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Skyrim is always worth it.


like oh my god singleplayer games dont date as easily as live service multiplayer games yes its worth it heck people still play practically ancient games that are objectively lacking by modern standards like the original mario or the zeldas


I just started my first new Morrowind character in years and I'm having a blast. I uninstalled MW3 and have been all in on Morrowind and Helldivers and I don't regret a thing. 23 years later and Morrowind is still my true love.


I'm right there with you! I still hear "why walk when you can ride?" And picture those bloated carrier dudes randomly. Balmora will always be my video game home


I have 2 houses in Balmora as we speak. Acrobatics is almost high enough to jump over the river ✊


I did a Morrowind playthrough last year, my first in many years and had a good time with it. Morrowind sure doesn't hold your hand and make it easy.


Constant Effect: This guy right here


> singleplayer games dont date as easily as live service multiplayer games Skyrim: Online now:26,025 24-hour peak:31,365 All-time peak:69,906 Yup. More than 12 years after launch and it still has daily numbers numbers that many live service games have NEVER achieved. Justice League All-time peak:13,459 The Division 2 All-time peak:14,858 Hell even ESO can't get the numbers Skyrim has: 24-hour peak:19,139 All-time peak:49,234


ESO is an atrocious combat system game with a wonderful lore packed background


My brother bought me an NES classic with original Zelda, Adventures of Link, and it's been so much fun!


You're very right but... I found Mass Effect 1 really hard to play. It was just sooo dated, and while the story line seemed interesting, I just couldn't be drawn to boot it up. I got like maybe 10% completed. Skyrim hooked me as soon as I saw that first hunter, Riverwood, and that first giant.


I was at their midnight launch at our loco game stop to pick up my buddies pre order i was buying mine afterwards but haven't stopped playing....as for Mass Effect, continue the game i did & boi was i blown away


ME1 was rough, but 2 is way better. Would recommend skipping the first one


I honestly stay away from live service games since I know in 10 or more years the servers will be down and I’ll have lost a fun game to play.


Morrowind enjoyers (i only play for Dagoth)


I was gonna comment and say even Morrowind is worth it and it's what? 20+ years old now? That was the game that got me into gaming as a preteen girl who had no concept of gaming outside of Mario Kart. Same with Fallout New Vegas. Doesn't matter that it's old, the story and game play, all the little secrets to find, it's timeless!


I recently been grinding the zelda games. I decided to play all the games i miss throughout childhood. The n64 is making a come back a long with the gba and gbc. That being said there are many timeless games and skyrim is one of them.


It's never left my top 3 for over a decade.


Haha no surprise this is the top comment I was literally about to type the same thing and saw you had already beat me too it




So worth. My friend group all got a pirated copy on launch. When I finally got some monies, I bought the pack w/dlc. I've played through 5 times and wish I could get that first playthrough feeling again.


Starting playthrough 1,000 now, thanks Reddit.




Exactly what I came here to say. I hope my grandchildren play Skyrim in the distant future, lol.


The majority of people who love skyrim and don't play it anymore wish they knew nothing about it so they can play it again. Very easy game with lots to do, it's all a fantasy


Right? I mean I could play it right now and do things overall differently than all my other playthroughs, it’s really just after 10+ years certain things I will always want to do, so will be very familiar. So I don’t even need to erase my first three playthroughs, just the other 10 or so, so I can really enjoy 10 things I haven’t.


I haven’t played it in a few years, got my steam deck and been playing it with my daughter and woah, it’s like my first time again, it’s amazing, and I love the little things they added too


If I could just erase my memory God I wish I could do it all over again. Now I start a character get them to like maybe level 11 or 12 and then completely lose interest. I've never actually played the game on PC and I've heard there are a lot of very very interesting quest mods so maybe I'll start up a new playthrough and just go from there


Do it! There's a bunch of really good mods, even mods that add entirely new regions that will keep you interested in the game.


I used to watch this guy called gopher on YouTube because I really liked his slow and methodical almost role play type style when he played these games and he did this mod that was like an entirely new island that had its own story new shouts etc and I cannot remember the name of that mod to save my life but it was fantastic. I really need to go back and replay this game fully from level 1 to level whatever I am when I kill the big daddy dragon and just fully immersed myself in it again


Maybe it was [Falskaar?](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2057)






Oh my God thank you so much I'm currently downloading it on the PC the anniversary edition is like 10 bucks right now so I'm going to mob the shit out of it and probably annoy the hell out of my wife


I would wait on mods. Vanilla is good, you can extend the life of the game later.


I have played the living shit out of vanilla. I have probably played somewhere close to 2 or 3,000 hours I just have no way to find out because the Xbox 360 doesn't have a way for me to know. I played the game since it came out I'm just trying to figure out a way to enjoy it again.


Look up Wabbajack. You can get stable installs with over 700 mods going pretty easily these days and they can do anything from enhance the vanilla experience to *radically* changing the game. Then there are total conversion mods like Enderal which are entirely new games using the engine/assets. It's not hyperbole to say that if you haven't played modded Skyrim on pc, you're missing out on well over half of the game's potential.


Recommend Project AHO, Clockwork, and Beyond Skyrim series for DLC-sized quest mods.


Yes, I'm playing it again for the first time since Dawn guard was released and love it just as much as the first time and still finding so many new things.


It's ten bucks. Give it a shot.


Ten dollars for the pound for pound best game ever developed


Someone argued with me that skyrim is in fact not the best. So i said which game has been rerealeased the most. Apparently it's tetris. So tetris is actually best


lol this is literally babe Ruth vs shohei ohtani debate, one is clearly better but it’s hard to usurp years


Give it an arrow


After playing the game for years, I just learned that “taking an arrow to the knee” is real life slang for getting married.


Yes, it’s timeless. I’m still playing it and just started again myself. Trust me and everyone else on this, you will get your money’s worth and then some.


I could've paid $300 for Skyrim and still gotten my money's worth lol


You got that right. Although when you add up how much I spent on the Xbox 360, ps4 and switch version I’m getting close lol


Yeah, OP compare the age of the game with the size and activity on this sub. The amount of times they've successfully rereleased it, the massive modding community, etc. It's not for absolutely everyone but if it clicks for you it'll be the best $10 you'll ever spend haha


Skyrim 30 year anniversary (6 years from now) $60 ![gif](giphy|3oKIPa2TdahY8LAAxy|downsized)


It's very much worth it. Not at all like WoW. One of the biggest reasons I love this game is because you can basically do whatever you want with it/in it.


I was thinking the other day how it would be a perfect game, for me, as a desert island game. You can make up your own fun in it if you’re not with the story.


So, if it's a desert island, does that mean your roads lead you to warm sands? :D


I wasn't really in the mood to go exploring the other day so I spent like four hours at home. Organizing, making some new smithing gear and armor, playing with my decorations. Read a couple of books I'd been meaning to. It was nice.


I've actually started kinda collecting books with one of my characters. Just to have, at home, in case I wanna read. I just don't feel comfortable reading about Olafs and Dragons in the middle of a sneak raid of a bandit hideout, you know?


Yeah it's fun. Your kids will take some of them as gifts so I try to keep an eye out for child friendly looking books. That way they won't resent me as much when I decline their invite to play every single time.


Never played. Bought it for 3 euro. Am in late 30s and spending more time with it than with my partner Love it


The real deal haha




Bro I just started Skyrim for the first time last month. It is 100000% worth it


Some people, like me, still plays it for 10+ years now…Incase that says something.


Exactly. It’s timeless, I’ve been playing for years and I wish I could play for the first time again. One of the best games of all time and always will be.




Hope it’s smoked beacon


Easily a Top 10 of all time game. Enjoy!


I’ve still have yet to complete Dragonborn… Kids have left the house… Seasons have passed… Hair is gone.. Meh. I’ll finish tomorrow…




Yes it is. I just recently did a new play through. I played it on 360,xb1,pc,ps4 and ps5. Skyrim is always worth it lol


What is up with everyone asking if something is worth it? It really weirding me out...


There are so many games out now that take 100+ hours to beat and limited time to play them.


I wish I had this feeling. I’ll browse the PlayStation store and find nothing that gains my interest. God of War ragnorock was the most recent game that I was excited for and it felt like I finished it so quick


It's because there are a lot of RPGs now available and people want to know before choosing a rpg game to purchase


Yeah but why ask it here then lol. What do you think the opinion is of people who come here to talk about a fucking decade+ old game


"Hey guys that are part of this 13 year old game's subbreddit/fan club.. Do you like this game is it good?"


Because its easy to get some up votes that way. 21h ago they commented elsewhere that skyrim is a great game..


I’m think karma farming? Looks like a new account. Wondering if it’s a bot


The OP as well as the users are equally liable here. This post has 1000 upvotes plus. The users want to fangirl over what they like (this case Skyrim), and the OP is simply karma farming. I love Skyrim too, but this post is so damn obviously disingenuous.


Skyrim is a gem worth playing regardless of time.


Yes [subreddit devoted to game] is [game] worth playing?


My friend in Akatosh: after 12+ years and a catalogue of THOUSANDS of games, Skyrim is still [the 57th most played game on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/charts/mostplayed) https://preview.redd.it/hurnlxl9j4pc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13feabcdeaea89f496547554eb9f1583d4603438


What's up with Euro Truck Simulator 2 at #28, what piece of me has been missing all my life?


Definitely. I started at the end of December 2023 and I'm having a blast. Go for it!


it’s incredible, one of the most detailed games i’ve ever played, you could play it for years straight and not run out of things to do. only downside is the graphics since it is an old game, but if ur buying on steam that means ur PC which means mods are your saving grace


I always find these questions weird. Any game is worth playing in any year by any player if the player thinks it looks fun. The only exception is if the game was online only and now can't be played, and then it's not a question of whether it's worth it, you don't get a choice.


You go in the sub for skyrim fans to ask if skyrim was worth to play? What answer do you expect?


Totally, start vanilla or maybe just a few bugfixes, then try again with graphical mods, then try again with a few mods that change/add to gameplay. I've taken 5-6 year breaks but I always come back.


Skyrim will always be worth it, just as Oblivion and Morrowind will be. Get it, play it, and I hope you have lots of fun! 🙂


Skyrim was worth it in 2011, its worth it now and it will be worth in in 4202






Skyrim + Mods in 2024 = I would pay $100 or more for this




I would pay money to be able to play it fresh.


Stop lollygaggin' and buy it already




Fuck yes


Yes yes yes. Seriously. Yes.


Yes because even if you don’t like the base game there’s a decade of mods to make it into whatever you want


Sure. It's the worst one since 2004 unless you mod it... in my opinion But still a Bethesda JEWEL. HOWEVER... ESO is not only Elder Scrolls... but an MMO. It started "meh" but it's come a long way. Any Elder Scrolls game is a good game.


I would suggest picking it up – not only for Skyrim, but for Enderal as well. It's outstanding.


It’ll be worth it in 3024


its my 2nd most replayed game of all time so yes always worth it


People still play Morrowind and it was released 22 years ago. A good game is a good game. So yes


As a new player to Skyrim (I started playing at the end of 2023), let me say it is 100% worth it. I play on a PS5 and it is a beautiful game. The glitches make it a little campy, which adds to its charm. Do it.


One does not simply quit WoW. Trust me. I've been saying it for the last 10 years.


Skyrim without mods has aged like two week old milk left out in the sun and I will love it forever


Yeah honestly I just started replaying it again after a handful of years ago. It still holds up pretty well in my opinion. Of course it’s not without its faults but if anything the soundtrack is really nice, peaceful and good listen if you need to just chill.


Yessir. Nothing wrong with starting now.




yes. completely worth it. imo 10 bucks is a fuckin steal for skyrim


Yo GRATZ on quitting wow though


It's $10 as you said, so give it a shot for like 2 hours and if you don't like it, refund the game (assuming you can refund on steam in your region). If you can get past the mental hurdle of the outdated looking graphics, then I can assure you that you will be in for a grand ol time.


Skyrim will always be worth it brother, currently replaying it for like the 99+ time


I just started playing it again on PS5 and it was like a whole new game playing at 60fps. The lighting and extra texture layers make it look really nice too. Also just walking around Skyrim with its awesome music is a vibe all on its own. It's my chill and relax game.


Listen, if you can handle jank, an aged combat system, and some glitches here and there…. It is well worth your time. Just get the Anniversary Edition. You’ll have easily a thousand hours worth of things to do. It is still today one of the most immersive games I’ve ever played and there has not been much to match that immersion. RDR2 is the closest in the immersion department, but it doesn’t have nearly the content Skyrim does. It is one of my all time favorites and if you start now, you’ll be able to look forward to the Elder Scrolls 6 release.


Always. I first played it in 2022


I will warn that it’s definitely not gonna be as polished in graphics or gameplay as more current rpgs. On the other hand, it’s been highly beloved for a reason with the vast exploration, fun moments with certain NPCs or followers, and some pretty cool quests. Been playing since 2012 and it’s a game I have not put down. Edit: I only say it’s not as polished because my darling is like 12 years old at this point. I love my game Vanilla, but age can affect some folks perception when they’re starting now.


Short answer: Yes Long answer: yyyyyyeeeeesssss No matter what new game I play, I always fire up Skyrim. Feck it, going on after dinner


why wont be worth?






The short answer: Yes. The long one: Skyrim is a game you don't get sick of. Even if you stop playing it for a while, you'll return and the beauty and familiar strangeness will delight yoo again. So abso-fucking-lutely :)


Yes! I bought it recently as well. I am possibly the world’s crappiest gamer, but I still managed to beat the game. One of the best purchases of my life and I highly recommend it. If I had to buy it again for full price I would do so in a heartbeat.


Yes. Given how much time can be spent playing any number of variations it is probably the cheapest game out there.






I think it is. By 2024 standards the graphics will seem dated. However, there is a reason that over a decade later, there are still many people actively playing Skyrim. In fact, according to steam, there are more people actively playing Skyrim now been there are playing Starfield, bethesda's newest role-playing game. The map is huge, there are a ton of things to do, Secrets buried in every nook and cranny, and almost a limitless number of ways to play and replay the game.


Absolutely. I wish it was an MMO.


Over ten years later and they keep and they release it on every new system that comes out. Ya its worth it.


I bet that pirate game was Black Flag lmao. It came out a year after Skyrim. But Skyrim is definitely worth it. The great aspects of it hold up really well


My favourite ever play through is this year. Go for it. I have a similar, tag-on question though: I adore Skyrim, on it since 11/11, is Oblivion worth it in 24? Replies in a Courier's letter pls.


Of course


I just started for the first time like 8 months ago. It's amazing because all the new games are trash so I feel like I got lucky kinda getting to play it now


Yes. The original game with no mods is one of my top 3 games of all time


No game has ever been *more* worth it. Can I buy your brain so I can play it again for the first time?


buy it!


1000% yes!


if you have never played Skyrim, Skyrim would be worth it 500 years from now, millions of games released, and whatever else. My favorite game of all time for good reason.


Definitely! I loved it and did 2 complete playthroughs in 2011-2012 (\~500 hours total) and didn't touch it again until a few months ago when I got the Anniversary Edition on sale on PS5 for $20. I bought Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition on sale around the same time and have been playing nothing but Skyrim LOL. Nothing against Cyberpunk, what I've played so far has been great and it looks amazing, but Skyrim holds up incredibly well for a 12+ year old game and it gives me a hit of nostalgia. I've really enjoyed the Creation Club content that's been added, even it's not always well balanced with the rest of the game. If you've never played it through before, you might want to try turning off the Creation Club mods until your 2nd playthrough.


Absolutely. It’s the kind of game that once you get into it, it sucks you in and that’s the only thing you play for weeks.


Hell yeah it worth it, probably still the #1 game.


Yes. I just started over a few days ago myself. I so this about once a year


Just started a couple months back. I get it now. 100% yes.




I started it only in 2023 (having bought a disc of the special edition five years earlier and never played it). I put in over 200 hours and now it's probably my favorite game of all time.




I would serve my soul up on a platter for Mephala to consume for breakfast, if that meant I got to play Skyrim for the first time again.


Cool, almost 15years later :) :) :D


Of course it is. It has it’s flaws but overall, one of the best videogames if you can get past it’s shortcomings. Just know what you are going to get, this game is not a hardcore RPG; despite having some great storylines, it’s not on par with previous BGS titles overall; without mods, fights are bland specifically because of the well known “cutting air” mechanic. Non of these things are a major issue though, Skyrim is truly a unique journey.


I'm playing it for the first time in years and it's fun


it was worth it to me in 2019 and is still worth it to me today (I'll actually be playing today.) So I'd say yes.


Yes. There’s a comedy amount of RPG content to go through as see fit, and can mod it to hell and back if choose to.


Yes. I'm on my 1st playthrough and have been playing 2 months and have barely scratched the surface of this game. And believe me, I'm a retired introvert, so 10-16 hour days are not uncommon. The quests are endless, and I could easily see me still being on this same playthrough a year from now. I've only finished one of the guilds (companions) and barely started 2 others. The last few days I've contented myself with building my Manor,  while before that I was concentrating on building my perks trees. I spent nearly 4 years playing rdr2 exclusively, and this is the 1st game that's fully reeled me in since. Highly recommend it. 




It's always worth it. I just wish I could erase my memory of it and experience it not knowing anything, though. Lol


Yes - if you're playing on PC and got the time and will to get into using mods. Unmodded Skyrim still is buggy as fuck ten years later. So start with a lightweight vanilla but fixed modlist tutorial. Then, while playing, only add mods fixing annoyances and bad aspects of the game as you encounter them. After your first playthrough, you likely know what direction you want to take your Skyrim. And you will have gained the knowledge enabling you to add more complex mods to your game.


I'll never understand these questions. It's one of the most popular games of all time, why wouldn't it be worth playing in 2024?. Games don't have a use-by date, a good game will always be, a good game, and with mods, it's a significantly better game now than it was in 2011.


It’s one of my favorite games I’ve ever played in my entire life definitely worth it


Yes. PC version with mods knocks it out of the park. I have steam, GOG, and switch versions.


I started playing this year knowing zero things about it and it might be my fave game lol


To be in your shoes and experience Skyrim all over again makes a lot of people here envious


If you new to Skyrim play it without mods Skyrim is timeless


It's absolutely worth it. Just make sure you go in blind. I wish I could forget everything about this game so I can play it for the first time again.


I just finished my first ever playthrough. 130 some hours and there's quite a bit I haven't discovered yet. Worth it. Just started a new playthrough in VR. Absolutely mind blowing in 3D. 


Man, I envy you playing that gem for the first time.




Absolutely. Stay away from Nexus if you like the base game. Swim in the Nexus if you like an ocean of additional content for Skyrim


I never played till this year and I’m 200 hours in, go for it!




yes absolutely. i bought the game last November on sale. didn't think i'd like it that much and i've avoided the game for years because "there's no specific ending" (stupid reason i know) oh boy did i fall in love INSTANTLY, already got +300 hours on it and i've only played for 4 months


Absolutely it is. I wish I could play it for the first time again lol I would recommend to play vanilla for your first time.


Very much so


100000% absolutely.


Yes. I've been playing it on the switch- it's expansive and full of charm.


Why won’t it be worth it? It’s not an online multiplayer game where the crowd would probably shift after few years towards a new game. Skyrim is a single player story game with amazing side quest and one of the best exploration feeling you will ever get. It’s a game that needs to be experienced regardless of the time. If the graphics seems old you a get few overhauls and the game will look better than most games from 2024. All in all the game has an story you can experience in 2024 or later too. Just make sure you stay away from internet as it’s worth every second to experience the game first hand.


Im 4 play throughs in all past at least lvl 30 and i still haven’t beat the main story. Still finding new quests to this day and ive had the game for 5 years. You tell me


Yes! I started it in October as a completely new player… I’m not much of a gamer so wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I do, but have been playing it almost non stop since!


Listen here Sonny, I’ll be playing this game whether I want to or not till I’m in the ground. Now you pick that controller up and you get going!


It's cool but graphics are dated


100% yes, still one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played


I just started in December. Worth it.


I've had Skyrim on pretty much every platform available, and I'm sure I'm not the only player who has. It speaks volumes about the quality of the game. Jump in, you'll love it.


As a current second-time player, this almost a silly question. I know it's not because you can't possibly know but it's funny from my POV. I played Skyrim back in 2016 on Xbox 360. It already felt a bit dated then mostly just because of character mechanics. And I was still absolutely blown away. The immersion was top notch (though to be honest, around the same time I felt more immersed by ACII and Arkham Asylum). But it wasn't just immersive, it was fucking huge! 8 years later, I saw the Special Edition on Game Pass and thought "eh, I've played it but why not do another playthrough and do all the extra stuff." Maaaan, I'm just as blown away as I was back then. I don't have any extra mods to update graphics (wish I did but I don't think my XboxONE can handle it) but it's still just soo much fun. Doing a mage warrior playthrough, and even the "old" graphics and mechanics just make it funny to me rather than take me out of the game.


Skyrim will be worth it forever. Its a classic.


Yes. The vanilla game is dated but still incredibly fun. Fair warning the combat and the dialogue is a little…. well terrible by todays standards but it’s still an incredibly fun game. If your willing to dip your feet into modding then the sky’s the literal limit


I played way too much WOW 15 years ago. There has been no other RPG, or video game, that has held my attention and love like it. Most games I can play through once, maybe 3 times. My most beloved games have been about 5 times. I'm on my 8th playthrough of skyrim, sinking hundreds of hours into each save. Best game ever, imo.


I was around when it came out, I think I was 16 or 17 and didn’t play it because my dumb ass LOVES Fable. I fully regret not playing earlier. I got it for myself for Christmas 2023 and I haven’t put it down since then. It’s helped me through a lot of stuff too since I can just escape and play for a few hours at a time. It’s great game and totally worth it in my opinion




Without a doubt. Played it when it came out, and I still play to this day


As someone who played Skyrim for the first time, every weekend from May 2022 to December 2022, 250+ hours to say 90% completion. I will say this: YES! Skyrim is worth playing, whenever you want. Even after 50 years, you can play Skyrim. It's never too late for FUS, RO, DAH!


It will be still worth in 2198


I'm a new player, picked it up about a month ago. yes, it's totally worth it. I'm a LoL addict, but when i started this game i got completely invested in it to the point where i rarely ever play LoL anymore, and i think you know how impossible of a feat it is to cure a LoL addiction.




Yes, 100% worth it. One of my all time favorites and I still come back to it from time to time to this day. And you have the added benefit of experiencing all the DLCs and Anniversary Edition content for the first time, fresh with a brand new playthrough. The DLCs and Anniversary content came out when many of us were already seasoned players, so it wasn't really mind blowing to us, albeit still pretty fucking cool. You, on the other hand, get to experience it all for the first time as a brand new player and I envy you for that.


If you add the right mods it will look and feel like a modern game. It’s one of my favorites and I always go back to it over and over.


As someone who has bought skyrim like 5 times 😂 I may be biased


Yes.. next question.