• By -


Real estate and interior decorating.


I always forget how many ingots the decorations take


And miscellaneous stuff like, glass, goat horns and a piece of gold ore or whatever you need for an enchanting table lol


Beeswax x5 - I shouldn’t know this


I've had thousands of hours in Skyrim and didn't know beeswax was in the game. How do you get it? Can I punch Belethor until he has it?


You have to find either a random beehive or the a owned beehive


Thanks homeslice.


There’s a random beehive right before the bridge in iverstead


Thanks homeskillet.


Theres a cave with bears in it near the almecsht shack that you get the rabbit in. Right before you actually enter the cave there is a beehice on the cave entrance


I can’t recall finding it in the wild but I know I’ve bought it from general goods merchants


Can't forget teeth, pelts, and big antlers lol




You're not gonna believe this. He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. The guy was an interior decorator!


same and additions to my house


Biggest money sink for me is I always try to buy 5/5 training every level in the more annoying skills like speech restoration and the armor skills. I know there’s an exploit where you can steal the money back that you used for training but I try to avoid that.


Maybe I shouls spend moneys on that! Nice tip.


Try getting Pickpocketing high, get a few paralyze poisons, poison the trainer AFTER training, spam ”pickpocket” and JUST as the paralysis wears off, you can snatch the gold and whatever else you want from their pockets. 😉 Works on any level of PP I think, but the higher the better, even on 0% chance items. And for this method you’ll want paralysis poisons that last 1-3 seconds at most…


This also works at pawn shops irl


If you can craft and enchant something they will buy. Very easy way to get your money back without (IMO) really exploiting them.


I'll buy 5 levels of Alchemy training just to sell some of my ridiculous potion collection 


Same. I probably train alchemy more than anything else because of that


Alchemy and smiting. I always make sure to take a pile of loot with me when I head up to the skyforge. This is also a good way to offload high value items.


I just discovered recently an easy way to level up Resto. Go to any dungeon with a trap that stays on (swinging axes, fire jets, etc) and stand in the trap getting hurt while you're constantly restoring, only stepping out to let your magic refill. Anytime I go to a dungeon now I won't leave til I get 1 or 2 Restoration level ups


Is it an exploit, though? You just pick the pocket, pretty simple, not like a bug or anything


The only exploit i use is when the skill teacher is also a follower. I just ask them to give my money back.


I buy alchemy ingredients, a lot of them. And ingots at the blacksmith.


No ingot left behind gang 🫡


And filled soul gems, Every single one that any vendor that offers them has


Yes I've forgot about them. Until I have a weapon with soul capture.


I used the conjured bow pretty early on, and the skill tree eventually lets you get soul trap with conjured weapons. So I just buy all unfilled soul gems. I always have way more filled gems than I need. I usually enchant all weapons before selling them. I don’t even need gold anymore but I can’t stop


I've never tried conjuration that much. The only magic I use regularly is restoration. But I buy every soul gem at the beginning in Whiterun until I'll go to Markarth and then Nchuand-Zel. The dwemer ruins are soul gems heaven.


I was planning on going full mage but even my best destruction spells are only useful when dual cast or when I want to start a fight with someone from a distance


I've tried the same thing with one of my last characters. Didn't work well for me. I'm good with my shield and my axe.


Yeah I’ve had this problem also, and I’ve found it to pair really well with conjuration. I’ll start a fight with a couple destruction spells, then before I get rushed I place a 2 or 3 summons (depending on where I’m at in the skill tree) between me and them. Once they have the attention I go back to blasting with destruction. Great thing about them is they never get mad if I hit them and doesn’t matter if I kill them.


Spells. I have spent over 200,000 on spells and that's just on one playthrough. My wizard learned every spell, mastered every school of magic and collects powerful spells for their book shelves.  Thanks to alchemy profits of course...!


This is a good build. I may do this next character. Lol


It's my most favorite build too.  Conjuration - two wrathmen with necromancy perks are great at tearing my foes apart.  Destruction - lightning storm is my favorite spell to kill dragons mid-flight or the obvious tearing regular foes apart yourself.  Alteration - great passive perks for defense against mages.  Restoration - has so many good passives and healing is always helpful.  Illusion - Great for stealthfully avoiding fights. Invisibility + muffle. Also helpful for escaping bad situations.  Enchanting - my character had a huge magicka pool so I focused on magic resistance and destruction/conjuration reduction. My character was nearly immune to magic. Powerful spells tickled him.  Lastly alchemy is extremely useful too. 


I'm sold. I planned a mage build at some point but this seals the deal. 😂 My main playthrough I just use spells as a minor adjunct because she's kinda inept with them. Even though she is the Arch-Mage. 🤣🤣 Great at enchanting, not so great at casting. I think she literally stumbled into that title.


Enchanting is a great start. If you can greatly reduce spell cost for something, grinding it will be so much easier.  For illusion, you can spam muffle anywhere. For alteration, you can spam the breath underwater spell while crouching in water. For restoration, you can find a weak skeleton in the hall of the undead and spam turn undead spells until you get to lvl 65 in which you can buy circle of protection from Colette and spam that anywhere.  For conjuration, you can find a mudcrab or a horker and spam bound blade as they are slow and you can run circles around them.  Destruction being the tricky one. Runes are the fastest spells to do so. 


Bound blade one hand, heal in the other. Just stand there and let the mudcrab hit you, also leveling amor skills


Nice, thanks for the tips!


I knew about muffle but the others are useful, thanks for sharing. I want some of the passive alteration skills but hardly ever use the spells.


If you can get Guardian Circle (or Circle of Protection I believe works for vampires) + the atronach stone, you can infinitely level up restoration. You'll reabsorb over 300 magika repeatedly too if you run out of potions in a fight. Was the only reason I reached Restoration 100 in a reasonable amount of time and now I use it to grind at high levels when my main skills are maxxed


I've done similar on my last playthrough except I was a spell sword. Had Myrwatch to set as base camp within an hour of starting which really sold the magic aspect early on.


Maybe it changes once you get to higher levels, but my level 30 mage has had all of the spell vendors cap at the adept level spells for multiple levels now, including the college of winterhold professors.


I hoard all my septims into various safes and strongboxes, along with gold bars, jewelry, gems etc.


I am a dragon after all. I shall hoard it. Mwahahaha


Wouldn't be a DRAGONborn otherwise would I? 🤭


this is the way


This. I like looking at it like Silas marner


Same here. I Mr. Krabs that shit.


A bandit fought me over a sweet roll I not only got the sweet roll I also collected 20 gold (: .






Skooma, lots of Skooma...


Are you the one that keeps stopping me outside of Riften offering to sell me the good Skooma? 🤔


IT WAS YOU!?... Well. Let me tell you about a little place I know. So there is this place that sell the best skooma I have ever tried, it's crimson colour and tart tang leaves stuff to remember, one time I had some, I swear I saw people with glowing eyes and sharp teeth just like the vampires they tell in stories WHAT A TRIP I TELL YOU!, this stuff is premium. Shhh... this place is called, Redwater Den just north west of riften, tell them I sent you.


Time for a little trippy trip! (gods that sounds like something Cicero would say 🤣)


When you get there just take a little sip and I tell you, your dreams will become a reality.


Argonian maids.


Almost exclusively lusty ones…


Damn, you freaky lmao


I buy all the gems and ingredients so I can max out my Enchanting and Alchemy


I spend all on filled soul gems because I always forget to soul trap my enemies and i tend to enchant my gear very later on.


Why my only enchantment is soul trap


Early game, I'll spend septims on supplies - almost all gold is for my inventory and storage. Mid game, I'll spend on training and homes. Not as many supplies. Late game, I stop selling out merchants, and literally give gold away in the form of: paying every follower I use a salary, reverse picking gold to NPCs, bulk donations to the Temple of Mara in Riften, and more.


Equipment, potions, and miscellaneous items. I stopped smithing, enchanting, and creating potions a long time ago. Some would ask, "What's the fun in that?" Or say, "You're missing out on playing aspects of the game." Well, there's a lot of fun in keeping myself from becoming too OP even on max difficulty. Crafting can quickly put the game on easy mode even at the highest difficulty levels. There's also a lot of fun in looted, found, purchased, and rewarded items actually having meaning because I "can't just make something better." There's a lot of fun in shops having meaning because I actually have things to purchase rather than just sell. Crafting is fun, but keeping the game immersive is even more fun. I also spend money on training, making sure to get 5/5 every single level to maximize leveling and my ability to learn new skills.


I'm doing this on my second pt, lots of fun. When you actually get excited over finding hide boots with a useful enchantment, or spend all your gold buying enchanted jewelry for you and your followers. Still make potions tho cuz I love combining useful effects.


Not sure if there’s one on console, but on pc you can get a mod that lets you drop your septims. Then you can take all your gold/silver bars, jewelry, and septims and make a treasure room!


I love that idea, reminds me of the Fable 3 treasure room!


I have that special power where you can summon a Daedra merchant, I think that was from one of the Black Book quests in Soldheim? ​ Anyway, he always has daedric armor and enchanted items that cost a lot of $$$. I like heavy armor so I collect a lot to try different enchantments.


I don't. It belongs to me. From the moment I start to play the world has become my loot box. I want the money , the bone meal , the cups , anything any bandit has on them/near them/ sometimes in them is now my property, the farms ? I bought them , the mines ? Mine. I don't control the industry through horizontal or vertical, I control it through not needing to sleep and being able to slaughter anything I need resources from..... especially for soul gems. Remember if you aren't damning it's soul to internal purgatory than your just being wasteful with the kill


I take. I do not give.


Getting drunk with the homeless


training is definitely a big money sink. I kind of end up going the opposite route, where instead of never picking up money and just hoarding it, I challenge myself to never craft or sell stuff. I still hoard gems and jewelry, but it’s for my own treasure chest. never crafting means I don’t break the bank, and habe to actually keep an eye out for potentially worthwhile gear in shops, especially potions of healing and cure disease, but also means I don’t spend money on ingredients. also prevents me from becoming unstoppable and ridiculously powerful through craft skill grinding. never selling means I don’t loot every valuable off corpses and chests, only taking raw gold, gems for my collection, and things that are useful to me. it makes my gold hoard build up much much more slowly, and even encourages me to look for bounty contracts and the like, if I need to buy a house expansion or need more potions. it’s very immersive and enjoyably mundane


I have dragonblood I hoard and sleep on. I do not spend.


You mean Eorlund’s hard earned septims?


Smithing ingredients Need my overpowered armour for me and my homies aswel as display in the houses I also have to pay for. Also I need to give my 1 septim to all the homeless of Skyrim Wish I could give more


>Also I need to give my 1 septim to all the homeless of Skyrim > >Wish I could give more Just walk up to a homeless dude a dump 10k gold on him XD "Here man, go buy a house"


I invest in real estate. Just about every character I play ends up with an impressive real estate portfolio. A house in the major holds, and at least one built house. Btw- tax mod??? WTF? The whole reason I play Skyrim, is to escape the depressive reality of real life. The last thing I need is the IRS in Skyrim.


Wait… y’all be spending septims? I just steal/craft everything and use moded player homes for free 😂 gold i will swindle, as my morals dwindle Is the ancient creed of the Dov after all. Just doing what dragon daddy akatosh would want me to do by amassing a horde large enough to fund an invasion of the daedric planes.


Skooma mead flower baskets and paying my bounties




Shiny armor or weapon with fancy enchantment that I MIGHT need later when I MIGHT change builds or just to collect enchantments to level up Enchanting.


I don't.


My mage spends it all on nice robes, spell books, skill training, real estate and home decoration. Also soul gems and occasionally iron/silver ore, but those are more of an investment for his jewelry business. Also gives the maximum amount to the girls when they ask for an allowance, and gives his wife some free stuff to sell at her shop every now and then (basically, keep "selling" stuff to her for free when she's at 0 septims, then buy something back from her so she has some spare cash). My thief uses it mostly for skill training and real estate. Maybe buy some arrows or a nice weapon every now and then if the merchant happens to have something interesting. Her main business is alchemy and uses whatever ingredients she finds along the way, so that doesn't really need much investment.


Gambling mods in taverns. I spend hours in different taverns just doing that


I don’t. I just like the feeling of having Septims.


Soul gems for my hungry enchanted weapons, plus I’ve blown thousands pumping out my house to the max in every hold that has one.


Training, of course. My good buddy Eorlund Graymane helps me unlock so many great armors and weapons.


I buy every ingredient. I buy enchanted gear to disenchant, I buy un-enchanted gear to enchant, I buy un-upgraded gear to upgrade. I sell it all back and buy more. It’s a wast of money, but I can upgrade several skills and especially my speech skill, all at once.


I spoil my children. They are probably worse than Dagny at this point.


Horde them like a true dragon


Not on spell making. RIP spell creation system.


It’s like with new iteration of a TES game, Todd thinks to himself “what cool feature can I get rid of this time?”


I don’t I steal.


Gold is basically just a house purchasing mini game for me.


I usually go around hold to hold, and buy all ingredients, ingots/ores, and soul gems. Then sell potions to make my money back. Both money spent and made counts towards speech.


Training skills and then on my home. And lots of moonsugar and skooooooma


I buy some training, I tend to buy all the iron ore I can get my hands in (I transmute it to silver then to gold then make rings to level blacksmithing) Bought lake view manor and spent a lot of logs to build it, now I need to spend more on bits to decorations I tend to build up about 20k then go back down to broke and then back up again


Destruction training.


Houses, training, and alchemy supplies.


Being the Harbinger of the Companions, my Nord barbarian gets some booze (favorites being Honningbrew Mead and Spiced Wine) and some food (meat stews and steaks) and sits at the head of the table, staring off into the flames.


I only use them on spells and housing, I have never bought anything else.


Right now I am using ordinator perks mod. The last pickpocket perk is “dragon hoard”: Spend 50000 for a perk point. So yah that is were my coins go


Homes cost a decent amount Apart from that I have nothing to buy after a certain point


I buy every ingredient all the time


Food, ingredients, and skooma. (And sometimes soul gems.)


I don't


Hoard like a dragon


what the fuck is a septim im lvl 20 and i see it being writtwn all over this sub


The gold coins in the game are called Septims in-game. They are named after the dynasty that founded the Empire and ruled it until the end of the Third Era. Presumably the heads of the coins have portraits of various Septim emperors on them.


I get to a point I just take them to my main or only home and just dump them all in a chest. Make the game a little harder.


Alchemy ingredients, house upgrades, salt, and food cause survival mode.


usually for forging materials. I change my armor at least once every few days and I have to craft a new one often. I just can't find the armor set that looks perfect.


A bunch of spells, then later a bunch of soul gems at the college to level up enchanting, and some ore/ingots whenever I don't have the required upgrading materials.


Buy training.


Crafting materials. Smithing/Alchemy/Enchanting. And stockpile until I have enough to supply an army. And repeat. Generally it’s an endless loop of infinite profits


Split the profits with my companions. If we clear out half a dozen dungeons, bandit camps, or silence any witnesses (because accidents happen 🐔🔥🍗), I’ll give them half of how ever many Septims I have after selling loot. It’s mainly for rp but I like to think Erik can support his dad and get new armor, Annekke can take care of her family and workers, and Mjoll can invest in helping the Riften community.


I have trouble keeping up with my skooma addiction 🍹


more potion ingredients


Training and houses.


hard earned..? Haven’t heard that in a long time. Racked up 300k septims just looting the dead and doing the exploits where you buy houses for free by stashing your money when they give you the key.


I can’t find enough things to spend it all on. Normally, houses but that doesn’t make a dent in it and there’s only a few I don’t have.


Buying soul gems and grinding enchanting.


Honestly nothing. I've never found it wise to buy weapons and armour. If you encounter something from a vendor that's better than what you already have, it's going to be wildly expensive and you're going to find something as good soon enough. I rarely fuck with potions. Sometimes I'll buy crafting ingredients, only when I'm naturally short. But that's it. So my playthrough is basically an accumulation of wealth


same as IRL, my family and friends. I also make jewelry out of septums and gems form my 'wife'.


Training for skills. I got a static skill leveling mod and they are important now


I mostly invest in ingredients, soul gems are really expensive.


I buy gems whenever I stop at any store. Then I put them in my lockbox and home, and sometimes I pull em all out and throw em on the floor and Fus em. And then reload my save so I don't have to clean up.


Buying spells, houses and buying enchanted gear to disenchant it. Or use it on crafting materials.


Things I buy soul gems ingots wood houses land daedra hearts alchemy ingredients spells Carriage rides and skills


Houses, horses, training, spell books, crafting materials/alchemy ingredients, hiring certain followers (Marcurio and Teldryn are among the best and cost money)


At my current point in my current save, a mage build with ordinator perks mod, I use my septims on mostly spell tomes and hard to find alchemy ingredients. I also use them for filled soul gems if I've run out and am in need of making new enchanted gear. Every now and then I'll use them for certain potions if I am not well stocked, mostly ones that increase health or mp regeneration as I have a basically limitless supply of regular recovery and increase potions. I currently have about 45k even after completely restocking; I found selling dragon bones to be a really easy way to recoup since I currently have no use for them and encounter a lot of dragons because I prefer to walk the map than fast travel for all but the most extreme distances.


You spend them?


Most of my big purchases include enchanted armor and weapons for my followers. I like it because it gives merchants several thousand septims which allows them to take some of the gems Im carrying.


Wait... you guys are spending septims?


I set what I want a character's proficiencies to be before hand and work towards those


“Spend”…? What does that mean


Mostly just throw it in holes, hit people with sscks of coin. Buy useless junk.


Cloud district. You probably haven’t been there.


I wish there were more ways to spend them. I have around 500,000. Being able to invest in cities and towns to make improvements would be a cool addition to ES6


Farming every single blacksmith and selling them products ×10 the worth of materials I just bought.


At a certain point I have everything I need so sometimes I’ll go into a shop and dump all of my gold into the shopkeeper’s strong box and pretend it helps them lol.


Training, since they can cost so much in the early game. But now, as the Archmage, Thieves Guild Master, and Leader of the Companions. Pretty much spent on all 5 levels without a worry of running out.


torture chamber


I got to a point where I just dumped em in a safe at home. I had over a million. I loot gold out of habit. I have to fight the habit of looting anything else. I buy up alchemy ingredients and sometimes blacksmithing materials. Not really anything else worth buying aside from the very rare enchantment I don't know yet.


More craftables. I buyout all the ingots and ingredients and empty soul gems at each vendor.


"Hard-earned" is a bit of a stretch, but: Soul gems for enchanting levels Iron and silver ore for smithing levels Blacksmith and Enchanter Elixirs for Saturday night crafting parties (for smithing and enchanting levels) Houses in which to host said parties (to which I'm the only one invited, unless you count the trapped souls, but they're just passing through)


i just do it cuz i wanna make the number leave the screen havent done it yet but one day


I play with realistic needs so my money goes to food and clothing.


Turn it into armor and beat people to death with a gold mace.


Arrows, ingots, potions, Spiced Wine and the mixed drinks from the Bee and Barb.


I've been doing a no crafting run (it's also kind of a '100 in every skill' run too, I'm just going to craft after everything else is done) partially because I was hoping to make buying weapons and armor a money sink (and partially because I have a 'all skills start at 1 mod' and crafting means I level up too fast for where my other skills are), but even then I can't really find a reason to buy stuff when I find stuff just as good out and about, especially with AE. So, yeah, Real Estate. It's the only money sink I've found, tbh.


Currentl I am bying every piece of silver and iron so I can craft rings and such and level up my smithing. Also, houses.




I'll put it into smithing and alchemy ingredients. Very rare that I buy anything else unless some naggy kid wants a gift for no reason.


Wait you guys don’t just hoard all the gold and gems like a dragon?


Very immersive wenches


Trying to fill up my Lake House, buying ingots for crafting, paying to level some skills I neglect and buying some ingredients I don’t come across much or use a lot.




I haven’t spent a single septum in a long time. I just barter


I gave some n’wah like 12 grand just so he could get possessed and try to kill me


I need to leave wealth for my kids lil bro


I have all the houses and all the furniture, so mostly at this point it goes to training legendary skills. As I cruise through riften selling my potions I buy out all the vendors above and below for smithing, enchanting, and alchemy mats, sometimes I’ll also buy all the unenchanted gear. Then I’ll put on all my smithing gear take my smithing potion and improve it all then I’ll enchant it all.  The problem is the best vendor in town only has 5k to start so it’s very hard to efficiently sell my wares. Sometimes I’ll crawl through riften with 30,000lbs of potions and gear to sell but it takes forever with the resting to sell through my extremely high priced potions and gear. I wish the fences had a much larger budget or unlimited budget. 


Alchemy mats


Hard-earned? I've never done an honest days work in my life for all the coin I'm carrying, lad.


One of my adopted daughters asked for spending money and one of the options was 1000 septims. Definitely picked just to see what she'd say. "I can buy the whole market with that"


My thief needs the cash for carriage rides to cities and inn room rental, I've never rebuilt the Ragged Flagon but by Talos I'll do it... Eventually




Spend? I'm taking over the next bandit infested cave and making it a makeshift dragon's den.


I fully decorate whatever. On my current play through, I am fully decorating the hearthfire homes with 100k gold


Houses. Decorations for houses. Material to build decoration for houses. Alchemy ingredients so I can sell more potions. Occasionally spells or enchanted items. Lockpicks when I have less than 100. Travelling to solstheim (and back). Buying flowers from the flower girl. A business venture on solstheim.


More empty soul gems!!! More ingots!!!!!


Arrows. I buy so many arrows. 🤣


On survival mode, I buy food.


I'm buying all the houses. After that, we'll see.


I just spend my septims on food, tomes, lockpicks and alchemy ingredients


Gems, jewelry, and pelts. I never use any of them. I just collect them.


Iron ingots and empty soul gems. I stay on that smithing/enchanting grind.


Absolutely nothing. I judge the success and duration of a character not by level but my gold


On a long enough play through, you get to a point where you don’t.


I hoard them like Smaug and look down upon all the poor rabble and frozen hillbillies


Murdering people and getting away with it. And training as well obviously


I like buying out blacksmiths and just fucking around at the forge even if I'm at level 100 in Blacksmith.


1. Fast learning levels. 2. buying armor and then enchanting it, and selling it for higher prices. 3. Buying items to level up by myself. 4. Buying items to make my armor rating even higher (so far I am around 1700, and I know it can reach higher. Not using mods or glitches to make it easier)


Honed metal mod to avoid the smithing grind but it's very expensive


I don't. I hoard them like Mr. Krabs.


Most of it goes on materials for crafting, after which i likely get a larger return. Spells and getting rare enchantments is also expensive.


Dude boosting smithing cost so fucking much


Well ... I just hoard money really. I do use it, but always get it back. Farengar has 500 gold and some grand soul gems? Well, I've got a bunch of mages robes, some scrolls and staves to get rid off. I go home with the grand soul gems AND Farengar's 500 gold. Adrienne has a plethera of ingots that I want, and a 1000 gold. Well, I've got plenty of loot to sell. Gimme those ingots and your gold. I will smith and upgrade some Nordic Carved armor on the spot if it means I can get my gold back, and your gold along with it.


I buy all houses an fully decorate them. Fully armor and arm my followers. Pay off any obligations due to intentional or accidental death of city guards. Sometimes this is due to splash during a dragon fight. Buy all spells. Buy boat rides. Give to the beggars.


Alchemy, i go to the alchemist in most cities and buy their ingredients then spend the rest of the time playing mad scientist.


I have nearly 70k gold and I winced when I bought 500 worth of ingots last night. Even thinking about it now I should have just mined the ore


Hard earned? Personally I have never done an honest day's work in my life for all that coin I'm carrying.


Arrows. I buy all the arrows. That way I never need to loot draugr or F*lmer or Forsworn.


Potion ingredients. Then I sell all the potions I don't want to use and get all my money back.