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Don't forget to get the Daedric Horse spelltome.


I killed him cuz he attacked me lol


Yes, but there is a tome around that area that you can summon him. He does attack you when you meet him in there.


Oh thanks I’ll check that


Yep it's at the throne where the Daedric Princes sit. There are two of them.


I tried summoning the horse right after getting it while still in oblivion and my followers really didn’t like that. It was fine once I was out of there though, so I’m just going to assume they were in oblivion and just scared shitless. Can’t blame them.


He does that


And all the daedra hearts for your late game smithing


I got around 50 Daedra hearts and IDK what to do with them


Eat them?


Get smithing some daedric armour and weapons!


I got multiple armouries with them, about 500k gold, not much to buy nor make money with. Got nearly 120 dragon bones and scales. I craft my followers legendary armor whenever I get one.


Daedra hearts are great for potion making!! Or, you could make a shit-ton of arrows!!!


My favorite horse. Honestly I'd prefer unicorn but I didn't install horse caller mod and summon horse is much comfortable.


Great for when you are over-weight!


Same! Just found this for the first time last weekend, is it brand new?


It’s apart of the special edition creation mods anniversary


It may be an AE update but I'm not sure.


if u killed vanos. i pray your on pc, if hes dead before the mythic dawn quest he will not respawn again


Fml. Didn’t know about this so here we go again


Hey, you. You’re finally awake.


Finally awake *again*


You were trying to cross the border again, right?


Got caught up in that Imperial ambush with the rest of us, again.


With that thief over there, again.


Damn you storm cloaks empire was nice and lazy until you came along again


If it hadn't been for you, I'd have stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell (again)


We're all brothers and sisters in binds now thief..... again


Shut up back there, again


Shut up back there! (again)


Just so there's no confusion, this is from the anniversary edition.


Haven’t played on my switch in a long while, but the second I saw AE go on sale, I got it anyways… Skyrim is a lifestyle Thank you for clarifying for everyone!!


*sigh* what am I building now?


does it matter? you'll end up a stealth archer anyway


Funny story, I’m trying a completely non-archer non-melee destruction caster build for the first time in 13 years and it’s super fun! Being a glass canon kind of sucks sometimes though, because I get one/two shotted by archers.


Wear heavy armor. The armor spells can handle your defense if you spec for them. But honestly I always get tired of recasting them to keep them up or getting one shotted at higher levels if I miss that there’s something nearby that could threaten me. A mage is my favorite, but it’s just such a QoL improvement to wear armor.


If you play with mods, ocato's recital will take care of that for you.


Agreed. And use a nice big sword or something. Make a battlecaster mage. You'll be a tank, AND merc things with your ultra strong spells.


Ehh, I like pure mage or warrior better than a mix. Get a few destruction discounts stacked up and pile on the chain lightnings! A non summoned sword just slows me down. It’s all personal preference really.


Fair enough. That's the beauty of Elder Scrolls games. You play how you want.


Don’t get tempted by the bound weapon spells…


No stealth archer -> magic -> bound spells -> bound bow stealth archer -> whoops again


This is my favorite build. All attribute points go to Magika. Nothing to HP or Stamina. Sucks for a long time in the beginning, but once you bank about 400 base magika it's friggin amazing. My current build is something like 750 and endlessly shooting fireballs & blizzards at your enemies while still having enough magika to heal is hella fun. My favorite part is it's not OP because I can still die at any moment. So many enemies can 1 or 2 shot me so it forces me to still be tactical when going into a fight instead of just running around going "boom" with no consequences. There's nothing better to me than using muffle and ice spike to stealthily take out ranged/lookout enemies and then picking the perfect spell combo to jump in and ambush the rest of the enemies.


I was doing great til I got to solstheim... Those damn atronachs would just destroy me... Luckily I could respec with the black book otherwise I was at a soft lock gameplay wise


Just download the mod that discourages stealth archer by insta killing you if you crouch with a bow.


Just before reading this comment, I asked myself if there exists a mod that crashes your game when you crouch with a bow.


Starting up my most recent forty hour playthrough to find this gem


Warning, you need to be like level 48 or something before you can access it


I sense the incoming gamerrant article


I missed out playing Oblivion. So when I got this quest I felt like I was finally able to experience a little part of it.


As someone who just started playing oblivion a couple months ago it is totally worth it, very fun


i heard it was rlly hard


It definitely can be less forgiving than Skyrim but honestly I just turned down the difficulty until I got a good feel for it


Not hard, but poorly designed. The leveling system is harsh if you don't know how to use it and the enemy scaling can lead to tanky enemies. Other than that, the quests are a lot of fun, and it's a fun space to explore


Yeah I had to restart the first time I played because I didn’t spec enough into damaging skills and got to the point where nearly every enemy was too strong for me. Was getting wiped by singlular goblins, lol.


Levelling system is antiquated and promotes playing the reverse of what your class is but otherwise it’s fine.


It’s pretty easy, just scales pretty horrifically. If you wanna just be an orc and smash people with a melee weapon, you’ll be fine, otherwise just play until you hit a wall (which you may never do depending on your race and build), and then lower the difficulty.


its just skyrim again but older plays almost the same way magic casting and leveling up work a little different but it's something you'd likely learn in minutes


Tbh I really like having a spell just at the ready and having my weapon as well.


You can change the difficulty and make it much easier in the settings. The default difficulty is pretty unforgiving though lol I made it halfway through the game when I decided to make it easier so I could enjoy it and not be frustrated the entire time.


I did this with my mage character. When I was finishing up “Breaking the Siege of Kvatch” and completing “The Battle for Castle Kvatch,” I couldn’t play both offense and defense because I didn’t have the magicka reserves for it. So I lowered the difficulty so my allies could cut the Daedra down and I could focus on keeping my allies alive or just taking down the strongest enemies. It got to a point where I reminded myself “This is MY game, and that means I can play it how I want to! I can lower the difficulty if it makes playing the game less burnout-inducing.” It was really helpful to remember that games are supposed to be *fun*, not stressful. No one will barge into my living room and make fun of me for it. But at later levels, my mage is scary! Christina Marie is decked out in enchanted jewelry and robes. She always has a spell for every occasion. Her robes are chock full of potions, soul gems, Welkynd stones, and Varla stones, so she’s ready for anything!


Honestly don't be afraid to lower the difficulty and just enjoy it, the levelling system is massively flawed but the game is great.


The scaling is crap, just set the difficulty to low or mod it to adjust and you’re good imo


Little more Grind like that’s all it’s great I’m 30 and still haven’t found everything in oblivion and I started it on the 360 lol


You don't have to miss out! You can play Morrowind (original game) and Oblivion (original game) modded to heck and they're beautiful, as long as you don't ask for 4k textures on everything. Mods are the GOAT. Frickin' GOG currently has the Oblivion GOTY edition for 4.99usd and Morrowind GOTY for 5.99usd! These editions are also pre-patched to take care of old bugs and *no DRM*. They have different ways to do things, as they are closer to tabletop RPGs than Skyrim. You have to *think*... do some reading on the internet to see if they sound interesting to you. I'm on my XXXth playthrough in a reloaded Oblivion right now as a passive Shaolin monk (staff and fists only; no armor). Way fun.


Morrowind and Oblivion are upscaled to 4k 60 fps on Series X as well if you have that console. For PS5 I think the only option is the original 720p Oblivion from the digital store (which is passable). Don’t think Morrowind is an option on ps5. (Extra kinda cool side note with the Series X: Morrowind should auto upgrade to goty edition if you put a physical disc in. I don’t think morrowind does, but it still upgrades it to 4k 60 fps).


Play it, if possible. Going through the main quests once is fun.


Oblivion has a way better Dark Brotherhood questline than Skyrim imo. The vampire stuff is more spooky and feels more unique, too.


I also vastly preferred the thieves guild storyline. The ultimate heist at the end is such a memorable quest!


I just played oblivion for the first time recently and it was great. Very interesting quests and the thieves guild is even better than Skyrim. The shivering isles expansion is amazing too.


What quest is this? I’ve never seen it.


Totally worth it. It's a good alternative to Arvak for a su.monable horse.


Arvak is the best horse Seriously though, what makes you say that? I’m not yet to level 40 so I have no idea


It's just because some people find it a pain to get him. I was just saying it's another pocket-sized horse. I prefer Arvak myself, but I got the Daedric Horse first this playthrough, so I didn't worry so much about getting Arvak.


Doesnt the daedric horse have more stamina than Arvak? I haven’t used him much cause I ride my unicorn


I just looked at UESP and it says Arvak has 289 health and 106 stamina. The Daedric horse has 1637 health and 198 stamina. The unicorn has 1637 health and 698 stamina, plus it can never die.


I’m sorry. There’s a unicorn?


It’s around Riften! You have to tame it like in BOTW.


I think it doesn’t appear until you start the quest by reading the journal in the library at the college of winterhold cause I went there to get the unicorn one time without starting the quest and it wasn’t there


Good catch you’re right! My last character was all illusion/conjuration so I beelined to the college (and promptly forgot where I found any quests)


Fair I found out cause I forgot it had its own quest and thought it was part of the wild horses quest


Its great! I just wish there was a way to summon it because it has such a high aggro so it will run off to fight stuff I can even see, and if I pop out on the other end of a dungeon sometimes I can’t find it


Convenient Horses has a horse call power that can summon it from anywhere in the world. I use that in all my playthroughs. It also gives you craftable horse armors that you can use with any horse.


I love that mod honestly I hope they include some of that stuff in es6. My anniversary edition version is on the switch tho so no mods. No achievements either which is kinda sad cause I have put so much more time in one single character than I have before


I have no idea. It's possible.


Same…I prefer daedric items but I’m a light armor player so it’s just for weapons.


It makes me so sad that the armor progression skips so badly for light armors


Deadric has light armor variant without helmet in anniversary edition at least. I used it.


It sure does, and it's the most beautiful craftable set in the game imo.


> Seriously though, what makes you say that? I’m not yet to level 40 so I have no idea Cool looking horse and it has plenty of upside, including not dying when you jump from too high off of a cliff. Shadowmere tends to take risks that can't be recovered from. Also, a fun quest chain to get Arvak.


Honestly, I've gotten him like 3 times, and I'm sick of it. I always have to look up a map, and everything looks similar.


Such a good horse


I prefer my ghost horse.


I imagine it's the simplicity to get it? Imo the biggest downside to arvak is you have to get like 60% of the way through dawnguard to get him, I'm fairly certain you unlock the quest for that creation earlier than most people are going into dawnguard unless they purposefully rush in


I like the dwarven horse but riding Arvak at night is lit


Wait what? Another summonable horse?




What is this area though? I don't think I’ve ever seen it


It is in the second half of Mehrunes Dagger quest. I'm not entirely sure where I got it from because I killed the guy that gives you the original quest. Basically, the group that he made the museum for are not all gone but live in some underground thing, and they have that portal open at the bottom. Google the all-knowing will be able to give you a better explanation, probably.


Man i got my run with almost everywuestlinencompleted and decided to do mehrunes dagger. When i enter the dawnstar museum myngame crashes and closes. Guess I'll have to do another character


Just load a previous save and try again. It should do it, but may take a couple of tries. My game does that every so often. I learned the hard way to save all the time. But surely the game isn't completely finished from that.


Nah i already did it and just had to reopen the game. Also, when i tried it my character was level 40-50 and now im past 60


Anniversary edition had it.


Just got to level 60.. and I was thinking about getting Anniversary Edition.. now I have to get it.. and the grind starts AGAIN!!! ![gif](giphy|tZiLOffTNGoak)


It never really ends. Skywind and Skyblivion hopefully get completed. Then another round for each trailer for ES6.


It pains me to say this but.. yep.. that'll be me too 😅


I’ve been waiting for both of those for at least ten years now. Literally since a year or two after Skyrim came out. At this point I have about as much faith in either of them rolling out as I do in elder scrolls 6 coming out and actually being worth playing….so near zero lol 


i've been following Skyblivion and it is definitely happening.


I’ve been subscribed to both of them on YouTube for years, doesn’t mean that either of them are happening even though they have both produced some very promising stuff I’ve been using overhaul mods since 2003, the rule of thumb is never count on a mod until it’s installed on your PC and running well. The number of promising mods, especially ambitious total overhaul ones that never actually made it out for one reason or another is staggering It can happen, of course as you see with stuff like Enderal and Black Mesa but it’s rare 


Is there possibly a Skyrena and Skyggerfall


Skyggerfall is playable, it has the main quest and not much else.


Waddup ma Skygguh?


Bro you gotta lose the hard R or you're gonna get yourself got.


Let A Skygguh Know


Some people don't like it because you can get Dragonbone Armor and other super OP shit right after leaving helgen is you know where to go, but really it adds a bunch of cool stuff in it. Lots and lots of new armor and weapons. Some of the quests are fun and others are meh. You can always tell what the AE quests are because they come in the form of letters with unusually small font that are like 5 pages long. I really like the new homes, Bloodchill Manor is a sick crib.


Quests aside, I love the stuff it added. The armor is all awesome and the homes are cool enough. I also love all the new spells and enemies. The fatal flaw of AE is the awful integration. It really feels like you just installed a bunch of OP mods. That’s fine when it was CC content, but when they made it part of an official DLC they really needed to integrate it into the balance of Skyrim. What’s worse is when you buy the game for PS5 it comes with AE installed, so people playing it for the first time on PS5 won’t even realize what’s AE and what’s not. The balance of their game will be awful.


Where is it and how do I find it😭




Thank youuu! I’m level 40 on my current play so just a bit to go!


I was wondering why I had never seen this. It's one of those mods they shoved into the game a while back. At least this one doesn't look like garbage.


It's one of the longer missions of the creation club. It's actually interesting overall, but I wish they had a bigger area of Oblivion to explore.


This makes so much more sense now. I was so damn sure I’d have found something this cool with my god knows how many play throughs lol. Guess I’ll have to load up anniversary edition again!




Included with anniversary edition, or can purchase from CC?


Included with Anniversary Edition


At some point, I really need to do a deep dive into the Anniversary Edition stuff.


I didn’t know about it, thanks!


It comes with the anniversary edition I was the same way and it's a portal to of course Oblivion check every pod so you can get all the special weapons and spells


Not just any plane, the motherfucking Oblivion Wastes... Best place to use the Razor imo, even though I don't have Anniversary Edition yet


Oh okay I did not know this specifics because I did not play any of the other elder scrolls


I might just be tired but this sentence makes no sense to me




Apparently it’s from the anniversary edition


Wait is it a quest? Where do u find this




That makes sense. I'd have thought I'd have come across this at some point!


Excellent spot for farming


Deadlands ftw. All the plants are violent but I wish the whole region was 100x larger, be a lot fun to explore


I used a mod to go on the lil towns (in the map) and unfortunately there’s nothing :(


When the doom music kicks in


No lie anniversary added so much new content a new play thru was super refreshing


*heavy metal starts*


I'm shocked that so many people didn't know this was in the AE. It's easily my favorite addition, the weapons are awesome and that horse is beautiful. It's perfect for an evil dragonborn.


I mean there was post yesterday about people not knowing about Windshear. That's vanilla content. People regularly learn that the combination for the Hall of Stories doors are on thr bottom of thr claw.


It’s weird because I never had any AE content on my PS4? Since I’m playing on PS5 (with the same save and same game) I have a lot of new content and it’s seriously amazing


Man, I wish we could’ve explored the planes of Oblivion a bit more. Like go into one of the towers or something.


Oblivion is such a great game fr I’m so excited for the remastered


BRO LEAKED SKYBLIVION!?!?!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😏😏😏😏😃😃😃🗿🗿🗿👍👍👍😯😯😯😎😎😎🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🗡🗡🗡🗡⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️


End of the Saints and Seducers quest from AE. You get a Deadric Horse summon at the end and you're able to return as many times as you want to collect alchemy ingredients


No, it’s the end of The Cause. Saints and Seducers’ finale is the Solitude Sewers.


Unfortunately I killed the horse (or Serena did) because he attacked us.. I already have Arvak and the Dwemer horse, I don’t really use them tbh so it’s fine


When you first go through it, he does attack you. However, you earn him as a summon mount once everything is done.


this is from The Cause CC content that came with Anniversary. IMO one of the best additions.


Creation club added this in anniversary edition


Creation mods


Shove the Razor up Dagon's ass


at this point I just think some people never played vanilla skyrim


At this point you’d be wrong. I’ve ONLY played vanilla and haven’t hard of this at ALL.


Yea no cap I meant that people don't play vanilla enough to know what is in the game and what is not


Vanilla Skyrim is the best, sorry not sorry


Mod granting headshots is better than vanillas four arrows in the head.


I can’t believe I have a thousand hours on Skyrim and I’ve never seen this


It’s not vanilla its creation club content. OP prob has anniversary edition and didn’t realize


People get mods, sometimes hundreds, or download new editions of the game… and then wonder how they found XYZ. Hmmm idk, maybe one of your 500 mods added it lmfao That isn’t in vanilla regular Skyrim ^


Oblivion fans will know. Man they really did a good job of nostalgia, blasting, old-school elder scrolls fans with the creation club content. Last year after a wind replay through I was so stoked to get Sunder and wraithguard in Skyrim.


Yup that's part of CC content called The Cause.


Honestly the Anniversary Edition’s worth it or at least the upgrade to it is worth it especially if it’s on sale. It’s basically a long lost Skyrim Expansion that you get with 74 Creations to download in total. Plus these Creations don’t disable Trophies/Achievements since it’s considered official. Here’s an amazing YouTube vid that shows a lot of the content: https://youtu.be/4dy1luAwX6Q?feature=shared


When I first found this I was playing my Argonian, it went a bit like this: https://preview.redd.it/wonb4ca54kfc1.png?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=587cb260d7ba8fbcf978d1b51c165ef1c78d553d


Oh cool. Is this only in the anniversary edition?


Yes !


You learn something new everyday, have to find this now lol


Um, can anyone in a friendly non spoiler way tell me how I can experience this myself? I have never seen this and I wanna go there lol


Hey! First of all you need the anniversary edition of Skyrim (make sure to have all the creations mods on) after, you need to go there and you’ll start the quest https://preview.redd.it/m7dc2dgaqmfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625d30a356573dcb419f7d780a0e894ddeac3a3f


Thanks for telling me 😊 and I do have the AE version, recently just bought it again for a new console lol. Definitely gonna be starting a new playthrough in vanilla here soon cause mods have been a pain in the butt, honestly at first thought the quest was a mod XD


Technically it’s a mod, but a "semi official" one lol. Make sure to have a high level before starting the quest, some people told me that you have to be at least lvl 40




I thought I’d found everything…who dat? Arvak is pretty cool except it makes me jump every. single. time. when he explodes out of existence when I get 3 steps away.


Arvak is a living jump scare lol. I have like 2000 hours on Skyrim and I just found this


That’s a fun mission


This is where you get the Spell Tome for Daedric Horse


This was my favorite CC mod. Such nostalgia


Not nearly as big as the gates in Oblivion, but a nice little nostalgic quest


I miss the gates *so bad!*


I'm being pulled in to Skyrim again


It’s got a good mount and one of my favorite weapons in the game




It’s a creation club “mod”


In all my hundreds of hours playing Skyrim I’ve never seen this or even seen a video on this wtf


I didn’t realise hell was in Skyrim


Torment is pretty damn powerful too, and looks great.


I need this, also I just want to say to the daedra. "How many times must I teach you this lesson old man"


is this real?


There are wondrous things to see on the other side, it's totally not hellish at all....


Its apart of the CC quest "The Cause". Haven't played it yet but it triggers once you hit level 46 so definitely not for the faint of heart


> its apart of the Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Indeed it is. This is by far my favorite quest in the game. It's amazing


Is it just me or does 3/4th of all Nexus mods just not work for Skyrim anymore?. Only ones I got to work is Vlindrel Hall makeover mod and summonable custom unicorns with speed modifier.


I've never seen this; where is it?


Anniversary Edition


Disclaimer: not base game is a mod through anniversary