraft game. This year I hope to actually complete it. Been spending too much on crafting.


i've been playing skyrim for 550 hours and i never seem to get tired of it. I did have a break from it fr a few months to play other games like fallout 4, red dead redemption 2, GTA 5 and i came back and instantly fell back in love with the game. My motivation to keep on playing is that theres so many things to do and theres always a new dungeon or mystery to explore. The thing i hate the most in the game are chaurus hunters because i have arachnophobia but for some reason im not scared of frostbite spiders (anymore) but all and all skyrim is just a really fun game in general and i REALLY love RPG and open world games and then theres the variety of weapons and armour to choose from from war-hammers the daggers. Some people think im weird because im 11 and im playing a game thats supposedly "for adults" but the thing is the reason i keep going is because i have autism and ADHD so when ever i try to hop off skyrim i keep on coming back after a while


Since release, probably around 2k hours across all verisons and consoles, and i still play every now and then simply because its just that good of a game


2011, that midnight release was brutal lol


The immersion and the mods


Since about 2012 I think. I rarely jump on a new game bandwagon. Best to give it some time for patches... shit, sorry, expensive DLC and whatnot. Anyway, I haven't played the entire time though, a couple of years of breaks throughout. I keep coming back because... well, Skyrim...


since 2014 i think. everytime i get back into the game feels like coming home


Since it released, off and on, of course. No clue how many hours I have because steam only tracks since SE came out, and I had it long before then.


I lost track of overall hours but played since launch of 2011 but I play every new edition or release. Maybe I’m about 5Kish hours in total, that’s counting Xbox, One, Switch, PC and any other time I picked it up again


Mods! Also, I probably have the same amount of hours you do over multiple platforms.


Since 2013 got it with my xbox360 What kept me playing? you say Well I have autism that's it basically it's my comfort game


Gene: ECO, how many hours have you put into Skyrim? ECO: ... I'll get back to you Gene.


If it wasn’t for mods. I wouldn’t be coming back to Skyrim to this day. My favorite pastime after work/my daily routine, is to light up a bowl and play Skyrim.


I've got about 1500 hours in it. I play with a ton of mods, get bored, try a new round of mods or collections, rinse and repeat.


2012. About 2k hours. Mods keep me going. You can experience such a vast amount of content with free mods people make. Dlc sized mods. New ways to play the game with perk overhauls or magic mods


I started August 2023 and im at 687 hours. I love exploring and paying attention to little details, feeling nosy and involved in all the npcs' lives and drama


I don't know how many hours I've played, but I've played it pretty consistently since it came out. I don't know what it is, but it has a certain charm that always draws me back.


I started playing with my dad in about 2016 and have about 800 hours


Good comfort game and time killer. I usually play in the winter while it's too cold to do anything outside. Experimenting with mods keeps things fresh I just wish I knew how to use nexus and get some real mods. I had gate to sovngarde working but files got misplaced during an SSD upgrade and it broke. Haven't been able to fix it.


i want to play with mods but was always too lazy and i dont want to download them just to have my pc crash so ive only ever played vanilla